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В окупованому Донецьку перестав виходити на зв’язок Станіслав Васін – проукраїнський журналіст, який залишався на окупованій території, вірячи у свій обов’ язок висвітлювати правду попри небезпеку бути схопленим терористами.
В окупованому Донецьку перестав виходити на зв’язок Станіслав Васін – проукраїнський журналіст, який залишався на окупованій території, вірячи у свій обов’ язок висвітлювати правду попри небезпеку бути схопленим терористами.
Новину повідомив народний депутат Єгор Фірсов, передає «Преса України».
Фірсов зазначив, що акаунт Васіна у Facebook досі активний, проте з нього може писати стороння людина.
“Родичі не можуть його знайти, зв’язку з ним немає. У квартирі Стаса сліди злому й обшуку”, – сказано в повідомленні.
Фірсов також відзначає, що останнім часом Станіслав перебував на непідконтрольній території, адже хотів писати про все, що там відбувається. Швидше за все, його схопили бойовики, вважає Фірсов.
Нагадаємо, в Білорусі зник опозиційний лідер Микола Статкевич.
Читайте також: Бойовики накрили сили АТО «Градами», четверо поранених (ВІДЕО) Ватажкові бойовиків Ходаковському заборонили в’їзд в Росію (ВІДЕО) Захарченко пояснив своє розуміння Мінська-2 (ВІДЕО)
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© Source: http://uapress.info/uk/news/show/165072
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African rangers urge Hong Kong lawmakers to OK ivory ban


African park rangers urged Hong Kong lawmakers to approve a ban on ivory sales but warned that giving in to traders’ demands for compensation would fuel more elephant poaching.
HONG KONG (AP) – African park rangers urged Hong Kong lawmakers to approve a ban on ivory sales but warned that giving in to traders’ demands for compensation would fuel more elephant poaching. Lawmakers and officials heard public submissions from the rangers and other groups Tuesday on the government’s long-awaited proposal to prohibit all local ivory trading by 2021. The proposal is expected to pass later this year but faces resistance from the city’s licensed dealers and traders, who are permitted to sell only ivory acquired before a 1990 ban on international trading. They want millions of dollars in return for giving up their stockpile, but the rangers say poachers will see the compensation as an incentive to keep on slaughtering elephants for their tusks. “If we compensate for ivory as the trade goes down, there will be an upsurge of poaching in Africa because the poachers will see it as if the Hong Kong government is actually buying up ivory, ” said Erik Mararv, manager of Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, told reporters ahead of the consultation. Josias Mungabwa, a former investigator with the Zambian Wildlife Authority, said ivory trading fuels insurgencies fighting legitimate governments in Africa because syndicates use proceeds from ivory sales to buy weapons. “The closure of markets in Asia will bring sanity to a lot of areas where poaching is taking place and imposing much higher sentences on the would-be offenders will also help us in Africa, ” Mungabwa told the panel. Other experts and wildlife activists giving testimony said compensation should be ruled out because ivory traders and carvers, who’ve already had 27 years to sell off their legal stockpile estimated at 70 tons, are getting another five years’ grace period. Ivory workers weighed in with their objections to the ban. “What does this illegal ivory poaching situation have to do with our stockpile, our hard-earned money?” said carver Mong Wai-hung, who said he wants to be able to pass on his ivory to his children so they can sell it and keep the business going. Authorities in mainland China – a major source of ivory demand – are moving much more swiftly than Hong Kong, and Beijing plans to ban local sales by the end of this year. But wildlife activists worry that the four-year gap will encourage more smugglers to use Hong Kong’s legal stockpile to launder their illegal ivory. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

© Source: http://www.cbs46.com/story/35597331/african-rangers-urge-hong-kong-lawmakers-to-ok-ivory-ban
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Comey expected to refute Trump


