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В Украине вводятся экзамены по основам Конституции, истории и государственному языку для получения гражданства


Президент Владимир Зеленский подписал закон, который предусматривает сдачу экзаменов для получения гражданства Украины. Среди них — экзамен по основам
Президент Владимир Зеленский подписал закон, который предусматривает сдачу экзаменов для получения гражданства Украины. Среди них — экзамен по основам Конституции, истории и государственному языку.
Об этом говорится в законопроекте №7606, обнародованном на официальном сайте Верховной Рады. Документ вернули в парламент с подписью президента 21 апреля. Большинство положений закона вступает в силу через шесть дней со дня его опубликования в парламентской газете.
Документ предусматривает, что условиями принятия в гражданство иностранцев или людей без гражданства является знание основ Конституции и истории Украины, владение государственным языком и обязательная сдача экзаменов по этим предметам.
Иностранец или лицо без гражданства должен письменно подать заявление о том, что в случае приобретения гражданства он обязуется сдать эти экзамены и в течение двух лет предоставить документы об их сдаче.
В то же время закон предлагает ввести особые условия приобретения гражданства для лиц, которые имеют выдающиеся заслуги перед Украиной, представляют государственный интерес, проходят военную службу по контракту в ВСУ, в частности, награждены государственной наградой или получили вид на жительство. Их будут обязывать в течение двух лет с момента принятия в гражданство сдать эти экзамены.
В обнародованном документе говорится, что невыполнение обязательств по сдаче экзаменов является основанием для потери гражданства Украины.

おの?で姉2人切りつけたか 身長約180センチ、高齢の男が逃走


午後 50分ごろ、東京都日野市日野にある住宅の住人の女性から、近隣住民を通じて「弟にたたかれた」と110番通報があった。警視庁によると、70代くらいの女性2人が同年代の弟におののような刃物で切りつけられ、病院に運ばれた。日野署が殺人未遂事件とみて調べている。

Supreme Court Rules Against Trump Judge on Abortion Pill


The high court’s decision temporarily preserves nationwide access to mifepristone.
The Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the abortion pill mifepristone will remain legal in the United States, at least temporarily.
The ruling comes after a federal judge in Texas ruled in favor of a lawsuit arguing that the Food and Drug Administration didn’t have the authority to approve the drug.
Misoprostol, another drug used in abortions, also remains legal.
The Supreme Court has paused a Texas judge’s attempt to revoke federal approval of mifepristone, at least temporarily preserving nationwide access to a drug used to manage abortions and miscarriages.
In a short order issued on Friday night, the court granted the Biden administration’s request for a stay to the ruling from U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, while an appeal is being considered by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Conservative Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas said that they would have denied the request.
The 5th Circuit previously blocked part of Kacsmaryk’s ruling after a Department of Justice appeal. Some of the ruling was kept in place, tightening rules for accessing mifepristone. Friday’s decision puts all of the Texas judge’s ruling on hold, pending the 5th Circuit’s decision on the merits of the case.
President Joe Biden celebrated the Supreme Court’s pause in a statement on Friday, saying that denying the stay “would have undermined” the “medical judgement” of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and ” put women’s health at risk.”
“As a result of the Supreme Court’s stay, mifepristone remains available and approved for safe and effective use while we continue this fight in the courts,” Biden said. “I continue to stand by the FDA’s evidence-based approval of mifepristone, and my Administration will continue to defend FDA’s independent, expert authority to review, approve, and regulate a wide range of prescription drugs.”
On April 7, Kacsmaryk ruled in favor of a November lawsuit filed by the anti-abortion organization Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine against the FDA. The lawsuit argued that the FDA never had the authority to approve mifepristone and that the approval should be rescinded.
In a separate ruling on the same day, U.S. District Judge Thomas Rice in Washington state, appointed by former President Barack Obama, issued a rival ruling, ordering the FDA to keep the abortion pill available in 17 states and the District of Columbia.
A final ruling in the case before the 5th Circuit, which consists largely of judges appointed by Republican presidents, could be followed by another appeal to the Supreme Court. The decision on Friday does not indicate how the nation’s high court might rule on an additional appeal.
But the abortion issue remained hotly debated across the country, specifically in the political realm. As the Supreme Court debated the Texas judge’s ruling on mifepristone—and delayed its own ruling in the case by two days on Wednesday—abortion rights and women’s rights groups expressed concern that a mifepristone ban would likely lead to women resorting to more dangerous ways of getting the procedure.
“The Supreme Court’s decision to stay a ban on mifepristone was not a decision made on the merits of the case,” Carmona said. “This is a moment of relief. A moment. But make no mistake, they are coming for our rights. And we will defend them.”
If mifepristone is ultimately banned, it would not outlaw all drugs for abortions, but could result in more negative side effects. Mifepristone is often used as part of a two-drug regimen for medical abortions. A patient will take mifepristone, which blocks the body’s production of progesterone, halting the pregnancy. Then the patient follows the dose with misoprostol, which causes the uterus to expel pregnancy tissue.
Misoprostol is not facing the prospect of a national ban. Mifepristone has been FDA-approved since 2000. Most medical experts say that the drug poses few serious safety concerns.
Doctors often use both drugs because pairing mifepristone with misoprostol lowers the risk of a patient experiencing side effects. Misoprostol can still be used by itself to complete an abortion or to manage miscarriages. It is also be used to treat stomach ulcers.
Although research shows that misoprostol-only abortions are as safe as those that also use mifepristone, the former increase a patient’s likelihood of experiencing side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and longer episodes of cramping and bleeding.
However, misoprostol-only abortions are quicker than those done with mifepristone. In the latter, patients are required to take misoprostol 24 hours after their dose of mifepristone.
Mifepristone was approved by the FDA for use in pregnancies up to 10 weeks. Misoprostol can be used for longer periods, up to 12 weeks. In states where abortions are legal past that point, doctors tend to recommend a procedural abortion to prevent excessive bleeding and cramping from using misoprostol in the second trimester. But some evidence suggests misoprostol is successful up to 22 weeks.

