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Tragiczny pożar statku na Morzu Północnym. Płoną samochody, jedna osoba nie żyje


Holenderska straż przybrzeżna poinformowała o pożarze samochodowca na Morzu Północnym. Statek płonął 30 km od wyspy Ameland, a na jego pokładzie znajdowało się blisko 3000 pojazdów. Podczas akcji ratunkowej zginęła jedna osoba.
Do zdarzenia doszło w nocy z 25 na 26 lipca. Około północy straż przybrzeżna otrzymała zgłoszenie o pożarze samochodowca od jednego z członków załogi. Panamski statek towarowy Fremantle Highway transportował kilka tysięcy aut z niemieckiego Bremerhaven do Egiptu. Na pokładzie znajdowały się 23 osoby.
O 6:51 holenderska straż przybrzeżna poinformowała o podjętej akcji ewakuacyjnej. „Załoga próbowała samodzielnie ugasić pożar, ale bezskutecznie. Ogień nadal się rozprzestrzeniał, co skłoniło do ewakuacji. Członkowie załogi zostali ewakuowani helikopterami i łodziami ratunkowymi” – czytamy w komunikacie.
W pożarze zginął jeden członek załogi, a kilka osób zostało rannych. „Osoby znajdujące się na pokładzie zostały przewiezione na lotnisko Lauwersoog i Eelde. Tam zajęli się nimi ratownicy medyczni” – przekazali strażnicy. Część załogi wyskoczyła za burtę i została wyciągnięta z wody. W akcji ratunkowej wykorzystano helikoptery oraz łodzie ratownicze.
Strażacy podjęli próbę ugaszenia statku, jednak ze względu na duże niebezpieczeństwo i szybko rozprzestrzeniający się ogień zrezygnowano z tych działań. Rzecznik straży przybrzeżnej poinformował, że celem służb jest schłodzenie maszyny. – Próbujemy również zapobiec zatonięciu statku, ale już znacznie się przechyla – dodał w rozmowie z holenderskim serwisem informacyjnym RTL Nieuws.
Służby podejrzewają, że pożar wybuchł w jednym z 25 transportowanych pojazdów elektrycznych i szybko rozprzestrzenił się na kolejne samochody. Gaszenie nowoczesnych aut może zajmować więcej czasu, ponieważ skuteczność akcji gaśniczej uzależniona jest od tempa schładzania akumulatora.
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DeSantis Is Losing His Electability Advantage Over Trump


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been making aggressive assertions that he’d do better that Donald Trump in a 2024 general election against Joe Biden. Polls of Republican presidential primary voters show they don’t buy it.
As Ron DeSantis tries to catch up to Republican presidential primary front-runner Donald Trump, the Florida governor’s campaign has been making aggressive assertions that he has an advantage in terms of his “electability” against Joe Biden. The case for DeSantis being the better Republican general-election candidate has had less to do with any direct evidence than with the fading memories of his strong reelection performance in 2022, compared to the mixed results of Trump-endorsed midterms candidates and, of course, his loss to Biden in 2020.
But truth be told, a lot of DeSantis’s electability claims are more about Republican voters’ presumed lack of trust in Trump, which isn’t all that well established. In fact, a new Monmouth survey of Republicans shows Trump has an electability advantage over DeSantis. It’s not even very close. If you directly ask Republicans which candidate is stronger against Biden, Trump wins pretty clearly:
Regardless of whether you currently support Donald Trump, which of the following statements comes closest to your view about which Republican has the best chance to win in 2024.
Forty-five percent said Trump was definitely stronger and another 24 percent said Trump was probably stronger. Only 13 percent said any other Republican is definitely stronger, and 18 percent said some other Republican is probably stronger. Directly comparing Trump and DeSantis, 47 percent said the Florida governor was weaker than the former president; 22 percent said he was stronger.
It’s not just Monmouth showing DeSantis’s loss of an electability advantage (if he ever had one). As the ’s Aaron Blake notes, this problem shows up in early state polls as well:
Fox Business polls in the key primary states of Iowa and South Carolina tell the same tale.
In Iowa, 45 percent said Trump would be the most likely to defeat Biden, while 23 percent picked DeSantis. And in South Carolina, Trump’s edge on this measure was threefold: 51 percent to 17 percent.
In recent weeks, DeSantis has deemphasized the argument that he’s more appealing to swing voters and instead focused on out-Trumping Trump by running to his right on immigration, crime, COVID-19, and federal spending. It’s possible he’s abandoning his once-obsessive electability pitch altogether and is going after hard-core “very conservative” and/or ultra-MAGA voters. Some right-wing Republicans believe, improbably, that swing voters actually want stridently ideological candidates rather than any sort of squishy centrists. And in the end, a candidate can’t win the general election at all without winning the nomination. More likely, Team DeSantis is going after today’s Trump voters by abandoning anything like moderation and perhaps making electability an afterthought.

