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Ransomware attack again points to importance of patching


In the wake of the spread of WannaCry malware experts remind infosec pros to patch systems quickly
While infosec pros in Canada this morning are scanning their systems to ensure Windows and anti-malware systems are fully patched to deal with the WannaCry ransomware that quickly spread around the world over the weekend, there are worries a new release of alleged CIA-created vulnerabilities from WikiLeaks will shortly lead to more attacks.
So far there are few public reports of IT systems in this country being victimized by WannaCry, which uses techniques of a worm to spread to computers in 150 countries.
None of the 15 large Canadian enterprises who are members of the Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange have reported being successfully attacked by this particular malware, said executive director Robert Gordon. “I’ d like to interpret it as because companies have been doing the updates that Microsoft put out — that would be the optimistic side of me. The more pessimistic side of me is saying companies are paying the ransom and not reporting it.”
(Meanwhile other ransomware attacks continue. Gordon said a Canadian company not a member of the CCTX this morning reported being hit by the so-called Onion ransomware.)
The WannaCry infection prompted Satyamoorthy Kabilan, director of national security and forensic foresight at the Conference Board of Canada to warn in a blog of how vital patching is to a mature enterprise cyber security strategy.
“There can be issues and costs that come with patching and particularly with updating systems, ” he writes, “which can lead to a reluctance to move in this direction. But this incident makes clear once again that we need to get the basics right when it comes to cyber security – and patching and updating are one of those basics.”
Similarly, McAfee CTO Steve Grobman said the WannaCry attack “should remind IT of the criticality to apply patches quickly. Part of the reason IT organizations hesitate to patch or run an internal quality assurance process is to ensure that there aren’ t software incompatibility issues. One way I like to think about this is that whenever a patch must be applied, there is a risk to applying a patch, and a risk to not applying a patch. Part of what IT managers need to understand and assess is what those two risks mean to their organizations.”
He also warned CISOs the incident is a remind that whenever a vulnerability is reported and an exploit published that could by used by criminals expect and be prepared for an attack cybercriminals, we should always expect and be prepared for this kind of attack, and many more copy-cat attacks following soon after.
To that end note that on Friday WikiLeaks published the eighth in its “Vault 7” series of tools it has gotten hold that allegedly were manufactured by the CIA to exploit holes in Windows. This release includes user guides and other material which could guide attackers to exploiting the holes.
The tools are

© Source: http://www.itworldcanada.com/article/ransomware-attack-again-points-to-importance-of-patching/393141
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Frankreichs Präsident in Berlin: Merkel und Macron kündigen Fahrplan für EU-Projekte an


