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熊本地震1年、あの人を思う朝 悼む姿、各地で


14日で熊本地震発生から1年。 前震、 本震と震度7の 揺れを二度観測した被災地では、 朝から各地で犠牲者を悼む姿が見られた。 …

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N. Korean official: US more vicious, aggressive under Trump ::


President Donald Trump’s tweets are adding fuel to a “vicious cycle” of tensions on the Korean Peninsula, North Korea’s vice foreign minister told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview Friday. The official added that if the U. S. shows any sign…
Posted 26 minutes ago
Updated 24 minutes ago
By ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press
PYONGYANG, North Korea — President Donald Trump’s tweets are adding fuel to a “vicious cycle” of tensions on the Korean Peninsula, North Korea’s vice foreign minister told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview Friday. The official added that if the U. S. shows any sign of “reckless” military aggression, Pyongyang is ready to launch a pre-emptive strike of its own.
Vice Minister Han Song Ryol said Pyongyang has determined the Trump administration is “more vicious and more aggressive” than that of his predecessor, Barack Obama. He added that North Korea will keep building up its nuclear arsenal in “quality and quantity” and said Pyongyang is ready to go to war if that’s what Trump wants.
Tensions between Pyongyang and Washington go back to President Harry Truman and the 1950-53 Korean War, which ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty. But the heat has been rising rapidly since Trump took office in January.
This year’s joint war games between the U. S. and South Korean militaries are the biggest ever; the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier has been diverted back to the waters off Korea after heading for Australia; and U. S. satellite imagery suggests the North could conduct another underground nuclear test at any time. Pyongyang recently tested a ballistic missile and claims it is close to perfecting an intercontinental ballistic missile and nuclear warhead that could attack the U. S. mainland.
Many experts believe that at its current pace of testing, North Korea could reach that potentially game-changing milestone within a few years — under Trump’s watch as president. Despite reports that Washington is considering military action if the North goes ahead with another nuclear test, Han did not rule out the possibility of a test in the near future.
“That is something that our headquarters decides,” he said during the 40-minute interview in Pyongyang, which is now gearing up for a major holiday — and possibly a big military parade — on Saturday. “At a time and at a place where the headquarters deems necessary, it will take place. ”
The North conducted two such tests last year alone. The first was of what it claims to have been a hydrogen bomb and the second was its most powerful ever.
The annual U. S.-South Korea military exercises have consistently infuriated the North, which views them as rehearsals for an invasion. Washington and Seoul deny that, but reports that exercises have included “decapitation strikes” aimed at the North’s leadership have fanned Pyongyang’s anger.
Han said Trump’s tweets have also added fuel to the flames.
Trump posted a tweet Tuesday in which he said the North is “looking for trouble” and reiterated his call for more pressure from Beijing, North Korea’s economic lifeline, to clamp down on trade and strengthen its enforcement of U. N. sanctions to persuade Pyongyang to denuclearize.
Trump has threatened that if Beijing isn’t willing to do more to squeeze the North, the U. S. might take the matter into its own hands.
“Trump is always making provocations with his aggressive words,” Han said. “It’s not the DPRK but the U. S. and Trump that makes trouble. ”
North Korea’s official name is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Han said the sanctions approach is misguided and cited the opening ceremony of a sprawling new high-rise residential area in Pyongyang on Thursday as evidence that sanctions have failed to ruin the country’s economy. Leader Kim Jong Un presided over the ceremony before about 100,000 residents and a large contingent of foreign journalists who have been allowed in to cover the holiday.
Han dismissed the suggestion Trump made last year during his presidential campaign that he was willing to meet Kim Jong Un, possibly over hamburgers.
“I think that was nothing more than lip service during the campaign to make himself more popular,” Han said.
“Now we are comparing Trump’s policy toward the DPRK with the former administration’s and we have concluded that it’s becoming more vicious and more aggressive,” Han said.
“Whatever comes from U. S. politicians, if their words are designed to overthrow the DPRK system and government, we will categorically reject them,” he said.
Han said North Korea changed its military strategy two years ago, when the reports of “decapitation strike” training began to really get attention, to stress pre-emptive actions.
“We’ve got a powerful nuclear deterrent already in our hands, and we certainly will not keep our arms crossed in the face of a U. S. pre-emptive strike,” he said. “Whatever comes from the U. S., we will cope with it. We are fully prepared to handle it. ”
How much such comments are bluster, or how realistic they are, is hard to gauge.
Later Friday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said all sides must stop provoking and threatening and start taking a flexible approach to resuming dialogue. He said China is willing to support any such effort.
“Once a war really happens, the result will be nothing but multiple-loss. No one can become a winner,” Wang said. “No matter who it is, if it wants to make war or trouble on the Korean Peninsula, it must take the historical responsibility and pay the due price. ”
South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said Han’s remarks on the North’s readiness to conduct a nuclear test and even go to war reveal the “true colors of North Korea’s government that is bellicose and a breaker of regulations. ”
The ministry issued a statement saying North Korea will face strong punishment it will find hard to withstand if it makes a significant provocation, such as another nuclear test or an ICBM launch.
Military experts generally agree a shooting war with North Korea would likely be far more costly than something along the lines of the recent targeted strike Trump ordered against a Syrian air base believed to be linked to a chemical weapons attack by the regime of Bashir Assad. That attack alarmed the North and was condemned as “unpardonable” by Pyongyang, which counts Syria as an ally.
Even without nuclear weapons, the North could cause severe damage and casualties with its conventional artillery batteries aimed at the South Korean capital of Seoul. North Korea’s military is also heavily dug in, meaning it could be hard to find and destroy key targets, or to secure the North’s nuclear weapons even if its leadership were attacked.
Despite talk of conflict in the halls of power, life in Pyongyang has been pretty much normal over the past week as the country gears up for its biggest holiday of the year: the 105th anniversary of the birth of the late Kim Il Sung, the country’s founder and leader Kim Jong Un’s grandfather.
The Saturday anniversary may provide the world with a look at some of its arsenal. Expectations are high the North may put its newest missiles on display during a military parade that could be held to mark the event.
Another big military holiday comes on April 25, when its army marks its anniversary.

