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Sun dances on bloody crime caper


NewsHubIs it really that hard to design a six-pack of long-life milk that won’t rip apart before you can get it from the shelf to the kitchen? It would appear so.

Sentiment rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/thetimes/2017/01/30/Sun-dances-on-bloody-crime-caper
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All the winners at the 23rd annual SAG Awards


NewsHubLos Angeles – The biggest stars of TV and film came out to shine at the 23rd annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.
Here is the full list of winners.
Actor: Denzel Washington, “Fences”
Actress: Emma Stone, “La La Land”
Supporting actor: Mahershala Ali, “Moonlight”
Supporting actress: Viola Davis, “Fences”
Cast: “Hidden Figures”
Stunt ensemble: “Hacksaw Ridge”
Actor in a comedy series: William H. Macy, “Shameless”
Actress in a comedy series: Julia Louis-Dreyfus, “Veep”
Comedy series cast: “Orange is the New Black”
Actor in a movie or miniseries: Bryan Cranston, “All the Way”
Actress in a movie or miniseries: Sarah Paulson, “The People V. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story”
Drama series cast: “Stranger Things”
Actor in a drama series: John Lithgow, “The Crown”
Actress in a drama series: Claire Foy, “The Crown”
Stunt ensemble: “Game of Thrones”
Life Achievement: Lily Tomlin

Similarity rank: 11
Sentiment rank: 3.3

© Source: http://www.channel24.co.za/Movies/News/all-the-winners-at-23rd-annual-sag-awards-20170130
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Film academy troubled by Trump's possible visa ban of Oscar nominee


NewsHubCalifornia — The motion picture academy calls “extremely troubling,” the possible visa ban of Iranian director Asghar Farhadi, whose feature film The Salesman is nominated for a best foreign language Oscar.
In a statement released on Saturday, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences expressed concern that Farhadi and his cast and crew may not be permitted to attend next month’s Oscar ceremony in Los Angeles following President Trump’s plan to temporarily suspend issuing visas for people from Iran and six other Muslim countries.
Farhadi has not commented on his travel plans, but on Friday, the president of the National Iranian American Council, Trita Parsi, tweeted: “Confirmed: Iran’s Asghar Farhadi won’t be let into the US to attend Oscar’s. ”
On Thursday, Iranian actress Taraneh Alidoosti, star of the The Salesman , tweeted she would boycott the Oscars — whether allowed to attend or not — in protest of Trump’s immigration policies, which she called “racist. ”
In its statement on Saturday, the academy said, “As supporters of filmmakers — and the human rights of all people — around the globe, we find it extremely troubling that Asghar Farhadi, the director of the Oscar-winning film from Iran A Separation , along with the cast and crew of this year’s Oscar-nominated film The Salesman , could be barred from entering the country because of their religion or country of origin. “

Similarity rank: 7
Sentiment rank: -3.5

© Source: http://www.channel24.co.za/Movies/News/film-academy-troubled-by-trumps-possible-visa-ban-of-oscar-nominee-20170130
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Reusable Bag Giveaway Aims To Help Chicagoans Avoid Bag Tax


NewsHubCHICAGO (CBS) — Free reusable bags will be given out to residents across the city Wednesday in an effort to help Chicagoans avoid the 7-cent bag tax.
City officials will distribute the “ChiBags” at seven CTA locations during the evening commute, according to a statement from the mayor’s office. Target will give away the bags to the first 200 people at 16 stores, while Whole Foods will give away 1,000 bags, one per customer, to shoppers at 12 locations. Jewel-Osco and Mariano’s also gave away free reusable bags on Saturday.
The tax, which goes into effect on Wednesday, applies to disposable paper and plastic bags at all retailers in the city. Certain bags — such as those provided by pharmacists for prescription drugs — will be exempt from the tax.
“I’m happy to partner with the business community on this outreach effort to help residents build the habit of bringing their own shopping bags,” Mayor Rahm Emanuel said in the statement. “By providing residents a reusable bag, we are giving them the tools they need to avoid the tax, and we will also help to reduce the number of paper and plastic bags used in Chicago.”
(Source: Sun-Times Media Wire © Chicago Sun-Times 2017. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 3.4