Die erste Auslandsreise des neuen französischen Präsidenten führt nach Deutschland. Bundeskanzlerin Merkel empfing ihn am Montag in Berlin. Macron versprach: „Ich werde ein offener, direkter und konstruktiver Partner sein.“
Einen Tag nach seiner Amtseinführung ist der neue französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron zu einem Besuch nach Berlin gereist. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) begrüßte den Staatschef am Montagnachmittag mit militärischen Ehren im Berliner Kanzleramt. Mit der Wahl des pro-europäischen Politikers Macron verbindet die Bundesregierung die Hoffnung auf neuen Elan in der deutsch-französischen Zusammenarbeit und in der Europapolitik.
Merkel und der neue französische Staatspräsident Emmanuel Macron wollen der Europäischen Union gemeinsam neue Impulse geben. Die beiden kündigten am Montag beim Antrittsbesuch Macrons in Berlin einen Fahrplan („Road Map“) für Projekte in der EU und der Eurozone an, die man gemeinsam anstoßen wolle. Dazu soll im Juli nach den französischen Parlamentswahlen eine gemeinsame Kabinettssitzung stattfinden.
„Wir können dem Ganzen eine neue Dynamik geben“, sagte Merkel bei einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit Macron. „Deutschland wird es auf Dauer nur gut gehen wenn es Europa gut geht.“ Und Europa werde es nur mit einem starken Frankreich gut gehen.
Bei dem Treffen in Berlin wolle Macron über einige “Prioritäten” der künftigen Zusammenarbeit sprechen, verlautete aus seinem Umfeld. Der Präsident denke an gemeinsame Initiativen “in der Sicherheits- und Wirtschaftspolitik, bei den Investitionen und der sozialen Absicherung, beim Kampf gegen Dumping-Praktiken und bei der Frage der wirtschaftlich abgehängten Arbeitnehmer”.
Merkel und Macron eint das Ziel, die europäische Zusammenarbeit zu vertiefen, um die EU und die Eurozone zu stärken und für die Bürger wieder attraktiver zu machen.
Allerdings werden erst die französischen Parlamentswahlen im Juni klären, inwieweit Macron für seine Reformvorhaben eine parlamentarische Mehrheit in Frankreich findet. Gleich nach den Wahlen solle der deutsch-französische Ministerrat zusammentreten, “um Nägel mit Köpfen zu machen”, sagte ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amtes am Montag. Es sei erforderlich, “sehr schnell konkrete Projekte” in Angriff zu nehmen.
In der Stoßrichtung hin zu einer stabileren EU und einer vertieften Zusammenarbeit sind sich Deutschland und die neue französische Regierung einig, allerdings setzen sie unterschiedliche Prioritäten in der Frage institutioneller Reformen in der Euro-Zone.
Macron kann sich einen eigenen Finanzminister der Euro-Zone, ein eigenes Euro-Parlament und ein gemeinsames Budget für Investitionen in der Eurozone vorstellen. Die Bundesregierung betrachtet diese Pläne zurückhaltend, weil sie die Zustimmung aller EU-Staaten erfordern würden und deren Umsetzung vermutlich zeitaufwändig wäre. Berlin setzt in erster Linie auf konkrete Projekte die greifbare Ergebnisse zeitigen können, ohne langwierige Veränderungen der EU-Verträge zu erfordern.
Der Besuch in Berlin war Macrons erste Auslandsreise als Präsident. Der 39-Jährige war am Vortag offiziell ins höchste Staatsamt eingeführt worden.
Macron kündigte weiter „tiefgreifende Reformen“ in seinem Land an. Wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Reformen seien auch wichtig, damit Europa vorankomme. Frankreich sei es in den vergangenen 30 Jahren nicht gelungen, das Problem der Massenarbeitslosigkeit zu lösen. „Die Regierung wird sich diesem Ziel verschreiben“, versprach Macron, der an diesem Dienstag die Minister seines Kabinetts benennen will.
Der französische Staatschef erklärte, Deutschland und Frankreich seien an einem „historischen Moment“ angekommen. Angesichts des Vormarschs der Populisten in Europa müssten beide Länder noch stärker zusammenarbeiten. „Unser Verhältnis braucht noch mehr Vertrauen und konkrete Ergebnisse.“ Davon hänge der Erfolg der Europäischen Union ab. Er versprach Merkel: „Ich werde ein offener, direkter und konstruktiver Partner sein.“ (AFP/dpa)

© Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/frankreichs-praesident-in-berlin-merkel-und-macron-kuendigen-fahrplan-fuer-eu-projekte-an/19806740.html
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Związek Polaków w Niemczech prosi Stefana Hamburę o zawieszenie głodówki. Mecenas stanowczo: "Będziemy kontynuować protest"


