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Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer may have just tweeted his password


NewsHubIn a bold strategic shift , White House Press Secretary Sean “Alternative Facts” Spicer appears to have tweeted something true from his account this morning. Unfortunately for him, it might have been his password.
This morning, Twitter noticed that Spicer tweeted and quickly deleted a string of nonsense that looks considerably more like a password than it does a pocket tweet.
A few screenshots floating around indicate that Spicer also tweeted a bit of nonsense yesterday too, though that tweet does look more like a classic pocket/butt tweet (it happens). Given the alternating letters and numbers, today’s incident looks a lot more like a weak randomly generated password. Because seriously, if you’re going to go to all the trouble of not choosing your pet’s name, you might as well toss in some special characters and alternating caps.
Unfortunately for Spicer, if the tweet was in fact his password, hackers are likely busy at work cross-checking it with every other account imaginable. Between this sort of thing and Trump’s emotional dependence on his trusty old unsecured Android device , the new administration may have some major security concerns as it moves out of its first week in the White House.
As a few people have pointed out, another explanation is that Spicer might have been using Cloudhopper , the SMS service Twitter acquired back in 2010. We’ve reached out to Twitter for insight on how this one might have gone down.
But before we jump to conclusions, let’s consider one more possibility: cats.
The keyboard cat theory is compelling, but maybe Spicer is just having a long week and letting off a little steam. It’s cool, sometimes we feel n9y25ah7 too. Did you know that it’s only Thursday? It’s only Thursday!

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Trump team’s Twitter accounts used private emails, among other security lapses


NewsHubAn embarrassing collection of poor choices in account security by the Trump administration created a stir this week, worrying those who already doubt the team’s expertise in cybersecurity. There were already risks to having a Twittering President , and these oversights confirm them.
The most serious lapse by far is the use of private Gmail addresses for the Twitter accounts of senior officials in the administration, including the President, Vice President, and Press Secretary. While a handful of email addresses and phones are standard issue for people in such elevated positions, the private ones are not supposed to be attached to official outlets like the @POTUS account.
There were reports that the Twitter accounts also did not have two-factor authentication enabled — but the way Twitter operates 2FA makes it nearly impossible to tell that.
The 2FA message is only sent after the user has clicked on the password recovery link in the email sent by Twitter, which means to know whether the feature was enabled, we would have to have access to the person’s email to begin with. So the two-factor allegation is unproven — although we wouldn’t be surprised.
More provable was the lack of a simple security layer that asks anyone trying to reset an account’s password for a piece of personal information: email address or phone number, for instance. (You should enable this.)
The accounts had not enabled this either earlier this week, which meant that anyone could ask to reset an account and be rewarded with the first two letters of the account’s associated email, and the domain if it was a common one. Which it was.
The risk here is that, armed with an email address (often easily guessable based on a few clues like these), and sans two-factor authentication, an attacker has a pretty decent chance of getting into that account and getting access to the Presidential Twitter. This, by the way, is also Twitter’s fault: revealing even partly redacted account information to anyone who asks for it is very poor practice.
Lastly, in perhaps the most face-palmingly ridiculous security stumble of all, Press Secretary Sean Spicer appears to have tweeted his own password , although it may also have been a pocket tweet, since no one managed to log in with it.
All in all not a good start for an administration ostensibly serious about the cyber, although the gaps in the fence all appear to have been fixed at this point.

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Doomsday Clock moves 30 seconds closer to midnight as threat of global annihilation grows


