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Warszawa: ewakuacja Dworca Centralnego. Częściowo wstrzymano ruch pociągów


W związku z ewakuacją Dworca Centralnego w Warszawie w poniedziałek po południu część pociągów została wstrzymana na trasie, część będzie kierowana przez Warszawę Śródmieście – poinformowała Joanna Kubiak z zespołu prasowego Polskich Linii Kolejowych.
W związku z ewakuacją Dworca Centralnego w Warszawie w poniedziałek po południu część pociągów została wstrzymana na trasie, część będzie kierowana przez Warszawę Śródmieście – poinformowała Joanna Kubiak z zespołu prasowego Polskich Linii Kolejowych.
W związku ze znalezieniem podejrzanego pakunku w poniedziałek po południu ewakuowano podróżnych z dworca.
Na razie nie wiadomo jak długo potrwają utrudnienia, na miejscu jest specjalny robot pirotechniczny.
Jak podała Kubiak, wstrzymane są te pociągi, które powinny zatrzymywać się na peronie 1 i 2 Dworca Centralnego.
Jak zaznaczyła, sytuacja jest „bardzo dynamiczna oraz że „wyłączona jest hala główna i część Galerii”.

© Source: http://www.radiomaryja.pl/informacje/warszawa-ewakuacja-dworca-centralnego-czesciowo-wstrzymano-ruch-pociagow/
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We don't want AI that can understand us – we'd only end up arguing


Forget the Turing test. Computing pioneer Alan Turing’s most pertinent thoughts on machine intelligence come from a neglected paragraph of the same paper that first proposed his famous test for whether a computer could be…
“The original question, ‘Can machines think?’ I believe to be too meaningless to deserve discussion. Nevertheless I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.”
Turing’s 1950 prediction was not that computers would be able to think in the future. He was arguing that, one day, what we mean when we talk about computers thinking would morph in such a way that it would become a pretty uncontroversial thing to say. We can now see that he was right. Our use of the term has indeed loosened to the point that attributing thought to even the most basic of machines has become common parlance.
Today, advances in technology mean that understanding has become the new thought. And again, the question of whether machines can understand is arguably meaningless. With the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, there already exists a solid sense in which robots and artificial assistants such as Microsoft’s Cortana and Apple’s Siri are said to understand us. The interesting questions are just what this sense is and why it matters what we call it.
Defining understanding
Deciding on how to define a concept is not the same as making a discovery. It’s a pragmatic choice (usually) based on empirical observations. We no more discover that machines think or understand than we discover that Pluto isn’t a planet.
In the case of artificial intelligence, people often talk of 20th-century science fiction writers such as Isaac Asimov as having had prophetic visions of the future. But they didn’t so much anticipate the thought and language of contemporary computing technology as directly influence it. Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics have been an inspiration to a whole generation of engineers and designers who talk about machines that learn, understand, make decisions, have emotional intelligence, are empathetic and even doubt themselves.
This vision enchants us into forgetting the other possible ways of thinking about artificial intelligence, gradually eroding the nuance in our definitions. Is this outweighed by what we gain from Asimov’s vocabulary? The answer depends on why we might want understanding between humans and machines in the first place. To handle this question we must, naturally, first turn to bees.
As the philosopher of language Jonathan Bennett writes, we can talk about bees having a “language” they use to “understand” each other’s “reports” of discoveries of food. And there is a sense in which we can speak – without quote marks even – of bees having thought, language, communication, and understanding and other qualities we usually think of as particularly human. But think what a giant mess the whole process would be if they were also able to question each other’s motives, grow jealous, become resentful, and so on like humans.
A similar disaster would occur if our sat-nav devices started bickering with us, like an unhappy couple on holiday, over the best route to our chosen destination. The ability to understand can seriously interfere with performance. A good hoover doesn’t need to understand why I need more powerful suction in order for it to switch to turbo mode when I press the appropriate button. Why should a good robot be any different?
Understanding isn’t (usually) helpful
One of key things that makes artificial personal assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa useful is precisely the fact that our interactions with them could never justify reactive attitudes on either side. This is because they are not the sort of beings that could care or be cared about. (We may occasionally feel anger towards a machine but it is misplaced.)
We need the assistant’s software to have accurate voice-recognition and be as sensitive to the context of our words as possible. But we hardly want it to be capable of understanding – and so also misunderstanding – us in the everyday ways that could produce mutual resentment, blame, gratitude, guilt, indignation, or pride.
Only a masochist would want an artificial PA that could fall out with her, go on strike, or refuse to update its software.
The only exception in which we might conceivably seek such understanding is in the provision of artificial companions for the elderly. As cognitive scientist Maggie Boden warns, it is emotionally dangerous to provide care-bots that cannot actually care but that people could become deeply attached to.
The aim of AI that understands us as well (or as badly) as we understand one another sounds rather grand and important, perhaps the major scientific challenge of the 21st century. But what would be the point of it? We would do better to focus on the other side of the same coin and work towards having a less anthropocentric understanding of AI itself. The better we can comprehend the way AI reasons, the more useful it will be to us.
Explore further: TED: Smart machines to recover lost memories, mind your children

