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(数字は%。 小数点以下は四捨五入。 質問文と回答は一部省略。 丸カッコ内の 数字は、 2月18、 19日の 全国定例調査の 結果)◆福島県の 内堀雅雄知事を支持しますか。 支持しませんか。 支持する73 支持しない8◆…

〈調査方法〉 2月25、26の両日、コンピューターで無作為に作成した固定電話番号に調査員が電話をかけるRDD方式で、福島県内の有権者を対象に調査した(避難指示区域など一部地域を除く)。有権者がいる世帯と判明した番号は1739件、有効回答は934人。回答率は54%。

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2日午後11時53分ごろ、 日向灘を震源とする地震があり、 熊本県高森町、 大分県佐伯市、 宮崎県延岡市などで震度4の 揺れを観測した。 気象庁によると、 震源の 深さは約30キロ。 地震の 規模(マグニチュード)は5.2と推定される。 主な各地の 震度は次の 通り。 震度4=熊本県

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017030300008&g=keq&m=rss
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正男氏殺害、全容解明遠のく 北朝鮮籍容疑者は不起訴へ


北朝鮮の 金正恩(キムジョンウン)・ 朝鮮労働党委員長の 異母兄、 金正男(キムジョンナム)氏が殺害された事件で、 マレーシアの 司法当局は2日、 北朝鮮国籍の リ・ ジョンチョル容疑者(46)を不起訴処分とする方針…

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK32633WK32UHBI025.html?ref=rss
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中国、韓国への団体旅行禁止 THAAD計画に報復か


中国の 国家旅遊局が2日、 北京市内の 旅行会社に3月15日以降の 韓国への 団体旅行を中止するよう口頭で指示を出していたことが旅行業界関係者の 話で分かった。 中国は、 韓国が配備を計画している米軍の 高高度迎撃ミ…

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK3304H7K32UHBI02W.html?ref=rss
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Задержание Насирова. Прямая трансляция


Детективы Национального антикоррупционного бюро и прокурор Специализированной прокуратуры прибыли в киевскую клинику…
Первым о задержании Насирова сообщил народный депутат от Блока Петра Порошенко Сергей Лещенко.
В НАБУ подтвердили, что Насиров задержан в “Феофании” во время проведения обыска в рамках расследования дела беглого нардепа из группы “Воля народа” Александра Онищенко.

Similarity rank: 15

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/politics/zaderzhanie-nasirova-pryamaya-translyaciya-176595.html
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Huawei's Mate 9 receives update bringing Google Voice fix and App Drawer optimization


If you own a Huawei Mate 9 in the US, chances are you should be receiving an update soon. The new update will contain a fix for Google Voice and will bring an optimization to the App Drawer.
The US variant of the Huawei Mate 9 has received a small update which adds a couple new features, while fixing a couple of small items.
The Mate 9 will receive a 553MB update that will see the version go from MHA-L29C567B138 to MHA-L29C567B167. According to the notes, it will optimize the App Drawer on the home screen, while also attending to some issues folks were having when using certain carrier SIM cards with Google Voice. Huawei has also added the ability to send and receive group messages without the need for an MSISDN and will now display contact names when in group messages.
If you’re preparing your handset, make sure that your device is charged and has at least 20% of battery charge. While you will be able to download the update with less, you will not be able to install it if your device is under 20%. The update should be rolling out to all handsets over the next few days. Naturally, this is an over-the-air, which means that the roll out time could vary.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/rH2Amga9ow8/huaweis-mate-9-receives-update-bringing-google-voice-fix-and-app-drawer-optimization
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НАБУ проводить затримання голови фіскальної служби


Романа Насірова затримали в рамках розслідування газової справи.
У Національному антикорупційному бюро України підтвердили затримання голови Державної фіскальної служби Романа Насірова в лікарні “Феофанія” в рамках розслідування “газової справи”, передає Інтерфакс-Україна.
“Так, це правда. Його (Насірова – ред.) затримали в рамках розслідування “газової справи”, – повідомили агентство в прес-службі бюро.
Також джерела, близькі до НАБУ, повідомили, що обшуки, які проводили 2 березня в ДФС бюро і Спеціалізована антикорупційна прокуратура, пов’язані з розслідуванням справи про реструктуризацію рентних платежів за видобуток газу компаній, пов’язаних з народним депутатом Олександром Онищенком.