“Doceniam wyrazy uznania dla mojej determinacji ze strony pani prezes Wawrzyszko, ale właśnie w ramach tej determinacji będziemy kontynuować protest”
Doceniam wyrazy uznania dla mojej determinacji, ale będziemy kontynuować protest
— powiedział w poniedziałek wieczorem PAP mecenas Stefan Hambura. To reakcja na apel Związku Polaków w Niemczech, który wezwał go do zawieszenia protestu.
Hambura wcześniej w poniedziałek poinformował PAP, że w niedzielę wraz z dwiema innymi osobami rozpoczął protest głodowy, który dotyczy braku statusu mniejszości narodowej dla potomków przedwojennej polskiej mniejszości w Niemczech. Podkreślił, że akcja ta ma na celu zwrócenie uwagi m.in. prezydenta Niemiec Franka-Waltera Steinmeiera, który w piątek będzie przebywał z oficjalną wizytą w Polsce
W przekazanym PAP w poniedziałek oświadczeniu wiceszefowa Związku Polaków w Niemczech Anna Wawrzyszko w imieniu organizacji polonijnych wyraziła uznanie dla Hambury za jego determinację.
„ Jednocześnie apelujemy jednak, aby przekazać Panu Hamburze informację, że negocjacje trwają i prosimy Pana Mecenasa o zawieszenie głodówki do czasu ich zakończenia”
— czytamy w komunikacie Związku Polaków w Niemczech (ZPwN) .
Wiceprzewodnicząca ZPwN zaapelowała, aby pozwolić „rządowi RP oraz stronie niemieckiej, jak i organizacjom polonijnym, na spokojne przeprowadzenie rozpoczętych rozmów w trakcie zaplanowanych spotkań”.
„ Doceniam wyrazy uznania dla mojej determinacji ze strony pani prezes Wawrzyszko, ale właśnie w ramach tej determinacji będziemy kontynuować protest”
— powiedział PAP Hambura.
CZYTAJ TE Ż: NASZ WYWIAD. Mec. Hambura podejmuje głodówkę w obronie polskiej mniejszości w Niemczech: „Ze stolicy Polski wychodzi apel do rządu niemieckiego”
ansa/ PAP

© Source: http://wpolityce.pl/spoleczenstwo/339862-zwiazek-polakow-w-niemczech-prosi-stefana-hambure-o-zawieszenie-glodowki-mecenas-stanowczo-bedziemy-kontynuowac-protest?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wPolitycepl+%28wPolityce.pl+-+Najnowsze%29&utm_content=FeedBurner
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Despite security risks, older Windows versions plague thousands of businesses


“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Except when you’re hit by ransomware.
After the global cyberattacks on Friday that infected hundreds of thousands of computer with the WannaCry ransomware, the blame game has begun.
Who was behind the attack? How did the NSA lose control of its hacking tools used as part of this huge ransomware attack? Should we blame Microsoft for not patching older versions of Windows that were left vulnerable to the attack?
As it happens, thousands of businesses may only have themselves to blame.
According to recently released data from IT networking site Spiceworks, about half of all businesses still have at least one computer running Windows XP, despite the aging operating system losing Microsoft security support after more than a decade since its release in early-2014.
That means for over three years, these machines haven’t been patched with the latest security updates, including the fix released in March that could’ve prevented machines from getting infected. (Following the outbreak, Microsoft released a rare, emergency out-of-support patch .)
Granted, some companies will have more machines running Windows XP and Vista, which lost support earlier this year, than others. Some businesses may rely on the aging operating system for their entire fleet of computers, whereas others may rely on one or two machines running custom-built machines, like MRI or X-ray scanners in hospitals, for example, which aren’t always connected to the internet, making them less vulnerable to malware and ransomware.
The data shows that newer operating systems that were patched prior to last week’s ransomware attacks, including Windows 7 and Windows 10, make up a 83 percent share of all business computers.
But despite the risks, Windows XP and Vista still take up a 15 percent share across the corporate world — representing hundreds of thousands of computers.
It’s worth noting that not one single set of data offers a perfectly accurate figure of how many devices are vulnerable to these kinds of mass ransomware events or other kinds of cyberattacks. Spiceworks, which has a commercial stake in the security space, says it uses inventory data to see computers that may be networked but not connected to the internet. Other sources rely on different methodologies, such as the US government’s own digital analytics service, which bases its data on visitors directly accessing government sites. It said just over 1 percent of all visitors in the past three months were running Windows XP or Vista.
The question remains: for all the benefits that software updates provide, why the apathy?
“Many companies subscribe to the theory that if it’s ‘not broke, don’t fix it, ‘ especially those that aren’t prioritizing IT, ” said Peter Tsai, a senior technology analyst at Spiceworks. “As a result, many IT departments lack the resources and budget needed to upgrade to newer operating systems like Windows 10. It takes time to upgrade all systems in an organization and train end users on the new features and functionality.”
In all, just over half of all businesses say that there’s no need to update because the current system still works. Others cite IT pressures and lack of time, investments, or budget constraints.
Those barriers can translate into real losses. Take what happened with last week’s cyberattack. Dozens of hospitals around the UK were affected, with some forced to turn patients away. But unlike NHS trusts and hospitals in England and Scotland which suffered significantly at the hands of the ransomware attack late last week, NHS Wales wasn’t affected by the ransomware attack at all, a feat largely attributed to the fact the health system recently updated its entire network.
“Now more than ever, it’s critical for IT professionals to make a business case for more resources, ” said Tsai.
If this ransomware attack has proven anything, investing in security isn’t just a good idea, it’s mission critical.