Iga Świątek – Ons Jabeur. Kiedy mecz? O której godzinie?


Iga Świątek i Ons Jabeur zmierzą się w półfinale turnieju WTA w Stuttgarcie. Kiedy jest mecz Świątek – Jabeut? O której godzinie mecz Świątek – Jabeur?
Iga Świątek i Ons Jabeur zmierzą się w półfinale turnieju WTA w Stuttgarcie. Kiedy jest mecz Świątek – Jabeut? O której godzinie mecz Świątek – Jabeur?
Liderka światowego rankingu tenisistek wygrała z Czeszką Karoliną Pliskovą 4:6, 6:1, 6:2 i awansowała do półfinału turnieju WTA na kortach ziemnych w Stuttgarcie.
Zobacz także: Więcej o meczu Świątek w ćwierćfinale

Salzburg gewinnt die ICE-Liga


Im siebenten und letzten Spiel der Finalserie behält Salzburg in Bozen den Überblick und gewinnt mit 2:1. Der Playoff-Fluch ist Geschichte, der achte Liga-Triumph Wirklichkeit.
Im siebenten und letzten Spiel der Finalserie behält Salzburg in Bozen den Überblick und gewinnt mit 2:1. Der Playoff-Fluch ist Geschichte, der achte Liga-Triumph Wirklichkeit.
Salzburg hat sich doch noch den Meisterpokal in der ICE-Eishockeyliga geholt. Nach zwei vergebenen “Matchpucks” gewannen die Roten Bullen am Freitag vor rund 7000 Zuschauern in der Eiswelle von Bozen das Entscheidungsspiel um den Titel dank zweier später Tore mit 2:1 (0:0,0:1,2:0). Im dritten Finalduell mit Südtirol setzten sich die Salzburger damit erstmals durch.
Nach einem 0:1-Rückstand durch einen Treffer von Cole Hults (27.) schossen Kapitän Thomas Raffl (51.) und Nicolai Meyer mit seinem ersten Play-off-Tor (59.) die Roten Bullen zum achten Erfolg in der Liga.
Im Aufeinandertreffen der beiden besten Teams des Grunddurchgangs spiegelte sich auch im siebenten Spiel der “best of seven”-Serie die Ausgeglichenheit wider. Nach einem torlosen ersten Drittel mit leichter Überlegenheit der Gastgeber übernahm Salzburg im Mitteldrittel das Kommando. Doch die Südtiroler nutzten ihr zweites Powerplay in diesem Spiel zur Führung (27.). Hults zog von der Blauen Linie ab und bezwang Torhüter Atte Tolvanen, dem die Sicht verstellt war.
Salzburg machte gleich wieder Druck, konnte aber vier Minuten Überzahlspiel nicht nutzen. Auch im Schlussdrittel blieb ein Powerplay erfolglos. Salzburg fightete und wurde auch belohnt. Tolvanen war bei den Bozener Kontern zur Stelle und Kapitän Raffl in der 51. Minute vor dem gegnerischen Tor. Gegen den Schuss des Routiniers war der starke Torhüter Sam Harvey machtlos.
Die Salzburger, die in der Serie schon 3:1 vorangelegen waren und in Spiel fünf die vorzeitige Krönung in der dritten Verlängerung verspielt haben, legten nach. 108 Sekunden vor der Schlusssirene fälschte Meyer einen Schuss von Chay Genoway zum Siegtreffer ab.
Salzburg setzte sich damit doch noch erstmals im Titelduell mit Bozen durch. 2014 hatten die Bullen die “best of five”-Finalserie gegen Südtirol 2:3 verloren, 2018 zogen sie im “best of seven”-Modus mit 3:4 den kürzeren. Für die beiden Heimniederlagen in den entscheidenden Spielen revanchierten sie sich nun mit dem Auswärtstriumph.