© Source: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/01/30/reusable-bag-giveaway-aims-to-help-chicagoans-avoid-bag-tax/
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USA: Zehntausende protestieren gegen Trump


NewsHubDas Einreiseverbot für Menschen aus sieben Staaten hat das ganze Wochenende in den USA für Proteste gesorgt. Präsident Trump betonte, diese sei nicht gegen eine Religion gerichtet, sondern diene dem Schutz vor Terror.
An mehreren internationalen Flughäfen und in zahlreichen Großstädten in den USA protestierten am Wochenende Zehntausende Menschen gegen die von Präsident Trump angeordneten Einreiseverbot.
An einigen Flughäfen herrschten weiter zum Teil chaotische Zustände. Einreisende aus den sieben betroffenen Ländern wurden stundenlang festgehalten. Angehörige warteten vergeblich auf Familienmitglieder, die eigentlich in den USA ankommen sollten und dies seit Freitag nicht mehr dürfen. Ein US-Bürger libanesischer Herkunft befürchtet, dass seine Kinder nun nicht mehr zu ihm in die USA kommen dürfen. “Es ist so hart, wenn man zusehen muss, dass dort ständig Menschen getötet werden”, sagte er mit tränenerstickter Stimme, “und ich kann meine eigenen Kinder nicht retten. “
Unklar blieb, wie viele Menschen bisher vom Einreiseverbot betroffen waren. Einige US-Medien sprachen von mehreren Hundert Personen.
US-Präsident Trump verteidigte unterdessen das zunächst für drei Monate geltende Einreiseverbot. Die US-Regierung habe weiterhin Mitgefühl für jene Menschen, die vor Unterdrückung fliehen, so Trump in einem schriftlichen Statement, aber man werde zugleich die US-Bürger und die Grenzen schützen.
Den Medien warf Trump vor, fälschlicherweise von einem “Bann für Muslime” zu sprechen. Es gehe ihm aber nicht um Religion, sondern um den Schutz vor Terror. Wenn in den nächsten 90 Tagen “sicherste” Maßnahmen in Kraft getreten seien, werde man auch wieder Visa an alle Länder erteilen.
Trumps Stabschef im Weißen Haus, Reince Priebus, betonte im Sender NBC: “Wenn Leute kommen, die nicht in unserem Land sein sollten, werden wir sie festhalten. Dafür müssen wir uns nicht entschuldigen! “
Kritiker wiesen allerdings darauf hin, dass Bürger aus den sieben betroffenen Ländern Irak, Iran, Libyen, Syrien, Jemen, Somalia und Sudan nicht für Terroranschläge in den USA verantwortlich waren – im Gegensatz zu Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten. Aus diesen Ländern kamen die Attentäter des 11. September 2001. Zu diesen Ländern habe Trump jedoch geschäftliche Verbindungen.
Der Minderheitenführer der Demokraten im Senat, Chuck Schumer kündigte an, er werde ein Gesetz im US-Senat einbringen, um Trumps Einreiseverbot zu stoppen. Dazu bräuchten die Demokraten allerdings die Unterstützung mehrerer Republikaner.
Dass Präsident Trump das Einreiseverbot ausgerechnet am Holocaust-Gedenktag anordnete, stieß vor allem bei jüdischen Organisationen auf Kritik. Der Historiker Allan Lichtman von der American University in Washington sagte im Sender Fox: “Immer wieder gab es in den USA Einreisebeschränkungen für eine bestimmte Religion oder Nationalität. Jedes Mal haben wir später erkannt, welch ein schrecklicher Fehler das war. “
Proteste gab es von mehreren Unternehmenschefs, die sich um Mitarbeiter aus den betroffenen Ländern sorgen. In die Gegenoffensive ging der Chef der Kaffeehauskette Starbucks: Howard Schultz kündigte an, sein Unternehmen werde in den nächsten fünf Jahren weltweit 10.000 Arbeitsplätze für Flüchtlinge anbieten.
Demnach wird der Konzern in allen 75 Ländern, in denen er Filialen betreibt, in den nächsten Jahren Flüchtlinge einstellen, die vor Krieg, Verfolgung und Diskriminierung geflohen seien. Beginnen werde er in den USA mit der Beschäftigung von Flüchtlingen, die in ihren Ländern für die US-Armee gearbeitet hätten, wie etwa Übersetzer.

