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Враг выпустил 300 снарядов по Херсонской области: два человека погибли


За минувшие сутки российские войска 55 раз обстреляли Херсонскую область, выпустив 300 снарядов, два человека погибли, сообщил в среду …
КИЕВ. 26 июля. УНН. За минувшие сутки российские войска 55 раз обстреляли Херсонскую область, выпустив 300 снарядов, два человека погибли, сообщил в среду глава Херсонской ОВА Александр Прокудин, пишет УНН.
“За прошедшие сутки противник совершил 55 обстрелов, выпустив 300 снарядов из минометов, артиллерии, «Градов», танков, авиации, ПТРК и БПЛА”, – написал Прокудин в Telegram.
российские военные, по его словам, попали в жилые кварталы населенных пунктов области; территорию одного из сельскохозяйственных предприятий в Каховском районе.
“Из-за российской агрессии 2 человека погибли, еще 3 получили ранения”, – сообщил глава ОВА.
25 июля российские войска обстреляли село Токаревка в Херсонской области, в результате вражеского обстрела местная жительница получила травмы, несовместимые с жизнью.

Генштаб: ВСУ уничтожили 460 россиян, сожгли 30 единиц техники и 22 артиллерийские системы


Вооруженные Силы Украины уничтожили 460 российских оккупантов, сожгли 30 единиц техники и 22 артиллерийские системы за минувшие сутки. война, Донбасс, наступление, потери, генштаб
Вооруженные Силы Украины уничтожили 460 российских оккупантов, сожгли 30 единиц техники и 22 артиллерийские системы за минувшие сутки. Об этом сообщили в сводке Генерального штаба ВСУ.
Утром военные заявляли, что захватчики наступают в районе Купянска, Кременной, Бахмута и Донецка, однако безуспешно.
Общие потери врага за время большой войны составили:
личного состава — 243 680 (+460),
— танков — 4177 (+3),
— боевых бронированных машин — 8136 (+5),
— артиллерийских систем— 4727 (+22),
— РСЗО — 698,
— средств ПВО — 457 (+3),
— самолетов — 315,
— вертолетов — 311 (+1),
— БпЛА оперативно-тактического уровня — 3993 (+16),
— крылатых ракет — 1307,
— кораблей/катеров — 18,
— автомобильной техники и автоцистерн — 7211 (+17),
— специальной техники — 708 (+5).
Главнокомандующий ВСУ Валерий Залужный в интервью WP заявил, что украинское наступление – это не шоу, во время него каждый отвоеванный метр земли дается кровью.
Американский генерал Милли заявлял, что наступление ВСУ “далеко от провала” несмотря на то, что оно проходит “медленнее”, чем ожидалось.
ЦРУ: Наступление Украины может стать успешным, в обороне РФ – важные структурные проблемы.

Galaxy Watch 6 colors: all the official hues


Here are the official colors that the Galaxy Watch 6 and the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic are available in.
The new Galaxy Watches – the Galaxy Watch 6 and the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic are now here! The two timepieces were announced today June 26 alongside the new premium foldables, and they’re here to complete your Samsung ecosystem with style and features on your wrist.
If you’re here, chances are you’re looking into getting one of these babies and you’re interested in the colors that the two smartwatches are available in. You’ve come to the right place. We’ll talk here about the Galaxy Watch 6 colors in detail. Keep in mind here we aren’t talking about the watch bands, just about the two watches’ cases.

The Galaxy Watch 6 is available in Graphite and Gold for the 40mm version and in Graphite and Silver for the bigger 44mm version. On the other hand, the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic, which is the more expensive and feature-rich smartwatch of the two, is available in Black or Silver.
Galaxy Watch 6 colors:
Galaxy Watch 6 Classic colors:
Let’s start with the ‘vanilla’ Galaxy Watch 6 colors first. There’s a difference in the color options depending on the size of the watch you decide to go for. If you want a smaller watch (the 40mm one), you get to choose between Graphite and Gold, and for the bigger 44mm one, you get to choose between Graphite and Silver.
The Graphite color option is quite the classic choice, and it’s available for both sizes of the smartwatch. The Graphite color option looks almost like black, and it will look great with any watch band, without standing out too much. If you want a more professional and unintrusive look, you can safely go for Graphite, as it is pretty straightforward.
As you might suppose, the Galaxy Watch 6 in Gold is quite good-looking, very eye-catching, and elegant. The gold is not too into your face while at the same time managing to look sophisticated and polished. It stands out more than Graphite, and if you want your smartwatch to look really unique, Gold may be a great option for you.
For the bigger Galaxy Watch 6, Samsung also gives you the option to go for Silver. Another classic choice that will look good with all different watch bands, so you can’t go wrong with it. At the same time, it manages to look a little bit more stand-outish in comparison to the simple Graphite option.
We move on to the more premium Galaxy Watch 6 Classic. The case is made from Stainless Steel and you have two size options to choose from 43mm and 47mm. The timepiece is available in two colors: Black and Silver.
This color means serious business. The black color makes the display of the smartwatch stand out in a very sophisticated manner. Black may sound too simple, but with Samsung’s attention to detail and precision when designing all the components of the watch’s body, the smartwatch looks stunning and premium. And, on top of that, it will look great with any watch band, without distracting you too much from the display (where the important things happen, you know)
The other color option we have for the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic is Silver. Another classic option, which once again looks premium and polished. Of course, it stands out a bit more than the black version, but all for good reasons, we might add. The design elements look very sophisticated in this color option.