Similarity rank: 6

© Source: http://ua.korrespondent.net/ukraine/3822160-nabu-provodyt-zatrymannia-holovy-fiskalnoi-sluzhby
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Review: GPD WIN – A Windows 10 handheld with roots from portable gaming


If you’re looking for a small portable gaming device, you might want to consider the GPD WIN. The handheld offers a full keyboard, gaming controls, and is powered by Windows 10.
Making things portable usually means there is some form of compromise. But having a portable device also means expanding the ways you use technology. Although laptops and tablets have existed for over a decade now, there is still space for something that walks the fine line of offering the best from both components in a nice little package. That’s where the GPD WIN comes into play as it’s a small clamshell device that has the full power of Windows 10 with a touchscreen display and physical inputs like a keyboard and game controller. So where does the WIN land in the gamut of devices available today?
The GPD WIN has a fairly unique design when compared to other Windows 10 devices that I have reviewed to date. The exterior is made from plastic and offers a nice sheen but isn’t fully glossy. When closed, the majority of the attention will focus on the rear of the device since it houses the ports – USB Type-C, mini HDMI, microSD, USB 3.0, 3.5mm headphone jack, and four trigger buttons (two on each side). Beyond that, there are slits for ventilation on the front, speaker grills on the right and left sides, and a switch to control fan speed on the bottom.
The real interesting part happens when you open up the device to reveal its 5.5-inch 720p touchscreen display, gaming controls, and QWERTY keyboard. There is also a toggle switch to customize the way the thumbsticks function. While it might not be the most flamboyant device, everything seems fairly well designed and laid out. This is expected since GPD has been producing Android devices in a similar style for quite some time. All in all, this is a very comfortable device to hold for hours on end and can still be stowed in a small bag or maybe in a larger pant or coat pocket.
Although the WIN offers a full keyboard, the unit is clearly a gaming device first, and everything else second. So, let me start by saying that the gaming controls feel comfortable. They are all positioned fairly well with exception to the secondary set of triggers, which in my opinion would have worked better stacked. But, that’s a compromise I think is necessary in order to keep the device compact.
As for the thumbsticks and buttons, they have good movement and travel. One thing that I did not like about the thumbsticks is that they are covered with a silicone material that provides good grip but also tends to attract lint and other particles. There is also the concern with durability, as the applied coat feels a little thin. Those that have a heavy reliance on the D-pad will be sorely disappointed with the WIN’s offering as it is not very good. While on first impressions it feels okay, there is a lack of tactile feedback when it comes to the diagonal corners. While it is tough to describe, it feels a bit mushy which can make certain commands tough to execute – think “ Shoryuken ” and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.
If unfamiliar with the above term, as an example, when moving from down to down diagonal right to right, there is usually a distinct feeling in that diagonal right portion that distinguishes it from the other directions. However, on the WIN, this subtle yet crucial feeling is missing. If anything it feels as though the D-pad has positions for the diagonal directions, but doesn’t have the ability to pivot out of that direction smoothly. Again, the command still registers, you just don’t get the feedback necessary to understand that it is actually being accepted.
Now to the keyboard – where to start. The keyboard is decent and transports me back to a time when Pocket PCs were popular and plentiful. Yes, I’m talking about Windows Mobile handsets with physical keyboards like the HTC TyTN or similar variant. It isn’t the most comfortable to use, but it gets the job done when in a pinch. In all honestly, I tried using it to type out full-length articles and it can be done, and although it is accurate once you get the hang of it, it feels inefficient compared to using a touchscreen, maybe because the keyboard is a tad bit too wide.
As for sound, the speakers can get pretty loud, but they never sound full. Also, the positioning of the speakers near the palms is a bit hit and miss. While I didn’t experience any issues with covering them while playing, it can become an issue depending on how you hold the device.
Like many smaller Windows 10 devices, the WIN is powered by a mobile processor in the form of the Intel Atom X7 Z8700. It also packs 4GB RAM and has 64GB of storage space which can be upgraded using microSD cards. If you play a lot of games, you’ll definitely be needing this.
So how does the Intel Atom perform? It can actually handle quite a bit. With normal day-to-day use like word processing or web surfing, everything runs smooth without issue. But, if you really want to start testing the processor, it only takes some intense modern games to bring it to its knees. You probably won’t be playing the latest and greatest, but if you are a casual gamer or someone that likes older titles, the GPD WIN is probably going to work well for you.
As an example, playing classic titles like Castle Crashers I was able to maintain a relatively high frame rate of around 50-60fps. While diving into slightly more intense titles like Jet Set Radio and Team Fortress 2 saw my frame rate flutter at around 30fps. Stepping it up with titles like Batman: Arkham City , I was seeing average frame rates of about 15fps. While this isn’t completely terrible, in some of the more intense areas, it feels like you are fighting in slow motion. Per usual, benchmark numbers have been posted above with 3DMark on the top and PC Mark 8 on the bottom.
If you’re adamant about playing newer titles, you can always tweak the resolution and also head to the GPD Reddit where there are a ton of tips on how to maximize your unit. If you opt not to go through the grueling task of flashing firmwares, you’ll be left with a unit that can play less intense titles and can also do a fair share of emulation. Another option for those that are adamant about proper gaming, you can choose to utilize streaming services that will offload a lot of the processing to an in-home computer or cloud service. I did not try this solution, but I have heard from others that the WIN can handle these types of services and it is a very effective method of getting around the handheld’s limitations.
As for battery life, the 6,700mAh battery will last about six hours on a single charge, doing basic things like surfing the web or watching YouTube. But, once you start gaming, it will last about half that, as I was able to achieve around 3 hours. While this is pretty decent for a handheld, the charging times is what really kills the experience as it takes about 3 hours and 30 minutes to fully charge the unit. Luckily, it uses USB Type-C, so you can charge it on the go using a power bank or a standard USB charger. Naturally, the rate of charge will vary depending on your charger, but to get the best results you’ll probably want to stick with the one that is included in the box or something similar.
The GPD WIN is a good little device to be used on the go. It can handle a wide variety of tasks, but it is clearly geared towards someone that wants a versatile portable gaming device. While the controls aren’t perfect, they work well in most applications, if the software supports it. Currently, there are a few portable gaming machines on the market, but the WIN is probably the most flexible and will be the best option when it comes to versatility due to its ability to run Windows 10 and apps for the platform. With that said, the device isn’t the cheapest portable on the market and if you’re a gamer, $350 can buy you a lot of machine. It really comes down to whether this device will do all the things you need it to and if a portable Windows 10 device is what you need.
I’d like to extend a big ‘Thank You’ to the folks at GearBest who supplied the GPD WIN for this review. If you are interested in purchasing this device, you can pick it up from their website. You can check out more at GPD’s official product page.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/zX_fDYY4ws0/review-gpd-win—a-windows-10-handheld-with-roots-from-portable-gaming
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Причиною трагедії з гірниками на Львівщині стала пожежа


