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Russia, China: N. Korean must freeze nuclear activities, US halt THAAD deployment


Moscow and Beijing have agreed that North Korea should freeze its nuclear and missile programs, while the US and South Korea should abstain from holding war games in the region, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
“ We’ ve agreed to promote our joint initiative, based on Russian step-by-step Korean settlement plan and Chinese ideas to simultaneously freeze North Korean nuclear and missile activities, and US and South Korean joint military drills, ” Putin said at a press conference after meeting with China’s leader, Xi Jinping, in Moscow.
Moscow and Beijing stressed the importance of taking North Korea’s concerns over its safety into consideration, calling them “ justified .”
“The two sides stress that justified North Korean concerns should be respected, ” a joint statement by Russia’s and China’s foreign ministers reads. “ Other countries should make certain moves to resume the negotiations, creating a peaceful disposition and mutual trust.”
“ A possibility of the use of military measures to solve the problems of the Korean Peninsula must be ruled out, ” the joint statement stressed.
While condemning Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile tests as violating UN Security Council resolutions, Moscow and Beijing urged the United States to immediately halt its deployment of THAAD anti-missile systems to South Korea.
“The sides agree that the deployment of THAAD anti-missile systems to Northeast Asia gravely damages strategic safety interests of regional powers, including Russia and China and do not contribute to the de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, as well as towards establishing peace and stability in the region, ” the statement reads.
“ Russia and China oppose the deployment of the said systems and call on the countries involved to immediately halt and cancel the process of their deployment.”

© Source: https://www.rt.com/news/395244-north-korea-nuclear-us-drills-stop/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
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北朝鮮、弾道ミサイル発射 約930キロメートル飛行=韓国軍


韓国軍によると、 北朝鮮は4日、 同国西部から東海岸沖に向けて弾道ミサイルを発射した。 今週末にはドイツで20カ国・ 地域(G20)首脳会議が開催される予定。 韓国軍は、 ミサイルが0040GMT(日本時間午前9時40分)ごろ、 平壌の 北西約100キロに位置するパンヒョンから発射されたと明らかにした。
[ソウル 4日 ロイター] – 韓国軍によると、北朝鮮は4日、同国西部から東海岸沖に向けて弾道ミサイルを発射した。今週末にはドイツで20カ国・地域(G20)首脳会議が開催される予定。 韓国軍は、ミサイルが0040GMT(日本時間午前9時40分)ごろ、平壌の北西約100キロに位置するパンヒョンから発射されたと明らかにした。 韓国軍合同参謀本部は、弾道ミサイルが約930キロメートル飛行したと発表。ミサイルが到達した高度は分析中だとした。 韓国青瓦台(大統領府)によると、文在寅(ムン・ジェイン)大統領は発射の報告を受け、0230GMT(同午前11時30分)からの国家安全保障会議を招集した。 今回のミサイル発射は、文大統領が5月に就任して以降、4度目となる。 トランプ米大統領はツイッターで「北朝鮮がまたミサイルを発射した」とし、金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長について「他に何もすることはないのか」と非難した。 また「韓国と日本がこの状況をこれ以上我慢するとは思えない」とツイート。中国が北朝鮮に厳しく対応し、「このばかげた行為」を終わらせるかもしれない、とした。 ホワイトハウスは現時点ではコメントを控えている。 G20首脳会議は7─8日にドイツのハンブルクで開催され、米国、中国、日本、韓国は北朝鮮の核・ミサイル開発への対応を協議するとみられている。 *内容を追加しました。 韓国軍は、ミサイルが0040GMT(日本時間午前9時40分)ごろ、平壌の北西約100キロに位置するパンヒョンから発射されたと明らかにした。 韓国軍合同参謀本部は、弾道ミサイルが約930キロメートル飛行したと発表。ミサイルが到達した高度は分析中だとした。 韓国青瓦台(大統領府)によると、文在寅(ムン・ジェイン)大統領は発射の報告を受け、0230GMT(同午前11時30分)からの国家安全保障会議を招集した。 今回のミサイル発射は、文大統領が5月に就任して以降、4度目となる。 トランプ米大統領はツイッターで「北朝鮮がまたミサイルを発射した」とし、金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長について「他に何もすることはないのか」と非難した。 また「韓国と日本がこの状況をこれ以上我慢するとは思えない」とツイート。中国が北朝鮮に厳しく対応し、「このばかげた行為」を終わらせるかもしれない、とした。 ホワイトハウスは現時点ではコメントを控えている。 G20首脳会議は7─8日にドイツのハンブルクで開催され、米国、中国、日本、韓国は北朝鮮の核・ミサイル開発への対応を協議するとみられている。 *内容を追加しました。