Der Wirbel um Äußerungen des CDU-Chefs in einem Sommerinterview ist noch nicht ganz beigelegt.


Merz gegen Spekulationen über K-Frage oder Koalitionen. Doch Fragen zum Kanzlerkandidaten der Union oder mögliche Koalitionen hält Friedrich Merz für verfrüht.
Merz gegen Spekulationen über K-Frage oder Koalitionen. Doch Fragen zum Kanzlerkandidaten der Union oder mögliche Koalitionen hält Friedrich Merz für verfrüht.

Генштаб обновил данные о потерях РФ на 26 июля


За прошедшие сутки ВСУ ликвидировали 460 оккупантов, а всего с начала вторжения в Украину погибли более 243 тысяч российских военных.
За прошедшие сутки ВСУ ликвидировали 460 оккупантов, а всего с начала вторжения в Украину погибли более 243 тысяч российских военных.
С 24 февраля 2022 по 26 июля 2023 года общие боевые потери личного состава российских войск на территории Украины ориентировочно составили 243 680 человек (+460 за сутки). Об этом сообщил Генеральный штаб ВСУ.
С начала войны уничтожено:

Ще плюс 460: Генштаб оновив дані про ліквідованих окупантів


Втрати російських окупантів з початку повномасштабного вторгнення рф в Україну сягнули вже близько 243 680 осіб, 4177 танків та сотень …
КИЇВ. 26 липня. УНН. Втрати російських окупантів з початку повномасштабного вторгнення рф в Україну сягнули вже близько 243 680 осіб, 4177 танків та сотень одиниць військової техніки, повідомили у Генеральному штабі ЗСУ, пише УНН.
Новина доповнюється…