NewsHubA Doomsday Clock, which symbolises the current threat of global annihilation, has been moved 30 seconds closer to midnight by scientists.
The countdown was established in 1947 by a group of experts who were working on the Manhattan Project to design and build the first atomic bomb.
They wanted a simple way of demonstrating the danger to Earth and humanity posed by nuclear war.
The clock was running at three minutes to midnight, where 00.00 represents the end of humanity.
But the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved it forward by 30 seconds on Thursday, just 30 seconds away from the closest it has been to the apocalypse since 1953 when the US took the decision to upgrade its nuclear arsenal with the hydrogen bomb.
The Doomsday Clock now not only takes into account the likelihood of nuclear Armageddon but also other emerging threats, such as climate change and advances in biotechnology and artificial intelligence.
In a statement the Bulletin’s executive director Rachel Bronson, said: “Today’s complex global environment is in need of deliberate and considered policy responses.
“It is ever more important that senior leaders across the globe calm rather than stoke tensions that could lead to war, either by accident or miscalculation. ”
On Sunday, the Bulletin posted a new article on its site warning that “terrorism involving nuclear or radiological materials remains one of the gravest threats to humanity and to global stability”.
The scientists also warned of “accidental, unauthorised, or inadvertent nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia”, saying that the two countries had 800 warheads on high alert, ready to launch.
The clock was last moved in 2015, when the scientists took it two minutes forward, so that it currently reads three minutes to midnight.
That sent a message that the Earth was closer to oblivion than any time since the early days of hydrogen bomb testing and 1984, when US-Soviet relations reached “their iciest point in decades”.
Last year the clock’s hands, which have moved forwards and backwards in different years over the past decades, remained unchanged.
A statement accompanying the 2016 Doomsday Clock decision read: “Three minutes (to midnight) is too close. Far too close.
“We, the members of the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, want to be clear about our decision not to move the hands of the Doomsday Clock in 2016. That decision is not good news, but an expression of dismay that world leaders fail to focus their efforts and the world’s attention on reducing the extreme danger posed by nuclear weapons and climate change.
“When we call these dangers existential, that is exactly what we mean: They threaten the very existence of civilisation and therefore should be the first order of business for leaders who care about their constituents and their countries. ”
The clock was originally set to seven minutes to midnight and the world reached its safest point in 1991, when it read 17 minutes to midnight as the Cold War officially ended and The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty greatly reduced the number of strategic nuclear weapons deployed by the US and Russia.

Similarity rank: 8.8
Sentiment rank: -2.6

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/doomsday-clock-moves-30-seconds-closer-to-midnight-as-threat-of-global-annihilation-grows-35401395.html
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Know Comment: Re-isolate Iran now


NewsHubPrime Minister Netanyahu has made it clear that one of the top items on his agenda for consultation with US President Trump in Washington next month is countering Iranian aggression. With good reason. The net result of the JPCOA has been to foster Iran’s rise to regional hegemon.
While the JCPOA suspended a part of Iran’s nuclear weapons program for a few years, the ayatollahs see it as providing time to advance their centrifuge capability and regional sway.

Sentiment rank: -4.4

© Source: http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Know-Comment-Re-isolate-Iran-now-479722
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Government's defiant Trump tweets, courtesy of old passwords


NewsHubThe rogue tweets came from ex-Parks staffers that still had the password to the account.
Rogue Parks Services tweets against Donald Trump were an inside job.
On Tuesday, the Badlands National Park’s Twitter account tweeted up a storm about climate change, as the Trump administration wiped the White House web pages of any mentions of global warming .
During Trump’s inauguration, the National Park Service was temporarily banned from tweeting after it retweeted a post showing Trump’s crowd size compared to Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration and another about the disappearing White House pages .
Both of the tweets have similar culprits — former Parks Services employees who have a gripe with President Trump, and still had access to the Twitter account’s passwords.
“An unauthorized user who had an old password in the San Francisco office went in and started retweeting inappropriate things that were in violation of their policy,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said during Wednesday’s daily briefing .
The tweets from Badlands National Park also came from a former staffer, officials said.
A Park Service representative said the tweets were “posted by a former employee who was not currently authorized to use the park’s account. ” The tweets were deleted after the Parks Service realized they never changed their password.
The passwords have since been changed, with the Parks Services issuing an order across the board on Saturday to change passwords on all its social media accounts.
Spicer said there are no direct orders from the White House demanding a social media gag for government agencies speaking out against President Trump. The tweets have all been deleted for violating the agency’s own policies, he said.
While the tweets from the official government accounts have been deleted, it was the spark needed to spawn more than 20 “Resistance” accounts, with anonymous tweets claiming to come from rogue staffers at the park services, NASA and the Department of Health .
Just a quick tip for any government agencies out there trying to avoid another rogue ex-staffer: here’s how to enable two-step verification on Twitter .

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/trump-tweet-national-parks-services-old-passwords-sean-spicer/
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Hugo Barra lands on his virtual feet at Facebook


NewsHubHugo Barra didn’t have a hard time finding gainful employment after his departure from Xiaomi on Sunday. The Brazilian technology executive will now be the vice-president of virtual reality at Facebook, a move that puts him in charge of the social media company’s Oculus VR platform, among Facebook’s other VR ventures.
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote about the hiring in a post on the social media platform. Zuckerberg said that he and Barra share a “belief that virtual and augmented reality will be the next major computing platform. ” Barra was in China at the time, so the post included a picture from a virtual meeting between the pair.
Barra was once the product spokesperson for Google’s Android team. Among other things, he was involved in the development of several Nexus devices and Android releases from Honeycomb to KitKat. He subsequently worked as Vice President of International at Chinese electronics manufacturer Xaomi, directing the company’s advances into foreign markets. Barra’s hiring comes just a few weeks after former Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe stepped down from the head position to lead a PC VR-specific group within the company, in a role focused on engineering and product development.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://techreport.com/news/31334/hugo-barra-lands-on-his-virtual-feet-at-facebook
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Dalia, a market and opinion data gathering platform, raises $7M Series A