Similarity rank: 4.2

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/trump-proteste-117.html
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The tech industry shows solidarity in the face of Donald Trump's immigration ban


NewsHubIt’s not often that you’ll find the tech industry in agreement over something, but from Alphabet to Uber, the criticism against Donald Trump’s immigration ban has been the same. Since the President signed the executive order blocking entry to the US for citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, Silicon Valley has fought against the move with words and actions.
Google was one of the first to react to Trump’s actions. CEO Sundar Pichai told staff traveling overseas that may be impacted by the order to return to the US immediately. In a note to employees, Pichai said nearly 200 Google workers are affected by the ban.
“It’s painful to see the personal cost of this executive order on our colleagues,” Pichai wrote. “We’ve always made our view on immigration issues known publicly and will continue to do so. ”
That time I fled Communist Romania to a refugee camp in Austria, came to America, & years later became an exec @Google creating 10ks of jobs https://t.co/iaerM5gLHc
Google has now created a $4 million “crisis fund” that will be donated to four organizations: the ACLU, Immigrant Resource Center, International Rescue Committee and Mercy Corps.
Apple boss Tim Cook said the company will do everything it can to support affected employees, adding that “Apple would not exist without immigration.” Microsoft, meanwhile, has 76 employees under threat. CEO Satya Nadella, himself an immigrant, said : “As an immigrant and as a CEO, I’ve both experienced and seen the positive impact that immigration has on our company, for the country, and for the world. We will continue to advocate on this important topic.”
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg expressed his concerns over the ban on the social network. He wrote that the firm is “assessing the impact on our workforce and determining how best to protect our people and their families from any adverse effects.”
After it was lambasted for refusing to show solidarity with New York City taxi drivers who were striking at JFK airport, Uber said it will create a $3 million legal fund to help its drivers affected by the ban. Rival Lyft is also helping by donating $1 million to the ACLU over four years. Its co-founders wrote: “[we] will not be silent on issues.”
Tesla’s Elon Musk, who is part of Trump’s business advisory team, tweeted that the ban is not the best way to address the country’s challenges.”
Many people negatively affected by this policy are strong supporters of the US. They’ve done right,not wrong & don’t deserve to be rejected.
LinkedIn, Amazon, Mozilla, Twitter, and many more have also spoken out against the ban. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings had some of the harshest words, calling the order “so un-American it pains us all.”
“Worse, these actions will make America less safe (through hatred and loss of allies) rather than more safe,” Hastings added.
Some big tech companies were noticeably quiet on the issue. Palantir refused to comment on the ban, though given co-founder Peter Thiel’s relationship with Trump, that’s not much of a surprise. IBM, Oracle, and Dell have also declined requests to comment.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.techspot.com/news/67951-tech-industry-shows-solidarity-face-donald-trump-immigration.html
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Kanada: Mehrere Tote bei Schießerei in Moschee


NewsHubIm kanadischen Quebec sind in einer Moschee mehrere Menschen erschossen worden. Dies bestätigte die Polizei. Zwei Menschen seien bereits festgenommen worden. Offenbar fielen die Schüsse während des Abendgebets.
Bei einer Schießerei in einer Moschee in der kanadischen Stadt Quebec hat es mehrere Tote und Verletzte gegeben. Dies bestätigte die Polizei ohne Details zu nennen. Der Vorsitzende des islamischen Gotteshauses sprach von fünf Todesopfern. Die Täter hätten während des Abendgebets das Feuer eröffnet.
Zwei Männer wurden nach Angaben der Polizei bereits festgenommen. Ein Polizeisprecher schloss nicht aus, dass ein weiterer Verdächtiger auf der Flucht sei. Er bezeichnete die Situation dennoch als “unter Kontrolle”. Die Hintergründe des Vorfalls sind noch unklar.
Laut dem Sender TVA Nouvelles wies der Vorsitzende darauf hin, dass seine Moschee in der Vergangenheit mehrfach Ziel von Angriffen gewesen sei. Neben Wandschmierereien sei einmal ein abgetrennter Schweinekopf vor der Moschee abgelegt worden.
Der Regierungschef der Provinz Quebec, Philippe Couillard, sprach den Opfern und Angehörigen sein Beileid aus. Auf Twitter rief er nach der Bluttat zur geschlossenen Ablehnung von Gewalt und Solidarität mit Muslimen auf. Gleichzeitig seien die Behörden darum bemüht, die Sicherheit der Bürger zu schützen.

