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Researchers discover how ladybugs fold their wings and say the intricate mechanism could revolutionize everything from the umbrella to satellites


Researchers at the University of Tokyo constructed a transparent artificial forewing and transplanted it on a spotted ladybug to study the folding motion using high speed cameras.
Researchers have discovered the folding mechanism of ladybug wings using high speed cameras.
They found that ladybugs have curved ‘crease line’ shapes in their hindwings veins, much like carpenter’s tape, to help support the wings and make them bendable.
The discovery of this technique could be useful for engineers for developing structures ranging from satellite antennas and aircraft, to microscopic medical equipment and even articles for daily use like umbrellas and fans.
Researchers at the University of Tokyo used high-speed cameras to study the wing folding mechanism of spotted ladybugs
Ladybugs are highly mobile insects that can switch between walking and flying easily because of how quickly they can deploy and collapse their wings.
Their wings consist of two stuctures: Forewings called elytra – the hard, red structure with spots that covers the hindwings, soft-membrane wings that are used for flight and covered and protected by the elytra when they’re not flying
Previous studies suggested that up-and-down movements in the abdomen and complex origami-like crease patterns on the wings play an important role in the folding process, but how the simple folding motion produces such an intricate folding shape was a mystery.
Ladybugs close their elytra before folding their wings, making it difficult to observe the process – but they also can’t be removed to reveal what’s underneath as they’re essential for folding.
So to better study the folding mechanism, researchers based at the University of Tokyo constructed a transparent artificial elytron from ultraviolet light-cured resin, which is often used in nail art, and transplanted it on a spotted ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata) using a silicon impression of an elytron they removed from the ladybug.
The researchers then used high-speed cameras to observe the hindwing’s folding and unfolding movements.
They found that ladybugs use the edge and lower surface of the elytron, whose curvature fits the curve shape of the hindwing veins, to fold the wings along crease lines, together along with abdominal lifting movements, which leads to the rubbing and pulling of the hindwings into the storage space on their backs.
‘I wasn’t sure if the ladybug could fold its wings with an artificial elytron made of nail-art resin, ‘ said Dr Kazuya Saito, Assistant Professor of Tokyo’s Institute of Industrial Science and the lead author of the study.
‘So I was surprised when I found out it could.’
The researchers also used micro computed tomography scanning (CT) – an imaging technique that uses x-rays to create cross-sections of a physical object – to investigate the 3D shapes of folded and unfolded wings, and bending points in the rigid area of the soft hindwings to understand how they transform from being rigid and strong for flying, to elastic and foldable.
They found that a curved shape in the veins, similar to carpenter tape, helps support the wings.
Similar tape spring-like structures – strong and firm when extended, but which can be bent and stored in compact form – are widely used in extension booms and hinges of space deployable structures like satellite antennas.
‘The ladybugs’ technique for achieving complex folding is quite fascinating and novel, particularly for researchers in the fields of robotics, mechanics, aerospace and mechanical engineering, ‘ said Dr Saito.

© Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4508728/Researchers-discover-ladybirds-fold-wings.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
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Hillary Clinton officially launches 'resistance' outside group