Зеленський підписав нові правила отримання громадянства


Усі події в Україні та світі за останній час, найголовніше, огляди, аналітика та прогнози, читати українською
21 квітня президент Володимир Зеленський підписав ухвалений Радою законопроект №7606 про нові правила отримання громадянства України.

Про це повідомляється на сторінці законопроекту, який вносить зміни до законів «Про громадянство України» та «Про забезпечення функціонування української мови як державної» щодо умов прийняття до громадянства України.

Згідно з даним законопроектом, відтепер для отримання громадянства України потрібно буде скласти іспити на знання української мови, історії та Конституції.

Нагадаємо, раніше Верховна Рада ухвалила закон щодо умов прийняття до громадянства України. Документ у другому читанні підтримав 281 народний депутат.

Раніше Зеленський підтримав петицію про введення обов’язкового іспиту для отримання громадянства України. Президент зазначив, що питання про введення обов’язкового іспиту для набуття громадянства України потребує законодавчого врегулювання.

Super-Hammer zum 1:1 gegen St. Pauli: HSV-David: „Es war der perfekte Moment für ein Tor“


Was für ein Hammer aus 23 Metern zum 1:1 von Jonas David gegen den FC St.Pauli.
Was für ein Hammer aus 23 Metern zum 1:1 von Jonas David (44.) gegen den FC St.Pauli.
Der HSV-Innenverteidiger, der zuletzt immer wieder mal in der Kritik stand, strahlte nach Abpfiff ohne Ende. „Es war überwältigend. Ein überragendes Gefühl. Ich habe den perfekten Moment erwischt, um ein Tor zu schießen.“
Was für ein geiles Spiel Dieses Derby-Video muss wirklich jeder sehen
Der Traumtor-Schütze weiter: „So oft schieße ich nicht. Aber wer bei uns beim Training zusieht, weiß, dass ich es in den letzten Monaten viel versucht habe. Ich habe mir da ein bisschen von Sonny abgeguckt. Ich wurde am Anfang ein wenig belächelt, weil es nicht so gut geklappt hat.“
So klappt es mit dem HSV-Aufstieg! Der HSV gewinnt das Derby gegen St. Pauli mit 4:3.
Derby zwischen HSV und St. Pauli. Anhänger der Klubs liefern sich Scharmützel vorm Spiel. 
David machte wohl das beste Spiel seiner HSV-Karriere. Nicht nur, dass er sein erstes Liga-Tor erzielte, der gebürtige Hamburger hatte die beste Zweikampf-Quote (74%), die meisten Torschuss-Vorlagen und Torschüsse (beide 2) in seinem Team.
Ein Abend den nicht nur Jonas niemals vergessen wird…

