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French Election: Commission probes Macron hacking as voters prepare to have their say


France’s election campaign commission said Saturday that it is examining the reported hacking attack on candidate Emmanuel Macron’s political movement and subsequent document leaks online.
France’s election campaign commission said Saturday that it is examining the reported hacking attack on candidate Emmanuel Macron’s political movement and subsequent document leaks online.
It urged French media not to publish the documents, warning that some of them are “probably” fake. It also urged citizens not to relay the data on social media to protect the integrity of the French vote.
French electoral law imposed a blackout Saturday and most of Sunday on any campaigning and media coverage seen as swaying the election, to allow voters a period of reflection before casting their ballots.
The Macron team asked the campaign oversight commission Saturday to bring in cybersecurity agency ANSSI to study the hack, according to a government official who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss the details publicly.
ANSSI can only be called in for cases where the cyberattack is “massive and sophisticated” — and the Macron hack appears to fit the bill, the official said.
Someone on 4chan — a site known, among other things, for cruel hoaxes and political extremism — posted links to a large set of data Friday night.
Macron is seen as the favorite going into Sunday’s runoff against far-right leader Marine Le Pen, with most polls showing him leading the National Front candidate by double digits.
The hacking incident comes at time when many have said that the future of the European Union and its currency, the Euro, hang in the balance depending on what voters decide Sunday.
Macron, a former investment banker and centrist, is widely seen as being pro-immigration and in favor of continuing and strengthening the European Union.
Le Pen, a hard-right nationalist, is in favor of closing borders and protecting the French economy from the force of globalization. She is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, a convicted Holocaust denier who has dismissed the Nazi gas chambers as a “detail of history.”
Fears of hacking, fake news manipulation and Russian meddling clouded the French campaign but had largely gone unrealized — until late Friday’s admission by Macron’s campaign that it had suffered a coordinated online pirate attack had led to the leak of campaign emails and financial documents. It was unclear who was behind the hack and the leak.
U. S. intelligence agencies said they have definitive evidence that Russia was behind the hacking of Democratic email accounts, with the aim of benefiting Donald Trump’s campaign and harming his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.
Putin has long denied such claims. On Tuesday, during a tense meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Russian president was forced to again deny reports of Russian meddling in international elections.
Merkel said she was confident that Germany can weather any disinformation campaign targeting Germany’s upcoming election. Asked about the threat during the news conference, she cited two recent incidents of what she described as “gross misinformation.”
Le Pen, meanwhile, told The Associated Press that she believes she can pull off a surprise victory in the high-stakes vote that could change Europe’s direction.
Le Pen has lately played down her plans to quit the EU and the euro, saying this may not be her top priority. But if she wins, the euro will fall around 5 percent in the immediate aftermath, a Reuters poll found this week.
A campaign blackout starting minutes after the Macron team announcement means that Le Pen’s campaign can’t legally comment on the leak.
In a statement, Macron’s En Marche movement said the hack took place a few weeks ago, and that the leaked documents have been mixed with false documents to “seed doubt and disinformation” and destabilize Sunday’s presidential runoff. Hillary Clinton’s U. S. presidential campaign suffered similar leaks, and also said that authentic documents were mixed with false documents.
The documents’ release just before France enters a roughly two-day-long blackout means that the leak may have very little impact beyond the overheated world of Twitter and Reddit.
On the other hand, the messages’ release just before France’s political machinery shuts down for the weekend might mean that talk of the leak – regardless of its veracity – will dominate dinner table conversations as French voters make up their minds Saturday.
The candidates stopped campaigning at midnight Friday to give voters a day of reflection before the election. It’s a stark choice: Le Pen’s anti-immigration, anti-European Union platform, or Macron’s liberal, pro-EU stance.
From depressed northern France to the streets of Paris, few voters seemed aware Saturday of the hacking attack on Macron’s team — although several were looking forward to the end of a vitriolic campaign.
In Henin-Beaumont in northern France, where Le Pen will cast her ballot on Sunday, 28-year-old Thomas Delannoy said the campaign “looks like reality TV.” The construction painter called the electoral process “laughable, ” saying that neither candidate had a platform he could identify with.
Macron will vote Sunday in the seaside town of Le Touquet, where his wife Brigitte went for a walk Saturday with her daughter and grandchildren.
The Associated Press contributed to this report