In his much-anticipated congressional testimony on Thursday, fired FBI Director James Comey will dispute President Donald Trump’s blanket claim that he was told he was not under investigation multiple times, according to sources familiar with Comey’s thinking.
In addition, one source familiar with Comey’s testimony says that Comey is not going to conclude whether the President obstructed justice regarding the agency’s Russia investigation, according to a source with knowledge. Rather, this source says, Comey plans to present himself as a “fact witness” by simply describing the interactions with the President on multiple occasions that made him uneasy enough to memorialize their conversations. He “will leave the legal analysis for others, ” a source tells CNN.
While Comey is anxious to recount his version of his conversations with the President, he also appears likely to sidestep questions about how he felt about Trump’s comments — for instance, whether he felt pressured to drop the investigation or whether he thought they amounted to obstruction, another source said.
Comey believes that his own feelings about the President’s comments are largely “irrelevant, ” the source said, and that his account of what happened is the central issue. What matters in considering possible obstruction of justice, this source added, is the President’s intent, not how Comey felt about it.
The other key issues Comey will address are clear, a source adds — the allegation that Trump asked Comey to pledge his loyalty to him shortly after he took office, and the President’s request to ease up on the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn in the FBI probe into possible collusion with Russia by Trump associates.
The former FBI director recorded at least one of those interactions in a written memo, the now-leaked contents of which paint a picture that some Democrats characterize as bordering on obstruction of justice.
“I hope you can let this go, ” Trump told Comey during one Oval Office meeting, according to the memo, which was described to CNN by a source.
Members of Congress have asked to see the memos, but it is unclear whether Comey intends to read from them — or hand them over — to Congress.
As CNN reported last week, while Comey was “disturbed” by his meetings with the President, he “thought he had the situation under control” because he felt the President did not quite grasp the inappropriateness of his actions. Comey believed, according to one source familiar with his thinking, that the President could be “trained” about how you do and do not interact with an FBI director. He considered it, this source added, “an ongoing policing project.”
It is reasonable to conclude, this source added, that Comey did not think of any of the individual actions as constituting obstruction of justice. But, he also added, there is a question of whether the “aggregate pattern of behavior” that culminated in his firing could be seen very differently. In other words, while each episode could be seen as a “ham-handed misstep, ” the sum of the actions — capped by the Comey firing — could become something much more serious, especially after the President told NBC that he was thinking of the Russia investigation when he made the decision to dismiss Comey.
“That would change any rational person’s point of view, ” said one source.
Even so, Comey does not plan to offer his own opinion because he does not believe it’s his position to do so.
“There will no doubt be a tension between people trying to have him draw conclusions and being a fact witness, ” says this source familiar with Comey’s thinking, indicating that it is up to the special counsel to draw legal conclusions after conducting a complete legal inquiry “into the White House side of things and not just a few interactions” with Comey.
“At the end of this, will some people jump up and down and say there’s an obstructing offense?” asks another source. “Some might, but that’s a political judgment, not a legal one.”
As CNN first reported last week, Comey reached an understanding with Robert Mueller, the special counsel in the Russia investigation, which allowed him to testify about his tense conversations with the President but not the details of the Russia investigation itself. That cleared the way for his appearance on Thursday. Sources say the parameters set by the two men — who are friends and former colleagues at the Justice Department — were aimed at avoiding the possibility that Comey’s testimony could taint any criminal case that Mueller might ultimately bring.
White House officials had considered trying to invoke the President’s executive privilege authority to block the testimony, but they said on Monday that they would not do so.

© Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/06/politics/comey-testimony-refute-trump-russian-investigation/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_latest+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Most+Recent%29
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Owners unclear for 27 percent of land in rural Japan: survey


Nearly 27 pct of land in rural areas in Japan does not have identified owners now, according to the Justice Ministry’s first survey on the current state of land ownership, released on Tuesday.
Nearly 27 pct of land in rural areas in Japan does not have identified owners now, according to the Justice Ministry’s first survey on the current state of land ownership, released on Tuesday.
The survey was conducted after the issue of unclear land ownership emerged as a challenge for reconstruction following the March 2011 massive earthquake and tsunami, which hit northeastern areas hard.
The absence of identified owners is also beginning to affect urban planning and farmland consolidation throughout the country.
The ownership survey covered a total of some 100,000 land lots in three urban areas, including the western city of Kobe, and seven rural areas, including the town of Otoyo, Kochi Prefecture.