Today's Wordle hint and answer #672: Saturday, April 22


Wordle today: The solution and a hint for Saturday’s puzzle.
Solve the April 22 (672) puzzle in a flash—today’s Wordle (opens in new tab) answer is only a quick click away. Once you’ve won, feel free to spend some time with our guides and tips or take a look at our extensive archive of past answers. Wherever you click, you’re sure to find helpful advice that’ll improve your daily game.
There was a danger I’d end up with a “skyscraper” today—building a tower of greens without ever finding the letters around them—but I just about managed to avoid this frustrating situation, revealing today’s Wordle answer with a few guesses left in the tank.Wordle hintA Wordle hint for Saturday, April 22
If an individual person or a large corporation has run out of money or is struggling for cash, they might be described as today’s answer. You’ll need to find two vowels today. Is there a double letter in today’s Wordle? 
No, there is no double letter in today’s puzzle. Wordle help: 3 tips for beating Wordle every day 
If there’s one thing better than playing Wordle, it’s playing Wordle well, which is why I’m going to share a few quick tips to help set you on the path to success: 
A good opener contains a balanced mix of unique vowels and consonants. 
A tactical second guess helps to narrow down the pool of letters quickly.
The solution may contain repeat letters.
There’s no time pressure beyond making sure it’s done by midnight. So there’s no reason not to treat the game like a casual newspaper crossword and come back to it later if you’re coming up blank. Today’s Wordle answerWhat is the #672 Wordle answer?
Here’s another win for you. The answer to the April 22 (672) Wordle is BROKE.Previous answersThe last 10 Wordle answers 
The more past Wordle answers you can cram into your memory banks, the better your chances of guessing today’s Wordle answer without accidentally picking a solution that’s already been used. Past Wordle answers can also give you some excellent ideas for fun starting words that keep your daily puzzle solving fresh.
Here are some recent Wordle solutions:
April 21: KAYAK
April 20: PLATE
April 19: THUMP
April 18: HOUND
April 17: WHIFF
April 16: DWELT
April 15: AGONY
April 14: THIEF
April 13: CARAT
April 12: BORAXLearn more about Wordle 
Every day Wordle presents you with six rows of five boxes, and it’s up to you to work out which secret five-letter word is hiding inside them.
You’ll want to start with a strong word (opens in new tab) like ALERT—something containing multiple vowels, common consonants, and no repeat letters. Hit Enter and the boxes will show you which letters you’ve got right or wrong. If a box turns ⬛️, it means that letter isn’t in the secret word at all. ???? means the letter is in the word, but not in that position. ???? means you’ve got the right letter in the right spot.
You’ll want your second go to compliment the first, using another “good” word to cover any common letters you missed last time while also trying to avoid any letter you now know for a fact isn’t present in today’s answer.
After that it’s just a case of using what you’ve learned to narrow your guesses down to the right word. You have six tries in total and can only use real words (so no filling the boxes with EEEEE to see if there’s an E). Don’t forget letters can repeat too (ex: BOOKS).
If you need any further advice feel free to check out our Wordle tips (opens in new tab), and if you’d like to find out which words have already been used you can scroll to the relevant section above. 
Originally, Wordle was dreamed up by software engineer Josh Wardle (opens in new tab), as a surprise for his partner who loves word games. From there it spread to his family, and finally got released to the public. The word puzzle game has since inspired tons of games like Wordle (opens in new tab), refocusing the daily gimmick around music or math or geography. It wasn’t long before Wordle became so popular it was sold to the New York Times for seven figures (opens in new tab). Surely it’s only a matter of time before we all solely communicate in tricolor boxes.

