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Which Withings smart scale to buy – Body Smart, Comp or Scan?


If you’re deciding which Withings smart scale to buy, we’ve got the lowdown on models in the new range so you can compare
and choose the right one

If you want to improve your fitness, a smart scale is a solid investment. It’ll provide you with measurements apart from weight to focus on, and a reliable and data-rich way to track your progress.
Smart scales use bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to determine body composition. The scale itself is embedded with electrodes – as is the retractable handle in the case of the Body Scan.
The electrodes send a mild, painless electrical current up through your feet and the scale measures your body’s resistance to it. Lean tissue is a better conductor than fat, bone or skin, so the scale can build up a picture of your body by the speed and strength of the returning current. It tells you much more than an ordinary weighing scale.
In this article, we’ll be discussing the latest range of Withings smart scales: the Body Smart, the Body Comp and the Body Scan.
But you can still buy older Withings models, including the Body Cardio (Amazon US, $179.95; Withings UK, £149.95). Although older lines are being phased out and replaced by the new range, we still rate the Body Cardio as one of the best smart scales we’ve tested. You can find out more about it in our review.
Withings’ smart scales are not cheap but they are among the best available, promising weighing accuracy to 50g, delivering a wide range of metrics and accompanied by a free to use, high-quality app.
You can also export your data to a wide range of other health apps, or for more fitness help, opt to join the paid Withings+ subscription service which costs $/£/€9.95 per month or $/£/€99.50 per year, after an initial three-month free trial.
But if you want one, which one should you buy? Below, we give you a rundown on the prices and features of each.What does a Withings smart scale measure?
All three scales – the Body Smart, the Body Comp and the Body Scan – will provide these measurements:
Fat mass, muscle mass, bone mass
Lean mass %, water %
Visceral fat index – visceral fat is the more worrying fat that wraps around your organs and is distinct from subcutaneous fat
Body mass index – your BMI is based on your body fat percentage. It’s a slightly controversial measurement but, in conjunction with other metrics, can provide useful information to many users
Standing heart rate – an indicator of cardiovascular fitness
Basal metabolic rate – your BMR is the number of calories your body burns at rest (this measurement is coming via a software update later this year)
Metabolic age – based on the number of calories your body burns at rest and compared to others in the same age range (available when BMR arrives)
In the app, you’ll also get a choice of specialist modes: athlete, baby (weight only) and soon, a dedicated pregnancy mode. This will arrive via a software update in the coming months.Body Smart
Price: $99.95/ £99.95
Availability: Buy from Withings US now/ Available from Withings UK Q3 2023
Colour options: Black or white
Power: AAA batteries (Withings estimates one set will last up to 15 months)
Additional features: As well as the measurements shown above, the Body Smart features Eyes Closed Mode. Turn on this feature and your weight won’t be displayed on the scale’s screen. Instead it can show step tracking, encouraging messages or even just air quality or the weather in your location.Body Comp
Price: $199.95/ £189.95
Availability: Buy from Withings US now/ Buy from Withings UK now
Colour options: Black or white
Power: AAA batteries (Withings estimates one set will last for up to 15 months)
Additional features: As well as the measurements shown above, the Body Comp will provide a vascular age, to give more insight into heart health, and a nerve health score. Body Scan
Price: $399.95 (expected)/ £399.95
Availability: US release date TBC (see it at Withings US)/ Buy it from Withings UK now
Colour options: Black
Power: Rechargeable battery with a life of up to one year
Additional features: Like the Body Comp, the Body Scan will provide a vascular age, to give more insight into heart health, and a nerve health score. It’ll also, of course, provide the measurements shown above. But there’s more.
While there are minor differences between the hardware of the Body Smart and the Body Plus, the Body Scan has an additional element: a retractable handle. In addition to the electrodes in the scale itself, there are four more stainless steel electrodes in the handle, which allow for segmental body composition analysis.
What does this mean? Well, smart scales can tell you your body fat percentage to a reasonably accurate degree but only overall. The Body Scan will break this down further to give you the fat and muscle percentage in your arms, legs and torso. It’ll also let you know how you compare to other Withings’ users.
It also contains a 6-lead ECG, which allows for tracking and analysis of the user’s heart rhythm and which can detect worrying heart patterns.
We tested the Body Scan. Find out what we thought in our full review.Which Withings scale should you buy?
For people who are concerned with their fitness, rather than their health, we think that the Body Smart will do everything you want a smart scale to do.
If you want a little more health feedback, the Body Comp is a good option.
And for the smaller number of people who want as much health feedback as possible – with an emphasis on heart health – the Body Scan is undoubtedly the leading product in the market.
But smart scales don’t have to be pricey. If you’re looking for a simpler and much more budget-friendly option, have a look at our round-up of the best smart scales we’ve tested, which features reliable smart scales for as little as $25/ £25.

