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Northwestern, at the eye of a scandal, must have thought it would be easier than this


A Friday news dump failed to get the job done.
We weren’t in the proverbial room with Northwestern president Michael Schill whenever it was that he decided — presumably with input from others including athletic director Derrick Gragg, and possibly coach Pat Fitzgerald himself — to suspend Fitzgerald for two weeks without pay after an independent investigation into alleged hazing within the Wildcats football program.
We can imagine what they might have been thinking, though. First, dump the news of the suspension on a Friday and the public might hardly even notice it, right? After that, a beautiful summer weekend on the North Shore. Perhaps a sunny stroll past the Baha’i Temple? An evening campfire at Dempster Beach?
“By the time Monday rolls around,” someone might have suggested, “this whole thing probably will have blown over.”
Alas, no such luck. Instead, Evanston became the eye of a storm of controversy Schill and the school must not have seen coming. Student journalists from The Daily Northwestern broke a massive story Saturday detailing allegations brought by a former player of such lewd acts of hazing — mostly by veteran players against newbies — writers from across the land who’d never dreamed of putting the words “dry” and “hump” together in a story suddenly were doing just that. What did Fitzgerald really know? Will he survive this scandal? Where is the silent Gragg in all this, hiding under his desk?
By late Saturday night, Schill had issued a new statement addressed to members of the Northwestern community in which he admitted he “may have erred in weighing the appropriate sanction for Coach Fitzgerald.”
“The confidential report concluded that while there was corroborating evidence that hazing had occurred, there was no direct evidence that Coach Fitzgerald was aware of the hazing,” Schill wrote. “In determining an appropriate penalty for the head coach, I focused too much on what the report concluded he didn’t know and not enough on what he should have known. As the head coach of one of our athletics programs, Coach Fitzgerald is not only responsible for what happens within the program but also must take great care to uphold our institutional commitment to the student experience and our priority to ensure all students — undergraduate and graduate — can thrive during their time at Northwestern. Clearly, he failed to uphold that commitment, and I failed to sufficiently consider that failure in levying a sanction.”
On Sunday, a university spokesman offered a terse reply to an email from a reporter:
“No one will be available for comment today.”
Northwestern’s official policy on hazing defines it as “any action taken or situation created, intentionally or whether on or off University premises and whether presented as optional or required, to produce: mental, physical, or emotional discomfort; servitude; degradation; embarrassment; harassment; or ridicule for the purpose of initiation into, affiliation with, or admission to, or as a condition for continued membership in a group, team, or other organization, regardless of an individual’s willingness to participate.”
Examples written into the policy include “sexual violations or other required, encouraged, or expected sexual activity, whether actual or simulated.”
The allegations against the football program check many of those boxes in fat marker.
Regardless of where this heads for Fitzgerald, the coming days, weeks and longer will only get more humiliating and awkward for Northwestern. Big Ten’s football media days later this month in Indianapolis will be a staging ground for a deep, wide dig into the Wildcats’ culture. Forget their 14-31 overall record and 9-25 Big Ten mark over the last four seasons, which is bad enough. Forget focusing on the title hopes of league powerhouses Michigan, Ohio State and Penn State, too. Is there football hazing at those places, too? Does this stuff really happen everywhere, as some claim? Many reporters will be asking.
Meanwhile, Northwestern still is trying to get an $800 million redevelopment plan in action for a new stadium and surrounding grounds. Was this ever a good idea? That’s debatable. Is it now a matter of terrible timing? That’s not debatable.
Northwestern football has a hard enough time staying in the news under normal circumstances. But this? This is bad.
Happy Monday?

Łotwa: Marszałek Witek wzięła udział w spotkaniu przewodniczących parlamentów z prezydentem Rinkeviczsem


Pomoc Ukrainie oraz przygotowania do zbliżającego się szczytu NATO w Wilnie były wśród tematów niedzielnego spotkania przewodniczących parlamentów Polski, Łotwy, Litwy, Estonii, Niemiec i Ukrainy z prezydentem Łotwy Edgarsem Rinkeviczsem.
Do artykułu: Łotwa: Marszałek Witek wzięła udział w spotkaniu przewodniczących parlamentów z prezydentem Rinkeviczsem
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China’s deflation risks heightened in June amid weak demand with consumer inflation flat, factory-gate prices dipping further


China’s consumer price index (CPI) remained flat in June, year on year, while the producer price index (PPI) fell by 5.4 per cent last month, data released on Monday showed.