Similarity rank: 5.7

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/quebec-moschee-101.html
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Трамп пообещал, что США возобновят выдачу виз через 3 месяца


NewsHubСоедиденные Штаты Америки через 90 дней возобновят выдачу виз гражданам всех стран.
Об этом сообщил президент США Дональд Трамп, передает Reuters .
По словам главы американского государства, за это время будет проведена проверка отвечающих за въезд в США структур.
Трамп добаил, что запрет касается не религиозных убеждений граждан стран попавших под запрет, а дело в терроризме и желании сохранить страну в безопасности.
“Говоря на чистоту, это не запрет мусульман, как это подают лживые СМИ. Это не связано с религией. Это связано с террором и желанием сохранить безопасность в стране. В мире еще минимум 40 стран с преимущественно мусульманским населением и они не попали под запрет”, – заявил Трамп.

Similarity rank: 15

© Source: http://mignews.com.ua/politics/16501623.html
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Japan Central Bank to Weigh Unpredictable Factor at Meeting: Trump


NewsHubTOKYO—At the Bank of Japan, cautious optimism toward U. S. President Donald Trump is giving way to plain caution.
Mr. Trump’s election victory initially gave policy makers in Tokyo hope of more-favorable economic conditions after a stimulus pledge sparked a sharp rise in the U. S. dollar and a stock market rally amid expectations of faster American and global growth.
But now, ahead of a two-day policy meeting starting Monday, he…

Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.wsj.com/articles/japan-central-bank-to-weigh-unpredictable-factor-at-meeting-trump-1485691202?mod=fox_australian
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Japanese arcade pioneer and ‘Father of Pac-Man’ has died


NewsHubTOKYO — Masaya Nakamura, the “Father of Pac-Man” who founded the Japanese video game company behind the hit creature-gobbling game, has died. He was 91.
Nakamura, who died on Jan. 22, founded Namco, part of Bandai Namco, in 1955. It started out as just two mechanical horse rides on a department store rooftop but went on to pioneer game arcades and amusement parks.
Bandai Namco, formed in 2005 from a merger of two game companies, confirmed Monday that Nakamura had died.
Pac-Man, designed by Namco engineer and video game maker Toru Iwatani, went on sale in 1980, at a time when there were few rival games, such as Space Invaders. The plucky yellow circle with the huge mouth was a huge hit.
It’s estimated to have been played more than 10 billion times: Guinness World Record has named it the world’s most successful coin-operated arcade game.
The game was non-violent but just challenging enough to hook players into steering the Pac-Man for hours through its mazes on the hunt for ghostly tidbits.
The iconic Pac-Man adorns T-shirts and other merchandise and inspired animation shows, a breakfast cereal and even the nickname for Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao.
The idea for Pac-Man’s design came from the image of a pizza with a slice carved out. Nakamura reportedly chose the word “Pac,” or “pakku” in Japanese, to represent the sound of the Pac-Man munching its prey.
“Pac-Man is a gamer friendly game with tons of cute characters and that’s why it was loved for such a long time,” Iwatani said in 2015 at a New York red carpet premiere of “Pixels,” that featured Pac-Man creatures and featured him in a cameo role.
The game started out as an arcade item and then was at first played on the Nintendo Family Computer home console. It since has been adapted for cellphones, PlayStation and Xbox formats.
Other hits from Namco include driving simulation games like “Ridge Racer” and a drumming game.
Nakamura was a key player in Bandai Namco’s global growth. His pet saying was that his company delivered varied and total entertainment. He took pride in having fun and games for his job.
The company reported Nakamura’s death but would not comment on its cause or other personal details, citing his family’s wishes. A private wake and funeral were held for the family, but a separate memorial is being planned, Bandai-Namco said.
Follow Yuri Kageyama on Twitter at https://twitter.com/yurikageyama
Her work can be found at http://bigstory.ap.org/content/yuri-kageyama
Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/japanese-arcade-pioneer-father-of-pac-man-has-died/2017/01/30/0fa61624-e6c8-11e6-903d-9b11ed7d8d2a_story.html
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