Former NFL Player Chris Smith Dies at 31


North Carolina native Chris Smith, who played with a number of NFL teams over an eight-year career, has died at 31.
No cause of death has yet been announced, according to the New York Post.
The news of the player’s untimely death was reported in a tweet posted by his high school football team and by a local newspaper near his home in Rowan County, North Carolina.
Rest in Peace to a West Rowan Legend! Chris was a better person than he was player! The impact he had on those around him will be remembered forever! pic.twitter.com/9oVKyM4Gs2
West Rowan Football (@WRowan_Football) April 18, 2023
Smith, a Salisbury native, graduated from West Rowan High School in 2010 and was a star defensive end on the high school’s football team.
By 2014, Smith was selected in the fifth round by the Jacksonville Jaguars, where he played his first three seasons in the NFL.
Starting in 2017, Smith spent a season or less with a number of teams before retiring. Those teams include the Bengals, Browns, Panthers, and several others. He also signed with the XFL’s Seattle Sea Dragons in March of this year.
Several NFL players took to Twitter to mourn the loss:
Love you bro. pic.twitter.com/0U0BsKQin1
— Derek Carr (@derekcarrqb) April 18, 2023
Rest in Peace Chris. Condolences to all his family, friends and loved ones. We will miss you pic.twitter.com/alpUAeqIhY
— Drew Rosenhaus (@DrewJRosenhaus) April 18, 2023
Rest in paradise Chris Smith. Hometown hero and a brother to everyone. Such a kind soul. This is Heartbreaking
— Chief David Njoku (@David_Njoku80) April 18, 2023

iPhone 15 rumored to steal another big iPhone 14 Pro feature


There are plenty of things to love about the iPhone 14 Pro, and it seems like most of them will be making their way to the base iPhone 15 when it launches.
The more we hear about it, the more that the base iPhone 15 is sounding like another version of the iPhone 14 Pro. A new leak posted to Chinese social media site Weibo claims that the iPhone 15 and the iPhone 15 Plus will both feature frosted glass on their backs — giving them a look similar to the most recent iPhone Pro models.
For the last few generations of iPhones, frosted glass backs have been exclusive to the Pro models, as it gives them a distinct visual style and allows them to lean a little deeper into their striking colors. If the information in the leak is correct, then there might not be much to easily distinguish the differences between the base iPhone 15 and its Pro counterpart when they launch later this year.
Many fans have been asking for the frosted glass to be featured on the base models ever since it was introduced with the Pro models. Frosted glass tends to be stronger than its non-frosted counterparts, so the iPhone 15 may be one of the sturdiest base model iPhones to date. It’ll still be at risk of smashing and chipping, just as all glass-backed phones are, however, with the improved durability of frosted glass, the iPhone 15 will likely be much more resilient than the iPhone 14.
As mentioned above, frosted glass isn’t the first iPhone 14 Pro feature that the base iPhone 15 is rumored to be launching with. The iPhone 14 Pro features Apple’s first Dynamic Island that serves as something of an always-on control center, and it’s rumored that the base model iPhone 15 will have a Dynamic Island of its own. If both of those features are making their way to the iPhone 15, then it seems like it might end up feeling like a refreshed (and cheaper) iPhone 14 Pro.
This is the first time in a while that we’ve seen so many Pro-exclusive features being passed down to a base model iPhone. Hopefully, Apple has big plans for the iPhone 15 Pro to make it stand out from the base model since the base model is already shaping up to be pretty impressive.