© Source: https://phys.org/news/2017-08-dont-ai.html
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"Знаешь, что твой дед сделал?". В Гданьске пьяные поляки избили украинца


Нападавших ненадолго смог остановить случайный прохожий, применивший против агрессоров слезоточивый газ. Украинец успел спрятаться и закрыться в баре. Мужчины начали бить окна и пытались влезть внутрь через окно.
КИЕВ, 21 авг — РИА Новости Украина. В польском Гданьске трое пьяных мужчин на национальной почве избили 24-летнего украинца, который работал в местном кафе, сообщает ” Эспрессо ТВ ” со ссылкой на Gazeta Wyborcza.
Издание отмечает, что нетрезвая компания зашла в кафе перед закрытием заведения, а 24 летний сотрудник, он же гражданин Украины, сделал соответствующее предупреждение.
“Услышав иностранный язык, мужчина вдруг начал спрашивать нашего коллегу: Откуда ты? “, — рассказывает владелец бара по имени Руслан.
“Когда тот сказал, что из Украины, то мужчина спросил: “А знаешь, что твой дед сделал с моей бабушкой? Затем он дважды толкнул сотрудника и ударил его в лицо. Далее они вышли из помещения, и к избиению присоединились еще двое. Они били втроем одного”, — добавил владелец кафе.
Нападавших ненадолго смог остановить случайный прохожий, применивший против агрессоров слезоточивый газ. Украинец успел спрятаться и закрыться в баре. Мужчины начали бить окна и пытались влезть внутрь через окно.
Впоследствии на место происшествия приехала полиция. Трое злоумышленников в возрасте от 21 до 28 лет, были задержаны. В соответствии с польским законодательством, за избиение на национальной почве задержанным может грозить до 5 лет лишения свободы.
Напомним, ранее в польском городе Жешув на национальной почве избили группу студентов из Украины, которые учатся в местном вузе.

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/incidents/20170821/1026957790.html
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США не будут выдавать белорусам визы в России


США не будут выдавать визы белорусам в РФ, рекомендуют ехать в Киев или в ЕС.
Посольство США в Москве и консульство в Санкт-Петербурге отменяют прием заявлений на получение виз от граждан Республики Беларусь. Об этом сообщается в понедельник на сайте посольства и консульства США в Российской Федерации.
“Собеседования для граждан Республики Беларусь, подавших заявление на неиммиграционную визу США и уже оплативших консульский сбор, будут переназначены. Мы рекомендуем гражданам Республики Беларусь обратиться для прохождения собеседований для получения неиммиграционных виз в посольства США в Варшаве, Киеве или Вильнюсе”, – говорится в сообщении.
Напомним, посольство США в понедельник объявило, что с 23 августа приостанавливает процедуру выдачи неиммиграционных виз по всей РФ в связи с мерами, принятыми Россией по ограничению численности сотрудников дипломатической миссии США в России.
1 сентября 2017 года эта процедура возобновится в Москве. Процедура выдачи неиммиграционных виз в консульствах США в России будет приостановлена на неопределенный срок.
Россия 28 июля потребовала, чтобы США к 1 сентября сократили число работающих в РФ дипломатов и технических сотрудников. Россия также запретила посольству США пользоваться складскими помещениями в Москве и дачей в Серебряном бору.
В МИД РФ связали решение с новым законом о санкциях против России.
30 июля президент РФ Владимир Путин заявил, что Россию должны покинуть 755 работников американских дипмиссий.
В свою очередь президент США Дональд Трамп пообещал ответить на решение РФ о сокращении количества американских дипломатов до 1 сентября.