© Source: http://www.zdnet.com/article/older-windows-versions-plague-thousands-of-businesses/
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Old Windows PCs can stop WannaCry ransomware with new Microsoft patch


Users of old Windows systems can now download a patch to protect them from this week’s massive ransomware attack, including those on Windows XP.
Users of old Windows systems can now download a patch to protect them from this week’s massive ransomware attack.
In a rare step, Microsoft published a patch for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows 8—all of them operating systems for which it no longer provides mainstream support.
Users can download and find more information about the patches in Microsoft’s blog post about Friday’s attack from the WannaCry ransomware.
The ransomware, which has spread globally, has been infecting computers by exploiting a Windows vulnerability involving the Server Message Block protocol, a file-sharing feature.
Computers infected with WannaCry will have their data encrypted, and display a ransom note demanding $300 or $600 in bitcoin to free the files.
Fortunately, Windows 10 customers were not targeted in Friday’s attack. In March, Microsoft patched the vulnerability that the ransomware exploits—but only for newer Windows systems. That’s left older Windows machines, or those users who failed to patch newer machines, vulnerable to Friday’s attack.
Researchers originally believed the ransomware was spread through attachments in email phishing campaigns. That no longer appears to be the case.
Infection attempts from the WannaCry ransomware.
Once a vulnerable PC becomes infected, the computer will attempt to spread to other machines over the local network as well as over the internet. The ransomware will specifically scan for unpatched machines that have the Server Message Block vulnerability exposed.
Businesses can prevent this by disabling the Server Message Block protocol in vulnerable PCs. They can also use a firewall to block unrecognized internet traffic from accessing the networking ports the Server Message Block uses.
Fortunately, Friday’s ransomware attack may have been contained. A security researcher who goes by the name MalwareTech has activated a sort of kill-switch in WannaCry that stops it from spreading.
As a result, over 100,000 new infections were prevented, according to U. K.’s National Cyber Security Centre. But experts also warn that WannaCry’s developers may be working on other versions that won’ t be easy to disable.
“It’s very important everyone understands that all they (the hackers) need to do is change some code and start again. Patch your systems now!” MalwareTech tweeted.
Unfortunately, the kill-switch’s activation will provide no relief to existing victims. The ransomware will persist on systems already infected.
Friday’s ransomware attack appears to have spread mainly in Europe and Asia, with Russia among those nations hardest hit, according to security researchers.
Security experts are advising victims to wait before paying the ransom. It’s possible that researchers will develop a free solution that can remove the infection.

