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森友学園:設計会社から直接聞き取りへ 三つの契約書


小学校の 建築工事を巡り、 森友学園が国と大阪府など3カ所に工事代金が異なる契約書を提出していたことについて、 石井啓一国土交通相は10日の 記者会見で、 国への 補助金の 申請代理人となった設計会社から直接聞き取りを行う方針を明らかにした。 設計会社側は「国に出した数字が全て」 と説明しているとされるが、 石井氏は「契約の 経緯などを徹底して調査したい」 と述べた。

Similarity rank: 1.2

© Source: http://mainichi.jp/articles/20170310/k00/00e/040/213000c
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Kicking the habit: Japan struggles to wean itself off smoking ahead of Olympics


Japan is moving to pass its strictest ever smoking laws, but the country’s powerful tobacco lobby wants to stub out measures that were adopted years ago by other developed nations….
Japan is moving to pass its strictest ever smoking laws, but the country’s powerful tobacco lobby wants to stub out measures that were adopted years ago by other developed nations. The government is keen to change Japan’s image as a puffing paradise – smoking is still allowed in most bars, restaurants and cafes – as Tokyo gets set to host millions of visitors for the 2020 Olympics. The health ministry is to submit a proposed law to parliament by June that would ban smoking in many restaurants, as well as public facilities. If approved, rule-breakers would face a penalty of 300,000 yen (US$2,600). But the proposals, unveiled last week, have already been watered down from an initial push for a broad ban on indoor smoking, which ran up against strong opposition from former state monopoly Japan Tobacco (JT) and many small business owners, who fear they’ll lose customers. Establishments can build a separate smoking room under the latest proposal. And places with less than 30 square metres of floor space would not be affected by the restrictions at all – excluding a huge number of establishments in space-challenged Japan. “It would be better if it’s completely banned” in restaurants, Kumiko Tanaka, a 27-year-old non-smoker, told AFP. “But I don’t mind as long as smoking areas are strictly separated.” Even the less-expansive rules could be headed for trouble, however, as opposition brews within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Gaffe-prone finance minister Taro Aso recently questioned the long-established link between smoking cigarettes and lung cancer. And this week, the LDP’s parliamentary affairs chief Wataru Takeshita bemoaned the proposals, as a group in his party suggested restaurant owners instead be allowed to choose – and display their smoking status on the door. “As a cigarette lover, I feel like this is not a good idea – how would I live if smoking is banned everywhere?” Takeshita told reporters. Japan’s government gets billions of dollars annually in cigarette tax revenue, and still owns a one-third stake in JT – the third-biggest global tobacco company with brands including Winston, Camel and Benson & Hedges. This conflict leaves anti-smoking campaigners fuming in a country where cigarettes sell for around 430 yen (US$3.75) a pack, and carry only modest health warning labels. It is a far cry from other developed nations, including Australia and France, which have wide-ranging bans on smoking in public places and large, graphic health warnings on cigarette packs, which sell for two or three times more than in Japan. Almost 50 countries have blanket bans on smoking indoors. “We are really late,” said Yumiko Mochizuki, a board member at the Japan Society for Tobacco Control (JSTC). “And we were given a very bad score by the World Health Organisation.” The global health body has given Japan its lowest rating for efforts to prevent passive smoking – just 10 per cent of restaurants are non-smoking. Japan even scores poorly among other Asian nations with smoking cultures such as China and South Korea. “Countries such as the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam and cities including Beijing and Shanghai China … have already introduced comprehensive smoking bans,” said Susan Mercado, a Manila-based director at the WHO. Smoking kills some 130,000 people in Japan annually, with another 15,000 dying of second-hand smoke-related illnesses, Mercado added. Despite its many smoking venues, tobacco use in Japan has been falling in line with a broader global trend. More than half of Japanese men smoked in 2000. That number dropped to just below 30 per cent in 2016. Japan Tobacco said the proposed smoking rules are cause for concern. “We are worried that the bill would be unbalanced, unreasonable and excessive,” the company said. Japan cannot be compared to other nations with strict indoor-smoking bans because outdoor smoking is limited to certain designated areas, JT said. More than 240 Japanese municipalities restrict lighting up on city streets, meaning smokers must get their fix in clearly marked smoking zones. But the decade-old by-laws were brought in more to promote good manners and keep cigarette butts off the streets rather than for public health reasons. Campaigners said less smoking will be a hit with millions of tourists visiting for the Olympics in three years, and might just enhance Japan’s famous service culture, known as. “It’s the last ingredient that we need to give people our best hospitality,” said JSTC president Manabu Sakuta.