W środę 80. rocznica wybuchu powstania w getcie warszawskim. W archidiecezji warszawskiej zabiją dzwony


W środę, 19 kwietnia, w 80. rocznicą wybuchu powstania w getcie warszawskim, o godz. 12.00 we wszystkich kościołach archidiecezji warszawskiej zabiją dzwony dla uczczenia ofiar bohaterskiego zrywu – poinformowało biuro prasowe archidiecezji warszawskiej.
W środę, 19 kwietnia, w 80. rocznicą wybuchu powstania w getcie warszawskim, o godz. 12.00 we wszystkich kościołach archidiecezji warszawskiej zabiją dzwony dla uczczenia ofiar bohaterskiego zrywu – poinformowało biuro prasowe archidiecezji warszawskiej.
W tym roku przypada 80. rocznica wybuchu powstania.
“Zwyczajem lat ubiegłych, w środę 19 kwietnia o godz. 12.00 we wszystkich kościołach archidiecezji warszawskiej należy uruchomić dzwony, dla uczczenia ofiar tego bohaterskiego zrywu” – czytamy w komunikacie biura prasowego archidiecezji warszawskiej.
Powstanie w getcie warszawskim było największym zbrojnym zrywem Żydów i Żydówek podczas II wojny światowej, a zarazem pierwszym powstaniem miejskim w okupowanej Europie. W dniu wybuchu powstania, w święto Pesach, na terenie getta przebywało 50 tysięcy osób. Bojowników było 1000.
Getto w Warszawie powstało w 1940 r., gdy Niemcy ogrodzili murem część centrum miasta i stłoczyli tam prawie pół miliona Żydów ze stolicy i okolic. Było ono największym spośród założonych przez Niemców, a pierwsze koncepcje jego utworzenia Niemcy podjęli już na początku listopada 1939 r.
Uwięzieni w getcie ludzie umierali wskutek głodu, chorób, niewolniczej pracy i ginęli w egzekucjach. Latem 1942 r. została zorganizowana Wielka akcja likwidacyjna. Niemcy wywieźli z getta do ośrodka zagłady w Treblince prawie 300 tysięcy Żydów.
Wśród tych, którzy pozostali, narodziła się idea zbrojnego oporu. Walki rozpoczęły się rankiem 19 kwietnia 1943 r., kiedy 850 członków Waffen-SS uzbrojonych w karabiny maszynowe, miotacze płomieni, działka, wozy pancerne i czołgi wkroczyło na teren getta bramą od strony Nalewek, by je ostatecznie zlikwidować.
W walkach wzięło udział ok. tysiąca słabo uzbrojonych powstańców – Żydowskiej Organizacji Bojowej (ŻOB) i Żydowskiego Związku Wojskowego. Niemcy przeciwstawili im ponad 2 tys. członków Wehrmachtu, SS oraz pomocniczych oddziałów ukraińskich i łotewskich. Przeciwko powstańcom użyte zostały pojazdy opancerzone oraz artyleria.
Najcięższe walki toczyły się w rejonie ul. Zamenhoffa i Nalewek oraz na pl. Muranowskim. Niemcy systematycznie posuwali się w głąb getta, a paląc i niszcząc dom po domu, zmuszali ludność cywilną do opuszczania bunkrów i schronów.
Powstanie – pomimo apeli rządu polskiego w Londynie – nie wywołało żadnych reakcji aliantów. W proteście przeciwko obojętności świata wobec tragedii narodu żydowskiego 12 maja 1943 r. członek Rady Narodowej RP w Londynie Szmul Zygielbojm popełnił samobójstwo.
Dla Niemców symbolicznym aktem “zakończenia misji ostatecznego rozprawienia się z Żydami Warszawy” było wysadzenie w powietrze 16 maja Wielkiej Synagogi przy ul. Tłomackie.
Źródło: PAP / pk

Microsoft is working on an AI chip for Chat GPT as it emulates Apple’s perfect plan