Успіхи ЗСУ на південному фронті: українські бійці зайняли позиції біля Старомайорського, — Генштаб


Бійці ЗСУ зайняли позиції в районі Старомайорського. У генштабі ЗСУ повідомили, що противник намагався безуспішно контратакувати під Роботиним. ЗС РФ стягують резерви.
На проблемних ділянках фронту противник стягує резерви, а в районі Роботиного, Запорізької області, безуспішно намагався відбити раніше втрачені позиції.
Українські захисники просунулися на Бердянському напрямку в районі населеного пункту Старомайорське. На зайнятих позиціях бійці Сил оборони закріплюються попри потужний опір противника. Про це 26 липня повідомив речник Генштабу ЗСУ Андрій Ковальов.
“Українські війська мали успіх у районі Старомайорського на південному фронті. Сили оборони закріплюються там на досягнутих рубежах”, — йдеться в повідомленні Military Media Center.
Тим часом противник чинить потужний опір, а на деяких ділянках фронту намагається контратакувати. Зокрема, російські війська спробували відбити раніше втрачені позиції на північний схід від населеного пункту Роботине, що на Запоріжжі, однак спроби не увінчалися успіхом.
“Ворог продовжує чинити потужний опір, здійснює переміщення підрозділів, активно застосовує резерви”, — повідомив Ковальов.
В оперативному зведенні Генштабу ЗСУ зазначено, що загалом на Запорізькому та Херсонському напрямках противник зосереджує основні зусилля на недопущенні подальшого просування українських військ.
З цією метою ЗС РФ продовжують завдавати артилерійських ударів і застосовувати бойову авіацію в районах близько 30 населених пунктів. Серед них Новоандріївка, Левадне, Малинівка, Гуляйполе, Залізничне, Степове, Лобкове та Кам’янське Запорізької області; Дудчани, Берислав, Козацьке, Молодіжне, Антонівка, Комишани, Кізомис, Станіслав Херсонської області.
Нагадаємо, аналітики Інституту вивчення війни повідомили, що Сили оборони України домоглися важливих тактичних успіхів на флангах під Бахмутом, а точніше південніше Кліщіївки. Експерти зазначили, що наразі українські сили змінили тактику наступу, створюючи умови для виснаження живої сили та техніки в армії РФ.

Kevin Spacey Acquitted of Sexual Assault Charges on Birthday


Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey has been acquitted of all charges by a London jury in a high-profile sexual assault case, sparring him of a possible prison term. It happened on his 64th birthday. Tears rolled down Spacey’s cheeks as the final verdict of ‘not guilty’ was read. He looked at the jury, placed his hand
It happened on his 64th birthday.
Tears rolled down Spacey’s cheeks as the final verdict of “not guilty” was read. He looked at the jury, placed his hand over his heart, and mouthed a “thank you.”
Spacey testified about the six years he’s gone without work after the sexual abuse allegations from four men during the United States’ #MeToo movement of 2017.
“My world exploded,” Spacey testified. “There was a rush to judgment and before the first question was asked or answered I lost my job, I lost my reputation, I lost everything in a matter of days.”
Three men accused Spacey of grabbing their crotches in an aggressive manner. He was called “vile” and “slippery” and “snaky” by those accusers. A fourth said he awoke in Spacey’s apartment with the actor performing oral sex on him after the accuser had falling asleep or passed out. That accuser, an aspiring actor, claimed he went to Spacey’s place for career advice.
Spacey was facing nine charges, including multiple counts of sexual assault. He had also faced one count of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent.
Per the AP: “One of the men broke down when speaking with police as he provided details in a videotaped interview about the oral sex incident that he said he’d never told anyone before. Another man said he was angry about the abuse that occurred sporadically over several years and began to drink and work out more to cope with it.”
Spacey’s attorney, Patrick Gibbs, called three of the accusers liars and said they “reimagined” their incidents with Spacey “with a sinister spin.” Gibbs added that the men hopped on a “bandwagon” of accusations in an attempt to get rich.
In the end, it seems, the jury agreed.