Similarity rank: 9
Sentiment rank: -1.5

© Source: http://www.wral.com/n-korean-official-us-more-vicious-aggressive-under-trump/16643468/
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Эсминцы США готовы ударить Томагавками по Северной Корее


В СМИ 13 апреля сообщили о готовности США нанести ракетный удар по КНДР, если та приступит к ядерным испытаниям
США готовы нанести упреждающий удар по Корейской Народно-Демократической Республике (КНДР) , если заметят признаки подготовки этой страны к ядерным испытаниям.
Об этом сообщает NBC News, ссылаясь на свои источники в американской разведке.
Отмечается, что два американских эсминца, которые оснащены крылатыми ракетами типа “Томагавк”, расположились в досягаемости к площадке для ядерных испытаний КНДР, один из них находится менее чем в 500 км от нее.
Также на острове Гуам расположились тяжелые бомбардировщики американских ВВС, которые также готовы пойти в атаку в случае необходимости.
При этом в КНДР заявляют, что ударят по США ядерным оружием, если будет зафиксирована атаку с американской стороны.
Как сообщал “Апостроф”, ранее в сети появилось яркое видео, на котором показано, как военные корабли США идут к Корейскому полуострову. Направить туда авианосную ударную группу США было решено в ответ на разработку КНДР ракетного оружия.

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© Source: https://apostrophe.ua/news/world/2017-04-14/esmintsyi-ssha-gotovyi-udarit-tomagavkami-po-severnoy-koree—smi/93155
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Support for the original version of Windows 10 ends May 9