iPhone 15 Pro vs iPhone 14 Pro: the rumored key differences


The iPhone 15 Pro hasn’t been unveiled yet, but a plethora of rumors mean we can make some early comparisons to the iPhone 14 Pro.
Apple is all but certain to debut its iPhone 15 line in September this year, with three devices – the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Ultra – waiting in the wings for the 2023 edition of the company’s annual iPhone reveal event.
These three successors to Apple’s iPhone 14 line will inevitably prove some of the best iPhones ever made, each offering features that trump their respective predecessors and maintaining Apple’s status as mobile manufacturer supreme.
Since the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Ultra (which may yet be called the iPhone 15 Pro Max) haven’t been officially revealed yet, we can only speculate as to the specs and features boasted by each model – but in this article, we compare everything we’ve heard about the iPhone 15 Pro so far with what we already know about the excellent iPhone 14 Pro.iPhone 15 Pro vs iPhone 14 Pro: Specs comparison
Again, it’s worth clarifying that none of the below iPhone 15 Pro specs have been confirmed by Apple, but we think we’ve heard enough rumors in each category to speculate (with confidence) about the 15 Pro’s camera, display and processor credentials. iPhone 15 Pro vs iPhone 14 Pro: Price and availability
Based on Apple’s previous iPhone release strategies, we can make an educated guess as to when the iPhone 15 Pro will land – and how much it’ll cost versus the iPhone 14 Pro. The latter was officially unveiled on September 7, 2022 before going on sale – alongside the vanilla iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro Max – over a week later on September 16. Incidentally, the iPhone 14 Plus hit shelves the following month, on October 7.
Apple generally picks the first or second week of September for its annual iPhone launches, with the company typically opting for a Tuesday or Wednesday. We therefore expect the iPhone 15 Pro to be revealed on September 5, 6, 12 or 13 this year, before going on sale around a week later.
In terms of price, we expect the iPhone 15 Pro to match the iPhone 14 Pro, which starts at $999 / £1,099 / AU$1,749 for 128GB of storage (i.e. the lowest storage option). The 256GB 14 Pro costs $1099 / £1,209 / AU$1,899, and those figures are probably a more likely starting point for the 15 Pro, in light of other manufacturers’ decisions to forgo 128GB options with their respective 2023 flagships (looking at you, Samsung and Oppo).
Given the expected advent of an iPhone 15 Ultra in 2023, we could see the iPhone 15 Pro priced slightly lower than its 2022 counterpart – but the more likely situation is that the iPhone 15 Ultra is instead priced higher than the iPhone 14 Pro Max.iPhone 15 Pro vs iPhone 14 Pro: Design and display
On the display front, the iPhone 14 Pro sports an excellent 6.1-inch OLED screen, and the iPhone 15 Pro will likely stick with the same panel setup.
Both the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max boast adaptive 1-120Hz refresh rate technology (dubbed ProMotion) that automatically adjusts the smoothness of their displays to suit whatever’s happening on-screen. Apple’s always-on display functionality relies on ProMotion to function, and it looks like both of those high-end features will again be reserved for the iPhone 15 Pro and much-rumored iPhone 15 Ultra.
The Dynamic Island – Apple’s fancy screen cutout –  is expected to transition across from the iPhone 14 Pro to the iPhone 15 Pro, too, though the latter’s version of the technology may not be identical to that of the former. According to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, the iPhone 15 Pro’s proximity sensor will be integrated inside the ‌Dynamic Island itself, rather than positioned below it (as on the iPhone 14 Pro).
As Kuo notes, this new sensor arrangement is unlikely to result in any material difference to the appearance or functionality of the iPhone 15 Pro versus the iPhone 14 Pro, but the former’s Dynamic Island will technically be more advanced than the latter’s given the inclusion of a previously isolated sensor.
Rumors surrounding the iPhone 15 Pro’s design are a little more interesting. For instance, some leakers have suggested that the iPhone 15 Pro will be getting titanium sides and more rounded rear edges, in contrast to the iPhone 14 Pro’s sharp-angled sides.
Apple was reportedly unsure about implementing this design change for the iPhone 15 Pro, but leaked photos showing off these curved sides have since emerged, adding credence to the rumor.
We’ve also heard that the iPhone 15 Pro will be getting thinner bezels than the iPhone 14 Pro – which would be an impressive feat on Apple’s part, given that the latter’s bezels are already 1.81mm, 1.95mm and 2.17mm thin.
Also on the design front, the iPhone 15 Pro was widely rumored to get solid-state volume and power buttons. Leaks had suggested that these buttons would use haptic vibrations to simulate the sensation of being touched, despite not actually moving (think the iPhone 7’s haptic Home button), but Apple analysts recently poured water on those claims. We’re therefore expecting the iPhone 15 Pro to have the same physical button setup as the iPhone 14 Pro.