NewsHubDalia , a Berlin-based startup that gathers real-time market and opinion data by pushing micro-surveys to smartphone users, has raised $7 million in Series A funding. The round is led by Balderton Capital, with participation from existing investors Wellington Partners, and IBB-Bet.
In an era where polling companies are having something of an existential crisis, Dalia is attempting to use tech and, specifically, mobile distribution to improve the accuracy of market and opinion data research.
It does this through better reach and scale, afforded by distributing its surveys primarily via mobile ads that reside in third party apps and on mobile publishers’ websites, and a smarter UX that sees it do things like shorten or adapt a particular survey if it detects a participant is about to bail before completion.
In a call with Balderton’s Suranga Chandratillake, he positioned Dalia as solving a “fundamental issue” in society right now, which is the need to understand data around what people think, and why they take certain actions.
“Twenty-sixteen is perhaps the best possible example of how out of touch we are,” says the VC. “Every pollster in the world got Brexit wrong, got the U. S. election wrong, and could well be heading towards getting the French and German elections wrong this year”.
The reason, argues Chandratillake, is that market research and polling companies traditionally use techniques that don’t reach enough people, don’t ask the right questions, and don’t give a full enough view of why people make the decisions they do.
In contrast, he says that Dalia has cracked these problems by using smart phones and mobile distribution — meaning it is able to access audiences that are hard to reach, such as younger people and those in developing countries — and by providing a user interface that is “better at getting people to provide information in a quick, fun, and straightforward way”.
Since launching in 2013, Dalia claims it has generated over a billion answers from people across 96 different countries on topics ranging from brand perception to “macroeconomic sentiment”.
The startup’s customers include leading research agencies and organizations, including Nielsen, Ipsos and Kantar/WPP, in addition to think tanks and NGOs, such as UNICEF, Stanford University, the Bertelsmann Foundation, and the European Council on Foreign Relations.

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Mexiko kritisiert Trumps Pläne für eine Mauer an der Grenze


NewsHubEs ist ein Schlag ins Gesicht des Nachbarn: Während Mexikos Außenminister Luis Videgaray und Wirtschaftsminister Ildefonso Guajardo in Washington mit einer hochrangigen US-Delegation über die Zukunft der Beziehungen beider Länder beraten, macht Präsident Donald Trump per Dekret den Weg zum Bau der umstrittenen Grenzmauer frei. Die Mexikaner setzen noch auf einen offenen Dialog, da schafft Trump schon Fakten.
Seine Anhänger dürften von der nassforschen Art des US-Präsidenten begeistert sein, Mexiko hat er erneut damit brüskiert. Schon früh hatte sich Trump auf das Nachbarland eingeschossen. «Mexiko schickt uns nicht die Besten. Es schickt Menschen, die viele Probleme haben. Sie bringen Drogen, sie bringen Kriminalität, sie sind Vergewaltiger», sagte er. Und: «Mexiko ist nicht unser Freund.»
Noch im Wahlkampf streckte der mexikanische Präsident Enrique Peña Nieto die Hand aus und lud Trump nach Mexiko ein. Der dankte es im nicht. Nach den Gesprächen im Präsidentenpalast schwadronierte er vor der versammelten Hauptstadtpresse wieder von seiner Mauer. Peña Nieto stand neben ihm und schaute gequält drein. Für die Einladung musste er in Mexiko reichlich Prügel einstrecken.
Nach Trumps Wahlsieg versuchten es die Mexikaner erneut mit Geduld und warmen Worten. Er wolle keine Konfrontation mit der US-Regierung, sondern einen offenen Dialog, sagte Peña Nieto kürzlich. «Den Vereinigten Staaten nutzt es, wenn es Mexiko gut geht und Mexiko nutzt es, wenn es den USA gut geht.» Immer wieder beschwor er die gemeinsame Geschichte, die vielfältigen kulturellen Gemeinsamkeiten und die milliardenschweren wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen.
Es hat alles nichts genutzt: Während Videgaray und Guajardo am Mittwoch in einer zehnstündige Marathonsitzung mit dem Stabschef im Weißen Haus, Reince Priebus, Trumps Schwiegersohn und engem Berater Jared Kushner, Trumps Chefstratege Stephen Bannon und dem Nationalen Sicherheitsberater Michael Flynn nach Anknüpfungspunkten für eine gemeinsame Zukunft der Nachbarländer suchen, poltert Trump draußen drauf los.
Erst gibt er ABC ein Interview, in dem er seine Mauerpläne bekräftigt und Mexiko dafür zur Kasse bitten will. Dann unterzeichnet er im Heimatschutzministerium ein Dekret, das den Weg für das umstrittene Projekt frei macht. Und zum Schluss lässt er sich auf einer Pressekonferenz für seinen Husarenritt feiern. Die Mexikaner wissen gar nicht so recht, wie ihnen geschieht.
In der kommenden Woche will sich Peña Nieto mit Trump treffen. Da muss er eine bessere Figur abgeben als bei der letzten Begegnung im Sommer in Mexiko. Peña Nieto ist so unbeliebt wie noch nie, nur noch zwölf Prozent der Mexikaner bescheinigen ihm eine gute Regierungsführung. Im Umgang mit den USA halten ihn viele für einen Schwächling.
Schon werden Stimmen laut, er solle auf das Treffen verzichten, um wenigstens ein wenig Würde zu bewahren. «Ich glaube, Peña sollte seinen Besuch in Washington absagen», sagt der ehemalige Außenminister Jorge Castañeda. Die frühere First Lady und mögliche Präsidentschaftskandidatin Margarita Zavala sagt: «Die Ankündigung der Mauer vor dem Besuch von Peña Nieto ist eine Beleidigung für Mexiko. Man sollte den Besuch überdenken.»
Mexikos Präsident steckt in einem Dilemma. Er muss Trump ein wenig Contra geben, um nicht vollends den Respekt seiner Landsleute zu verlieren. «Ich bedauere und missbillige die Entscheidung der US-Regierung, den Bau einer Grenze fortzusetzen, die uns seit Jahren mehr teilt als eint», sagt er in einer Fernsehansprache am Mittwoch.