As expected, Microsoft has named May 9 as the date it will issue the final updates for 2015’s debut edition of Windows 10.
As expected, Microsoft named May 9 as the date it will issue the final updates for the debut edition of Windows 10 that launched in 2015.
Two months ago, Microsoft had extended support for Windows 10 version 1507 —Microsoft labels feature upgrades by year and month—from March to May, but did not specify the date in the latter month. Computerworld anticipated May 9 as the end-of-support because that is the date for the month’s Patch Tuesday.
The May 9 retirement was quietly announced on several support documents, including the “ Windows lifecycle fact sheet ,” which lists several kinds of deadlines for various versions of the operating system.
Another document put it plainly. “The time has now come to end servicing for version 1507,” the support document read.
Stopping support for Windows 10 editions—Microsoft released the fourth on Tuesday—is an important part of the company’s software-as-a-service model. The company has pledged to support an individual edition, such as 1507, not for 10 years, as policy required for, say, Windows 7 or 8.1, but only for 18 months or so. That mandate insured Microsoft would not need to craft security patches, fix other bugs or add new features for an increasing number of versions.
By the time Windows 10 1507 slips off the list, it will have been supported for about 21 months. Part of the reason it lasted longer than Microsoft’s stated norm was because the firm issued just one feature upgrade—v. 1607—in 2016.
The next Windows 10 edition, v. 1511, could be purged from support as soon as early October. That’s because Microsoft has committed to simultaneously supporting just two Current Branch for Business (CBB) builds. At the release of N+2 onto CBB, the company starts a 60-day-or-so countdown. At the end of the 60 days, N drops off the support list. N+1 then becomes N and N+2 morphs into N+1.
Under that policy, N would be 1511, N+1 version 1607 (released in August 2016) and N+2 1703 (this month’s feature upgrade). Version 1703 will likely be promoted to the CBB in four months, or August; two months more would put 1511’s support demise in October.
Users running 1507 must have upgraded to 1511, 1607 or 1703 by May 10 to receive future security patches, and other fixes or enhancements. Windows 10 1507 will not suddenly fail to boot, however, or degrade, as do copies that have not been activated with a product key.
The only exceptions will be customers whose devices are running v. 1507 from the Long-term Servicing Branch (LTSB), a special release track available only to organizations using Windows 10 Enterprise.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.pcworld.com/article/3190035/windows/support-for-the-original-version-of-windows-10-ends-may-9.html
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Американская бомбардировка позиций ИГИЛ была согласована с Афганистаном – СМИ


“Мы заранее знали о готовящейся операции, она была согласована с нами”, – рассказал собеседник агентства в администрации. По его словам, силы ИГИЛ “…
Бомбардировка авиацией США позиций террористической организации Исламское государство (ИГИЛ) в Афганистане была согласована с Кабулом, передает Интерфакс, ссылаясь источник в администрации президента Афганистана.
По его словам, силы ИГИЛ “понесли большие потери” в результате бомбардировки. Информации о возможных жертвах среди мирного населения собеседник агентства не предоставил.
Напомним, 13 апреля США впервые применили самую мощную в своем арсенале неядерную бомбу GBU-43, нанеся удар по позициям боевиков ИГИЛ на востоке Афганистана.
Сверхмощная фугасная авиационная бомба GBU-43 известна также как “матерь всех бомб” (MOAB) . MOAB является одной из самых больших авиабомб. Точный вес бомбы – 9 797 кг.
GBU-43 оснащена системой спутникового наведения. Впервые была испытана в марте 2003 года, всего за несколько дней до начала войны в Ираке.

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -2

© Source: http://nv.ua/world/geopolitics/amerikanskaja-bombardirovka-pozitsij-igil-byla-soglasovana-s-afganistanom-smi-976668.html
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Удар "матерью всех бомб" по Афганистану: появился эмоциональный комментарий Трампа


Глава США восхитился военными
Мощнейший авиаудар США по террористам ИГИЛ в Афганистане “матерью всех бомб” является еще одной “очень и очень успешной миссией”.
Об этом заявил президент США Дональд Трамп, передает Buisnes Insider.
“У нас невероятные руководители в вооруженных силах и невероятные военные, и мы очень гордимся ими. Это была еще одна очень и очень успешная миссия”, – заявил Трамп.
Он также сравнил успехи своей администрации и администрации экс-главы США Барака Обамы.
“Если вы посмотрите на то, что произошло за последние восемь недель, и сравните с тем, что на самом деле происходило до этого, в течение последних восьми лет, вы увидите, что есть огромная разница. Потрясающая разница”, – подчеркнул Трамп.
Как сообщал “Обозреватель”, армия США сбросила самую большую из существующих неядерных бомб на позиции группировки ИГИЛ в Афганистане.
Присоединяйтесь к группам “Обозреватель” на Facebook и VKontakte, следите за обновлениями!