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/mir/drugie/3565645-ssha-ne-budut-vyidavat-belorusam-vizyi-v-rossii.html
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民進党代表選(9月1日投開票)に立候補した前原誠司元外相(55)と枝野幸男元官房長官(53)は21日午後、 党本部で共同記者会見に臨み、 野党第1党の リーダーの 座を争う論戦が始まった。 蓮舫執行部が進めた共産党との 共闘路線について、 前原氏は見直しを明言。 枝野氏は路
民進党代表選(9月1日投開票)に立候補した 前 原 誠 司 元外相(55)と 枝 野 幸 男 元官房長官(53)は21日午後、党本部で共同記者会見に臨み、野党第1党のリーダーの座を争う論戦が始まった。 蓮 舫 執行部が進めた共産党との共闘路線について、前原氏は見直しを明言。枝野氏は路線継続の意向を示した。 前原氏は「衆院選は政権選択の選挙だ。理念、政策が合わないところと協力するのはおかしい」と強調。共産党などとの党首合意に関しても「是非についても見直したい」と改めて述べた。一方、枝野氏は「わが党の主体性を持ちながら、できることを最大限やる」と語った。 小池百合子東京都知事に近い 若 狭 勝 衆院議員が年内の結成を目指す新党に関しては、枝野氏が「安保法制にも賛成し、アベノミクスにも賛成した方とは立ち位置が違う。自民党の補完勢力の可能性が高い」と語り、連携に否定的な考えを示した。前原氏は「政策・理念がまだ明らかにされていない」と述べ、判断を保留。小池氏の都政運営には一定の評価を与えた。(2017/08/21-16: 24) 関連ニュース
【政治記事一覧へ】 【アクセスランキング】

© Source: https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017082100547&g=pol
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Secret Service: We have funding to protect Trump through September


The current fiscal year ends Sept. 30.
The Secret Service said Monday it has enough money to protect President Trump through September, even as the agency acknowledged it’s running up against its spending limit for agents protecting the president and his family.
“The Secret Service has the funding it needs to meet all current mission requirements for the remainder of the fiscal year and compensate employees for overtime within statutory pay caps, ” agency director Randolph “Tex” Alles said in a statement.
The current fiscal year ends Sept. 30 .
ADVERTISEMENT Alles said around 1,100 employees will hit federally mandated caps on salary and overtime that were supposed to last the entire year and suggested he will ask Congress to pass legislation as it did last year to allow the agency to exceed those pay caps.
“To remedy this ongoing and serious problem, the agency has worked closely with the Department of Homeland Security, the administration and the Congress over the past several months to find a legislative solution, ” Alles said.
The Secret Service issued a statement after the USA Today reported how the agency has struggled to handle a heightened workload protecting Trump since last year’s campaign.
The president frequently travels to his properties in Florida, New Jersey and Virginia, and agents must protect more people than in previous administrations. Trump has 42 protectees, including 18 members of his family. There were 31 protectees under President Obama, something that Alles told the paper had posed a challenge.
Alles acknowledged the cost of protecting Trump is part of the problem.
“This issue is not one that can be attributed to the current administration’s protection requirements alone, but rather has been an ongoing issue for nearly a decade due to an overall increase in operational tempo, ” he said.
Updated 12: 52 p.m.

© Source: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/347355-secret-service-we-have-funding-to-protect-trump-through-september
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Cult’ — Watch The Terrifying Opening Credits For Season 7 – Hollywood Life


The ‘American Horror Story’ season 7 opening credits are here! Watch now!
Every American Horror Story fan always looks forward to the show’s opening credits. That music is just iconic. Every season, the main title sequence is different and goes along with the terrifying theme Ryan Murphy & Co. comes up with. Fans have been anticipating AHS: Cult for months. Cryptic and creepy teasers have been released over the past few weeks, but the videos haven’ t offered much regarding the plot. The season 7 opening credits are the latest tease leading up to the show’s Sept. 5 premiere.
Season 7 is inspired by the 2016 election, and Ryan made sure the opening credits were election-themed. In the credits, there are people putting on Donald Trump, 71, and Hillary Clinton, 69, masks. This title sequence is extremely dark. There’s blood, clowns coming out of coffins, clowns juggling knives, what appears to be like a dead dog, and an American flag dripping with blood. We have a feeling that this is going to be the most twisted season yet.
American Horror Story season 7 will star Billie Lourd, 25, Evan Peters, 30, Sarah Paulson, 42, Colton Haynes, 29, Alison Pill, 31, Emma Roberts, 26, Cheyenne Jackson, 42, Leslie Grossman, 45, and Billy Eichner, 38. A few character posters were unveiled and gave us a glimpse at who our fave stars will be playing. Colton is Detective Samuels, Billie is Winter Anderson, Cheyenne is Dr. Rudy Vincent, Alison Pill is Ivy Mayfair-Richards, and Billy is Harrison Wilton.
Evan and Sarah’s characters, Kai and Ally, will play lovers. Ryan also confirmed on Twitter that season 7 will be Evan’s “heaviest season yet.” He also revealed on Instagram that Evan thinks the role of Kai is his “greatest AHS role to date.” Evan is the only other actor — other than Sarah — who has been in all 7 seasons of AHS. We are so ready to see what Evan has in store for us this season.
HollywoodLifers, what do you think of the AHS: Cult opening credits? Let us know!