© Source: http://www.pcworld.com/article/3196694/security/old-windows-pcs-can-stop-wannacry-ransomware-with-new-microsoft-patch.html
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UN agency helps North Korea with patent application for banned nerve gas chemical


For more than a year, a United Nations agency in Geneva has been helping North Korea prepare an international patent application for production of sodium cyanide — a chemical used to make the nerve gas Tabun.
EXCLUSIVE: For more than a year, a United Nations agency in Geneva has been helping North Korea prepare an international patent application for production of sodium cyanide — a chemical used to make the nerve gas Tabun — which has been on a list of materials banned from shipment to that country by the U. N. Security Council since 2006.
The World Intellectual Property Organization, or WIPO, has made no mention of the application to the Security Council committee monitoring North Korea sanctions, nor to the U. N. Panel of Experts that reports sanctions violations to the committee, even while concerns about North Korean weapons of mass destruction, and the willingness to use them, have been on a steep upward spiral.
Fox News told both U. N. bodies of the patent application for the first time late last week, after examining the application file on a publicly available WIPO internal website.
Information on the website indicates that North Korea started the international patent process on Nov. 1,2015 — about two months before its fourth illegal nuclear test. The most recent document on the website is a “status report, ” dated May 14,2017 (and replacing a previous status report of May 8) , declaring the North Korean applicants’ fitness “to apply for and be granted a patent.”
During all that time, however, the U. N.’s Panel of Experts on North Korea “has no record of any communication from WIPO to the Committee or the Panel regarding such a serious patent application, ” said Hugh Griffiths, coordinator of the international U. N. expert team, in response to a Fox News question.
The Panel of Experts has now officially “opened an investigation into this matter, ” he said.
“This is a disturbing development that should be of great concern to the U. S. administration and to Congress, as well as the U. S. Representative to the U. N., ” William Newcomb, a member of the U. N. Panel of Experts for nearly three years ending in 2014, told Fox News.
Said an expert familiar with the sanctions regime: “It undermines sanctions to have this going on. The U. N. agencies involved should have been much more alert to checking these programs out.”
Questions sent last week to the U. S. State Department about WIPO’s patent dealings with North Korea had not been answered before this story was published.
For its part, a WIPO spokesperson told Fox News by email, in response to the question of whether it had reported the patent application to the U. N. sanctions committee, only that the organization “has strict procedures in place to ensure that it fully complies with all requirements in relation to U. N. Security Council sanction regimes.”
The spokesperson added that “we communicate with the relevant U. N. oversight committees as necessary.”
But apparently, help with preparing international patent applications for a sanctioned nerve gas “chemical precursor” does not necessarily count as grounds for such communication, if the Panel of Experts records are correct.
This is by no means the first time that WIPO, led by its controversial director general, Francis Gurry, has flabbergasted other parts of the U. N. and most Western nations with its casual and undeclared assistance, with potential WMD implications, to the bellicose and unstable North Korean regime.
And, as before, how the action is judged may depend upon razor-thin, legalistic interpretations of U. N. sanctions law on the one side vs. staggering violations of, at a minimum, common sense in dealing with the unstable North Korean regime, which among other things has never signed the international convention banning the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons.
While the patent process went on at WIPO, that regime has conducted five illegal nuclear tests — two in the past year, while the patent process was under way — and at least ten illegal ballistic missile launches since 2016, while issuing countless threats of mass destruction against its neighbors and the U. S.
In 2012, Fox News reported that WIPO had shipped U. S.-made computers and sophisticated computer servers to North Korea, and also to Iran, without informing sanctions committee officials.
The shipments were ostensibly part of a routine technology upgrade. Neither country could obtain the equipment on the open market, and much of it would have required special export licenses if shipped from the U. S.
The report kicked off an uproar, but after a lengthy investigation, the U. N. sanctions committee decided that the world organization’s porous restrictions had not been violated, while also noting WIPO’s defense that as an international organization, it was not subject to the rules aimed at its own member states.
Nonetheless, the investigators declared that “we simply cannot fathom how WIPO could have convinced itself that most Member States would support the delivery of equipment to countries whose behavior was so egregious it forced the international community to impose embargoes.”