Hillary Clinton officially announced Monday her post-2016 election plans: A political organization aimed at funding “resistance” groups that are standing up to President Donald Trump.
Clinton tweeted that she was launching “Onward Together to encourage people to get involved, organize, and even run for office.”
The group also included a website, which described the group’s goal as looking to “advance progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come.”
Sources told CNN earlier this month that the former secretary of state, months after her 2016 campaign loss, was working with former aides and donors to build an organization that will look to fund and invest in groups that have impressed her since her 2016 election loss.
In an email to supporters and donors, Clinton said Monday that those groups include Swing Left, a grassroots network supporting Democratic House candidates in swing districts; Emerge America, a group urging Democratic women to run for office; Color of Change, a criminal justice reform focused organization; Indivisible, the effort that has spearheaded the protests at congressional town halls across the country; and Run for Something, a group formed by former Clinton campaigns staffers that looks to urge young people to run for local office.
The group, according to an aide, will be a 501 (c) (4) with a connected PAC, meaning all money raised through the political nonprofit will not have to disclose donors. A Clinton aide said the group will “follow the guidelines, ” meaning they will not release their list of donors.
According to a Clinton aides, Swing Left, Run for Something and Emerge America have already received funding.
“In some cases, we’ll provide direct funding to these organizations, ” Clinton wrote in the email. “For others, we’ll help amplify their work and do what we can to help them continue to grow their audiences and expand their reach.”
Amanda Litman, co-founder of Run for Something, said in a statement that they are “so honored and proud to have Hillary Clinton’s support.”
The idea for a Clinton political group started months ago, after the former 2016 candidate met with young activists. At first, the meetings were an attempt to motivate and spur activism among young people.
But Clinton soon realized she could do more, said one source.
Sources told CNN that Clinton has been watching groups stand up to Trump from afar and is “particularly fired up, ” in the words of one source, to fund these groups and broaden their reach.
Onward Together also temporarily answers a key question for Clinton: What will you do next?
Clinton, a two-time failed presidential candidate who maintains a strong following among Democrats, has told friends that she is unlikely to ever go back to The Clinton Foundation, her family foundation that came under great scrutiny during the 2016 election. And while she has been approached by top colleges about using them as a venue for future advocacy, people close to her said she was unlikely to take that route.
Aides and advisers also say she is not going to run for president again, but doesn’t want to be silent in the coming years.
This group, therefore, is Clinton’s way to boost Democrats while subtly needling Trump.
“The challenges we face as a country are real, ” Clinton wrote in her email. “But there’s no telling what we can achieve if we approach the fights ahead with the passion and determination we feel today, and bring that energy into 2017,2018,2020, and beyond.”

© Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/15/politics/hillary-clinton-resistance-onward-together/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_latest+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Most+Recent%29
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Soccer star scrambling after making ‘racist’ Chinese pose


BEIJING — Argentina international Ezequiel Lavezzi has apologized to his Chinese fans over a photo leaked online in which he pulls back his eyes with his…
BEIJING — Argentina international Ezequiel Lavezzi has apologized to his Chinese fans over a photo leaked online in which he pulls back his eyes with his fingers in a gesture widely seen as offensive.
The Hebei China Fortune forward said in a statement on the team’s microblog that he had intended no offense or “any wish to insult the Chinese people” when the picture was taken as part of a pre-season photo shoot.
“I have been extremely happy since coming to China and striving on behalf of Hebei China Fortune, ” Lavezzi wrote in the statement published in Chinese and Spanish and dated Sunday. “I sincerely apologize if this photograph caused any offense or misunderstanding to the Chinese public and football fans as a whole and I will carry this lesson into the future.”
In an accompanying statement, the club said the photo had never been publicly released, displayed or used for promotional purposes.
Lavezzi joined Hebei last year from Paris Saint-Germain as one of a clutch of high-priced signings by teams in the Chinese league. Hebei is coached by former Real Madrid and Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini and also features Ivory Coast forward Gervinho.
During the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Spain’s basketball team sparked controversy after the entire team was shown in promotional materials making the slit-eyed gesture.

© Source: http://nypost.com/2017/05/15/soccer-star-scrambling-after-making-racist-chinese-pose/
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Hillary Clinton launching new political group