Wear OS 4 is now official on the new Samsung watches, ahead of the Pixel Watch for now


Samsung’s new watches were revealed today and they are coming with Wear OS 4, ahead of Google’s own Pixel Watch.
For Google Pixel Watch users, Wear OS 3.5 can be hit or miss when it comes to keeping things in sync with your phone. Some of the pain points of Wear OS have been shown to be addressed in the next iteration of the OS, Wear OS 4. However, it appears that Google is not prioritizing their own smartwatch getting this update in favor of Samsung’s newly unveiled Galaxy Watch 6.One of the biggest annoyances to being a smartphone enthusiast, and running a Wear OS watch at the same time, is the hurdles one must jump through to set up a watch with a new device anytime we switch. The version of Wear OS running on the Pixel Watch right now, for example, will not allow you to simply unpair your watch from an old device and easily pair it with a new device. Instead, you have to go through the process of completely resetting your watch in order to unpair it, and going through the setup process again on your new phone as if your watch is brand new.This is, of course, terribly inconvenient if you’ve already spent the time to set up your watch faces and tweaked your settings just the way you want them, as this isn’t backed up anywhere or can be restored. Moreover, when a Pixel Watch is reset, not all watch faces and features are initially available until you update system apps via the Play Store on the watch itself. Needless to say, this isn’t ideal.This is why Pixel Watch users have been so looking forward to Wear OS 4, as it promises to solve the aforementioned backup and restore issue as well as introduce other features such as Dynamic Theming, improved battery life, and a new watch face format that will be easier for developers to adopt. This was all discovered via a teardown of the OS through the Android Studio emulator.Additionally, leaked info discovered by 9to5Google revealed that Google may have been readying a beta program for the Pixel Watch and Wear OS 4, adding to the excitement for Pixel Watch users that have been patiently waiting for a solution. However, what we got — and I say we because I am one of those users — was the realization that Google’s own watch won’t be the first to enjoy the new OS.That’s right. As reported by Android Authority, Wear OS 4 will debut with the newly announced Samsung Galaxy Watch series first instead of the Pixel Watch. This is, of course, going by the product announcement and the specs that were revealed. However, since Google has been quiet regarding details on Wear OS 4 on the Pixel Watch, it could be possible that an update would be pushed before the new Samsung Galaxy Watches ship. Considering the stable launch of Android 14 is likely to happen in August as well, it is likely that Wear OS will release in tandem.So here we are once again facing the possibility of becoming as second class citizens in our own ecosystem. Let’s hope that this isn’t the case and Wear OS 4 launches for the Pixel Watch on a reasonable date that isn’t far off from the release of the new Samsung watches. In the meantime, we just have to wait and see, and if you are curious about Wear OS 4 right now and don’t want to wait to see what happens with the Pixel Watch, you can always try a Samsung to try out the new experience.

Pakistan: Andrzej Bargiel zdobył Gaszerbrum I. Z ośmiotysięcznika zjeżdża na nartach


Andrzej Bargiel w środę około godz. 4:15 czasu polskiego zdobył szczyt Gaszerbrum I, leżący w paśmie Karakorum. W chwili publikacji tego tekstu zjeżdżał z niego na nartach bez użycia butli z tlenem. To kolejny sukces polskiego narciarza w ostatnim czasie. 19 lipca udało mu się wejść na Gaszerbrum II.
Andrzej Bargiel w środę około godz. 4:15 czasu polskiego zdobył szczyt Gaszerbrum I, leżący w paśmie Karakorum. W chwili publikacji tego tekstu zjeżdżał z niego na nartach bez użycia butli z tlenem. To kolejny sukces polskiego narciarza w ostatnim czasie. 19 lipca udało mu się wejść na Gaszerbrum II.
“Dziś o godz. 4:15 rano czasu polskiego Andrzej stanął na szczycie Gaszerbrum I, po czym rozpoczął zjazd na nartach. Jest już na wysokości obozu 2 i zmierza dalej do base camp” – przekazało oficjalne konto polskiego narciarza Andrzeja Bargiela kilka minut przed godziną 9.