If there’s one thing that Apple got spot on, it’s the quasi obsessive approach to the stack.
Microsoft wants to launch an AI chip as it looks to establish itself as the Apple of AI, offering a vertically integrated solution for scale-out artificial intelligence. According to the Information (opens in new tab), Microsoft has been working on the chip, codenamed Athena, since 2019 and engineering samples are already available to some Microsoft and OpenAI employees. 2019 was the year when the former invested $1 billion in the latter; so there’s a likely link between the plan for the chip and this first investment.
Other US based companies (Amazon, Google, Facebook) and non-US entities (Tencent, Alibaba) have launched their own custom-built chips for AI with the aim to get a hardware solution that performs better than what is commercially available off the shelf. These processors are essential for inference and large-language model training and right now, Nvidia corners the market with the A100 and the H100. 
In doing so, they are mimicking Apple’s uber-successful vertically integrated, hardware-and-software stack, that’s deployed across billions of devices worldwide. Microsoft unsuccessfully attempted to follow Apple’s footsteps in the consumer market with the ill-fated Windows RT on Arm almost a decade ago but this time around, Microsoft seems to be more in control, and most importantly, not a laggard.Saving billions 
Microsoft has, to put it mildly, embraced artificial intelligence at scale with enthusiasm. It has baked ChatGPT across all its flagship products and services (Bing, Microsoft 365, Github) and it’s only a matter of time before it gets deployed across its entire Azure stack. The biggest obstacle to the rollout is the hardware cost which, according to experts, could reach tens of billions of dollars per year. Microsoft is already collaborating with Nvidia to build a next-generation supercomputer and it is likely that the world’s largest software company may leverage Athena to get better rates or priority from Nvidia in the future.
Other than the fact that about 300 people are working on Athena at Microsoft, the Information also claims that the roadmap for the chip includes “multiple generations” and the first generation will be fabbed using TSMC’s 5nm manufacturing process. Ex-Apple CPU architect, Mike Filippo, is likely to have a hand in that project although his expertise lies more with CPU.
To some extent, Project Athena is a follow up to Project Brainwave, the FPGA-powered system that Microsoft has been using since 2017 when it started dabbling with AI. Back then, Intel Stratix 10 FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) cards were used to produce what now looks like the first draft of Microsoft AI strategy. Should Microsoft follow Google’s step with a TPU-like product, we can expect a lot of high-bandwidth memory (HBM), a relatively low TDP and a laser-focus on peak FLOPs per dollar.
Also check out our list of the best dedicated server and best bare metal hosting

Look of the Week: Blackpink headline Coachella in Korean hanboks


Featuring the good, the bad and the ugly, is a regular series dedicated to unpacking the most talked about outfit of the last seven days.Bringing the second day of this year’s Coachella to a close, K-Pop girl group Blackpink made history Saturday night when they became the first Asian act to ever headline the festival. To a crowd of, reportedly, over 125,000 people, Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa and Rosé used the ground-breaking moment to pay homage to Korean heritage by arriving onstage in hanboks: a traditional type of dress.While the garments were shrugged off a few seconds into their opening track, “Pink Venom,” revealing each member’s custom black and pink Dolce and Gabbana outfit, fans across the world had already received the message. of the moment quickly spread among Blackpink superfans, otherwise known as Blinks. “The way they stepped onto the biggest western stage in hanboks … literally proved their place at the top of the industry,” tweeted one Blink. “Blackpink really are in a league of their own.” Another called the group “Korea’s cultural delegation” on Instagram, in reference to not only the hanboks but other visual cues incorporated into their show, such as one of the stage backdrops featuring an angular tiled roof reminiscent of traditional Korean architecture. In recent years, Blackpink have enjoyed a meteoric rise to global fame. According to , they are currently the most streamed female group on Spotify, and have the most-viewed music YouTube channel. Last year, they were the first female K-Pop group to reach number 1 in the UK and US album charts, and in 2020 their track “How You Like That” became the most viewed video on YouTube in 24 hours. (The group also wore modernized hanboks, designed by Kim Danha, in one of the music video’s scenes.) Their landmark set over the weekend was in fact a follow-up to another milestone: In 2019, they became the first female K-Pop group to ever play at Coachella or any other US festival. From the iconic Jean Paul Gaultier cone bra worn by Madonna for her 1990 Blond Ambition tour to Geri “Ginger Spice” Halliwell’s Union Jack mini dress, the right stage costume can live on forever in public memory. Particularly when worn at a career-defining moment. During another watershed Coachella performance — Beyonce’s 2018 headline set — the singer’s custom Balmain collegiate-style yellow hoodie was a joyful nod to Black culture, specifically historically Black colleagues and universities. The group’s four black hanboks were custom created by South Korean pattern design brand OUWR and traditional Korean dressmakers Kumdanje. Inspired by the Cheol-lik silhouette, each garment was hand-embroidered with metallic traditional Korean motifs, including dan-cheong patterns and peonies (a symbol of royalty in Korea). “It was our pleasure and such an honor to be able to show the beautiful values of Korea and Hanbok together,” the designers in a combined Instagram post. “Blackpink showed the beauty of Korea and dazzled the world.”In Korea, hanboks are still worn for special occasions and often seen onTV dramas. Many designers in the country have also created contemporary takes that are incorporated into everyday wear. At Seoul Fashion Week, JULYCOLUMN’s Fall-Winter 2023 collection drew on the hanbok’s voluminous silhouette to create shirts and structured jackets. Last September, Korean label BlueTamburin brought the garment to a Western audience by exclusively using traditional hanbok fabric to create its Spring-Summer 2023 collection at Milan Fashion Week. Whether you’re a devoted Blink or not, the looks marked a moment of Asian visibility, recognition of traditional craftsmanship and a powerful example of feeling seen through fashion — representing Korean culture and symbolically embracing both its past and future.At the end of their performance, and having addressed the audience between numbers in English throughout their two-hour-long performance, Blackpink finished their set in Korean: “Until now, it has been Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rosé Blackpink. Thank you.”