© Source: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/05/06/french-election-commission-probes-macron-hacking-as-voters-prepare-to-have-their-say.html
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Macron, Le Pen face off as France elects president


French voters will pick a new president on Sunday, choosing between young centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen in a watershed election for the country and Europe.
French voters will pick a new president on Sunday, choosing between young centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen in a watershed election for the country and Europe.
Polling day follows an unprecedented campaign marked by scandal, repeated surprises and a last-minute hacking attack on Macron, a 39-year-old who has never held elected office.
The run-off vote pits the pro-Europe, pro-business Macron against anti-immigration and anti-EU Le Pen, two radically different visions that underline a split in western democracies.
Le Pen, 48, has portrayed the ballot as a contest between the “globalists” represented by her rival — those in favour of open trade, immigration and shared sovereignty — versus the “nationalists” who defend strong borders and national identities.
Voting will begin on the mainland at 0600 GMT in 66,546 polling stations. Most will close at 1700 GMT, except those in big cities which will stay open an hour longer.
A first estimate of the results will be published around 1800 GMT.
“The political choice the French people are going to make is clear, ” Le Pen said in her opening remarks during an often vicious debate between the pair on Wednesday night.
The last polling showed Macron — winner of last month’s election first round — with a widening lead of around 62 percent to 38 percent before the hacking revelations on Friday evening. A campaigning blackout entered into force shortly after.
Hundreds of thousands of emails and documents stolen from the Macron campaign were dumped online and then spread by anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, leading the candidate to call it an attempt at “democratic destabilisation.”
France’s election authority said publishing the documents could be a criminal offence, a warning heeded by traditional media organisations but flouted by Macron’s opponents and far-right activists online.
“We knew that there were these risks during the presidential campaign because it happened elsewhere. Nothing will go without a response, ” French President Francois Hollande told AFP on Saturday.
– Winds of change –
US intelligence agencies believe state-backed Russian operatives were behind a massive hacking attack on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign ahead of America’s presidential election last November.
There has been no claim of responsibility for the French hack, but the government and Macron’s team previously accused the Kremlin of trying to meddle in the election — accusations denied in Moscow.
Whoever wins Sunday’s vote it is set to cause profound change for France, the world’s sixth-biggest economy, a permanent member of the UN security council and a global military power.
It is the first time neither of the country’s traditional parties has a candidate in the final round of the presidential election under the modern French republic, founded in 1958.
Macron would be France’s youngest-ever leader and was a virtual unknown three years ago when he was named economy minister, the launching pad for his sensational presidential bid.
He left Hollande’s Socialist government in August and formed En Marche, a political movement he says in neither of the left or the right and which has attracted 250,000 members.
The ex-investment banker’s programme pledges to cut state spending, ease labour laws, boost education in deprived areas and extend new protections to the self-employed.
He is also fervently pro-European and wants to re-energise the 28-member European Union, following Britain’s referendum vote last summer to leave.
“France is not a closed country. We are in Europe and in the world, ” Macron said during Wednesday’s debate.
But Le Pen is hoping to spring a shock that would resonate as widely as Britain’s decision to withdraw from the EU or the unexpected triumph of US President Donald Trump.
– First round winners –
National Front leader Le Pen sees herself as part of the same backlash against globalisation that has emerged as a powerful theme in the US and in recent ballots in Britain, Austria and the Netherlands.
She has pledged to organise a referendum on withdrawing France from the EU and wants to scrap the euro, which she has dubbed a “currency of bankers.”
She has also vowed to reduce net immigration to 10,000 people a year, crack down on outsourcing by multinationals, lower the retirement age and introduce hardline measures to tackle Islamic extremists.
Many voters still see her party as anti-semitic and racist despite her six-year drive to improve its image.
Macron topped the first round of the presidential election on April 23 with 24.01 percent, followed by Le Pen on 21.30 percent, in a crowded field of 11 candidates.
The results revealed Macron was favoured among wealthier, better educated citizens in cities, while Le Pen drew support in the countryside as well as poverty-hit areas in the south and rustbelt northeast.
Voting for the run-off started for French voters in north America and some overseas territories on Saturday.