Atak szczytowy na terenie Pakistanu zaczął się 25 lipca o godzinie ósmej czasu polskiego.

Narciarz dotarł na szczyt z himalaistą Januszem Gołąbem i operatorem Maciejem Sulimą.

WIDEO: Polski himalaista na szczycie 

Twoja przeglądarka nie wspiera odtwarzacza wideo…

Gaszerbrum I to ośmiotysięcznik, najwyższy z grupy siedmiu Gaszerbrumów – gór leżących w paśmie Karakorum.
Wyprawa polskiego Andrzej Bargiela rozpoczęła się 30 czerwca. Jej celem było zdobycie dwóch ośmiotysięczników – Gaszerbrum I i Gaszerbrum II oraz zjazd z obydwu szczytów na nartach bez użycia dodatkowego tlenu z butli.

19 lipca udało zdobyć się szczyt Gaszerbrum II w łańcuchu Karakorum w Pakistanie. Z ośmiotysięcznika zjechał na nartach, trwało to około dwóch godzin. 

Andrzej Bargiel ma w swoim dorobku m.in. zdobycie Manaslu (8156 m n.p.m.), Broad Peak (8047 m n.p.m.) i K2 (8611 m n.p.m.), z których zjechał.

秦剛外相を解任、後任に王毅氏 中国


中国全国人民代表大会(全人代)常務委員会は25日、秦剛(Qin Gang)外相(57)を解任し、後任に外交トップで前外相の王毅(Wang Yi)共産党政治局員を充てる人事を決定した。
中国全国人民代表大会(全人代)常務委員会は 、秦剛(Qin Gang)外相(57)を解任し、後任に外交トップで前外相の王毅(Wang Yi)共産党政治局員を充てる人事を決定した。国営新華社(Xinhua)通信が伝えた。秦氏はここ1か月間、動静が不明でさまざまな臆測を呼んでいたが、解任理由は明らかではない。
 秦氏は習近平(Xi Jinping)国家主席の信頼が厚いとされ、昨年 、王氏の後任として外相に抜てきされた。しかし、 の北京でのロシア外務次官との会談を最後に、公の場からは姿を消していた。
 米シンクタンク、アジア・ソサエティー政策研究所(Asia Society Policy Institute)のニール・トーマス(Neil Thomas)氏はただ、秦氏が「上級職である国務委員の座にとどまる」点を指摘。「100%更迭とは言い切れない」としている。
 インドのタクシャシラ研究所(Takshashila Institution)の中国専門家、マノジュ・ケワルラマニ(Manoj Kewalramani)氏もAFPに、秦氏が国務委員にとどまることについて「習近平(国家主席)に近いことの産物である可能性がある」と分析。