Similarity rank: 5.4

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/politik/Mexiko-kritisiert-Trumps-Plaene-fuer-eine-Mauer-an-der-Grenze-id40314317.html
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Minneapolis native recalls watching Mary Tyler Moore promo


NewsHubDALLAS (AP) – A Minnesota native now living in Texas has fondly recalled standing in downtown Minneapolis to watch Mary Tyler Moore shoot an iconic intro for her TV show.
Martha Rogers of Dallas on Thursday said she was 10 years old in 1970 when she and her mother learned of the Moore promotion and decided to check it out.
Rogers, who grew up in southwest Minneapolis, says they hopped a bus to downtown where “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” was set. The intro shows Moore throwing her tam into the air.
Rogers says it was a very cold day as she and her mom stood across the street and watched Moore do multiple takes. Roger says it was fun and that “ Mary Tyler Moore was darling.”
Moore died Wednesday at age 80.
Copyright © 2017 The Washington Times, LLC.
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Similarity rank: 16
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© Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/26/minneapolis-native-recalls-watching-mary-tyler-moo/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS
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Гонтарева рассчитывает на получение четырех траншей МВФ в 2017 году


NewsHubКИЕВ, 26 янв — РИА Новости Украина. На 2017 год в рамках программы расширенного финансирования (EFF) Международного валютного фонда планируется выделение Украине четырех траншей, сообщила глава Национального банка Украины Валерия Гонтарева.
Получение первого транша, как уточнила глава регулятора, возможно уже в начале февраля.
“Я не вижу никаких предпосылок, дополнительных условий, которые не дали бы нам возможность получить следующий транш. В Кабмине еще дорабатывают технические детали”, — сказала Гонтарева.
Она отметила, что МВФ в скором времени огласит дату заседания директоров, где будет рассматриваться вопрос выделения средств.
“У меня нет сомнений, что это решение будет поддержано”, — сказала глава НБУ.
Вместе с тем конкретную дату транша Гонтарева не назвала.
Ранее МВФ принял положительное решение о выделении третьего транша Украине. Сумма третьего транша финансирования составляет 716,11 млн специальных прав заимствования (СПЗ) или около $1 млрд в эквиваленте. 3 октября МВФ обнародовал текст меморандума с Украиной. Среди основных требований Фонда — отмена спецпенсий, введение рынка сельхозземель, прослушка НАБУ, пересмотр тарифов.

Similarity rank: 7.6

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/economy/20170126/1020864560.html
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