Elon Musk says he is working on his own AI chatbot called 'TruthGPT'


Despite publicly opposing advanced AI development, Musk has an AI project of his own in the works. Here’s what we know.
Despite Elon Musk’s public opposition to advanced AI development due to its potential risks to society, he has taken several steps recently which have caused people to speculate that Musk is working on his own AI project. 
On Monday, in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Musk confirmed those speculations, revealing that he is creating his own AI model called TruthGPT. 
‘An AI that cares about understanding the universe is unlikely to annihilate humans.’@elonmusk tells @TuckerCarlson why he’s creating ‘Truth GPT’ pic.twitter.com/ZylwsfkZfq
Musk defines TruthGPT as a “maximum truth-seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe” in the interview. He later adds that “an AI that cares about understanding the universe is unlikely to annihilate humans.”
Musk opined that ChatGPT is trained to be “politically correct,” which is “simply another way of saying untruthful things,” hence the truth component of his AI model’s name. 
This interview came only a few days after reports of Musk starting his own AI company. 
As first reported by The Wall Street Journal, a Nevada state filing made last month reveals that Musk created a company called X.AI Corp. Musk is listed as the sole director of the company, which has authorized the sale of 100 million shares. 
The name of this AI company relates to Twitter’s new company name, X Corp. Both of the X references in the AI company’s name and Twitter’s new name trace back to Elon’s longtime plan for “X, the everything app,” a multi-faceted app that would serve as a one-stop shop for most users’ needs. 
Musk has recently purchased 10,000 graphic processing units (GPUs) for Twitter, which are crucial for machine learning models, a sign of a potential generative AI project on the horizon, such as his TruthGPT project. 
To further confirm the existence of an AI project in the works, Musk hired new AI talent — engineers Igor Babuschkin and Manuel Kroiss — in early March. 
Musk has previous experience in the AI space as one of the co-founders of OpenAI — the AI research company behind ChatGPT — before pulling out in 2018.

Scientists film deepest ever fish on seabed off Japan


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Cruising at a depth of 8,336 meters (over 27,000 feet) just above the seabed, a young snailfish has become the deepest fish ever filmed by scientists during a probe into the abyss of the northern Pacific Ocean.

Scientists from University of Western Australia and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology released footage of the snailfish on Sunday filmed last September by sea robots in deep trenches off Japan.

Along with the filming the deepest snailfish, the scientists physically caught two other specimens at 8,022 meters and set another record for the deepest catch.

Previously, the deepest snailfish ever spotted was at 7,703 meters in 2008, while scientists had never been able to collect fish from anywhere below 8,000 meters.

“What is significant is that it shows how far a particular type of fish will descend in the ocean,” said marine biologist Alan Jamieson, founder of the Minderoo-UWA Deep Sea Research Centre, who led the expedition.

Scientists are filming in the trenches off Japan as part of a 10-year study into the deepest fish populations in the world. Snailfish are members of Liparidae family, and while most snailfish live in shallow water, others survive at some of the greatest depths ever recorded, Jamieson said.

During the two-month survey last year, three “landers” – automatic sea robots fitted with high-resolution cameras – were dropped into three trenches – the Japan, Izu-Ogasawara and Ryukyu trenches – at varying depths.

In the Izu-Ogasawara trench, footage showed the deepest snailfish hovering calmly alongside other crustaceans on the seabed.

Jamieson classified the fish as a juvenile and said younger deep sea snailfish often stay as deep as possible to avoid being eaten by bigger predators that swim at shallower depths.

Another clip shot at between 7,500 and 8,200 meters in the same trench showed a colony of fish and crustaceans munching at bait tied to an undersea robot.