Jason Aldean’s Primal Scream


On July 13, 2023, a country western artist little known outside his genre stepped into the national spotlight when he released a video of a song that channeled…
a country western artist little known outside his genre stepped into the national spotlight when he released a video of a song that channeled the feelings of at least 100 million Americans. In less than a week it was ranked #1 on iTunes and as of July 25 it is the #1 trending music video on YouTube. But you won’t see it on Country Music Television, because it’s been banned.
By now the story line is well established. Jason Aldean, 46 years old, who already had 24 number 1 hits on the US country charts, has released a music video where against a backdrop of protests and rioting, he sings “don’t try that in a small town, see how far you make it down the road…” Reaction to Aldean’s alleged endorsement of vigilantism and allegedly coded racist undertones has been swift and unrelenting.
According to Variety, Aldean has released “the most contemptible country song of the decade.” From NPR, the song “contained lyrics that glorified gun violence and conveyed traditionally racist ideas.” From The Guardian, “lyrics threatening violence against protesters.” From the New Yorker, “the repellent ‘Try That in a Small Town,’ an ode to vigilantism.”
Mentioning Aldean in the New Yorker was just an aside in that magazine’s recent feature article entitled “Country Music’s Culture Wars and the Remaking of Nashville.” The article was a lengthy diatribe against “bro country” taking over the industry, dominated by “slick, hollow songs about trucks and beer, sung by interchangeable white hunks.” The article goes on to lionize an emerging counterculture, “made up of female songwriters, Black musicians, and queer artists.”
The myopia displayed by this writer is revealed in how she characterizes the industry. So-called Bro Country is commercially successful because it’s popular. People like it. The “new guard,” on the other hand, is propped up by producers and their corporate sponsors who are trying to bring woke culture to country music, presumably to transform its conservative audience into liberals who will vote for Democrats. Hence CMT bans Aldean’s song, but pushes drag queens and “non-binary” artists to the top of their playlist. And nobody is buying it.
An influential music blog “Saving Country Music,” without explicitly praising or condemning Aldean’s song, explained its inevitability. “Country music is more conservative now than it was when academia and the media decided to target the genre after the election of Trump, believing the way to enact a blue wave among the electorate was to seed politically-motivated ‘journalists’ into the industry to larp as country fans… Activists would have been much better served leaving mainstream country music alone to continue to release pallid, soft, unimaginative, inoffensive, and apolitical songs to a passive listening audience… Instead, the media and academia disrespected country artists and their fans with their down-looking, arrogant ideas that they could mold their minds through the country art form. Now it’s officially backfired.”
What Aldean’s song represents, and the reason for its popularity, is much bigger than the song itself, or the artist who sings it. For every American who watched tens of thousands of violent mobs rampage across the nation in the summer of 2020, looting and burning, while police were prevented from rounding them up and prosecuting them, and for those Americans, to this day, who watch endless videos of smash-and-grab gangs, or brazen, unmolested shoplifters, or intimidating lunatics free to terrorize the streets, this song is a primal scream.
For every American who watched statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, and countless other symbols of our heritage spat on, vandalized, toppled and smashed, this song is a primal scream.
Chris Willman, writing for Variety, claims “the most dangerous part of the video is how it conflates the act of protesting with violent crime.” But Willman misses the larger point. Of course protesting isn’t the same as violence, but the same mentality informs the leftist movement whether or not they graduate from peaceful protest to aggravated violence. They want to burn the country down. They hate us. They want to destroy us.
In a way the failure of authorities to contain the mobs of 2020, or the anarchists and psychopathic “unhoused” who have overwhelmed our cities, has done a favor for Americans who still love their country. They have sent us a clear message: We don’t care about you. We are going to use the “white supremacists are the true threat” mantra to turn America into a fascist police state, and these insane leftist mobs are our foot soldiers.
What the political pundits and corporate tastemakers don’t understand is that for tens of millions of listeners who love this song, America is a small town, smaller than ever now that every sensational moment in every corner of the nation goes viral in minutes. America has a culture and a story that is beautiful, but now the Left, abetted by globalist corporations that want to erase all nations and control the world, has proclaimed that America is irredeemably ugly. The town has been taken over by outlaws, who hate the people who built it.
If Aldean’s song taps resentment that has exploded in recent years, it’s well-founded resentment. Millions of us have ancestors who died for religious freedom when they crossed the oceans centuries ago to settle here. Millions of us are descended from patriots who died to make us a free and independent nation, or from soldiers who died to free the slaves. Millions of us have parents and grandparents who died to save the world from genocidal Nazism. Over the past few decades, we have literally given our nation away to the world, welcoming more than 45 million Americans who are foreign born.
And as we have thrown the doors open wide and offered our freedom and prosperity to people from every corner of the earth, our government is teaching them to hate us. At the same time, our government has decriminalized crime, turned a blind eye to rivers of fentanyl and opium killing 100,000 Americans per year, addressed homelessness as a business opportunity for subsidized developers instead of deregulating the housing industry, have committed to the destruction of cheap energy, and are providing elementary school children with graphic sexual indoctrination while suggesting they can change their “gender.”
Felix Lace, still hanging on by his fingernails to a YouTube account with more than a half-million subscribers, in a video posted on July 21, asked questions that can provide insight into the mentality of those alienated Americans who feel abandoned by the country of their birth:
“What should be loved? Consumerism? Endless wars? Debt? Those that hold the reins of power quite clearly do not care one iota toward their fellow countrymen. The west has become a business run by global financial cartels that use big tech, controlled media, and system journalists to crush anyone that questions the constantly changing cultural and moral landscape. And if that doesn’t work, they actively try to destroy those who express dissident views. We live in a society whose moral compass shifts on a dime, depending on the current flavor of oppression or deconstructionism. There are no constants, there are no concrete moral taboos. So why should anyone feel patriotic love for a country they can barely recognize one year to the next?”
The hypocrisy that fertilized the ground for Aldean’s song to take root is endless. A few years ago, a talented young country western singer, Morgan Wallen, was caught on video using the “N-word.” He didn’t use it disparagingly, or in a public forum. He used it playfully, late one night, describing one of his inebriated friends as a “p***y a***d n*****.” He didn’t mean anything remotely harmful, but that didn’t stop the American cancellation and demonization machine from turning their full firepower onto him, doing everything possible to destroy his career.
It didn’t work. This talented, innocent man is more popular than ever. Why not? Deeming one word to be so sacred that context and intent is irrelevant, but only if you’re white, while black cultural icons use it incessantly, is not credible, and sends a toxic message: rules are for you, but not for them. “Zero tolerance,” selectively applied. Watching it used across an entire gamut of trivialities or spontaneous gaffes magnified into racist abominations turns good people into cynics.
Kathryn Jean Lopez, writing for the National Review, said “we need songs about virtue, not violence.” She evoked John Mellencamp’s tributes to small towns, sang in the 1980s. But the 1980s were halcyon years. Jean Lopez may be commended for appealing to love instead of violence. But the “townsfolk” Aldean connects with today are everywhere, and they see chaos and hatred and violence descending on their neighborhoods, enforced by a government they no longer trust.
The reason Jason Aldean’s song is destined to be a cultural landmark is because Americans have had enough. Crime is crime. Competence is competence. Offensiveness is offensiveness. And “colorblind meritocracy” or “law enforcement” are not code words for racism. They are the only equitable ways to organize a society that values freedom and justice.
“Try that in a small town” reminds us just how outraged we should be. It is a primal scream, uttered from the depths of a culture edging closer to the ultimate choice: fight or die. Expect more of them, and it’s about time.