Deflation risks in China heightened in June amid weak demand, as consumer prices remained flat and a factory-gate price fall deepened, data released on Monday showed.

The consumer price index (CPI) was unchanged from a year earlier, down from 0.2 per cent growth in May, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

This was below the expected rise of 0.1 per cent, according to the Chinese financial data provider Wind, and is the lowest reading since February 2021.

Beijing has set a CPI target of around 3 per cent growth for 2023.

Meanwhile, the producer price index (PPI), which reflects the prices that factories charge wholesalers for products, fell by 5.4 per cent in June, year on year, down from a fall of 4.6 per cent in May, to its lowest point since December 2015.

This was below expectations, with PPI having been expected to fall by 5 per cent last month, according to Wind.

“The data is weaker than expected. Further evidence that domestic demand is weak,” said Larry Hu, chief China economist at Macquarie Group.

Within the CPI, food prices in China increased by 2.3 per cent from a year earlier in June, compared to a rise of 1 per cent growth in May, while non-food prices decreased last month, year on year, falling by 0.6 per cent having remained flat in May.

Prices for pork, a staple on Chinese dinner tables, decreased by 7.2 per cent in June compared to a year earlier, while fruit prices increased by 6.4 per cent year on year and vegetable prices increased by 10.8 per cent.

China’s core consumer inflation rate, excluding the volatile prices of food and energy, increased by 0.4 per cent in June compared with a year earlier, down from 0.6 per cent growth in May.

“Producer price deflation deepened further last month to its lowest in more than seven years, and consumer price inflation dropped to a 28-month low of zero per cent,” said economists at Capital Economics.

“Core inflation continued to fall as the initial impact of reopening faded. We expect inflation to rise gradually later this year, but the upside will be limited, leaving room for further policy easing.”

Andrew Benintendi’s wrist discomfort predates time with White Sox


“He’s been playing through pain the first half, so it’s time for him to get a break,” said Sox manager Pedro Grifol, who believes the issue has inhibited Benintendi’s power.
A sore right wrist kept Andrew Benintendi out of the White Sox’ lineup for the last two games before the All-Star break. But discomfort in the left fielder’s wrist dates back beyond getting hit by a pitch last month in Los Angeles, to even some issues last season, according to manager Pedro Grifol.
“He’s been playing through pain the first half, so it’s time for him to get a break,” said Grifol, who believes the issue has inhibited Benintendi’s power. “He’ll tell you he’s not a 40-home-run guy, but he’s definitely not a one-home-run guy, either. He’s got some pop in there.”
Grifol is optimistic that Benintendi can drive the ball more than one homer and a .369 slugging percentage in the first half would indicate, but he declined to get into specifics on what, if any, procedure was done to alleviate the discomfort in his wrist.
“We’re addressing the wrist,” Grifol said. “I’m not going to get into that part of it, how we’re fixing it. But let’s just say we’re addressing the issue.”
Sheets searching for rhythm
Sunday closed a disappointing first half for infielder/outfielder Gavin Sheets, who has homered once since Memorial Day. Expected to supply left-handed power, Sheets hits the break with a .220/.298/.374 batting line in 205 plate appearances, which despite numerous injuries is only the ninth-most on the team.
“Still not where I want to be,” Sheets said of his season. “It’s been tough to get in a good rhythm. I feel I put good stretches together and don’t get in there, or face a string of lefties and lose the good feelings I have at the plate.”
By his own admission, Sheets struggled with life as a strict platoon player without an everyday role, and with the recent recall of Oscar Colás, has more competition now for playing time in right field against right-handed starters.
Sheets has just seven at-bats against lefties this season, and his lifetime numbers support such usage. But improvement of any kind, has been difficult to find through just simulated at-bats on the iPitch machine.
“In my opinion I need to face lefties to stay sharp against righties,” Sheets said. “Still trying to figure out how to do that better, whether it’s continuing to do at-bats in the cage to try to keep the feeling going. That’s something I need to work on.”
As TA scuffles, so do the Sox
A miserable first half for the Sox ended with Tim Anderson striking out swinging, stranding the tying run at third, to cap an 0-for-5 day and a 1-for-14 series. All told, Anderson’s .223/.259/.263 batting line makes for the worst OPS for any half of a season in his accomplished eight-year major league career. 
Notably, Anderson has hit .207/.245/.233 in 56 games since returning in May from a left knee sprain.
“It’s tough, especially he’s never been through this,” said teammate Elvis Andrus. “I don’t think I’ve seen him like this. Throughout his career, you get used to the .320, .330 every year. But it’s part of the game. He’s a human, too. And he’s learning. He’s probably very disappointed, but I still believe in him.”
That belief is shared by Grifol, who has not started Anderson lower than second in the batting order all season amid his career-worst struggles.

