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"Дайте повноваження силовим органам" – Аваков просить дозволу розігнати блокаду силою


Міністр МВС Арсен Аваков попросив депутатів дати йому надзвичайні повноваження для розгону блокади. Про це у Facebook написав журналіст видання “Український тиждень” Денис Казанський. “Я звертаюсь до народних депутатів: шановні колеги, відсиджування вже треба закінчувати, давайте…
Міністр МВС Арсен Аваков попросив депутатів дати йому надзвичайні повноваження для розгону блокади.
Про це у Facebook написав журналіст видання “Український тиждень” Денис Казанський.
“Я звертаюсь до народних депутатів: шановні колеги, відсиджування вже треба закінчувати, давайте приймемо закон, що кожен громадянин України має право перегороджувати залізничне полотно. Ви не хочете такого закону? Такого закону немає і не буде. Тоді давайте дотримуватися тих законів, які є. Давайте дамо ті повноваження силовим органам, щоб відновити тут ситуацію”, – заявив Аваков.
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: “Будемо відповідати силою на силу” – блокадники готові до відсічі
Казанський від себе додав, що таку рішучість міністр мав проявити на початку 2014 року й затримувати донецьких наркоманів з бітами. Тоді не було б ніякої потреби блокувати торгівлю з ДНР та ЛНР, бо самопроголошених республік просто не було б.

Similarity rank: 4.3

© Source: http://gazeta.ua/articles/donbas/_dajte-povnovazhennya-silovim-organam-avakov-prosit-dozvolu-rozignati-blokadu-siloyu/755964
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Apple's next iPhone to ditch Lightning for USB-C, report says


The next iPhone could have a screen similar to the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge — and could ditch the Lightning cable, according to a new report.
Apple’s iPhone 7 committed to Lightning over the traditional headphone jack.
Apple’s iPhone could celebrate its 10th birthday with a curved screen and USB-C connection.
According to the Wall Street Journal , at least one model in Apple ‘s next update to the iPhone range could have a curved OLED screen, similar to the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge .
More intriguingly, the Journal quotes anonymous sources claiming the new iPhone would ditch Apple’s proprietary Lightning connection for USB-C. USB cables for syncing and charging are standard across the mobile industry, but Apple has always stuck with its own charging connection. Shifting to USB-C would be a huge move for Apple.
The report also suggested an end to the home button, which would free space for a slimmer bezel — but it’s not clear where Apple would put the fingerprint scanner.
Apple has yet to respond to a request for comment.

Similarity rank: 2.2

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/apples-next-iphone-to-ditch-lightning-for-usb-c-report-says/
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UPDATE 1-Cloud-based software maker Salesforce's revenue, profit beats


Feb 28- Salesforce.com Inc reported a better-than-expected profit and revenue helped by strong demand for its cloud-based sales and marketing software services. The company’s net loss widened to $51.4 million, or 7 cents per share, in the fourth quarter…
(Adds shares, details, background)
Feb 28 (Reuters) – Salesforce.com Inc reported a better-than-expected profit and revenue helped by strong demand for its cloud-based sales and marketing software services.
Shares of the company were marginally down in extended trading on Tuesday.
The company has been focusing on acquisitions and partnerships to bolster its services and gain market share amid stiff competition from Microsoft Corp and Oracle Corp .
Salesforce is working on broadening its services portfolio to keep its existing users. As part of its efforts the company launched its artificial intelligence platform Einstein in October.
The company’s net loss widened to $51.4 million, or 7 cents per share, in the fourth quarter ended Jan. 31, from a loss of $25.5 million, or 4 cents per share, a year earlier.
Excluding items, the company earned 28 cents per share. Revenue rose 26.8 percent to $2.29 billion.
Analysts on an average had expected a profit of 25 cents on revenue of $2.28 billion.
Up to Tuesday’s close, the company’s stock had risen nearly 20 percent in the past 12 months.
(Reporting by Rishika Sadam in Bengaluru; Editing by Shounak Dasgupta)

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/28/reuters-america-update-1-cloud-based-software-maker-salesforces-revenue-profit-beats.html
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China’s 'ban' on North Korean coal isn't the tough stance it seems