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2077777/kicking-habit-japan-struggles-wean-itself-smoking-ahead-olympics
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Конгрес США схвалив надання $150 млн на військову підтримку


Палата представників Конгресу Сполучених Штатів Америки у законі про асигнування на військові потреби в новому фінансовому році – до 1 жовтня 2017 року передбачила надання 150 мільйонів доларів на військову підтримку України, включаючи, зокрема, надання летальної зброї оборонного спрямування.
Про це повідомила голова підкомітету ВР з питань безпеки державних інформаційних систем Комітету Верховної Ради з питань нацбезпеки і оборони Ірина Фріз у facebook.
“У документі вказується, що зазначені кошти будуть доступні Пентагону з метою надання Україні військової підтримки, включаючи, зокрема, надання летальної зброї оборонного спрямування та оснащення, логістичної підтримки, підтримки розвідки української армії та сил національної безпеки, навчання особового складу українських збройних сил тощо”, – написала Фріз.
Документ має бути затверджений Сенатом Конгресу США, але Фріз висловила переконання, що зауваження сенаторів можуть бути лише до бюджету збройних сил США.

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://vgolos.com.ua/news/kongres_ssha_shvalyv_nadannya_150_mln_na_viyskovu_pidtrymku_255370.html
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У Німеччині невідомий із сокирою на вокзалі напав на людей


Поліція вже затримала двох підозрюваних у нападі
В німецькому місті Дюссельдорф на залізничному вокзалі в четвер увечері, 9 березня, невідомий із сокирою напав на людей. Про це повідомляє DW.
В результаті інциденту отримали ушкодження щонайменше п’ять осіб, проте кількість поранених може зрости. На даний момент життю поранених нічого не загрожує.
Як повідомили в місцевій поліції, вже були затримані двоє підозрюваних, проте пошуки і далі тривають. Мотиви нападників поки невідомі.
За даними Німецької залізниці, вокзал Дюссельдорф евакуювали і заблокували входи і виходи, потяги проходять повз станцію.
Нагадаємо, в липні минулого року в Німеччині чоловік з сокирою атакував пасажирів поїзда , постраждали 20 осіб.

Similarity rank: 4.3

© Source: https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/news/germanii-neizvestnyy-toporom-vokzale-napal-1489099276.html
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У Києві горів оздоровчий комплекс, постраждала одна людина


О 23:40 пожежу було ліквідовано
У Києві у районі Троєщини на території оздоровчого комплексу сталася пожежа. Про це повідомляє кореспондент “112 Україна”.
Станом на 00:30 на місці продовжували працювати рятувальники, однак вони повідомили, що пожежа вже локалізована.
Як повідомив телеканал, в результаті інциденту постраждав один чоловік, який на той момент знаходився на місці пожежі. Медики доставили його в лікарню. На даний момент відомо, що він отруївся чадним газом.
Як повідомила спікер ДСНС Світлана Водолага, рятувальники продовжують розбирати обгорілі конструкції.
“Пожежа була локалізована на площі 170 кв. м. В 23:40 ліквідована. Зараз йде проливка і розбір обгорілих конструкцій, щоб уникнути подальшого обвалення. На місці працює 11 одиниць основної та спеціальної техніки і близько 40 чоловік особового складу”, – сказала Водолага.
Нагадаємо, у Києві позашляховик збив на смерть велосипедиста на переході.

Similarity rank: 3.1

© Source: https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/news/kieve-gorel-ozdorovitelnyy-kompleks-postradal-1489112916.html
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【3月10日 AFP】 (更新、 写真追加)韓国の 憲法裁判所は10日、 友人による国政介入疑惑をめぐって国会に弾劾訴追されていた朴槿恵(パク・ クネ、 Park Geun-Hye)大統領の 弾劾を認め、 罷免を宣告した。
【3月10日 AFP】(更新、写真追加)韓国の憲法裁判所は10日、友人による国政介入疑惑をめぐって国会に弾劾訴追されていた朴槿恵(パク・クネ、 Park Geun-Hye )大統領の弾劾を認め、罷免を宣告した。
裁判官全員が朴氏の罷免に賛成。所長代行の李貞美(イ・ジョンミ、 Lee Jung-Mi )裁判官 は、朴氏の行動は「民主主義の精神と法の原則を深刻に害した」と述べ、同氏の罷免を言い渡した。

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3120869
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Google App Engine adds C#, Node.js, and Ruby options