Charging Spurs billionaire Joe Lewis was ‘egregious error’, says lawyer


US prosecutors say Lewis, whose family owns Tottenham Hotspur FC, is responsible for ‘brazen’ insider trading
Lawyers for the British billionaire Joe Lewis have accused US prosecutors of making an “egregious” mistake, after the 86-year-old was charged with multiple counts of securities fraud and conspiracy.
Lewis, who heads the family that owns Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, was charged on Tuesday with orchestrating a “brazen” insider trading scheme to enrich his friends, lovers and employees, including two private jet pilots.
The US attorney for the southern district of New York, Damian Williams, said Lewis had “abused his access to corporate boardrooms” in order to provide confidential information to people who used his tips to make millions of dollars betting on the stock market.
“Thanks to Lewis, those bets were a sure thing,” said Williams.
Buying or selling shares in listed companies using information that has not yet been disclosed to the markets is illegal in the US and every major economy.
Williams said Lewis had knowingly deployed the tactic “as a way to compensate his employees or to shower gifts on his friends and lovers”.
In a 29-page indictment, detailing three counts of conspiracy and 16 counts of securities fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 25 years, the US attorney cited evidence including WhatsApps and emails.
In one such message, one of Lewis’s private jet pilots told a friend that “the boss has inside info” after the billionaire allegedly lent him and another pilot $500,000 each to invest in the cancer treatment company Mirati Therapeutics.
Lewis was one of Mirati’s largest shareholders and had allegedly received information about a positive clinical trial that would cause the company’s share price to rise.
The US attorney cited four companies in which Lewis was an investor, via a hedge fund he controlled or through his vast investment firm, Tavistock Group.
Lewis allegedly used information passed to him by insiders at those companies, including board members who he had been able to install thanks to his sizeable shareholdings.
He is accused of passing that information on to girlfriends, friends and employees, in some cases encouraging them to make stock market trades before the information was publicly disclosed. A woman referred to in the indictment as “the girlfriend” is alleged to have made more than $849,000 in less than a month, after acting on a tip from Lewis about a company called Solid Biosciences.
Williams said: “That’s classic corporate corruption. It’s cheating and it’s against the law.”
But on Wednesday, lawyers for Lewis said that he denied the charges and would contest them.
“The government has made an egregious error in judgment in charging Mr Lewis, an 86-year-old man of impeccable integrity and prodigious accomplishment,” said David M Zornow of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom.
“Mr Lewis has come to the US voluntarily to answer these ill-conceived charges, and we will defend him vigorously in court.”
Lewis, who was born above a pub in the East End of London, made his fortune from currency trading, before investing in sectors from pubs and tourism to biosciences. He is now worth $6.55bn (£5bn), according to Bloomberg.
Lewis took control of Tottenham in the 1990s, but on Wednesday sources close to the club indicated that he no longer owned it, after a reorganisation of the Lewis family assets late last year.
The beneficiaries of the trust that own Enic group, which in turn owns the majority of Tottenham, are understood to be members of the Lewis family but not the billionaire himself.
Lewis’s wealth is tied to Tavistock, a Bahamas-based holding company that controls stakes in more than 200 businesses in 13 countries, with investments in real estate, restaurants and resorts.
He also owns a 27% stake in the pub and restaurant chain Mitchells & Butlers, which owns chains including All Bar One, Harvester and O’Neills and is valued on the London Stock Exchange at £1.2bn.
Lewis spends much of his time in the Bahamas, or aboard his 95-metre yacht, the Aviva. He is seldom spotted in the UK and is not thought to have attended a Tottenham Hotspur match since March 2022.

Frachter vor niederländischer Küste in Brand


Vor der niederländischen Küste ist ein Auto-Frachter in Brand geraten. Ein Mensch kam ums Leben. Die Rettungsaktion läuft derzeit weiter.
Um Sendungen mit einer Altersbeschränkung zu jeder Tageszeit anzuschauen, kannst du jetzt eine Altersprüfung durchführen. Dafür benötigst du dein Ausweisdokument.

В Украине в ближайшие дни продлят военное положение и мобилизацию — нардеп


Вероятно, в ближайшие дни военное положение и всеобщую мобилизацию в Украине снова продлят. Об этом в Telegram сообщил нардеп Ярослав Железняк. Он отметил, что
Вероятно, в ближайшие дни военное положение и всеобщую мобилизацию в Украине снова продлят.
Об этом в Telegram сообщил нардеп Ярослав Железняк.
Он отметил, что действие военного положения и мобилизации продлят еще на 90 суток, то есть до 15 ноября 2023 года.
Это будет уже в восьмой раз с начала полномасштабной войны. Последний раз военное положение и мобилизацию продолжали в мае до 18 августа 2023 года.
Железняк напомнил, что для продления военного положения и всеобщей мобилизации президент Украины должен подписать два указа, которые подаются на утверждение в парламент. Затем оборонный комитет Рады должен одобрить указы. После этого происходит голосование в зале.
Напомним, что военное положение — это особый правовой режим, предусматривающий предоставление органам государственной власти, военному командованию, военным администрациям и органам местного самоуправления полномочий, необходимых для предотвращения угроз, вызванных вторжением РФ в Украину.

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