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© Source: https://www.obozrevatel.com/abroad/19576-udar-materyu-vseh-bomb-po-afganistanu-poyavilsya-emotsionalnyij-kommentarij-trampa.htm
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民進 細野代表代行の辞表提出で求心力取り戻せるか


民進党は、 細野代表代行が役職の 辞表を提出するなど党内の 結束の 乱れが表面化しており、 蓮舫代表ら党執行部にとって、 7月の 東京都議会議員選挙に向け…
民進党は、細野代表代行が役職の辞表を提出するなど党内の結束の乱れが表面化しており、蓮舫代表ら党執行部にとって、7月の東京都議会議員選挙に向けて求心力を取り戻せるかどうかが問われています。 民進党の細野代表代行は13日、「憲法改正案を出すことは、提案型政党として極めて大事だが、今の執行部は憲法改正に消極的であり、執行部にとどまることはできない」として、離党は否定しながらも、代表代行の辞表を提出しました。 民進党では、今週10日には、東京都連の幹事長を務めてきた長島昭久衆議院議員が離党届を提出したほか、次の衆議院選挙の前哨戦と位置づける7月の東京都議会議員選挙を前に、立候補予定者が相次いで離党届を提出するなど結束の乱れが表面化していて、党内では、「党のイメージがさらに悪くなる」などと懸念の声が強まっています。 最大の支持団体である連合の神津会長も「民進党の理念や綱領に基づいた政策をしっかりとした『まとまり』として発信してもらいたい」と苦言を呈しました。 蓮舫代表は記者会見で、「多くの仲間が、一枚岩で、今の間違った1強の政治にあらがっていこうという考え方だと思っており、しっかりまとめていきたい」と述べるなど、党の結束を図りたい考えですが、党執行部にとって、東京都議会議員選挙に向けて求心力を取り戻せるかどうかが問われています。

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -2
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TW sentiment: -10

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170414/k10010947841000.html
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Auftakt für Ostermärsche in mehreren Städten


Frankfurt/Main (dpa) – Anhänger der Friedensbewegung wollen an Ostern wieder bundesweit auf die Straße gehen. Los geht es heute in etwa zehn Städten, darunter C
Frankfurt/Main (dpa) – Anhänger der Friedensbewegung wollen an Ostern wieder bundesweit auf die Straße gehen. Los geht es heute in etwa zehn Städten, darunter Chemnitz, wo das Motto des Ostermarsches «Aufrüstung stoppen! Rüstungsausgaben senken!» lautet. In den kommenden Tagen sind in mehr als 70 Städten Aktionen geplant. Auf dem Programm stehen von Karfreitag bis Ostermontag Demonstrationen, Kundgebungen, Radtouren, Wanderungen, Mahnwachen, Friedensfeste und -gebete.

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/id_80894722/auftakt-fuer-ostermaersche-in-mehreren-staedten.html
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Small Saturn moon may have the right conditions to support life