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/macron-le-pen-face-off-as-france-elects-president/article/492027
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Nike’s Breaking2 initiative was a crazy physical achievement and a brilliant marketing campaign


Nike’s Breaking2 initiative didn’t quite reach its goal of breaking the two-hour marathon mark, but that hasn’t stopped the company from crowing about the..
Nike’s Breaking2 initiative didn’ t quite reach its goal of breaking the two-hour marathon mark, but that hasn’ t stopped the company from crowing about the results.
Nike has been working with three runners, Eliud Kipchoge, Lelisa Desisa and Zersenay Tadese, to break the two-hour threshold. It wasn’ t just giving them shoes — a variation of the Zoom Vaporfly Elite — but also putting them through an array of tests and creating race conditions (including choosing the right course, date and time) for optimal speed.
The result? Well, Kipchoge was the fastest of the three. With a time of 2 hours and 25 seconds, he not only he beat his personal best of 2: 03: 05, he also came awfully close to finishing under two hours. And that’s two minutes faster than the world record, which is held by Dennis Kimetto at 2: 02: 57.
And while Kipchoge didn’ t quite reach that official two-hour goal, Nike will get plenty of mileage from the event. It posted live video of the race on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube — on Facebook, as I write this on Saturday evening, the livestream has been viewed 4.9 million times, and a shorter clip highlighting Kipchoge’s finish has been viewed 4.2 million times. (You’ ll probably see plenty more ads featuring that clip.)
It may seem kind of gross to talk about this achievement as if it was just a marketing campaign. But from Nike’s perspective, that is what it was — the company wasn’ t running Twitter ads promoting the #Breaking2 hashtag all day on a whim.
You might feel even more cynical about the initiative when you realize that Nike paid the three runners to skip the London and Berlin marathons this year, and that Kipchoge’s time won’ t become the official world record, because the Breaking2 marathon used a non-compliant arrangement of runners who ran ahead to set the pace and reduce drag.
That doesn’ t mean everything was done for the sake of marketing. After all, if you want a lot of eyeballs on your race, you probably don’ t schedule it for 11: 45pm Eastern on a Friday night, and you don’ t close it off from the general public. First and foremost, Nike seems to have been laser-focused on getting the fastest times possible — and then promoting the heck out of the results.
In fact, it was exciting enough that at least one other shoe brand had to share its compliments on Twitter. (2017 is weird, you guys.) And hey, if any marketers want to replicate Nike’s success, they just need a team of sports researchers, months of training time and the participation of the world’s top athletes.
Maybe my favorite part of this story is the fact that Michael Joyner of the Mayo Clinic had previously predicted that the best possible time for a man running a marathon is 1: 57: 58. Today, Kipchoge came within three minutes of that physiological limit, closer than anyone’s ever come before. If that feat helps Nike sell more shoes, I’ m totally okay with that.

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Kevin Knox explains why he chose Kentucky over Duke and UNC


Kevin Knox, a 6-9,203-pound five-star wing forward, said in an interview that he felt he could develop into a great player at Kentucky. He picked the Wildcats over Duke and UNC on Saturday, May 6,2017.
Kevin Knox II said Kentucky’s coaching staff, its transition offense and the chance to develop into a great player, are the three reasons he chose the Wildcats over Duke, North Carolina, Missouri and Florida State.
Knox, a 6-9,203-pound five-star wing, and the No. 8 ranked recruit in the country, announced his college decision on Twitter Saturday evening. He tweeted “Big Blue Nation Let’s Go, ” and a picture of himself wearing a Kentucky jersey.
“It’s definitely a great school as far as getting players in the league, ” Knox said in a phone interview Saturday night.
Knox said after talking with Kentucky’s coaching staff, he felt like they would be tough on him and would help him get to the next level. Knox has said in the past he wanted to go to a school for one year before declaring for the NBA draft.
Both Duke and UNC had high hopes for landing Knox. He met with UNC’s Roy Williams and Duke’s Mike Krzyzewski in February and March. He attended the Duke-Carolina game in Chapel Hill and had meetings with both coaches after the game.
Krzyzewski had hoped Knox would step in for Duke like freshman star Jayson Tatum did. And Williams had hoped Knox would step in for the Tar Heels like Justin Jackson, who won ACC Player of the Year, did.
Knox said the other four schools were all on equal footing, and none emerged as second favorites. He said he thought he could have succeeded at any of them.
“Duke and UNC are great schools, ” Knox said. “Duke has coached a lot of players who were versatile. UNC had the three spot open with Justin Jackson leaving.
“But at Kentucky a lot of players are staying and coming in that will push me in practice every day to get better. I just trusted what the coaches were saying.”
Knox played all four years of high school basketball at Tampa Catholic, in Tampa Bay, Fla. Last season, he averaged 28.9 points per game and 11.3 rebounds. His team lost in the finals of the Florida 5A state playoffs.
Knox adds to an already stacked recruiting class at Kentucky. With Knox, Kentucky now has five five-star recruits and two four-star recruits.