Bislang heißester Tag in diesem Jahr


Ziemlich heiß, aber noch kein Hitzerekord: Heute wurde in Deutschland mit mehr als 37 Grad Celsius die bisher höchste Temperatur im Jahr 2023 gemessen. Für den Abend sind gebietsweise Unwetter angekündigt.
Ziemlich heiß, aber noch kein Hitzerekord: Heute wurde mit mehr als 37 Grad Celsius in Deutschland die bisher höchste Temperatur im Jahr 2023 gemessen. Für den Abend sind gebietsweise Unwetter angekündigt.
Mit teils mehr als 37 Grad war heute der bisher heißeste Tag des Jahres. Am Nachmittag wurden in Neckarwestheim 37,2 Grad Celsius gemessen, sagte eine Meteorologin des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD). Auch in anderen Teilen Deutschlands war es heißer als 35 Grad. Im bayerischen Kitzingen wurden etwa 35,3 Grad Celsius gemessen.
Womöglich waren das nur vorläufige Spitzenwerte, da die Temperaturen erfahrungsgemäß erst am späteren Nachmittag ihren Höchstwert erreichen. Die Tageshöchsttemperatur am Samstag wurde vorläufigen DWD-Angaben zufolge mit 35,3 Grad Celsius in Tönisvorst in Nordrhein-Westfalen gemessen. So warm war es auch schon am 22. Juni im oberbayerischen Reit im Winkl gewesen.
Der deutsche Temperaturrekord ist von all diesen Werten noch weit entfernt: Dem DWD zufolge wurden am 25. Juli 2019 an den Stationen in Duisburg und Tönisvorst 41,2 Grad Celsius gemessen. Vergangenes Jahr wurden am 20. Juli in Hamburg-Neuwiedenthal zum Beispiel 40,1 Grad verzeichnet.
Am Abend gab der DWD zudem eine Unwetterwarnung aus. Im Westen, Nordwesten sowie in der Mitte soll es gebietsweise schwere Gewitter geben. In der Mitte und im Südwesten werden Windböen erwartet.

Japan’s largest port resumes operations after cyberattack


Japan’s Port of Nagoya resumed operations on July 6 after a ransomware attack on July 4. The cyberattack prevented trucks from loading and unloading vehicle components for two days. According to Kyodo News, a Nagoya port association said it restored operations and recovered data manually without paying a ransom.
The tech-savvy Land of the Rising Sun is not the only country that relies on technology for important infrastructure. Nowadays, most of us rely on computer systems to facilitate global trade, which are susceptible to cyberattacks. As a result, such incidents affect everyone by delaying your online deliveries and suspending company supplies.
These attacks will become more common as technology advances, so you should learn how they work. Start by reading this article regarding this major cyberattack on Japan’s largest international shipping port. Next, I will explain how people and companies could adapt to such issues.
The Port of Nagoya’s official website says it opened on November 10, 1907. It is an integrated international port that handles various cargo, such as general, container, bulk, and others.
It is the largest port in Japan in terms of total cargo throughput, which reached 177.79 million tons in 2021. Consequently, the world noticed when it experienced a major cyberattack.
Japan Times said the system failed around 6:30 AM on July 4 when an employee couldn’t start a computer. Also, it flashed a message saying ransomware infected the device by sending it to a printer.
Ransomware is a virus that encrypts a victim’s data, preventing access until the person pays a specific amount. The port is a hub for car manufacturer Toyota’s imports and exports.
The automaker said it cannot load or unload auto parts due to the system issue. However, it reiterated the Japan port problem did not disrupt its production.
It also uses a different computer system, so it remains unaffected. Toyota added, “We will closely monitor any impact on production while carefully examining the parts inventory.”
The Japanese vehicle maker said its suppliers, Aisin, Denso, and Toyota Industries secured a specific amount of inventory. Moreover, they have limited exposure to the glitch.
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The Nagoya Harbor Transportation told Kyodo News repairs took longer than expected because it had to recover corrupted data manually. Also, it claimed the hacker group LockBit 3.0 was responsible for the attack.
The association said it has not contacted the group or paid ransom. Also, the Aichi prefectural police have investigated the cybersecurity issue.
Japan Times said the Port of Nagoya experienced temporary trailer congestion. A trailer driver explained, “If these many trailers resume operation all at once, it would be very crowded.”
Mihoko Matsubara, chief of cybersecurity strategies at Japanese telecom firm NTT Corp., emphasized the Japan port attack’s significance. She told CNN it “created great concerns over the impact on the local economy and supply chain, including the auto industry.”
It is the first reported ransomware attack on a Japanese port, but it wouldn’t be the last. More people would attempt more cyberattacks on Japan and other nations.
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Modern ports need new technologies to facilitate growing global trade, so abandoning them is not an option. Instead, ports must improve their cybersecurity, and companies must adapt to potential supply chain disruptions:
Japan’s largest port experienced a major cyberattack last week. It prevented trucks from loading and unloading goods for two days until local authorities restored operations.
Other countries have been experiencing similar cyberattacks. For example, the Russian military allegedly spread malware that disrupted the shipping giant Maersk.
CNN said the attack cost the company around $300 million. Nowadays, strengthening digital systems is a national issue. Learn more about such digital trends at Inquirer Tech.