The investigators also declared that “WIPO, as a U. N. agency, shares the obligation to support the work of other U. N. bodies, including the Sanctions Committees, ” and that in response to the furor, WIPO had “implemented new requirements to check on sanctions compliance in advance of program implementation.”
There is no doubt about the banned nature of sodium cyanide — which can also be used to produce deadly cyanide gas, another weapon of mass destruction.
The chemical appears on a Security Council list of “items, materials, equipment, goods and technology” related to North Korea’s “other weapons of mass destruction programs” beyond nuclear weapons, which first appeared after U. N. Security Council resolution 1718 was approved in 2006.
That resolution, voted after North Korea conducted its first nuclear test, ordained that member states “prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer” to the regime known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or DPRK, of the listed items “which could contribute to DPRK’s nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related programs.”
It also declared that “all member states shall prevent any transfers to the DPRK by their nationals or from their territories, or from the DPRK by its nationals or from its territory, of technical training, advice, services or assistance related to the provision, manufacture, maintenance or use of the items” listed.
Additionally, it demanded a freeze by U. N. member states or all “funds, other financial assets and economic resources” that could be used in the mass destruction-related programs.
A subsequent Security Council resolution, 2270, in 2016 broadened things by declaring that “economic resources” referred to in Resolution 1718 “includes assets of every kind, whether tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, accrual or potential, which potentially may be used to obtain funds, goods or services” by DPRK.
This may open up another controversial aspect of the cyanide patent application, since, along with its mass-destructive uses, the chemical is considered the most common agent in the extraction of gold from ores and concentrates.
Further, according to the North Korean application to WIPO, the new process it wants to make ready for international patenting is a lower-cost process that produces ultra-high-grade product.
In WIPO’s response to Fox News, the agency’s spokesperson emphasized that “WIPO is not a patent-granting authority. Its role in handling these applications is to ensure that they conform to the procedural requirements” of the 152-member Patent Cooperation Treaty, or PCT, “and to publish them in accordance with the provisions of the treaty.” North Korea is a PCT signatory.
Translation: WIPO is merely a neutral, technical pass-through mechanism. As the spokesperson put it: “The decisions concerning whether or not to ultimately grant the patent are the sole purview of each jurisdiction where protection is being sought, in accordance with national law.”
While that may be true, it is also true, according to the WIPO website, that the U. N. agency gives those who use its services a lot of financially meaningful help.
That starts with the fact that by filing an international filing application with the agency, you have to pay only one fee rather than more than 150 to get an application acceptable in all PCT countries (which include the U. S. as one of the treaty’s biggest users) .
WIPO also provides one-stop research on whether a patent overlaps with those elsewhere, and offers the possibility of widespread dissemination and publicity — i.e., stimulating demand, and thus at least the potential for sanctions-breaking in any subsequent licensing the North Korean patent.
Igniting controversy has been a characteristic of Director General Gurry’s reign — indeed, even before he first took WIPO’s top executive office in 2008.
In 2015, the U. N.’s watchdog Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) was asked by WIPO’s own General Assembly chair to investigate Gurry for allegedly ordering, in 2008, break-ins of the offices of staffers to seek DNA evidence that they wrote anonymous letters against him. Gurry was WIPO’s No. 2 at the time.
A year later, after much byzantine maneuvering, a heavily redacted version of the report declared that “while there were indications that Mr. Gurry had a direct interest in the outcome of the DNA analysis, there is no evidence that he was involved in the taking of DNA samples.”
But the same document also found that Gurry had bent the organization’s rules and steered a sensitive cyber-security contract to a business acquaintance, , something alleged by one of Gurry’s former top deputies, James Pooley.
Under Gurry, WIPO also has been the only U. N. agency ever sanctioned by the U. S. State Department, on the grounds that it failed to adopt “best practices” in ethics and whistle-blower standards — a punishment first meted out by the pro-U. N. Obama administration in September 2015.
Among the whistle-blowers who say they were forced to leave WIPO during Gurry’s tenure for drawing attention to the agency’s previous computer shipments to North Korea is Miranda Brown, formerly Gurry’s senior strategic advisor.
Brown has repeatedly asked for her reinstatement at the WIPO, and just as often has been turned down by Gurry’s office.
George Russell is editor-at-large of Fox News and can be found on Twitter: @GeorgeRussell or on Facebook.com/GeorgeRussell