© Source: http://www.newsobserver.com/sports/college/acc/unc/article149116614.html
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Japan, China to boost financial ties amid protectionist, North Korean tensions


Japan and China agreed to bolster economic and financial cooperation, Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Saturday, as U. S. President Donald Trump’s protectionist stance and tension over North Korea weigh on Asia’s growth outlook.
Japan and China agreed to bolster economic and financial cooperation, Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Saturday, as U. S. President Donald Trump’s protectionist stance and tension over North Korea weigh on Asia’s growth outlook.
Chinese Finance Minister Xiao Jie, who missed a trilateral meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts on Friday for an emergency domestic meeting, had flown in for the talks with Aso, seeking to dispel speculation his absence had any diplomatic implications.
“We actively exchanged views on economic and financial situations in Japan and China and our cooperation in the financial field, ” Aso told reporters after the meeting, which included senior finance ministry and central bank officials.
“It was significant that we reconfirmed the need of financial cooperation between the two countries while sharing our experiences in dealing with economic policies and structural issues, ” he added.
The two countries agreed to launch joint research on issues of mutual interest – without elaborating – and to report the outcomes at the next talks, which will be held in 2018 in China.
They did not discuss issues such as currencies and geopolitical risks from North Korea’s nuclear and missile program during the dialogue, held on the sidelines of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) annual meeting in Yokohama, eastern Japan, Aso said.

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/119799.php
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Body believed to be Nagoya student found after explosion


The body of what police believe is a male university student was found following an explosion at his dormitory on the campus of Nagoya University campus on Thursday in what could have been a suicide, reports TV Asahi
The body of what police believe is a male university student was found following an explosion at his dormitory on the campus of Nagoya University campus on Thursday in what could have been a suicide, reports TV Asahi
At around 8 a.m., emergency services received several calls from students at the university about an explosion and black smoke rising from a room on the third floor of the dormitory.
According to police, a body believed to be that of a 20-year-old male occupying the room was found in the ruins of the room, which had been completely burned out, authorities said.
Prior to the incident, the student told his parents he was “worried about repeating a year” at university, according to TBS News (May 4) .
The explosion was heard when the student returned to his room after meeting with his parents who were visiting, authorities said.
The student’s father suffered injuries, including burns inside his mouth, after rushing to the room.
Police are treating the case as a suicide or an accident.

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/119797.php
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Schneiderman: House GOP Health Care Bill Includes ‘Unconstitutional Attack’ On Women’s Rights


New York’s attorney general is hoping to stop the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — New York’s attorney general is hoping to stop the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.
If the Senate backs the bill that has already passed in the House of Representatives, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is threatening to sue.
“If they pass the bill in the form the House passed it, it is unconstitutional. It includes an unconstitutional attack on women’s right to reproductive health services, including abortion, ” Schneiderman said. “It’s drafted in a way that really in a tricky way tries to wipe out Planned Parenthood.”
Senate Republicans have indicated they plan to substantially re-write the legislation, while Democrats say they have been working on a bill of their own.
Schneiderman has made it part of his mission to police the current administration.
He was also a Hillary Clinton super delegate.