Stepping deeper into the Democratic resistance, Hillary Clinton launched a new political organization on Monday designed to push back against President Donald Trump’s agenda.
NEW YORK — Stepping deeper into the Democratic resistance, Hillary Clinton launched a new political organization on Monday designed to push back against President Donald Trump’s agenda.
The former Democratic nominee used social media to announce the creation of “Onward Together, ” an adaptation from her campaign theme, “Stronger Together.” The group, she tweeted, will “encourage people to get involved, organize, and even run for office.”
“This year hasn’t been what I envisioned, but I know what I’m still fighting for: a kinder, big-hearted, inclusive America. Onward!” Clinton wrote.
The announcement comes as Clinton, 69, works to find a new role in an evolving political landscape.
She recently described herself as an “activist citizen, ” but it was unclear how she would continue to inject her voice into national affairs and influence Democratic Party politics. Pondering her future in recent months, she had begun taking long walks in the woods near her suburban New York home, something she joked about on Monday.
“The last few months, I’ve been reflecting, spending time with family — and, yes, taking walks in the woods, ” she tweeted.
Monday’s move all but ensures she will not retain a leadership position at the Clinton Foundation, the continued focus of her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and daughter, Chelsea Clinton.
Republicans quickly lashed out at the leading Democrat.
Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Ahrens said voters rejected Clinton last fall “because she’s completely out-of-touch, untrustworthy, and embraced the failed policies of the past.”
“If Democrats were smart, they’d realize it’s time to move onward from Hillary Clinton altogether, ” Ahrens said.
For her part, Clinton did not reference Trump directly on Monday, but the group’s mission statement takes an indirect swipe at the Republican president by noting she won almost 66 million votes in the last election. That’s about 3 million more than Trump.
Clinton on Monday vowed her organization would support specific groups that help Democrats. She singled out Emerge America, an organization that trains Democratic women to run for office, along with Color of Change, which promotes criminal justice reform and other racial issues.
Onward Together is a non-profit organization that does not have to disclose its donors.
Clinton becomes the latest high-profile Democrat to launch an independent group. Former President Barack Obama, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, and 2004 Democratic nominee Howard Dean all helped create political organizations.
“More than ever, I believe citizen engagement is vital to our democracy, ” Clinton tweeted. “I’m so inspired by everyone stepping up to organize and lead.”

© Source: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/765694150/Hillary-Clinton-launching-new-political-group.html
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Trump gave Russia classified intelligence: what we know so far


Trump appears to be putting vital sources of intelligence in jeopardy.
Late on Monday, published a bombshell: President Trump had shared highly sensitive, highly classified information about the ISIS fight with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov when the two men met in the Oval Office last week. The facts of the situation are a little murky, as the Post’s reporters (Greg Miller and Greg Jaffe) took a lot of care to avoid revealing any more classified information in their piece. But here’s what the Post scoop is clear about: To be clear: This isn’ t illegal. The president has the power to declassify whatever he wants. So even though this information was “code-word information, ” the highest level of classification there is in the US system, the very act of Trump telling it to Lavrov had the effect of declassifying it. But this is, nonetheless, extremely dangerous. As the Post makes clear, it could have compromised a potential source of vital intelligence about ISIS plots. Depending on what the Russians do with this information, this could making the US homeland more vulnerable to attack. More broadly, though, it raises questions about whether the Trump administration can be trusted with vital information. The US intelligence community benefits greatly from intelligence-sharing agreements with partners like the Five Eyes (FVEY) agreement with Canada, the UK, New Zealand, and Australia. This is particularly vital when it comes to the war on ISIS. America’s partners in the Arab states — most notably Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan — are critical sources of information on the terrorist group, some of whom have agents inside the ranks of ISIS. US intelligence services really rely on the high-quality information it gets from these states. The fact that the president is blithely sharing sensitive information from one of these programs with the Russians may make allies think twice about continuing to share all of their vital information with the United States. That will certainly be the case for whatever ally’s intelligence methods and practices were just spilled to the Russians during Trump’s brag sessions. Some members of Congress are already furious at the news. “I don’ t know when it will be enough for Republicans to understand that we need to get to the bottom of the connection between the president of the United States and the Russian government, ” Chris Murphy, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told reporters. This sort of thing was a concern before Trump’s election. Some intelligence officials refused to brief Trump on vital information, ’s Shane Harris and Carol Lee reported, because they were worried he’ d compromise the sources. ’s Nahal Toosi reported that US allies were explicitly worried that their information would get into the Kremlin’s hands, given Trump’s fondness for Putin, and were thinking about scaling back their cooperation with the US as a result. “If there’s a sense that we’ re cozying up to regimes like Vladimir Putin’s Russia, that could have something of a chilling effect, ” an anonymous senior Obama official told Toosi in January. “The challenge may be in places like Germany, France, potentially even the United Kingdom. If there is a reorientation toward Moscow, there could be some doubts there.” Concerns about Trump’s ability to handle sensitive information were also fueled by showing the president discussing a North Korean missile test with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at an outside table that was in full view of many other diners at the Mar-a-Lago resort. That pales, though, when compared with what has just taken place. Whether through incompetence or an intentional attempt to curry favor with an ally, Trump has handed sensitive information over to the Russians, arguably America’s biggest adversary in the world. And the US may lose out on vital sources of intelligence about terrorism — and perhaps other subjects — as a result. American allies with spies inside or close to ISIS already worry about the safety of their operatives and the quality of their intelligence. Now they have a new fear: that the president of the US might carelessly share it with one of the world’s most dangerous regimes.