OPINION | China is not a partner of the U. S. to counter the North Korea. Until it is, we must treat it accordingly.
China announced on Feb. 18 that it would stop all coal imports from North Korea. Analysts greeted the news with optimism, suggesting it improves prospects for a U. S.-North Korea nuclear deal or was an attempt by Beijing to curry favor with the Trump administration.
China, however, should not be applauded for doing what it has already promised the international community, and ultimately must do more to address the threat of North Korea’s nuclear program and missiles.
The cap restricted Pyongyang from exporting coal amounting to more than one million metric tons or worth $53.5 million for that month — whichever was lower. For its part, Beijing imported more than double the allowed amount and more than triple the value.
In November 2016 the U. N. also imposed a cap on North Korea’s coal exports for 2017 at 7.5 million tons or $400 million, whichever is lower. In February 2017 China reported to the U. N. that it had imported just over 19 percent of the allowable 2017 imports in January alone. China’s foreign ministry also stated this week that imports were approaching the value limit for 2017. Beijing far exceeded the December 2016 numbers, and the 2017 numbers will likely exceed the cap as well.
China’s accelerated imports of North Korean coal are suspicious, and Washington should question its motives.
Ultimately, Beijing’s moves must be viewed in the context of its aggressive policy toward South Korea, as it consistently forces Seoul to choose between defending itself against the threat from the north and access to the Chinese market.
During Defense Secretary James Mattis’ trip to Seoul this month, South Korea committed to the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system to counter North Korea’s missile program (China does not want the U. S. using the radar to provide early warning for Chinese missile strikes).
South Korea’s Lotte Group — a large retail firm — is involved in the THAAD deployment through the government’s plan to station the system on the firm’s land. China’s state media on Monday threatened Lotte with severe consequences if it follows through on the plans.
Beijing has also halted the construction of a real estate project tied to the company and subjected its 120 retail stores to unnecessary fire inspections or tax investigations. South Korea’s Korea Institute for National Unification tallied 43 Chinese actions since July 2016 to pressure Seoul into canceling the THAAD deployment. Since December 2016, Beijing has also limited charter flights from the country.
Moreover, North Korea violates U. N. and U. S. sanctions with the direct assistance of Chinese nationals, likely with Beijing’s approval.
For example, the Justice Department found that from August 2009 to September 2015 Chinese nationals had used 22 front companies to open Chinese bank accounts to conduct dollar transactions through the U. S. financial system when completing sales to Pyongyang. Beijing arrested 10 people and froze the assets of those involved, but not a single Chinese bank was penalized for this illicit North Korean activity.
If China wants to increase pressure on North Korea beyond the coal ban, it should do three things.
First, announce an investigation into Chinese banks assisting North Korea’s financial activities in violation of U. N. and U. S. sanctions. As the Treasury Department has noted , North Korea’s access to American banking is “a threat to the integrity of the U. S. financial system” itself.
If Beijing claims to be a partner in Washington’s efforts to confront North Korea, it can prove it through cooperation between U. S. and Chinese financial experts.
Second, Beijing should extradite its four nationals accused of violating multiple U. S. sanctions for the benefit of North Korea, thereby demonstrating it will not shield its nationals who circumvent U. S. or U. N. sanctions.
Third, China — and the U. S. — should support U. N. sanctions against front companies and individuals that North Korea uses overseas to further its proliferation and illicit activities and human rights abuses.
If China is unwilling to take these steps, the United States should enact robust measures against Beijing. It should start with substantial fines against, or the designation of, Chinese banks assisting North Korea. Washington should also call Beijing’s bluff and force it to veto new U. N. designations of North Korean front companies and individuals.
China is not a partner in U. S. efforts to counter the North Korean nuclear and missile threat, and until it is, we must treat it accordingly. A porous ban on coal imports does little to change that.
Anthony Ruggiero is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and formerly a foreign policy fellow for Senator Marco Rubio Marco Rubio Trump pitches 37 percent cut to State Department budget GOP senator: Trump budget ‘dead on arrival’ China’s ‘ban’ on North Korean coal isn’t the tough stance it seems MORE and an official at the Departments of the Treasury and State. Follow him on Twitter @_ARuggiero.
The views of contributors are their own and not the views of The Hill.

Similarity rank: 5

© Source: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/foreign-policy/321552-dont-be-fooled-chinas-ban-on-north-korean-coal-isnt-the
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「べっぴんさん」撮影終了 芳根さん「ぶっ飛んだ1年」


NHKの 連続テレビ小説「べっぴんさん」 の 最後の 収録が28日、 NHK大阪放送局(大阪市中央区)であった。 ヒロイン坂東すみれを演じた芳根(よしね)京子さんはこの 日が20歳の 誕生日。 9カ月にわたる撮影を振…
NHKの連続テレビ小説「べっぴんさん」の最後の収録が28日、NHK大阪放送局(大阪市中央区)であった。ヒロイン坂東すみれを演じた芳根(よしね)京子さんはこの日が20歳の誕生日。9カ月にわたる撮影を振り返り、「10代最後の1年間を、そして20代最初の日を『べっぴんさん』で過ごせて、うれしく幸せに思います」と語った。 収録後、駆けつけたキャストから次々に花束を受け取った芳根さんは「10代から50代まで演じるという、ぶっ飛んだ1年を乗り越えられたのはみんなのおかげ。明日からまた前を向きたい」とあいさつした。 27日までの平均視聴率は関東、関西地区ともに20・5%と好調だ。最終回は4月1日放送。(尾崎千裕)