© Source: http://jp.reuters.com/article/nk-missile-south-korea-military-idJPKBN19P079
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Moto X4 (2017) latest rumours: release date, price and features


Will there be a new Moto X4 in 2017? Read the latest rumours about the mid-range phone, including specs, price and UK launch date
Motorola, well Lenovo since it now owns the brand, didn’ t launch a Moto X in 2016, instead introducing a new letter: Z.
We were quite impressed with the Moto Z and its range of modular add-ons, but rumours are ramping up that the Moto X will be back this year. And the fact well-known leakster @evleaks is now tweeting about a Moto X4 suggest a new handset could be coming our way soon:
In mid-May we saw the arrival of the Moto C and Moto C Plus, but there are plenty more upcoming Moto phones mentioned on this leaked photo (via @evleaks) . As well as the Moto X4, which is said to have a 5.2in full-HD screen with 3D glass and a SmartCam, it also mentions the Moto Z2 Play and Moto Z2 Force, Moto G5S and Moto G5S+, Moto E4 and Moto E4+ .
Lenovo confirmed in June 2016 that the Moto X range was not dead and buried. It cleared up the confusion by saying that the Moto Z and X ranges offer “different experiences” and that adding the Z range meant there was more choice for “tech-hungry consumers”.
However, right now, there are still no rumours about when the 2017 Moto X4 will be officially announced.
It was expected in June, but since it’s now July, it’s anyone’s guess – we predict either July or August.
In summary (partially via VentureBeat) these are the rumoured specs
A video has popped up on Baidu that shows an unveiling of the Moto X4. Translated, it apparently suggests that the new phone will feature the Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 processor (now disputed and thought to be the 630) , 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage, plus a front fingerprint sensor and 3880mAh battery (again, disputed and thought to be 3000mAh) .
We also have a couple of leaked images that appear to prove the new Moto X4 exists. The most recent comes from Motorola itself. In a bizarre rap video celebrating Motorola’s 44 th anniversary (it’s hard to see the significance) eagle-eyed watchers think they’ ve spotted an image of the rear of the new handset.
The video is low resolution, but it still looks like the camera lens section has been blurred out. The only conceivable reason to do this would be to obscure the fact it’s a dual-lens camera.
A leaked image shows this more clearly
The third image shows some details on the specs, including 3 GB of RAM (another leaked image shows 4GB) , the MSM8953 (the code for the Snapdragon 625) and the model number of the phone: XT1801.
From all these images and specs, it appears that (like the Moto G5) the Moto X4 will have a metal body but will be a mid-range phone sitting between the Moto G and Moto Z.
Screen test is either going to be IPS or AMOLED, with the most likely option being IPS. The rumoured 3D glass doesn’t tell us anything about the tech.
The latest leaks confirm a microSD slot for adding storage, while other leaked images show there is a 3.5mm headphone jack and what looks to be a USB-C port.
No prices have been rumoured or leaked, but based on the specifications and the fact the less powerful Moto G5 Plus costs £250, we’d hazard a guess at between £300 and £400. At this price, it will have stiff competition in the mid-range, not least from the OnePlus 3T.