NASA confirmed today that one of Saturn’s moons, Enceladus, may have the right conditions to support life. Thanks to geothermal activity, the small moon may be teaming with aquatic organisms.
A tiny moon, small enough to comfortably rest in the Gulf of Mexico with more than enough leg room has concealed a secret for millennia. Stuck in a tidally-locked orbit around Saturn, NASA announced on Thursday the moon, Enceladus, has most of the building blocks to support life as we know it – two out of 60 moons ain’t bad, right?
It is a common expression to not judge a book by its cover and this little moon could not be a more fitting example as to why. What appears to be a frozen and hospitable wasteland, where on one side dawn never breaks, the horizon could actually be thriving with aquatic life, thanks to warm underground seas.
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft first caught a glimpse of Saturn and its rings in early November 2002 and has been closely monitoring the planet and its 60 neighboring satellites ever since. It was only three years later that Cassini spotted evidence of plumes erupting from the Enceladus’ south polar terrain, sending vapor and solid particles hundreds of miles into space.
Due to the finding, NASA directed Casini to plunge through this vapor which collected thousands of particles using instruments such as the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS). Analysis of the vapor jets indicated the presence of organic and nitrogen-bearing molecules, as well as salts and silicates which suggested ocean water could potentially be in contact with a rocky core.
In a subsequent flyby through the plume in 2015, Cassini’s INMS was programmed into a mode that helped to minimize any analytical artifacts that had previously compromised the measurements of the energy source, molecular hydrogen.
Further analysis of the data by scientists Jonathan Lunie, Christopher Glein, Hunter Waite, and others, confirmed that the H2 was produced within the moon Enceladus. Active energy sources, possibly akin to undersea water vents, are actively making the molecule within the little moon itself, bringing us closer to finding potential alien life, as project scientist Linda Spilker stated:
Here on Earth, it is well known that complex ecosystems can harbor in some of the most remote places, take for example hydrothermal volcanic vents. Our planet’s vents gush bubbling clouds of heated chemicals where magma and seawater violently collide at great depths. The formation of these vents creates chimney-like structures, home to microbes which feed and thrive on energy created by these chemical reactions to power their own metabolisms – all without sunlight.
Enceladus’ hidden ocean may be as warm as 90 degrees Celsius or 194 degrees Fahrenheit at the bottom of the alien floor. So it is plausible the moon may be able to sustain life, however, it is important to note that aliens or extraterrestrial life have not been found, but we may have found their home, as stated by Professor Jeffrey Kargel, from the University of Arizona:
In one last hurrah, Cassini, which is running out of fuel, will end its 20-year journey to Saturn and its moons by crashing into Saturn’s atmosphere. The plan to terminate Cassini’s mission is in part to prevent the spacecraft from accidently landing on any neighboring celestial bodies, where it could potentially contaminate life – or even jump start it.
Source: NASA via The Guardian

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Стало известно, о чем говорили Тиллерсон и Путин


В Госдепе рассказали о встрече Рекса Тиллерсона и Владимира Путина.
На встрече государственного секретаря США Рекса Тиллерсона в Москве с президентом РФ Путиным стороны пытались выяснить, почему так упал уровень доверия между государствами и как наладить двусторонний контакт.
Об этом сообщил в четверг во время брифинга в Вашингтоне и.о.представителя Государственного департамента США Марк Тонер.
“Стороны признали, что уровень доверия между нашими государствами находятся на исторически низком уровне”, – отметил официальный представитель Госдепа.
Он сообщил, что в ходе разговора Тиллерсон и Путин “обсудили историю того, почему так вышло”. По словам Тонера, оба старались лучше понять, почему каждое из государств раздражено действиями другого в определенных сферах.
Отвечая на вопрос, шла ли речь на встречи Тиллерсона и Путина об Украине, представитель Госдепартамента отметил, что не ознакомлен со всеми деталями их диалога. “Я могу сказать, что украинский вопрос точно поднимался на двусторонней встрече с министром иностранных дел Лавровым. У меня нет всех деталей встречи с президентом Путиным”, – сказал Тонер. В то же время он подчеркнул, что Рекс Тиллерсон очень четко озвучил свою позицию по Украине сразу после встречи в Москве.
Кроме того, Тонер назвал “спекуляциями” сообщения о том, что президентская комиссия США-РФ возобновляет свою работу. Вместо нее будет рабочая группа по вопросам двустороннего взаимодействия, однако детальный мандат этой группы пока не определен.
Представитель внешнеполитического ведомства США также отметил, что госсекретарь Тиллерсон и министр Лавров договорились поддерживать контакт по телефону. О следующей личной встрече между главами иностранных ведомств речь пока не идет, отметил и.о. представителя Государственного департамента США.

Similarity rank: 5.2
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/mir/drugie/3274368-stalo-izvestno-o-chem-govorili-tillerson-i-putin.html
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