© Source: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2017/05/06/schneiderman-on-gop-health-care-bill/
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Top US bobsledder Steven Holcomb found dead at Olympic training centre


America’s sporting world has expressed shock after Steven Holcomb, who drove to three Olympic bobsledding medals after beating a disease that nearly robbed him of his eyesight, was foun
America’s sporting world has expressed shock after Steven Holcomb, who drove to three Olympic bobsledding medals after beating a disease that nearly robbed him of his eyesight, was found dead.
The US Olympic Committee and the USA Bobsled and Skeleton Federation announced the death of the 37-year-old 2010 gold medallist, who was found dead in his room at the Olympic Training Centre in Lake Placid, New York, on Saturday.
The federation said it was believed Holcomb died in his sleep.
Officials said there were no indications of foul play after a preliminary investigation and a post-mortem examination is expected to take place on Sunday.
Holcomb, America’s best bobsled pilot and a self-described computer geek who would rub shoulders with Hollywood stars, was a three-time Olympian and five-time world champion.
His signature moment came at the 2010 Vancouver Games when he piloted his four-man sled to a win that ended a 62-year gold-medal drought for the US in bobsled’s signature race.
Holcomb also drove to bronze medals in both two- and four-man events at the Sochi Games in 2014, and was expected to be part of the 2018 US Olympic team at the Pyeongchang Games.
“The only reason why the USA is in any conversation in the sport of bobsled is because of Steve Holcomb, ” said US bobsled pilot Nick Cunningham, who had a room next to Holcomb in Lake Placid.
“He was the face of our team. He was the face of our sport. We all emulated him.
“Every driver in the world watched him, because he was that good at what he did.
“It’s a huge loss, huge loss, not just for our team but for the entire bobsled community.”
USA Bobsled and Skeleton Federation chief executive Darrin Steele said: “USA Bobsled and Skeleton is a family and right now we are trying to come to grips with the loss of our team-mate, our brother and our friend.”
US Olympic Committee CEO Scott Blackmun said: “The entire Olympic family is shocked and saddened by the incredibly tragic loss of Steven Holcomb.
“Steve was a tremendous athlete and even better person, and his perseverance and achievements were an inspiration to us all.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with Steve’s family and the entire bobsledding community.”
“Incredibly sad to hear about the passing of @StevenHolcomb, ” US women’s soccer star Carli Lloyd tweeted.
“Deepest sympathies go out to his loved ones.”
Holcomb, a native of Park City, Utah, was almost always happy in public, with a sense of humour well-known throughout the close-knit bobsled world.
Team-mates even spent a season chronicling his “Holcy Dance”, a little less-than-rhythmic shuffle that he would do at each stop on the World Cup circuit to make fellow sliders laugh.
But Holcomb revealed in recent years that there was also a troubled side, including battles with depression and a failed hotel-room suicide attempt in 2007 which he wrote about in his autobiography But Now I See: My Journey From Blindness to Olympic Gold.
“After going through all that and still being here, I realised what my purpose was, ” he said in 2014.
The depression, he believed, largely stemmed from his fight with the disease, keratoconus.
Holcomb’s vision degenerated to the point where he was convinced that his bobsled career was ending and his mood quickly darkened as well.
His eyesight was saved in an operation that turned his 20-500 vision into something close to perfect and his bobsled career took off from there.
In the bobsled world, he was larger than life.
“Dreadful, dreadful news, ” bobsledding broadcaster Martin Haven said on Twitter.
“Holcy was one of the friendliest, most open guys you could hope to meet … I’m heartbroken.”

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/top-us-bobsledder-steven-holcomb-found-dead-at-olympic-training-centre-35688201.html
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最高齢挑戦の登山家死亡 エベレスト、三浦氏と競う


【ニューデリー共同】 ネパール当局によると、 冒険家の 三浦雄一郎さん(84)が80歳で打ち立てたエベレスト(8848メートル)の 史上最高齢の 登頂記録に挑戦していたネパール人男性登山家ミン・ バハドゥール・ シェルチャンさんが6日、 エベレストの ベースキャンプで死亡した。 8…
【ニューデリー共同】ネパール当局によると、冒険家の三浦雄一郎さん(84)が80歳で打ち立てたエベレスト(8848メートル)の史上最高齢の登頂記録に挑戦していたネパール人男性登山家ミン・バハドゥール・シェルチャンさんが6日、エベレストのベースキャンプで死亡した。85歳。医師によると、心臓発作の可能性があるという。 シェルチャンさんは2008年に76歳で登頂に成功、13年に三浦さんに塗り替えられるまで最高齢記録を保持していた。その後、破られた記録を取り戻そうと意気込んでおり、今年も登山許可を得ていた。