The company also has moved the Cloud Functions serverless environment to beta release stage
Google is enhancing developer options on two fronts, adding language options to its App Engine PaaS cloud and moving its event-driven computing platform, Cloud Functions, to public beta. It announced the moves at the Google Cloud Next conference in San Francisco.
App Engine will now provide development environments for C#, Node.js, and Ruby, having already supported Go, Java 8, PHP 5-7, and Python 2 and 3 in a similar out-of-the-box manner. Node.js support had been on App Engine in a beta stage previously .
Google will give developers the option of using other languages on App Engine, provided they are willing to bring their own runtimes for them. App Engine also supports packaging up applications as Docker containers, which could be run inside the Google cloud or elsewhere, and is getting better support for high-control scenarios, providing SSH (Secure Shell) access. A developer, for example, may want to do advanced debugging or gain more insight into their application.
Also on tap for Thursday, Google is moving its Cloud Functions capability, enabling an event-driven architecture, from an alpha to a beta release stage. Cloud Functions provides a serverless environment where an event can be triggered by an HTTP event or a notification mechanism. Developers could use it for building event-drvien microservices. Google’s Navneet Joneja, head of product for compute platforms, acknowledged Cloud Functions as being like Amazon’s AWS Lambda event-driven compute service.
Google also is linking Cloud Functions to the Firebase mobile application development platform , unveiling Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions. Firebase provides a real-database as well as authentication, analytics, and storage capabilities; developers can use it to make a lightweight mobile back end.
Tags Google
More about AWS Google SSH

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/615671/google-app-engine-adds-c-node-js-ruby-options/?utm_medium=rss&utm_source=sectionfeed
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Park Geun-hye could face criminal charges after being stripped of presidency


If Park now faces investigation and trial she will likely have to go to the Seoul Detention Centre, a facility on the outskirts of the city where arrested politicians and corporate chiefs are usually held
When impeached president Park Geun-hye leaves South Korea’s presidential palace she will go back to her house in Seoul’s luxury Gangnam district surrounded by a high wall and bamboo. She may have to move again, next time to a cramped jail cell. South Korea’s to impeach Park, 65, over a corruption scandal, ousting her from office and capping months of political uncertainty and protests in Asia’s fourth-largest economy. Shielded from prosecution while in office, Park could face criminal charges, the possibility of detention pending trial, and finally a jail sentence. One former president spent almost two years in detention in the 1990s awaiting his trial. It is not the first time Park has had to leave the Blue House, a presidential palace compound of traditional-style buildings at the foot of a rocky hill in central Seoul. In 1979, after a nine-day funeral following the assassination of her father, President Park Chung-hee, the young Park left the Blue House with her siblings for a family home. after her mother was shot and killed in an earlier failed assassination attempt on her father. Park’s private home is a detached, two-storey house on a quiet back street in Seoul’s affluent Gangnam district, where shops and apartment buildings have French names, and luxury car showrooms line avenues. The house is surrounded by a high red-brick wall topped with barbed wire and CCTV cameras. A row of trees obscures most of it from the road. A small police booth guards the main entrance, besides which is an empty bracket for a flagpole. Park bought the house in 1990 and it was her official address until 1998, when her focus became the city of Daegu, her father’s political base, as she pursued a career in politics. Four years later, she moved back to the house. Residents said they saw her occasionally in the leafy neighbourhood until 2012, when she won a closely fought election to become president. “She kept her life very quiet. She would take a private car to commute,” said resident Lee Bum-yong, stepping out of a neighbourhood convenience store, who said he had seen Park several times before she became president. Parliament voted overwhelmingly on December 9 to impeach Park over an influence-peddling scandal. She is accused of colluding with a friend, Choi Soon-sil, and a former presidential aide, both of whom have been indicted by prosecutors, to pressure big businesses to donate to two foundations set up to back her policy initiatives. Park and Choi deny any wrongdoing. If Park now faces investigation and trial she will likely have to go to the Seoul Detention Centre, a facility on the outskirts of the city where arrested politicians and corporate chiefs are usually held, along with other detainees. Lee Jae-yong, the third-generation leader of the Samsung conglomerate, has been there since February. 17, sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Guests can visit for up to 30 minutes at a time, but conversations are through a glass partition. Inmates are allowed unlimited time to meet lawyers. Former president Chun Do-hwan, who in 1995 was found guilty of mutiny, treason and corruption, spent almost two years at the Anyang Correctional Institution, south of Seoul, as he awaited trial. He was sentenced to death, but later pardoned. Like Samsung’s Lee and Choi, Park’s friend at the centre of the scandal, the outgoing president will probably be held in solitary confinement. That is not for punishment, correction officials say, but to protect the high-profile inmates as a bitter and divisive scandal that has rocked the country plays out.