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/120104.php
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Amazon fights poverty with Prime discount for those on food stamps


Amazon is giving poverty an upgrade by offering customers on government assistance programs a 45-percent discount on Amazon Prime. The Amazon service is normally $10.99 monthly but the discount for those with EBT cards drops to just $5.99 per month. The mega-retailer…
Amazon is giving poverty an upgrade by offering customers on government assistance programs a 45-percent discount on Amazon Prime. The Amazon service is normally $10.99 monthly but the discount for those with EBT cards drops to just $5.99 per month.
The mega-retailer previously announced that it would accept EBT benefits on its website for the purchase of applicable products. Now those same customers will be able to take advantage of Prime Shipping — and other features included in the Prime subscription service.
Living poor sucks and it is expensive. Late payments turn into final notices, which become disconnect notices with late fees, reconnect fees, and security deposits. Paycheck-to-paycheck means emergencies are catastrophic.
Allowing those same food stamp recipients to cut the cost of Prime membership in half is going to increase sign-ups and encourage those on EBT benefits to consider Amazon their local supermarket. The Prime service takes shopping on Amazon and adds free shipping, member-only deals and sales, and special events – all things that will save poor people money.
Food stamps make up a huge portion of “super store” sales. Bloomberg reported that Wal-Mart raked in 18 percent of all food stamp spending – roughly 14 billion dollars – in 2013. There’s no doubt Amazon wants a piece of that pie and they’ ve found a way to do it that immediately taps into an entirely new market. The best part: nobody is footing the bill. It’s a straight-up discount for customers who qualify.
When viewed as a cost-saving measure — the potential is there for those already on a tight budget to see some relief without necessarily changing the products they purchase.
It also by provides an inexpensive replacement for Netflix and Hulu (and set-top boxes) – as the service comes with Prime Video. Access to members-only sales could save money on things like diapers and medical accessories. Lower-income customers should have options – and Amazon is a great one when compared to other online retailers.
Amazon isn’ t a niche` site for those who don’ t need assistance; in fact, those who need to save money will almost certainly benefit from Prime if they convert enough of their local purchases to online purchases.
Most people own or have access to an online capable device. The idea of food stamp recipients with cell phones makes sense in today’s world – internet access is a necessity: like electricity, gas, and indoor plumbing. We need it to find jobs. It’s how we network and keep in touch. Free WiFi access coupled with better data plans makes this Amazon discount more than just 5 extra bucks a month.
The discount to Prime positions the service to be accessible to a portion of the population usually thought of as being expendable to online retailers.
Anything that provides value for the impoverished – without costing taxpayers a dime is a good thing. Amazon accomplishes that with this discount and I say kudos to them.
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© Source: https://thenextweb.com/insights/2017/06/06/amazon-fights-poverty-prime-discount-food-stamps/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheNextWeb+%28The+Next+Web+All+Stories%29
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Uber Fires 20 Employees After Sexual Harassment Claim Investigation: The Two-Way: NPR


On Tuesday, the company gathered its staff to discuss the review’s findings, according to a source familiar with the meeting. A broader report on addressing Uber’s workplace culture is due next week.
Ride-hailing firm Uber has fired about 20 of its employees, including some senior executives, after an investigation into more than 200 sexual harassment and other workplace-misconduct claims. The company is not commenting on the findings of the report from Perkins Coie, which was hired after former Uber engineer Susan Fowler last year alleged that she was sexually harassed, and her complaints disregarded by the company’s human resources department. On Tuesday, the San Francisco company held an all-hands meeting for its 12,000 employees, where it discussed those findings and, according to a source familiar with the meeting, 40 additional employees were reprimanded or referred to counseling and training. Uber set up a hotline where employees and former employees could file complaints. The findings from the investigation will feed into a second, broader report from former Attorney General Eric Holder due out next Tuesday, which will include more detailed recommendations for how Uber should address and remediate its workplace culture. The case has gotten attention in part because Silicon Valley already has a reputation for attracting and catering to male tech talent, but not to women. So, in a way, Uber is a test case for how serious the tech industry is about fixing its gender-diversity problems. Uber has rapidly become a household name. It’s hugely successful with investors. But it is also a consumer brand, and consumer brands have to care very much about their public image. And that’s an area where Uber has struggled recently.