© Source: http://www.techadvisor.co.uk/new-product/mobile-phone/moto-x4-2017-latest-rumours-release-date-price-features-3658289/
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Kijanko: Nigdy w żadnej sprawie nie przyjęłam od nikogo żadnych korzyści


Nie znam i nie miałam żadnego kontaktu z Marcinem P.; nigdy, w żadnej sprawie nie przyjęłam od nikogo żadnych korzyści, jakichkolwiek – mówiła we wtorek przed komisją śledczą prok. Barbara Kijanko, która jako pierwsza zajmowała się sprawą Amber Gold.
Wiceprzewodniczący komisji śledczej Marek Suski (PiS) pytał świadka m.in. “co było takiego wyjątkowego w Marcinie P.”. Nawiązał tu do zeznań jego kuratora, który – jak mówił Suski – przyznał, że Marcin P. go oczarował. “Czy pani też była pod wpływem tego czaru pana Marcina P., że akurat jemu udzieliła pani w zasadzie pomocy poprzez poinformowanie o planowanych czynnościach w sprawie” – pytał polityk PiS.
“Mogę tylko powiedzieć, że nie znam tej osoby, nigdy nie miała z nią żadnego kontaktu” – odpowiedziała Kijanko.
“To co było powodem, że była pani tak spolegliwa akurat w tej sprawie? Czy przyjęła może pani jakąś korzyść materialną, finansową w prowadzonym postępowaniu?” – dopytywał Suski.
“Nigdy w życiu w żadnej sprawie nie przyjęłam od nikogo żadnych korzyści, jakichkolwiek” – odparła Kijanko.
Suski pytał też dlaczego dwukrotnie umorzyła ona postępowanie wobec Amber Gold. “Taka była moja ocena” – odpowiedziała Kijanko. Dodała też, że nie pamięta dlaczego nie wydała polecenia, by sprawdzić czy Amber Gold przechowuje złoto w depozycie BGŻ.
Kijanko nie potrafiła też odpowiedzieć na pytania przewodniczącej komisji Małgorzaty Wassermann (PiS) dlaczego na tydzień przed przesłuchaniem Marcina P. wydała ona jego pełnomocnikowi akta toczącego się postępowania ws. Amber Gold.
Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego w grudniu 2009 r. złożyła do Prokuratury Rejonowej Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz zawiadomienie podejrzewając, że firma prowadzi działalność bankową, ale nie ma wymaganych zezwoleń. Kijanko jako prokurator referent sprawy w styczniu 2010 r. odmówiła wszczęcia śledztwa, nie dopatrując się w działalności firmy znamion przestępstwa.
Po tym gdy w kwietniu 2010 r. sąd uwzględnił zażalenie KNF, wszczęte zostało dochodzenie, które Kijanko umorzyła w sierpniu 2010 r. Sąd w grudniu uwzględnił kolejne zażalenie KNF. W maju 2011 r. Kijanko zawiesiła postępowanie w związku z przedłużaniem się opracowania opinii biegłego.

© Source: http://www.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1055371,kijanko-amber-gold-komisja.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GazetaPrawna+%28GazetaPrawna.pl%29
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Watchdog Says Chinese Town Is Major Ivory Smuggling Hub


Environmental Investigation Agency says that investigation found a little-known town of Shuidong in Guangdong province, near Hong Kong, is major hub for ivory smuggling by organized criminal gangs
An environmental watchdog group says its investigation has found that a little-known town in southern China is a major hub for ivory smuggling by organized criminal gangs.
The Washington, D. C.-based Environmental Investigation Agency said in a report Tuesday that it uncovered a network of ivory trafficking syndicates operating out of Shuidong in Guangdong province, near Hong Kong.
The group says its investigators worked undercover posing as buyers to win the trust of a smuggling group and tracked one of its shipments from Mozambique.
Syndicate members told the EIA theirs was just one of 10 to 20 ivory trafficking groups operating out of Shuidong, the group said.
They claimed that 80 percent of all poached ivory smuggled from Africa to China passes through the town – a startling figure that’s impossible to corroborate.
China has taken steps to curb the demand for ivory that wildlife groups say fuels the mass slaughter of tens of thousands of elephants in Africa every year. It started shutting down ivory carving factories in March and is planning to ban all domestic retail sales by the end of the year. Hong Kong, a major transshipment hub for illicit wildlife trading, is preparing to ban local ivory sales by 2021.
The EIA said Beijing needs to follow up its policies with enforcement, though its decision to close down its domestic ivory market was “admirable.”
“What EIA discovered in Shuidong, however, clearly shows transnational criminal networks are operating with near-total impunity, ” said Mary Rice, the group’s executive director. “It is vital that enforcement agencies in Africa and China put these criminals out of business immediately.”
The group said it shared its findings with the “relevant enforcement authorities.” Local government officials said they weren’t aware of the report while police in Maoming city, which includes Shuidong, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The EIA investigators encountered the Shuidong syndicate members last year in Mozambique, which has become more popular with Chinese smugglers after neighboring Tanzania cracked down. Shuidong emerged as an ivory trading hub thanks to its role as a center for the sea cucumber trade, the report said. As China grew wealthier over the past few decades, Shuidong traders fanned out to Africa to feed growing demand for the delicacy. They were well placed to move into the illegal ivory trade when demand in China soared starting in the late 1990s.
The EIA’s report said three Shuidong syndicate members revealed details and methods about their operation to smuggle more than two metric tons of ivory from Mozambique’s Pemba port to Shuidong by sea via Busan, South Korea.
They bribed customs officials and shipping agents along every step of the shipment’s journey, it said.
The EIA said the syndicate has now moved on to Nigeria because “yellow ivory” from forest elephants native to West and Central Africa was becoming more profitable than “white ivory” from East Africa’s savannah elephants.