Similarity rank: 10.5

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2077765/park-geun-hye-could-face-criminal-charges-after-being-stripped
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CIA hacking? Hooray! Privacy advocates see an upside


It appears US spies are using targeted hacking tools in their investigations. The surprise: That could mean your data is safer.
Julian Assange of WikiLeaks during a live-streamed press conference on Thursday. CIA hacking tools described in documents released by WikiLeaks are actually a good sign, privacy experts say.
In all this talk of a CIA hacking playbook, is there a silver lining? Privacy advocates seem to think so.
That might surprise you. Nothing makes a person feel vulnerable in quite the same way as hearing that everyday electronics are being turned into spy devices. And that’s exactly what we heard Tuesday, when WikiLeaks published thousands of documents that appeared to reveal CIA tools for hacking into computers, phones and even smart TVs. CNET is unable to verify whether the documents are real or have been altered.
Still, the news prompted Edward Snowden to post on Twitter , “It may not feel like it, but computer security is getting better. ”
Come again?
Here’s the idea: If CIA spies are spending their time hacking the phones of suspected terrorists or foreign spies, that means they aren’t relying on spy programs that are much more intrusive and essentially hack the entire internet.
After the release of thousands of alleged CIA documents by WikiLeaks, tech companies like Apple and Samsung have responded. But how do the WikiLeaks claims differ from what Edward Snowden exposed about the NSA mass surveillance program?
“The NSA has been caught running dragnet intelligence,” said Dan Petro, a cybersecurity expert who specializes in spotting networks and devices that are vulnerable to hacking. The agency’s programs are so broad, he said, “it sounds like it’s something out of a Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon. ”
But you can’t scoop up that volume of data by hacking a phone, Petro said. In fact, what the WikiLeaks documents show is the opposite of a dragnet, and that’s Snowden’s point.
The NSA didn’t respond to requests for comment for this story. The CIA declined to add to its official statement on the WikiLeaks documents , which in part says, “It is CIA’s job to be innovative, cutting-edge, and the first line of defense in protecting this country from enemies abroad. America deserves nothing less. ”
“Ubiquitous end-to-end encryption is pushing intelligence agencies like the CIA from a world of undetectable mass surveillance to a world where they have to very selectively use high-risk, expensive, targeted attacks,” the statement said.
Maybe you’re still concerned that the CIA may have the tools to hack the operating system on your phone. OK, fair enough. Eva Galperin, director of cybersecurity at the pro-privacy Electronic Frontier Foundation, says the best defense against hacking tools is updating your software.
Indeed, Apple , Google and Microsoft have all said their products are already safe from most of the tools outlined by the WikiLeaks documents, if you’re using their latest software. If you can’t update your software because you’re using a really old device, but you care about keeping hackers out of your phone, it’s time to consider an upgrade.
“I think for ordinary people, the takeaway is: ‘Encryption works; patch your software,'” Galperin said.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/cia-wikileaks-hacking-hooray-privacy-advocates-upside/
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The Samsung Galaxy S8 may start recognizing faces


Samsung may use facial recognition and iris scanning to unlock your Galaxy S8, says report.
Say cheese: The Samsung Galaxy S8 may include a facial recognition feature to unlock your phone more easily. This extra security option could come in addition to a possible iris scanner and the usual fingerprint sensor, according to a report by Korea Economic Daily.
Fingerprint sensors are starting to feel old school.
“So what? ” you might say, if you’re already happy with your fingerprint sensor. (You’ve spent years guiding your thumb to the home button at the bottom of your display, after all.)
But you may not find a fingerprint sensor there on the Galaxy S8: leaks suggest Samsung may have moved that sensor to the back of the phone.
Rather than building a new habit, it might be faster to let Samsung’s face camera do the work — particularly because it could take less than 0.01 seconds to unlock your phone using facial recognition, according to an unnamed Samsung official quoted in the report.
In addition to facial recognition, the Galaxy S8 could also use iris scanning to unlock the device, says the report. Iris scanning was featured in the now recalled Galaxy Note 7 , and Samsung could bring it back to life in the S8. This method of unlocking uses the unique patterns in your eyes as identification, and while it may make you feel like a secret agent , its security merits have been debated.
If the S8 does include facial recognition when it is announced on March 29 , it could set the bar for other phones — especially if Apple does it too. The iPhone 8 is expected to come out later this year, and could include face-scanning tech, too.
Samsung declined to comment.
It seems like every day new images of Samsung’s next superphone pop up.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/samsung-galaxy-s8-facial-recognition-report/
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