New iPhone 15 Exclusive Reveals Stunning Apple Design Decision


Apple’s iPhone 15 Pros will have a record-breaking new design.
07/26 Update below. This post was originally published on July 23
In a development that backs up multiple design rumors, a new image leak reveals that Apple’s upcoming iPhone 15 Pro models may feature the thinnest bezels ever seen on a smartphone. The image, allegedly showing the screen glass and protectors for the iPhone 15 lineup, was shared by renowned tech leaker Ice Universe.
The image shows screens for the whole iPhone range — the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Plus, and iPhone 15 Pro Max — but it is the Pro models which capture the imagination. The screens Ice Universe attributes to the Pros have stunningly thin bezels, unlike anything we have seen on iPhones before. This revelation aligns with Ice Universe’s claim in March that the iPhone 15 Pro Max would boast the thinnest bezels in smartphone history.
In their earlier leak, Ice Universe stated that the iPhone 15 Pro bezels would measure just 1.55mm, breaking the record set by the Xiaomi 13 (1.81mm). They are also approximately 20% and 30% thinner than the Galaxy S23 and iPhone 14 Pro bezels, respectively.
Ice Universe has a commendable track record with iPhone leaks, having accurately predicted the smaller notch on the iPhone 13. If these latest leaks hold true, iPhone 15 Pro models could set a new standard in smartphone design, pushing the boundaries of screen-to-body ratio.
In addition, the leaked image also indicates that standard iPhone 15 models will move to the Dynamic Island design, introduced on iPhone 14 Pro models last year. This has been long expected, with consistently accurate display analyst Ross Young stating as far back as last year that the Dynamic Island feature would be incorporated across the entire iPhone 15 series.
The iPhone 15 range has already been criticized ahead of release for being “too medicore” of an upgrade, but there are a growing number of compelling features. In addition to their potentially record-breaking bezels, iPhone 15 Pros will have upgraded UWB to work with the upcoming Apple Vision Pro, use a super strong (potentially super light) titanium chassis, a next-gen 3nm A17 chipset, and the iPhone 15 Pro Max will have Apple’s first periscopic optical zoom lens.
As for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus, they will lean heavily on the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max, using their Dynamic Island design, A16 chipset and 48-megapixel primary camera, while all iPhone 15 models will come with USB-C. Yes, this is more modest, but standard models also look set to escape the hefty price rises tipped for iPhone 15 Pro models.
The decision between an iPhone 15 and an iPhone 15 Pro may be a lot harder this year.
Apple allegedly wants flat displays which will fit in the existing iPhone chassis design, in contrast to the curved panels used by rivals to create the illusion of an ultra-thin bezel edge. According to The Elec, the reasoning behind this is Apple wants to avoid distortion and durability issues associated with those panels, factors which have polarized users around curved displays.
Moreover, Apple is not hanging around with this tech. The Elec states that Apple wants to introduce these bezelless OLED displays with the iPhone 17 in 2025. This would align with rumors that the iPhone 17 will be the first iPhone to feature under-display Face ID recognition, allowing the company to remove the pill-shaped cutout it introduced with the iPhone 14 Pro.
07/26 Update: Leakers are not just the only source of information about Apple’s upcoming iPhone plans. Thanks to code found in the new iOS 17 beta 4 release, Apple itself has now revealed a potentially major upgrade coming to both iPhones and iPads.
Apple has not previously discussed Game Mode as coming to either device, and 9to5Mac states that these references are “hidden in the system’s code.” This means that either Apple is hoping to spring a surprise when iOS 17 launches (historically, it is a fan of unexpected feature drops), or the company is non-commital at this stage and simply experimenting with the feature, which may or may not arrive at a later date.
It is also worth noting that a number of iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 features are restricted to new iPhones and iPads, and I would not expect Game Mode to be available on every device.
Would Apple limit Game Mode to the upcoming iPhone 15 models? I suspect not, given the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus will use the same A16 chipset as iPhone 14 Pro models. Similarly, restricting it to the A17-based iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max would go down like a lead balloon, and the limited number of support devices would disincentivize game developers from adopting it.
Either way, with more iOS 17 betas due before the next-gen update launches in September, I suspect there will be many more Apple secrets spilled before release.
More on Forbes