© Source: https://www.voanews.com/a/watchdog-says-chinese-town-is-major-ivory-smuggling-hub/3927565.html
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North Korea claims successful intercontinental ballistic missile test, defying international condemnation


The ICBM, fired at a steep trajectory, landed off of the coast of Japan.
BEIJING – North Korea on Tuesday claimed it had successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, a potential milestone in its campaign to develop a nuclear-tipped weapon capable of hitting the mainland United States.
In a special announcement on state television, North Korea said it launched a Hwasong-14 missile that flew about 579 miles, reaching an altitude of 1,741 miles.
South Korean and Japanese authorities are now looking into whether it was indeed an ICBM; U. S. Pacific Command’s first statement on the test called it an intermediate range missile.
Tuesday’s news will no doubt renew questions about the development of weapons that President Donald Trump, as president-elect, vowed to stop. It also looks set to put North Korea back at the top of the president’s agenda, most immediately at Group of 20 meetings in Germany this week.
As news of the test broke, but before North Korea claimed it was an ICBM, Trump took to Twitter, calling out North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and appearing to once again urge China to do more to pressure him.
“North Korea has just launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?” Trump wrote.
“Hard to believe that South Korea and Japan will put up with this much longer, ” he continued. “Perhaps China will put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all.”
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appeared to share Trump’s frustration, if not his tone. In remarks to the press, he vowed to work closely with the United States and South Korea, but called on China and Russia to do more.
“I’ d like to strongly urge international society’s cooperation on the North Korea issue and urge China’s chairman, Xi Jinping, and Russia’s President Putin to take more constructive measures.”
In a daily press conference, Geng Shuang, a spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry, condemned the test but countered that Beijing had “spared no effort” in its fight.
Analysts are still looking for clues about the missile and parsing what those clues might mean, both in terms of North Korea’s capability and the international community’s response.
The launch was made from a site in North Korea’s Phyongan province and the missile flew more than 500 miles before landing in waters off Japan’s coast, U. S., South Korean and Japanese officials said.
U. S. Pacific Command said the missile was in the air for 37 minutes. As with other recent launches, the missile appears to have been fired at a very steep trajectory in an effort to avoid flying over neighbors like Japan.
Using those number, David Wright, a physicist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, calculated that the missile could have traveled more than 4000 miles if it was fired at a normal-that is, less steep-trajectory. That means this type of missile could potentially fly as far as Alaska, he said.
Melissa Hanham, a North Korea expert at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, called Tuesday’s test a “huge milestone” for North Korea. Still, she stressed, is only a theoretical possibility-for now.
Hanham said North Korea is not known to have tested components necessary for such a hit, but may do so in the future. The point is that they are moving quickly. “Is this particular ICBM going to hit (Washington) D. C.? No. But are they working toward it? Yes, ” she said.
The launch comes after a string of recent moves, including a salvo of missiles last month and three tests in May alone. Kim has now launched more missiles in one year than his father did in 17 years in power.
The North’s ICBM claim adds a new complication to the relationship between the United States and China under Trump.
Since taking office, Trump has made North Korea’s weapons program a priority, focusing his efforts – and tweets – on getting China to pressure North Korea to back down, in part by choking of the regime’s access to resources.
In recent weeks, there have been signs that he is frustrated with China’s progress. On June 21, Trump tweeted that, although he appreciated Beijing’s efforts, “it has not worked out.”
China insists it is doing all it can and seems angry about being singled out.
“The United States itself should take actions, not always depend on China for everything, ” said Zhang Liangui, a retired professor from Communist Party’s Central Party School.
Beijing last week condemned U. S. sanctions that target Chinese business, warning of consequences to U. S.-China ties. They maintain the issue should be handled by the United Nations, not the United States.
It is not yet clear how the latest news will shape this diplomatic impasse. John Delury, an Asia expert at Seoul’s Yonsei University, said there maybe a political imperative for Trump to downplay the significance of the test.
Trump “set an implicit red line, ” Delury said, “and it doesn’ t look good if the North Koreans skipped across the line when he wasn’ t looking, especially after a tweet that played it down.”
Kim, meanwhile, will want to play up the test to bolster his domestic credibility and send a signal to the United States, South Korea and Japan.
Unsurprisingly, in North Korean, the launch was indeed hailed as a historic triumph.
“The success in the test-fire of intercontinental ballistic rocket Hwasong-14 is a powerful manifestation of the invincible state might and the tremendous capability of the self-reliant national defense industry of the DPRK, ” read one North Korean account, according to Chinese state media.
“It is also a great auspicious event to be specially recorded in the history of the DPRK.”
Send questions/comments to the editors.