© Source: http://hollywoodlife.com/2017/08/21/american-horror-story-season-7-opening-credits-ahs-cult-video/
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Наїзд на пішоходів в Марселі: поліція повідомила деталі


Французька поліція не вважає терористичним актом наїзд автомобіля на зупинку громадського транспорту в Марселі. Про це повідомляє “Українська…
Французька поліція не вважає терористичним актом наїзд автомобіля на зупинку громадського транспорту в Марселі. Про це повідомляє ” Українська правда ” з посиланням на Le Figaro.
Прокурор Марселя заявив, що немає ніяких доказів, щоб розглядати цей інцидент як терористичний акт.
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ Різаннина в Фінляндії: поліція назвала им’я терориста
За його словами, правоохоронці розглядають версію, що водій мав проблеми з психікою.
Поліція затримала 35-річного француза, який перебував за кермом білого мікроавтобуса, по черзі врізався в дві зупинки. Ніякої інформації про нього не розголошують крім того, що він жив не в Марселі.
Нагадаємо, сьогодні вдень в Марселі автомобіль врізався в дві зупинки громадського транспорту, в результаті чого загинула жінка і ще одна жінка отримала травми .

© Source: http://ukr.segodnya.ua/world/europe/naezd-na-peshehodov-v-marsele-policiya-soobshchila-detali-1049059.html
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Teen pleads guilty to lesser charge in Slender Man attack


Teen pleads guilty to lesser charge in Slender Man attack
One of two Wisconsin girls charged with repeatedly stabbing a classmate to impress the fictitious horror character Slender Man pleaded guilty Monday, but she still faces a trial in the case next month focused on her mental health.
Anissa Weier, 15, pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree homicide as a party to a crime, with use of a deadly weapon. She initially faced a charge of attempted first-degree intentional homicide in the 2014 attack on Payton Leutner in Waukesha, a city west of Milwaukee.
The plea means her trial next month will look only at whether she is legally responsible for the crime or not guilty because of mental illness. She could face 10 years in prison if she’s found guilty. If not, she’ll spend three years in a mental hospital.
Prosecutors allege she and her co-defendant, Morgan Geyser, stabbed their classmate 19 times in a Waukesha park following a sleepover, then left her and planned to walk hundreds of miles north to meet Slender Man in a forest. Leutner was able to crawl out of the woods in the park to a path where she was found by a bicyclist.
Both suspects were 12 at the time of the attack.
Geyser also was due in court Monday for a status hearing. She has pleaded not guilty by reason of mental disease to attempted homicide charges in adult court. Weier also entered the same plea initially.
Geyser’s attorney, Anthony Cotton, said Monday that he and his client plan to proceed to trial. He declined comment on Weier’s plea, saying it would be inappropriate to do so.
Cotton said he and his team have been holding mock trials weekly.
“We have continued to gather crucial information from the focus groups we’ve been convening repeatedly, ” he said, adding that they “are confident in our approach.”

© Source: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/teen-pleads-guilty-lesser-charge-slender-man-attack-49336080
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Acer Nitro 5 Spin boards the eighth-gen Core train


Intel just announced a quartet of new four-core, eight-thread 15 W mobile processors this morning, and the ensuing wave of…
Intel just announced a quartet of new four-core, eight-thread 15 W mobile processors this morning, and the ensuing wave of announcements of laptops with the fresh chips is already beginning. Acer is apparently first to embrace the eighth-generation chips. The Nitro 5 Spin convertible laptop should pack a pretty decent punch with its combo of an eighth-gen Core i7 CPU, a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 graphics card, and a PCIe SSD with up to 512 GB of capacity.
The Acer Nitro 5 Spin faces the world with a 15.6″ IPS touchscreen display with a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels. The choice of resolution should allow the GeForce GTX 1050 to provide a decent gaming experience in most titles. The shiny screen is connected to the all-aluminum chassis with a 180° hinge that allows the Spin to work as a laptop or as an impromptu tablet. The keyboard has red backlighting and color-keyed WASD keys in a nod to late-night gaming sessions.
Acer built some other goodies into the machine, including 802.11ac Wi-Fi with MU-MIMO support, front-facing speakers with a subwoofer in tandem, and a Windows Hello-compatible fingerprint reader. Acer didn’t talk up peripheral connectivity, but we spied an SD card reader, a couple of USB 3.0 ports, a USB Type-C connector, and an HDMI port. The manufacturer says the battery should allow up to 10 hours of use between charges, though we imagine the figure isn’t that high when gaming.
Acer was coy about a number of details, including the amounts of system and video memory inside the machine. The company said that pricing for the Nitro 5 Spin will start at $999 when it goes on sale in October.

© Source: http://techreport.com/news/32428/acer-nitro-5-spin-boards-the-eighth-gen-core-train
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