Similarity rank: 3.2
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© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK2X4W2ZK2XPTFC00R.html?iref=com_alist_8_04
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築地市場 土地の履歴調査で土壌汚染のおそれ


開場から80年余りがたち、 老朽化が進む東京・ 築地市場で、 都が、 過去の 土地の 履歴を調べたところ、 戦後、 アメリカ軍の 施設があったことなどから、 「…
開場から80年余りがたち、老朽化が進む東京・築地市場で、都が、過去の土地の履歴を調べたところ、戦後、アメリカ軍の施設があったことなどから、「土壌汚染のおそれがある」と判断していたことがわかりました。都は今後、土壌調査を行う方針で、仮に汚染が確認されれば、小池知事の市場の移転の判断に影響を与える可能性があります。 都によりますと、築地市場が豊洲へ移転した場合、跡地に環状2号線を通すことが予定されていることから、都の建設局が条例に基づいて、過去に土地がどのように使われてきたか履歴を調べました。 その結果、戦後、アメリカ軍のドライクリーニング工場の洗剤用のタンクがあり、有機系の薬品を使ったと見られることに加え、今も市場の敷地内に「ターレ」と呼ばれる小型の運搬車を修理するための整備工場があり、塗装やバッテリー交換などを行っていることから、「土壌汚染のおそれがある」と判断していたことがわかりました。 一方、築地市場でこれまでに行われた駐車場の増設工事など8件の工事でも土壌汚染がないかなどを確認する必要がありましたが、都の市場を担当する部署が行っていなかったことがわかりました。 このため、都は今後、すでに行った8件の工事について、敷地の一部の土壌を採取して調査する方針で、仮に汚染が確認されれば、小池知事の市場の移転の判断に影響を与える可能性があります。

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -2.8
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© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170228/k10010893931000.html
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サッカーACL:浦和が快勝、大量5点 鹿島は敗れる


1次リーグ第2戦 サッカーの アジア王者を決めるアジア・ チャンピオンズリーグ(ACL)は28日、 各地で1次リーグ第2戦が行われ、 F組の 浦和はホームの 埼玉スタジアムでFCソウル(韓国)に5-2で快勝した。 前半9分に武藤がヘディングで先制点を挙げると、 李や関根も立て続けに得点。 前半だけで5点を奪い、 初戦に続く大量点で2連勝。
浦和・ペトロビッチ監督 タイトな日程の中、厳しい試合を予想していたが、選手は立ち上がりから素晴らしいプレー、強い気持ちを見せてくれた。
FCソウル・黄善洪監督 相手の攻撃パターンに対応できなかった。失点で慌てた場面もあったし、浦和に流れを渡して難しい試合になった。

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://mainichi.jp/articles/20170301/k00/00m/050/150000c
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North Korea executed 5 security officials, South Korea says


The officials were executed by anti-aircraft guns, according to lawmakers briefed by South Korea’s intelligence service.
The deputy minister-level officials had worked under the recently fired state security chief Kim Won Hong, and are believed to have been executed for making false reports to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, according to two parliamentarians who had been briefed by South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS).
“Kim Won Hong, the state security chief, is in a house arrest situation after an investigation and more than five deputy minister-level officials who worked under him have been executed by anti-aircraft guns,” South Korean lawmaker Kim Byung-kee said.
“Additional executions of working-level officials could happen as the investigation carries on further. ”
The State Security Ministry of North Korea is effectively its intelligence service, and also runs its prison camps and conducts domestic surveillance of party workers and other citizens.
‘False reports’
“The ministry controls and monitors the public and party officials. It was detected that false reports were made for Kim Jong Un,” Lee Cheol-woo, another lawmaker who was present, added.
“Kim Jong Un was furious by this finding and put Kim Won Hong in a house arrest and ordered execution of his five people. ”
He said the dictator also ordered the removal of a statue of his father and predecessor, Kim Jong Il, from the Ministry’s grounds as punishment.
“Kim Jong Un ordered the statue of Kim Jong Il to be removed from the National Defense Ministry because they don’t deserve to have the statue. ”
Although Pyongyang officially denies the prison camps exist, according to a US Treasury statement, Kim Won Hong directed and managed activities including “beatings, forced starvation, sexual assault, forced abortions, and infanticide” that took place in the system of prison camps.
The Ministry for State Security reports directly to Kim.
Removed from office
In January, Kim fired Kim Won Hong , one of his top lieutenants, according to South Korea’s Unification Ministry.
As Minister of State Security, Kim Won Hong oversaw the North Korean agency responsible for running the country’s notorious prison camps, rooting out spies in North Korea and conducting counterespionage operations abroad.
Unification Ministry spokesman Jeong Joon-hee said Kim Won Hong was punished for “human rights abuses committed during interrogations at the State Security Department” among other things.
Report: Hundreds executed
A report released at the end of 2016 claims Kim has ordered 340 people to be executed since he came to power in 2011.
The Institute for National Security Strategy, a South Korean think tank’s report, “The misgoverning of Kim Jong Un’s five years in power,” details how the North Korean leader uses executions to tighten his hold on power.
Of those killed, about 140 were senior officers in the country’s government, military and ruling Korean Worker’s Party.
The gruesome method of execution has also been used by the regime before — in May 2015, Kim had his Defense Minister Hyon Yong Chol killed with an anti-aircraft gun at a military school in Pyongyang, in front of an audience.
“(It) would have torn his body apart,” RAND Corporation senior defense analyst Bruce Bennett told CNN at the time. “And of course Kim made sure the Defense Minister’s family was there to see the execution. ”
Kim Jong Un — madman or mastermind?