© Source: http://www.pressherald.com/2017/07/04/north-korea-claims-successful-intercontinental-ballistic-missile-test-defying-international-condemnation/
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E. U. to Unveil Outline of Trade Deal with Japan on Eve of Trump Visit


The European Union said that political agreement on trade terms would be announced on Thursday, the day before Group of 20 leaders gather in Germany.
The European Union and Japan have signaled that they plan to announce a broad agreement on trade on Thursday, a pointed challenge to President Trump, who is scheduled to attend a meeting of world leaders in Germany the next day.
The timing of the announcement — on the eve of the Group of 20 summit meeting in Hamburg — was a clear reaction to the United States’ protectionist stance the last time the G-20 met. In March, during a meeting of cabinet-level officials in Baden-Baden, Germany, Steven Mnuchin, Mr. Trump’s treasury secretary, refused to endorse a statement in favor of free trade.
By forging ahead with their own agreement ahead of the meeting with Mr. Trump and other heads of state, Europe and Japan threatened to isolate the United States in important industries like automobiles.
“Ambitious free and fair trade deal in the making, ” Donald Tusk, the president of the European Union, tweeted late Monday .
The European Union followed up with a statement saying that when Europe and Japan held their own summit meeting in Brussels on Thursday, they would announce that they had reached a political agreement on a deal. That means that the two sides have agreed on the broad outlines of a pact, but have still to work out the details — often the most difficult part of making a trade agreement.
Among other things, the pact would eliminate a 10 percent duty that the European Union imposes on Japanese car imports, while removing obstacles that European carmakers face in Japan. That would be particularly significant for luxury carmakers like Mercedes, BMW and Toyota’s Lexus brand, said Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, a professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany who focuses on the auto industry.
Those vehicles suffer the most from high import duties. “It could be a chance for the high-value, premium vehicles, ” Mr. Dudenhöffer said. American brands like Cadillac or Lincoln “won’ t have the same advantage and will be in a worse position, ” he said.
The trade deal has been under negotiation for years, but talks were effectively put on hold while Japan focused on a separate deal with the United States and other Pacific Rim countries, the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
But Mr. Trump dealt that agreement a possibly fatal blow shortly after taking office this year, when he pulled the United States out of it. At the same time, trade talks between the United States and Europe have stalled.
A pact to be announced on Thursday offered both Japan and the European Union an attractive alternative.
For the European Union, “the political imperative around this agreement is intense, ” according to Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, the director of the European Centre for International Political Economy, a research organization in Brussels.
With Britain preparing to exit the bloc, Mr. Lee-Makiyama said, the European Union’s leaders and the European Commission, its executive arm, were under pressure to show the remaining 27 states that membership still brought benefits, including gains from liberalizing trade.
“With Brexit, a huge chunk of European trade is under uncertainty, ” Mr. Lee-Makiyama said. “The commission is struggling for a win.”
For Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister, the deal also looks like a much-needed win.
Mr. Abe won office five years ago with promises to liberalize Japan’s economy and make the country’s industries more competitive, but critics say his efforts have fallen short. The Trans-Pacific Partnership was meant to be a centerpiece of his economic legacy, but it may now be out of reach.
Allegations of influence-peddling domestically and gaffes by members of Mr. Abe’s cabinet have added to his problems. Voters in Tokyo delivered a stinging rebuke to his party in municipal elections on Sunday.
Though key issues must still be ironed out, the two sides have reached agreement on several contentious issues, including cars and cheese.
European negotiators insisted that Japan lower import duties on a range of agricultural goods, in particular dairy products, an area that Japan has staunchly protected.
In return, the Europeans offered to lower duty on vehicles from Japan, a change that could benefit carmakers like Toyota and Honda, who have so far claimed a smaller market share than in other markets like the United States.
Together, the European Union and Japan would create a trading bloc of a size to rival the North American Free Trade Agreement, now the world’s largest free trade zone.
Still, history shows that political opposition can derail trade pacts even after the parties reach a broad agreement. The Obama administration was unable to conclude a trade deal with the European Union, even though both sides badly wanted to conclude one. The talks stalled largely because of opposition from the food industry and environmental activists.
The proposed deal between the European Union and Japan could founder for the same reasons. Environmental groups have expressed worry that drafts of the pact fall short on a number of issues, including curbing the illegal timber trade and tackling overfishing.
European automakers said Tuesday that they wanted assurances that the pact would truly give them access to Japan, which is notorious for tax policies and other measures that effectively exclude foreign manufacturers.
“Japan should resolve the remaining nontariff measures facing E. U. vehicle exports, ” Erik Jonnaert, secretary general of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association, said in a statement.

© Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/04/business/economy/eu-japan-trade-g20-trump.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
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Fallout from North Korea's ICBM test-fire claim Video


ABC News consultant and former State Department official Steve Ganyard analyzes U. S. options in response to North Korea’s claim to have successfully test-fired its first intercontinental ballistic missile.
James Longman, thank you. Let’s bring in Steve ganyard, a former state department official. Steve, good morning to you. Good morning, Dan. So whether or not this is an icbm, would you say this launch is nonetheless a genuine step toward North Korea having the ability to hit us in the mainland U. S. With a nuclear weapon? I don’t think we should be too worried about what we call it, Dan. This is the first time if the analysis is correct that we’re seeing a north Korean weapon that can hit the United States, not the mainland but Alaska is very much part of the united States and this is a very worrying development. President trump has been trying for months to get China, North Korea’s most important ally, to intervene here. But in a phone call on Sunday, just hours before this test, president trump told the Chinese leader that the U. S. Is now willing to go it alone on north Korea so I guess my question is what exactly does that mean? What are our options? Well, president trump’s really stating the obvious because China has left us on our own. Nobody will solve this except the United States and the problem is with this launch it’s no longer just a regional problem. This is a U. S. Problem because it can now reach the U. S. Territory soil, so right now the only thing the U. S. Has is economic sanctions, it’s the same thing that the past four U. S. Presidents have, the problem is it’s going to involve sanctioning Chinese banks which can going to further exacerbate our very sour relationship with the Chinese and so there’s an interesting knock-on effect. This missile launch will have — will, in fact, ruin or make our relationship with the Chinese much worse. No good options, Steve ganyard, thank you very much for your analysis on this holiday weekend. Paula, over to you.
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© Source: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/fallout-north-koreas-icbm-test-fire-claim-48431062
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Trump Wishes Nation Happy Fourth, Tweets 'Make America Great Again' Song


President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday to wish the nation a happy Independence Day.
President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday to wish the nation a happy Independence Day.
#HappyIndependenceDay #July4 #USA