Galaxy Z Flip 5 buying guide: should you upgrade to Samsung's latest clamshell foldable?


Should you upgrade to Galaxy Z Flip 5, Samsung’s latest clamshell foldable? Let’s see
Samsung just announced its all-new Galaxy Z Flip 5, the tech giant’s latest clamshell foldable. And if you are currently using an older Galaxy Z Flip, you are probably wondering whether to upgrade to Samsung’s latest clamshell or not. Since the new is far from budget-friendly, we want to help you make an informed decision, not an emotional one. What are the improvements of the new Galaxy Z Flip 5?
The is the most powerful Flip phone to date. It comes with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, which is the latest and greatest Snapdragon silicon at the moment. Furthermore, the will most likely have better battery life since the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is more power efficient.
Another new improvement added to the is that it features a bigger cover screen. Here, the front display is 3.4 inches, whereas the cover screens of the other Z Flips are just 1.9 inches. So the offers a bigger display to read your notifications without unfolding your phone.
Also, there is no gap anymore when you close the . For its latest clamshell, Samsung has used a teardrop-style hinge, which allows the phone to shut tightly, unlike its predecessors.
Should you upgrade to a Galaxy Z Flip 5?

Well, that depends on the Galaxy Z Flip you currently have. If you are still rocking the Galaxy Z Flip 3 or even an older model, then upgrading is definitely a nice idea.
The Snapdragon 888 chipset inside the Galaxy Z Flip 3 may still be pretty fast, but the overheating issues that plague it could be a real pain to deal with. On the other hand, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 doesn’t have such problems. Oh, and it’s more powerful than the Snapdragon 888.
However, if you are currently rocking the Galaxy Z Flip 4, then it all depends on if you need more power, and a bigger front cover display. The Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 inside the Flip 4 is still pretty powerful. True, the bigger cover display is better to see your selfies and notifications without unfolding the phone, but you still need to spend a pretty hefty sum for that new .
The  is better than the Galaxy Z Flip 4 but not by much, so if you are using the Galaxy Z Flip 4 and are still satisfied by its performance we suggest you not to upgrade to the .

Держдеп повідомив про поглиблення військового партнерства між рф та Іраном


Усі події в Україні та світі за останній час, найголовніше, огляди, аналітика та прогнози, читати українською
Іран є однією з головних опор для рф у війні проти України – наразі військове партнерство між країнами продовжує поглиблюватись.

Про це заявив заступник речника Держдепартаменту США Ведант Пател, передає «Укрінформ».

Коментуючи будівництво заводу з виготовлення ударних іранських БПЛА у рф, Пател зауважив, що «Іран залишається головною військовою опорою росії».

«росія отримала від Ірану сотні одноразових ударних БПЛА, а також обладнання для виробництва безпілотників», – заявив він.

Представник Держдепу нагадав, що дрони використовуються для майже щоденних обстрілів території України, і наразі «партнерство між росією та Іраном продовжує поглиблюватись».

Раніше ми писали, що Тегеран висунув москві вимогу переглянути позицію щодо приналежності островів у Ормузькій протоці, на які одночасно претендують Іран та ОАЕ.

Також нагадаємо, що військові попередили українців про можливі дронові атаки росіян на тлі нових поставок вантажними бортами з Ірану.

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