© Source: https://www.vox.com/world/2017/5/15/15643720/trump-russia-classified-intelligence-post
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How U. S. dodged a bullet in Friday's massive global ransomware attack


Ransomware attack repercussions continue, but U. S. may have dodged a major hit
SAN FRANCISCO — The massive WannaCry ransomware attack has hit hundreds of thousands of computers from Taiwan to the United Kingdom. Despite the global nature of the attack, few networks and companies in the United States appear to have been hit.
The reason, say cybersecurity analysts, is a combination of luck, geography, and adherence to software updates, though the United States is by no means invulnerable to such attacks.
The attack encrypted all the files on an infected computer and demanded the equivalent of approximately $300 in bitcoin, an untraceable digital currency, to unlock a user’s data. It began Friday and quickly spread, infecting computers at Spanish phone company Telefonica, one-fifth of the hospitals in the United Kingdom — forcing some doctors to halt procedures or turn patients away — as well as automaker Renault and U. S. shipper FedEx. Over the weekend, it hit thousands of computers in Asia.
But fears it would bring companies to a standstill Monday morning weren’t realized.
“The good news is the infection rates have slowed over the weekend, ” said U. S. homeland security adviser Tom Bossert in a press conference Monday. He said the attack affected more than 300,000 victims in 150 countries, but only a small number of U. S. parties fell victim. U. S. federal systems hadn’t been infected, he said.
U. S. roots but few U. S. infections
The WannaCry ransomware takes advantage of flaws in unpatched copies of some versions of Windows, especially Windows XP. Users still running that operating system, which Microsoft stopped supporting three years ago, were vulnerable to an attack. Microsoft issued a patch to fix the vulnerability on March 14 but many systems did not install it.
Ransomware has existed since at least 2005, but this one is different, making the attack more worrisome.
Unlike typical ransomware hacks, which require an individual user to open an emailed attachment or click on an advertisement that contains malicious software, the WannaCry hack appears able to transmit itself without the user doing anything.
“WannaCry is the first one to completely automate, ” said Craig Williams, a senior technical leader at Talos, the security research arm of tech company Cisco.
The ransomware spreads from network to network, using a vulnerability taken from cyber tools released in an online data dump by a group calling itself the Shadow Brokers. Some cyber analysts say the group stole the vulnerability from the National Security Agency.
Asked in a press conference on Monday whether the code had indeed originally come from the NSA, Bossert it “was not a tool developed by the NSA to hold ransom data. This was a tool developed by culpable parties, potentially criminals or foreign nation-states.”
He did not address the issue of whether the original exploitable flaw the ransomware was based on came from NSA cyber tools.
The swift-moving spread of the malware over the weekend prompted some to fear a second wave of locked machines and halted systems on Monday. Adding to those fears: security analysts said unblocked variants of the original malware were attacking.
While the initial version of the ransomware was disabled within about seven hours, at least 469 copycat variations have been released since Monday, according to Andreas Marx with AV-Test, a German-based security testing company.
The United States may have dodged the attack because companies keep software updated, pressured by the threat of lawsuits. “We’ re more litigious, companies know there will be consequences if they’ re not adequately protected, ” said Ed Stroz, co-founder of Stroz Friedberg, a New York City-based digital risk management firm.
U. S. companies and individuals are also more security-conscious — and, frankly, wealthy enough — they can afford to run security programs that proved protective against the software.
“The situation appears to be more under control now, as many companies have reacted (and e.g. deployed the Microsoft security patches) and anti-virus signature are up-to-date and able to kill the current versions of the ransomware, ” Marx said.
Another reason computers in the United States were not so hard-hit is that companies and individuals in the United States are much less likely to run pirated versions of the Windows operating system, said Adam Levin, chair of CyberScout, a data risk service.
That’s not always the case, especially in Asia and eastern Europe, which appear to have been hardest hit by the attack.
“If you buy bootleg software, and we know this is a big problem in other parts of the world, you may be taking on risk you didn’ t even realize you were taking, ” Levin said.
Not every country or company is as aggressive about security patches as it should be. “The U. S. generally has (paid) more attention to security than other countries may, ” said Sean Dillon, a senior security analyst with RiskSense Inc.
People who are running older computers and software may be more vulnerable because they don’t necessarily have access to the newest security bells and whistles.
“Because of the way in which the worm spreads, its success will be directly correlated to organizations that have the vulnerability still open. It’s reasonable to assume that there are large populations of those systems in certain countries, ” said Steve Grobman, chief technology officer at McAfee.
Another explanation has been that WannaCry was not actually active for very long before it was shut down by a 22-year-old security researcher in London who goes by the name MalwareTech. By most accounts, it only ran for about seven hours, from 3: 30 a.m. ET on Friday to about 10 a.m. ET.
Because the malware spread from unprotected network to unprotected network, it relied upon quirks of geography and topology to propagate. Networks within countries and regions tend to be more densely connected than those physically distant from each other, so with the largest sites of infection in eastern Europe and Asia, there weren’ t as many likely jumps it could make to the United States.
Had it found one early on, the U. S. could have been much more heavily hit. Timing, proximity and luck all played parts, said Stroz.
“I never take luck out of the equation, ” he said.
Follow USA TODAY reporters Elizabeth Weise and Mike Snider on Twitter: @eweise & @MikeSnider .

© Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2017/05/15/ransomeware-attack-wannacry-malware/101710900/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=usatoday-newstopstories
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Two die in small plane crash in New Jersey


Two crew members died when a small plane crashed in New Jersey on Monday, setting multiple buildings on fire.
May 15 (UPI) — Two crew members died when a small plane crashed in New Jersey on Monday, setting multiple buildings on fire.
The Learjet 35 crashed around 3: 30 p.m. in an industrial area in Carlstadt, about a quarter-mile from Teterboro Airport, close to New York City, according to the Federal Aviation Administration .
The twin-engine plane was attempting to land at the airport en route from Philadelphia International Airport.
The jet crashed into two buildings and burst into flames, witnesses told WABC-TV .
Thick, black smoke was visible from New York City.
A person who worked in one of the buildings hit told WABC-TV the crash occurred about 30 minutes after one of the businesses closed. People in the second building all got out safely.
Steve Case, co-founder of AOL, posted an image an Instagram and wrote: “Was trying to land, but missed the turn. Crashed a few hundred yards from airport.”
He took the photo from the window of another plane.
One witness told WNBC-TV she works at United Door and saw the crash outside her office window.
“We were there working like every day and all of the suddenly we see the airplane coming down, ” she said. “It landed in the parking lot and then we heard the explosion.”
The Learjet occupants were the crew members. No one was hurt on the ground, Carlstadt police said.
The plane’s tail number is N452DA and it is registered to A&C Big Sky Aviation in Billings, Mont.
The Learjet 35, capable of carrying eight passengers and a crew of two, was manufactured from 1973-94, according to Globalair.com .
Designated as a “reliever” airport, Teterboro’s “focus is on removing the smaller and slower aircraft from the regional air traffic that would cause major congestion at the Port Authority’s commercial airports, ” according to the airport’s website .
The airport is run by the Port Authority of Nww York and New Jersey.

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2017/05/15/Two-die-in-small-plane-crash-in-New-Jersey/8571494882974/
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In Ransomware Attack, Where Does Microsoft’s Responsibility Lie?