Similarity rank: 7

© Source: http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_world/~3/cu-puBEPGS4/index.html
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Kriminalität: Zwei Polizisten von Mordverdächtigem überfahren und getötet


Müllrose (dpa) – Auf der Flucht vor der Polizei hat ein 24-Jähriger Mann im Landkreis Oder-Spree am Dienstag zwei Polizisten überfahren und getötet. Der Mann
Müllrose (dpa) – Auf der Flucht vor der Polizei hat ein 24-Jähriger Mann im Landkreis Oder-Spree am Dienstag zwei Polizisten überfahren und getötet. Der Mann sei verdächtig, in Müllrose zuvor seine 79-jährige Großmutter umgebracht zu haben, berichtete Polizeisprecher Ingo Heese.
Nach dem Fund der Leiche am Vormittag sei der 24-Jährige schnell in Verdacht geraten. Der Mann sei mit seinem Auto geflohen und habe an einer Kontrollstelle in Oegeln die beiden Beamten überfahren. Beide Polizisten seien noch an dem Tatort ihren schweren Verletzungen erlegen , sagte Heese.
Der 24-Jährige wurde kurz darauf gefasst. Zu den Hintergründen der Tat gebe es noch keine Erkenntnisse, sagte Polizeisprecherin Bärbel Cotte-Weiß. Der Mann sei zunächst in ärztlicher Behandlung.
Die Polizei sei am Vormittag alarmiert worden, weil die 79-Jährige tot in ihrer Wohnung gefunden worden war, berichtete Heese. “Die ersten Erkenntnisse deuteten klar auf ein Tötungsdelikt hin. ” Daraufhin sei der 24-Jährige Enkel auf Grund von Hinweisen in Verdacht geraten. Sofort wurde eine Großfahndung auch mit Hubschraubern ausgelöst.
Eine Streife habe auf der Bundesstraße 87 in Oegeln bei Beeskow versucht, den flüchtigen Enkel mit einem ausgelegten Nagelbrett zu stoppen, berichtete Cotte-Weiß. Doch der Mann sei dem Hindernis ausgewichen und habe dabei die beiden Beamten überrollt. Sie starben noch an der Unfallstelle an ihren schweren Verletzungen.
Brandenburgs Innenminister Karl-Heinz Schröter kündigte für den Nachmittag (17.00 Uhr) eine Pressekonferenz zu dem Vorfall in Potsdam an.

Similarity rank: 8.9

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/panorama/id_80494466/kriminalitaet-zwei-polizisten-von-mordverdaechtigem-ueberfahren-und-getoetet.html
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Під час нападу на учасників блокади на Донбасі травмувався чоловік — В. Аброськін


КИЇВ. 28 лютого. УНН. Під час нападу на учасників блокади на Донбасі один чоловік отримав осколочний перелом ноги. Про це в ексклюзивному коментарі УНН …
“На теперішній час у нас є уточнені дані, що одна особа, чоловік 1971 року народження, у нього осколочний перелом лівої ноги”, — сказав В. Аброськін.
Він також спростував інформацію про те, що один із блокувальників отримав ножове поранення.
“На теперішній час затримано 37 осіб. На місці працює слідчо-оперативна група Торецького відділення поліції”, — сказав В. Аброськін.
За його словами, наразі слідчі встановлюють особи затриманих.

Similarity rank: 4.3

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/exclusive/1647789-pid-chas-napadu-na-uchasnikiv-blokadi-na-donbasi-travmuvavsya-cholovik-v-abroskin
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