CDU-Generalsekretär Peter Tauber: "Wenn Sie was Ordentliches gelernt haben, brauchen Sie keine drei Minijobs"


Peter Tauber, Generalsekretär der CDU, zieht mit einem Tweet viel Kritik auf sich. “Blöd formuliert”, sagt er später.
CDU-Generalsekretär Peter Tauber schlägt nach einer Äußerung auf Twitter zu Mini-Jobbern am Montagabend scharfe Kritik entgegen. Grünen-Parteichef Cem Özdemir warf ihm am Dienstag “Arroganz und Realitätsferne” vor. “Damit zeigt sich der wahre Kern des Wahlprogramms: Während die Besserverdienenden geschont oder sogar entlastet werden, tut die Union nichts gegen die Lohnungerechtigkeit bei Erzieherinnen, Altenpflegern oder Friseuren und vielen weiteren Berufen”, sagte er dem Tagesspiegel. “Es darf nicht sein, dass Menschen die Tag für Tag hart arbeiten, von einem Job nicht leben können.”
Hintergrund ist eine Diskussion über das gemeinsame Wahlprogramm von CDU und CSU mit dem Versprechen von “Vollbeschäftigung” bis 2025. “Heißt das jetzt drei Minijobs für mich?” fragte dazu ein Twitter-Nutzer am Montagabend. Tauber antwortete umgehend: “Wenn Sie was Ordentliches gelernt haben, dann brauchen Sie keine drei Minijobs.” Viele Minijobber fühlten sich daraufhin persönlich angegriffen. Auch die politische Konkurrenz griff das Thema rasch auf. “CDU hat sich selbst entlarvt. Neoliberal, verachtend den Menschen gegenüber in prekären Jobs. Wird sich hoffentlich am Wahltag rächen”, schrieb der Linken-Bundestagsabgeordnete Niema Movassat am Dienstag auf Twitter.
Tauber blieb aber im Grundsatz bei seiner Position und legte sogar mit einem weiteren Tweet noch einmal nach: “Fakt ist doch: Nur mit einer guten Ausbildung verdient man genug, damit man nicht drei Mini-Jobs braucht, um über die Runden zu kommen.”. Erneut ließen die Antworten nicht auf sich warten – auch von Internetnutzern, die darauf hinwiesen, dass sie trotz guter Ausbildung aus unterschiedlichen Gründen Probleme hätten, eine reguläre Arbeitsstelle zu finden.
Inzwischen bedauert Tauber seine Bemerkung. Er habe das „so blöd formuliert“, erklärte Tauber am Dienstag schriftlich in Berlin sowie auf Twitter und Facebook. „Wer drei Minijobs braucht, um über die Runden zu kommen, der hat es nicht leicht. Und ich wollte niemandem zu nahe treten, der in so einer Situation ist. Es tut mir leid, dass ich mein eigentliches Argument – wie wichtig eine gute Ausbildung und die richtigen wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen sind, damit man eben nicht auf drei Minijobs angewiesen ist – so blöd formuliert und damit manche verletzt habe.“ Auch Özdemir erkannte Taubers Entschuldigung an, “auch wenn er dafür ganze 12 Stunden gebraucht hat”.
Der nordrhein-westfälische Arbeitsminister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) hat seinen Parteifreund Peter Tauber in der Einschätzung über den Qualifizierungsstand von Minijobbern korrigiert. “Nicht jedem Minijobber fehlt Qualifizierung, es gibt sehr unterschiedliche Gründe dafür, dass Menschen diese Form der Beschäftigung haben”, sagte Laumann dem Tagesspiegel. Laumann betonte, es sei “wichtig, dass wir allen, die keine Qualifizierung haben und fleißig sind, die Möglichkeit bieten, sich weiter zu bilden.” Laumann betonte zudem, Tauber habe sich für seine Äußerung entschuldigt “und damit ist es jetzt auch gut”. (Tsp, AFP)

© Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/cdu-generalsekretaer-peter-tauber-wenn-sie-was-ordentliches-gelernt-haben-brauchen-sie-keine-drei-minijobs/20015392.html
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