© Source: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/05/15/un-agency-helps-north-korea-with-patent-application-for-banned-nerve-gas-chemical.html
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Supreme Court rejects appeal to reinstate North Carolina voter ID law


A lower court said the law targeted black voters " with almost surgical precision"
The Supreme Court is seen at day’s end in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 14,2017.
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal to reinstate North Carolina’s voter identification law, which a lower court said targeted African-Americans “with almost surgical precision.”
The justices left in place the lower court ruling striking down the law’s photo ID requirement and reduction in early voting.
The situation was complicated when Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper and Attorney General Josh Stein tried to withdraw the appeal, which was first filed when Republican Pat McCrory was governor.
Chief Justice John Roberts said the political situation created uncertainty over who is authorized to seek review of the lower court ruling.
The dispute is similar to the court fight over Texas’ voter ID law, also struck down as racially discriminatory.
Republicans in both states moved to enact new voting measures after the Supreme Court in 2013 struck down a provision of the federal Voting Rights Act that had required them to get advance approval before changing laws dealing with elections.
Voters, civil rights groups and the Obama administration quickly filed lawsuits challenging the new laws. The Trump administration already has dropped its objections to the Texas law.
Shortly before Trump took office in January, the Justice Department urged the Supreme Court to reject the North Carolina appeal.
When the law passed, North Carolina Republicans said voter ID is a sound requirement to increase the integrity of elections. But the 4th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the state provided no evidence of the kind of in-person voter fraud the ID mandate would address. The Richmond, Virginia-based court said the law was enacted with intentional bias against black voters. The law was amended in 2015 to include a method for people unable to get a photo ID to still vote.
Following the appellate ruling, the state asked the high court to allow the challenged provisions to remain in effect in November’s election. The justices rejected the request by virtue of a 4-4 tie on most of the challenged provisions, with the four more conservative justices supporting the state’s bid.
Roberts cautioned Monday that the rejection of the appeal is not a comment on the court’s view about the substance of the law.
Anderson Cooper reports on the effect Trump’s new immigration policy has had on a community in Indiana after a longtime resident is deported
Just how many almonds does he really eat, anyway?

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-rejects-appeal-to-reinstate-north-carolina-voter-id-law/
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Computer expert who foiled cyberattack says he's 'no hero'


Computer expert who foiled cyberattack says he’s ‘no hero’
A young British computer expert credited with cracking the WannaCry cyberattack has told The Associated Press he doesn’t consider himself a hero but fights malware because “it’s the right thing to do.”
In his first face-to-face interview, Marcus Hutchis said Monday hundreds of computer experts worked throughout the weekend to fight the virus, which paralyzed computers in some 150 countries.

© Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/computer-expert-foiled-cyberattack-hero-47427837
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US accuses Syria of killing thousands, burning bodies in crematorium