山縣亮太が100予選で棄権 左太ももに違和感 陸上・南部記念


陸上男子100メートルの日本記録を持つ山縣亮太(セイコー)が 、札幌厚別公園競技場で行われた南部記念の100メートル予選を、左太ももの違和感で棄権した。直前のウオーミングアップで異変を感じたといい「歩けてはいるのですごくひどい状況ではないと思う。検査を受けて、詳細はドクターの判断を待ちたい」と話すにとどめた。

米財務長官、訪中終え「関係改善」強調 対立緩和の道筋は見えず


イエレン米財務長官は 、中国政府高官との会談など 間の訪中日程を終え北京で記者会見を開いた。「両国の関係について率直な議論をした。米中関係をより確かなものへと前進させる一歩になった」と述べ、米中の関係改善に向け成果があったとの認識を示した。ただ、半導体輸出規制など懸案事項に関する合意はゼロで、経済分野での対立緩和の道筋は見えないままだ。
 米バイデン政権は 、軍事転用を防ぐ目的で先端半導体の対中輸出規制を決定。さらに中国が圧倒的なシェアを握るレアアース(希土類)の供給網を、米欧日など西側諸国主導で再構築する計画も示した。中国政府が猛反発したのに加え、国際通貨基金(IMF)などからも世界経済分断への懸念が示されていた。
 バイデン政権の財務長官として初めて訪中したイエレン氏は、 李氏と面会。米メディアによると会談時間は予定の2倍の 間超に及んだ。翌 の何氏との会談は 間を超え、その後の夕食会も 間に及んだ。閣僚同士の関係を深める目的はある程度達成できたとみられ、イエレン氏は「より頻繁に意思疎通を図るようになると確信している」と対話の継続に意欲を示した。

Sen. Chuck Schumer requests FDA investigation into high-caffeine Prime Energy drinks


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said during a press conference Sunday that Prime Energy drinks have “eye-popping” levels of caffeine and should be investigated by the Food and Drug Administration.
July 9 Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said during a press conference Sunday that Prime Energy drinks have “eye-popping” levels of caffeine and should be investigated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Schumer said the drink is being marketed to children by social media influencers. The drink first hit shelves in January 2022. It was developed and marketed by YouTube star Logan Paul, according to AM New York.

Росіяни заявляють про ракетну атаку по Брянській області


Губернатор Брянської області РФ Олександр Богомаз заявив, що у неділю, 9 липня, там нібито було збито дві українські ракети.
Губернатор Брянської області РФ Олександр Богомаз заявив, що у неділю, 9 липня, там нібито було збито дві українські ракети.Росіяни заявляють про ракетну атаку по Брянській області
Водночас за його словами, у селищі Битош уламки ракет нібито зруйнували пилораму, обійшлося без постраждалих. Жодних фото Богомазов не надав.
Раніше у російських каналах з’явилися фото, зняті, як стверджується, на зруйнованій пилорамі. Спочатку російські телеграми писали про атаку безпілотника.

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