For years, the company has tried to change the perception that its software was vulnerable to hackers. A global cyberattack renewed those issues.
SEATTLE — When malicious software first became a serious problem on the internet about 15 years ago, most people agreed that the biggest villain, after the authors of the damaging code, was Microsoft.
As a new cyberattack continues to sweep across the globe, the company is once again at the center of the debate over who is to blame for a vicious strain of malware demanding ransom from victims in exchange for the unlocking of their digital files.
This time, though, Microsoft believes others should share responsibility for the attack, an assault that targeted flaws in the Windows operating system.
On Sunday, Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president and chief legal officer, wrote a blog post describing the company’s efforts to stop the ransomware’s spread, including an unusual step it took to release a security update for versions of Windows that Microsoft no longer supports. Mr. Smith wrote, “As a technology company, we at Microsoft have the first responsibility to address these issues.”
He went on, though, to emphasize that the attack had demonstrated the “degree to which cybersecurity has become a shared responsibility between tech companies and customers, ” the latter of whom must update their systems if they want to be protected. He also pointed his finger at intelligence services, since the latest vulnerability appeared to have been leaked from the National Security Agency.
On Monday, a Microsoft spokesman declined to comment beyond Mr. Smith’s post.
To prepare for fallout with customers, Judson Althoff, a Microsoft executive vice president, sent an email to the company’s field sales team on Sunday encouraging them to be supportive of businesses targeted by the attack, or even those who were simply aware of it.
“Our key direction to you is to remember that we are in this with our customers — we are trusted advisers, counselors, and suppliers to them, ” he wrote. “More than technical guidance, I want you to make sure you are spending the time needed to understand the concerns they have and that they know we are here to help.”
While Microsoft’s reputation has suffered in the past because of security problems, the company’s stock is barely down from the close of trading on Thursday, just before reports of the ransomware.
“People have extremely short memories when it comes to this, ” said Jan Dawson, an analyst with Jackdaw Research. “I think, realistically, people will move on pretty quickly.”
Microsoft has recognized the risk that cybersecurity poses to it since about 2002, when Bill Gates, the former chief executive, issued a call to arms inside the company after a wave of malicious software began infecting Windows PCs connected to the internet.
“As software has become ever more complex, interdependent and interconnected, our reputation as a company has in turn become more vulnerable, ” Mr. Gates wrote in an email to employees identifying trustworthy computing as Microsoft’s top priority. “Flaws in a single Microsoft product, service or policy not only affect the quality of our platform and services overall, but also our customers’ view of us as a company.”
Since then, the company has poured billions of dollars into security initiatives, employing more than 3,500 engineers dedicated to security. In March, it released a software patch that addressed the vulnerability exploited by the ransomware, known as WannaCry, protecting systems such as Windows 10, its latest operating system.
Yet security flaws in older editions of Windows persist. The company no longer provides regular software updates to Windows XP, a version first released in 2001, unless customers pay for “custom support, ” a practice some observers believe has put users at risk. Late Friday, Microsoft took the unusual step of making patches that protect older systems against WannaCry, including Windows XP, free.
“Companies like Microsoft should discard the idea that they can abandon people using older software, ” Zeynep Tufekci, an associate professor at the school of information and library science at the University of North Carolina, wrote in a New York Times opinion piece over the weekend. “The money they made from these customers hasn’ t expired; neither has their responsibility to fix defects.”
But security experts challenged that argument, saying that Microsoft could not be expected to keep updating old software products indefinitely. Providing updates to older systems could make computers more insecure by removing an incentive for users to modernize, Mikko Hypponen, the chief research officer of F-Secure, a security firm.
“I can understand why they issued an emergency patch for XP after WannaCry was found, but in general, we should just let XP die, ” Mr. Hypponen said.
Despite the high profile of WannaCry, widespread malware outbreaks have become less common over the years, as Microsoft has improved the security of its systems, said Ziv Mador, vice president for security research at Trustwave, a security services firm. But the profits that criminals can make through ransomware and other malicious code ensure the problem will never vanish.
“Even though it’s becoming harder and harder, the incentives have increased tremendously, ” said Mr. Mador, who previously worked on security response at Microsoft.

© Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/15/technology/cyberattack-microsoft-software-responsibility.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0
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Lotto Ekstraklasa: Ruch i Górnik z licencjami, ale "Niebiescy" rozpoczną rozgrywki z ujemnymi punktami


Ruch Chorzów i Górnik Łęczna poinformowały w poniedziałek, że otrzymały licencję na występy w przyszłym sezonie piłkarskiej ekstraklasy. Śląski klub rozpocznie jednak rozgrywki z trzema ujemnymi punktami. – Ekstraklasa – najnowsze wyniki i relacje ze stadionów.
W miniony piątek Komisja ds. Licencji Klubowych przyznała licencje na występy w przyszłym sezonie piłkarskiej ekstraklasy 14 z 16 występujących w niej obecnie zespołom. Decyzje w sprawie Górnika i Ruchu odroczono do poniedziałku.
Teraz oba kluby poinformowały, że otrzymały licencje. Na razie jednak czeka je ciężka walka o utrzymanie w obecnym sezonie. Po 33 kolejkach ekstraklasy zajmują dwa ostatnie miejsca w tabeli. Ekipa z Łęcznej ma 18 punktów, a z Chorzowa – 17.
Na Górnika Łęczna nałożono nadzór finansowy, w związku z “koniecznością monitorowania prognozy finansowej”.
Galeria Przejdź do galerii »
Piękna żona Miroslava Radovica częstym gościem na trybunach stadionu Legii [FOTO]
Legia Warszawa pokonała Bruk-Bet Teralikę Nieciecza aż 6: 0. Jedną z bramek dla mistrzów Polski strzelił Miroslav Radovic. Grę gwiazdora stołecznego zespołu z trybun oklaskiwała piękna żona i trzech synów.

© Source: http://sport.dziennik.pl/pilka-nozna/ekstraklasa/artykuly/549804,lotto-ekstraklasa-ruch-i-gornik-z-licencjami.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Dziennik-Sport+%28RSS+-+Dziennik+-+Sport%29
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'Nobody has the perfect life': Kylie Jenner reveals she's looking for 'what is really going to make me happy' in first Life of Kylie trailer


‘When you grow up on camera everybody feels like they know you but they don’t, ‘ she opines as glitzy clips of her in tight dresses and fans chanting her name roll underneath.
The youngest scion of the Kardashian-Jenner clan – Kylie, 19 – has landed her own reality series and the first look at the show dropped online Thursday.
In the 30-second teaser, images flash in rapid succession showing the daughter of Kris and Caitlyn Jenner from a child to a teen along with a voiceover in which she suggests that there’s more to her than has so far met the eye.
‘When you grow up on camera everybody feels like they know you but they don’t, ‘ she opines as glitzy clips of her in tight dresses and fans chanting her name roll underneath.
Scroll down for video
During the promotional trailer, Kylie is described as a ‘beauty mogul’ and ‘pop culture icon.’
She found fame on E!’s Keeping Up With The Kardashians but none of her famous sisters are included in the video.
This time it’s all about Kylie as she’s seen posing with her besties on photo shoots and showing off her lip kits that are part of her Kylie Cosmetics line.
The show is billed as giving fans an inside track on what it’s like to be the reality star and promises to take them inside her private world.
‘Nobody has the perfect life, ‘ she says in her voiceover.
‘Now I can find what is really going to make me happy.’
She goes on: ‘There’s an image that I have to keep up with.’
‘Then there’s me, Kylie.’
It’s the most recent spin-off from KUWTK that momager Kris Jenner has managed to secure from E!
Her former husband Caitlyn starred for two seasons on I Am Cait, that followed the former Olympian in her new life after undergoing gender transition.
The tumultuous relationship between Kris’ son Rob Kardashian and his at the time fiancee Blac Chyna also aired this past year on Rob & Chyna as they couple prepared to welcome their daughter Dream, born in November.
Other previous related shows on E! included Kourtney And Kim Take Miami, Kourtney And Kim Take New York and Khloe & Lamar.
Life Of Kylie premieres on E! on July 6 and will be shown in the US as well as in the UK and Ireland available on hayu.

© Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4497760/Kylie-Jenner-stars-trailer-Life-Kylie.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
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