© Source: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/06/531806891/uber-fires-20-employees-after-sexual-harassment-claim-investigation?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=news
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Analysis: Report on Russian Election Hack Leaked


A federal contractor has been arrested after leaking a new, revealing report on the extent to which Russian hackers tried to meddle in the U. S. election. CSIS analyst James Lewis says it should be shocking, but it isn’t because of Russian skills. (June 6)
A federal contractor has been arrested after leaking a new, revealing report on the extent to which Russian hackers tried to meddle in the U. S. election. CSIS analyst James Lewis says it should be shocking, but it isn’t because of Russian skills. (June 6)

© Source: https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/nation/2017/06/06/analysis:-report-russian-election-hack-leaked/102566596/
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French envoy: US climate exist may signal multipolar world


France’s U. N. ambassador says President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord may be perceived as “the birth certificate of the multipolar world.”.
France’s U. N. ambassador says President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord may be perceived as “the birth certificate of the multipolar world.”
Francois Delattre told reporters Tuesday that the impact of Trump’s decision goes beyond climate change policy to the U. S. role in the world.
From a geopolitical perspective, he said, “my personal take is that the American decision can be interpreted as a factor in the erosion of the moral and political leadership of the United States.”
But Delattre stressed that “we need more than ever an America that stays committed to world affairs.”
He said that’s because a lasting U. S. withdrawal “could give rise to the return of old spheres of influence whose dire consequences we are already familiar with.” He did not elaborate.

© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/world/article154717114.html
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Google in downtown San Jose? Great — and not just because of the jobs – Silicon Valley


It’s not a done deal, but San Jose’s negotiation with Google for a downtown campus near Diridon Station could beautifully pull together the disparate strings of downtown revival.
We are trying not to count our chickens just yet, as the Google plan for a campus in downtown San Jose has not precisely hatched. But we can’ t help giving a quick, hopeful cheer — and not just for the 20,000 jobs Google could bring to the city.
Besides roaring growth, Google is known for something in short supply in San Jose: Imaginative architecture. The urban iteration of a GooglePlex could bring that elusive essence — character — to a downtown whose newer buildings, with a few exceptions, are devoid of it.
Mayor Sam Liccardo and local business leaders announced the proposal Tuesday, providing context to recent rumors and reports of developers and investors snapping up land near Diridon Station and the SAP Center. The city will negotiate exclusively with Google to sell city and former Redevelopment Agency land in the area, which once was planned to include a ballpark for the As.
Big plans for downtown come and go, but the fanfare around this indicates a healthy degree of commitment. The announcement was an interesting convergence with Apple’s WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) , back in San Jose for the first time since 2002.
Adobe Systems was the pioneer technology company downtown, building two high rises in the 1990s. We hoped others would quickly follow, but tech remained enamored of more sprawling campuses between San Jose and San Francisco downtowns.
Then the tech presence in San Francisco grew — millennials wanted to be there — and companies snapped up land near Caltrain stations along the Peninsula. The Diridon Station area, with light rail, Amtrak and the soon-to-be electrified Caltrain line, was an obvious next step, especially with BART and possibly high-speed rail on the way.
Thousands of high-rise apartments and condos recently have opened or are under construction within walking distance. San Jose’s economic development department under Kim Walesh has nourished and promoted the downtown arts scene, focused along South First Street, and dining and social hubs like San Pedro Square to appeal to companies with young employees.
Shared work spaces like WeWork and NextSpace have been growing. Amazon is moving its Lab126 research and development unit into at least one floor of the office tower at Second and Santa Clara streets.
All of this raises hopes for a stronger downtown identity and economy. The addition of Google, and the retail and restaurants that will be part of a mixed use project, could be what pulls it all together.
We’ re still not counting our chickens, of course. But we’ re keeping an eye on those eggs.

© Source: http://www.siliconvalley.com/2017/06/06/editorial-google-in-downtown-san-jose-great-and-not-just-because-of-the-jobs/
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Yamanote Line trains to get security cameras


East Japan Railway has decided to install security cameras on all cars on the Yamanote Line, which circles central Tokyo.
East Japan Railway has decided to install security cameras on all cars on the Yamanote Line, which circles central Tokyo.
The company plans to replace its 50 Yamanote Line trains with new models in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.
Each of the 550 cars will be equipped with 4 security cameras to deter crimes. They will be installed above the doors. The project will cost about 18 million dollars.
Video images will be overwritten once a week.
Employee access to the videos will be restricted to protect the privacy of passengers.

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/120101.php
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