The final design difference is expected to come in the form of a USB-C charging port. The EU has told Apple that it has to add USB-C charging ports to iPhones from 2024, but multiple leaks have suggested that Apple will be adopting the charging standard in 2023, with the iPhone 15 line.
As such, the iPhone 15 Pro will have a USB-C charging port, whereas the iPhone 14 Pro uses the company’s Lightning port – a change that could give the iPhone 15 Pro much faster data transfer speeds over its predecessor.iPhone 15 Pro vs iPhone 14 Pro: Cameras
The iPhone 14 Pro’s rear camera boasts the following triple sensor setup:
48MP wide (24mm f/2.8)
12MP ultrawide (13mm f/2.2)
12MP telephoto (77mm f/2.8)
The iPhone 15 Pro isn’t expected to stray too far from that winning formula, with a periscope camera touted as being the only real potential upgrade over the iPhone 14 Pro. If indeed that technology does arrive with the iPhone 15 Pro, then the device will offer better optical zoom capabilities than its predecessor. 
In all likelihood, though, the periscope camera will be reserved for the much-rumored iPhone 15 Ultra, which is also expected to get a telephoto camera with a variable zoom lens.
The main difference between the iPhone 15 Pro’s cameras and the iPhone 14 Pro’s, then, will probably be the quality of sensors used. According to leaks, the iPhone 15 Pro is expected to sport new Sony-produced sensors that capture more light. iPhone 15 Pro vs iPhone 14 Pro: Performance
On the performance front, the iPhone 14 Pro rocks the latest version of Apple’s silicon – the A16 Bionic – which makes it one of the fastest phones (if not the fastest phone) money can buy right now.
And yet, the iPhone 15 Pro will be even faster. Apple’s next Pro-level iPhone is reportedly in line for an A17 Bionic, which is rumored to be much more efficient than the A16 Bionic. In fact, Chinese outlet DCInside reports that the A17 Bionic will boast a 20% more powerful CPU than its predecessor, meaning the iPhone 15 Pro should enjoy sizable speed gains over the iPhone 14 Pro.
Crunching the numbers, DCInside claims that the A17 Bionic earns a single-core score of 3019 and a multi-core score of 7860 on Geekbench 6, where the A16 Bionic scores 2504 and 6314, respectively. Naturally, we’d suggest taking these rumored figures with a pinch of salt, but it’s exciting to think that the Pro-grade iPhone 15s might sport benchmark scores to rival Apple’s best MacBooks.
As for other performance specs, the iPhone 15 Pro is expected to get 8GB RAM, where the current iPhone 14 Pro has 6GB RAM. iPhone 15 Pro vs iPhone 14 Pro: Battery
The iPhone 14 Pro sports a 3,200mAh battery that delivers a full day (and night) of use if the phone is used normally for everyday tasks.
We haven’t heard all that much about the iPhone 15 Pro’s battery size – and we’re unlikely to, since Apple is typically coy about such details – but rumors have suggested that Apple is working on a reverse wireless charging feature for the iPhone 15 line. If true, the iPhone 15 Pro will be able to wirelessly charge other Apple gadgets, where the iPhone 14 Pro can’t.
It’s worth reiterating here that iPhone 15 Pro is expected to get a USB-C port, so you probably won’t be able to use your iPhone 14 Pro’s Lightning cable to juice it up.iPhone 15 Pro vs iPhone 14 Pro: Verdict
So, is the iPhone 15 Pro going to be a better phone than the iPhone 14 Pro? Objectively, yes – but just how much better is a difficult question to answer, at this stage.
If we take all of those aforementioned iPhone 15 Pro rumors as gospel, the phone will be getting a more premium design (thanks to its curved titanium sides and thinner bezels), slightly better camera sensors and faster processing speeds than the iPhone 14 Pro.
None of those upgrades sound game-changing, mind, and given that we described the iPhone 14 Pro as something close to “the perfect iPhone” in our review, we’re not expecting the iPhone 15 Pro to be a must-have device if you’re already rocking one of Apple’s best iPhones. Instead, the bigger changes seem destined for the iPhone 15 Ultra, whose reported camera setup could make it the best camera phone we’ve ever seen. 
Still, Apple may yet surprise us with iPhone 15 Pro features we haven’t covered in this article, so check back here once the iPhone 15 line is unveiled in September for our updated verdict.

Alphabet CEO Pichai reaps over $200 mln in 2022 amid cost-cutting – ET CIO


Sundar Pichai: The pay disparity comes at a time when Alphabet, the parent company of Google, has been cutting jobs globally, The Mountain View, California-based company announced plans to cut 12,000 jobs around the world in January, equivalent to 6% of its global workforce.
The pay disparity comes at a time when Alphabet, the parent company of Google, has been cutting jobs globally, The Mountain View, California-based company announced plans to cut 12,000 jobs around the world in January, equivalent to 6% of its global workforce.

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