The U. S. is accusing the Bashar al-Assad regime of burning victims’ bodies.
The U. S. is accusing the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad of killing thousands between 2011 and 2015 and using a crematorium to dispose of their bodies. And while Assad allies Russia and Iran may not have had anything to do with the crematorium, they are complicit in the brutal dictator’s many other atrocities, according to the U. S.
The Trump administration says the regime has killed as many as 50 people a day at the Saydnaya prison complex in that time period, and beginning in 2013, it modified a building on the compound into a crematorium.
“Although the regime’s atrocities are well documented, we believe that the building of a crematorium is an effort to cover up the extent of mass murders taking place in Saydnaya prison, ” said acting Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Stuart Jones. “We are appalled by the atrocities that have been carried out by the Syrian regime, and these atrocities have been carried out seemingly with the unconditional support of Russia and Iran.”
Jones called on Russia in particular to hold the Assad regime accountable.
“Russia must now with great urgency exercise its influence over the Syrian regime to guarantee that horrific violations stop now, ” he added.
To support the claim today, Jones cited reports from international monitoring groups, the press and U. S. intelligence — including new satellite photos the State Department distributed to the press. The photos allegedly show construction over the course of several years at Saydnaya that would be consistent with a crematorium, with features like HVACs, a discharge stack and a firewall.
The U. S. has not presented this specific evidence to the Russian government yet, according to Jones, but he added that last week’s talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Washington gave the administration hope that Russia will comply.
“Foreign Minister Lavrov and the Russian government have indicated to us that they are interested in finding a solution on Syria, ” he said. “We hope that we will now be able to work with the Russians in a constructive way to put pressure on the regime to end these atrocities.”
After more than six years of civil war and continued Russian support for Assad, however, it is hard to see that happening. Jones himself noted how Russia has supported Assad even after other horrific crimes, including chemical weapons attacks, extrajudicial killings, forced starvation and indiscriminate airstrikes.
“Russia has either aided in or passively looked away as the regime has conducted an airstrike against a U. N. convoy, destroyed east Aleppo, and used chemical weapons, including sarin against civilians in Idlib province on April 4, ” he said.
The accusations of mass killings at Saydnaya are not new either. The notorious prison, just 17 miles north of Damascus, was the subject of an Amnesty International report in February, alleging that the regime executed 13,000 prisoners in mass hangings and carried out systematic torture there in the last couple of years.
But after Lavrov’s trip to Washington last week, the administration is hoping to seize the moment to push Russia to help them solve the Syrian crisis.
“This was an opportune time to remind people about the atrocities that are being carried out inside of Syria all the time, of which this is one discrete, additive piece of evidence, ” said Jones.
Neither the Assad regime nor the Russian government has responded to the charge so far, but State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert told reporters that the administration believes the U. S. and Russia share a goal in Syria for a “unified and stable nation, ” achieved through diplomatic and political means.

© Source: http://abcnews.go.com/International/us-accuses-syria-killing-thousands-burning-bodies-crematorium/story?id=47419832
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Left Attacks Black Miss USA for Saying Health Care Not a ‘Right’


Newly-crowned Miss USA Kara McCullough was attacked for giving a straightforward answer to a question on health care Sunday night.
McCullough, a scientist who works for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and who competed as Miss District of Columbia, was asked if she believes health care should be a right or a privilege for American citizens.
“I’ m definitely going to say it’s a privilege, ” the 25-year-old pageant winner said, adding that taxpayers shouldn’ t be forced to subsidize someone else’s health care.
“As a government employee, I’ m granted healthcare. And I see firsthand that for one, to have healthcare, you need to have jobs, so therefore we need to continue to cultivate this environment so that we’ re given the opportunities to have healthcare as well as jobs for all Americans worldwide, ” McCullough said.
The answer sent social media users into a frenzy, as many user chided McCullough for her answer.
Some Twitter users, however, defended McCullough.
During the competition, McCullough was also asked if she considered herself a feminist, to which she said she prefers to “transpose” the word feminism to “equalism.”
“I don’ t want to call myself a feminist. Women, we are just as equal as men, especially in the workplace, ” McCullough said.
“I believe we’ ve come a long way and there is more work to be done. I think domestically we are making progress and I do believe that we will become equal one day, ” she added.
McCullough beat out first runner-up Miss New Jersey Chhavi Verg, a student at Rutgers University. McCullough will compete next in the Miss Universe contest.
“I’ m extremely thankful for this opportunity, ” she said after the event. ““I just want to encourage so many women nationwide to find their passion in any subject possible and understand that nothing is difficult if you really, truly put the work in for it.”

© Source: http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2017/05/15/miss-usa-slammed-calling-healthcare-privilege-rejecting-feminism/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29
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