Причиною трагедії на шахті на Львівщині стала пожежа, а не вибух.
Голова Львівської державної адміністрації Олег Синютка повідомив, що причиною обвалу шахти була пожежа, а не вибух, як повідомлялось раніше. Був спалах метану. Гірники пробивали нову лаву, щоб видобувати вугілля. Про це інформує Еспресо. TV.
В результаті трагедії 8 людей загинуло, 14 знаходяться в лікарні, двоє в тяжкому стані.
Зараз на місці трагедії працюють рятувальники, очікують прибуття прем’єр-міністра Володимира Гройсмана.
Нагадаємо, сьогодні у Львівській області на шахті №10 ”Степова” ВАТ “ЛьвівВугілля” за попередніми даними прогримів вибух, що призвело до обвалу гірської породи .
Поліція відкрила кримінальну справу за ч. 2 ст. 272 (“Порушення правил безпеки під час виконання робіт з підвищеною небезпекою).
Усі гірники, які після вибуху залишилися під землею, підняті на поверхню, повідомляє ДСНС. У зв’язку з трагедією, в Україні оголошено жалобу.

Similarity rank: 6

© Source: http://ipress.ua/news/prychynoyu_tragedii_z_girnykamy_na_lvivshchyni_stala_pozhezha_201569.html
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シリア軍、遺跡都市パルミラを再奪還 ISに打撃


【3月3日 AFP】 シリア政府軍は2日、 イスラム過激派組織「イスラム国(IS)」 からの 遺跡都市パルミラ(Palmyra)の 奪還作戦を完了した。
【3月3日 AFP】シリア政府軍は2日、イスラム過激派組織「イスラム国( IS )」からの遺跡都市パルミラ( Palmyra )の奪還作戦を完了した。同作戦を空爆などで支援していたロシア政府と、シリア政府軍が発表した。同国とイラクで支配域を失い続けるISにとって、さらなる打撃となった。
ロシア大統領報道官はモスクワ( Moscow )でメディアに対し、セルゲイ・ショイグ( Sergei Shoigu )国防相がウラジミール・プーチン( Vladimir Putin )大統領にパルミラ奪還を報告したと発表。
在英の非政府組織(NGO)「シリア人権監視団( Syrian Observatory for Human Rights )」によると、ISは同市から完全撤退したものの、複数の地域に地雷を敷設していた。「政府軍は引き続き地雷埋設地帯で撤去作業を行っており、市全域にはまだ到達できていない」と、監視団のラミ・アブドル・ラフマン( Rami Abdel Rahman )代表は述べている。
ISは2015年5月に初めて同市を掌握。同市は16年3月に一度奪還されたが、政府軍が反体制派からの北部アレッポ( Aleppo )奪還作戦に専心していた同年12月に再びISによって制圧されていた。(c)AFP/Maya Gebeily

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3119932
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