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017050601001691.html
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Third parties have always been the key to Amazon’s smart home domination plans


For Amazon, hardware has always been a means to an end. From the Kindle e-reader to the Fire tablets to its TV offerings, the company has always treated the..
For Amazon, hardware has always been a means to an end. From the Kindle e-reader to the Fire tablets to its TV offerings, the company has always treated the space as something of a loss leader – even with its most popular offerings. Amazon has found success in pricing devices much closer to cost than the competition – something a company can only really get away with if it plans to make up for things somewhere down the road, like, say if you’ re in the content selling business.
The Echo line is no different, of course. The goal of the hardware hub is simple: to seed living rooms with its smart assistant and become an essential part of the connected home. The desktop-mounted devices were a first step toward getting Alexa into the world, and while the company has made it clear it isn’ t done with the Echo line (as evidenced by the recent launch of the Look) , it’s ready to let other companies do the heavy lifting.
The actual success of the Echo line took most (likely Amazon included) by surprise. The company never likes to give out exact numbers when it comes to hardware, but by all accounts, the products have been a massive success. Over the holidays, it noted that it had sold 9x as many Echo devices as it had the previous year, only saying that the number was in the “millions.”
But the next phase in Amazon’s master plan has been rolling out for the past year-and-a-half, as the company has not only embraced third-party hardware makers – it’s actively engaged them. Last week, Amazon joined component company Conexant to announce the release of the AudioSmart Development Kit for Alexa Voice Service – a second dev kit aimed at streamlining the process of bringing Alexa voice functionality to their devices.
The day prior, smart appliance maker Ecobee announced that the Amazon’s smart home assistant would be a part of its products in a big way, moving forward. It would start with a new version of the company’s connected thermostat built using an earlier version of the Conexant dev kit. Later in the year, it will be bringing the functionality to connected light switches, with the semi-ominous goal of “weaving the power of voice into the walls of entire households.”
The thermostat marked something of a departure from many Alexa-enabled devices before it, in that it wasn’ t simply the addition of an Alexa skill to an existing product. Nor was it a desk-mounted device designed to compete directly with the Echo line. Only a few of its voice-enabled functions actually pertain to thermostat features. The other 12,000 or so essentially make the product an Echo surrogate, silently waiting for its wake word.
It’s proof of concept for the company that Alexa is just as good outside the Echo. More to the point, it’s the tip of a growing trend in which third-party manufacturers help spread the Alexa gospel. It’s no coincidence, of course, that Ecobee was a $35 million recipient of Amazon’s Alexa Fund, a VC campaign that “believe [s] experiences designed around the human voice will fundamentally improve the way people use technology.” And, you know, promoting the company’s own titular assistant a bit along the way doesn’ t hurt, either, right?
Amazon happily tosses out a number from RBC that puts Alexa on 128 million devices by the end of 2020 (with roughly half that number sold that year) . It seems like a stretch at the current rate, but adoption certainly does appear to be snowballing – a particularly impressive feat given that the fact that unlike Siri and Google Assistant, the product didn’ t have smartphones as a jumping off point.
Though, in recent months, the assistant’s success has been large enough in North America that a handful of smartphone markers have eschewed Google’s offering in favor of Amazon, which is no doubt something of a sweet revenge for a company that failed so publicly in its own attempt to launch a smart home offering.
The Echo line has done its job better than Amazon could have imagined, putting the company well ahead of Apple and Google with regards to penetrating the smart home. For millions of users, the Echo will be their first dip in the waters of the connected home. They purchased an Echo because of the neat tricks they say on TV or the recommendation of a friend. The fact that it can control the high tech smart lights they had their eye on is just a bonus.
Amazon has done the hard work of getting Alexa out into the world. The next couple of years, the burden of follow through will be on the many hardware partners looking to the cash in on Alexa’s success. And on Apple and Google, who have a lot of catching up to do.

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