They have tiny eyes, a translucent body, and their lack of swim bladder, which helps other fish float, works to their advantage, Jamieson said.

The professor said the Pacific Ocean is particularly conducive to vibrant activity due to its warm southern current, which encourages sea creatures to go deeper, while its abundant marine life provides a good source of food for bottom feeders.

Scientists would like to know more about creatures living at extreme depths, but cost is the constraint, Jamieson said, adding that each lander alone costs them $200,000 to assemble and operate.

“The challenges are that technology has been expensive and scientists don’t have a lot of money,” he said.

"Путін відновляє прихильність до Пригожина": ПВК "Вагнер" вербує найманців по всій Росії – ISW


Ватажок ПВК “Вагнер” Євген Пригожин відновлює прихильність російського диктатора Володимира Путіна. Зокрема, це про це свідчить підкріплення сил “вагнерівців”.
Путін зупинив спроби міноборони РФ помститися “вагнерівцям”. 
Ватажок ПВК “Вагнер” Євген Пригожин відновлює прихильність російського диктатора Володимира Путіна. Зокрема, це про це свідчить підкріплення сил “вагнерівців”.
Про це інформує Інститут вивчення війни (ISW).
В Інституті зазначають, що змінити думку главу Кремля могла підштовхнути нездатність звичайних збройних сил виконати завдання, поставлені перед ними диктатором під час зимового наступу на Донбасі.
Йдеться і про те, що “на знак примирення” Путін зупинив спроби міноборони РФ помститися “вагнерівцям”. 
“Схоже, що сили “Вагнера” отримують підкріплення, боєприпаси й політичне визнання, що є різким відхиленням від попередніх спроб Кремля використати їх та Пригожина у Бахмуті принаймні з січня 2023 року”, – йдеться у зведенні.
Відомо, що  поряд із групою “Вагнера” на фронті діють російські повітряно-десантні війська (ПДВ).
Зазначається, що Пригожин зумів відновити свої поставки боєприпасів від міністерства оборони РФ. У той же час російська Держдума збирається розглянути поправки до закону про права ветеранів, які передбачають надання статусу ветерана бойових дій найманцям приватних військових компаній і навіть волонтерам.
“Пригожин регулярно виступав за визнання “вагнерівців” учасниками “СВО” в Україні, і ухвалення цього законопроєкту означало б, що його становище у найближчому оточенні Кремля покращало. Ступінь довіри та прихильності Путіна до Пригожина незрозумілий, але цілком імовірно, що Путін зупинив спроби міноборони” РФ помститися за ПВК “Вагнер”, відмовивши їй у підкріпленні та боєприпасах”, – припустили в ISW.
Раніше газета The New York Times із посиланням на документи Пентагону, що просочилися в мережу, повідомила, що Путін особисто намагався врегулювати конфлікт між ПВК і МО РФ, провівши 22 лютого зустріч між Пригожиним і міністром оборони Сергієм Шойгу.
 На думку аналітиків, якщо це правда, то російський диктатор віддає пріоритет “вирішальній перемозі”, принаймні, у Бахмуті в найближчому майбутньому.
“Путіну, ймовірно, потрібна негайна перемога в Бахмуті напередодні дня перемоги 9 травня або, за чутками, пресконференції “Пряма лінія”, яку він готується провести у червні, щоб утвердити свій авторитет серед внутрішньої аудиторії”, – припустили в ISW.
Такий перебіг подій може бути ознакою нерішучості Путіна посилити мобілізацію й сигналізувати про повернення до так званої криптомобілізації. 
“Кремль, можливо, сподівається використовувати інструкторів “Вагнера” для підготовки своїх мобілізованих сил. Раніше він передав набір персоналу націоналістичним групам і нині проводить широкомасштабні кампанії з набору добровольців. “Вагнер” вербує найманців по всій Росії, і цілком можливо, що Кремль все ще може розглядати його як реальне джерело бойової могутності”, – підсумували в ISW.
Зазначимо, естонська розвідка повідомила, що лідер Чечні Рамзан Кадиров та очільник ПВК “Вагнер” Євген Пригожин загрожують владі Путіна — нібито вони планують об’єднатися і вийти на перший план як архірадикальна акція панівної еліти.

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Путин якобы посетил оккупированный юг и восток Украины

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Войска РФ беспилотниками атаковали объект промышленной инфраструктуры в Николаевской области — глава ОВА

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