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"Чудовищные" – в СБУ резко отреагировали на действия Савченко


NewsHubОбнародованные нардепом Надеждой Савченко списки военнопленных не совсем корректные и могут угрожать жизни заложников.
Об этом сказал советник председателя СБУ Юрий Тандит в комментарии ” 112 Украина “.
“В этом списке есть места не то что не корректные, а чудовищные. Например, список на 121 (люди, которых Украина подает для обмена – Gazeta.ua ) потом был уменьшен до 118. В нем повторяются имена людей. В этом списке есть имена наших ребят, которые считаются, по данным Службы безопасности, без вести пропавшими. Более того, в этом списке есть погибшие ребята и даже те, кто уже освобожден”, – сказал Тандит.
Он отметил, что обнародование имен пленных может угрожать их жизни. Также возможны провокации.
“Публикация таких списков носит прямой характер угрозы, потому что есть данные лиц, данные наших заложников, которые ни в коем случае нельзя передавать в открытые источники”, – подчеркнул Тандит.
От добавил, что СБУ будет проверять, где Савченко взяла списки.
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКЖЕ: Информационная игра против государства – Бессмертный о списках Савченко

Similarity rank: 9

© Source: http://gazeta.ua/ru/articles/politics/_cudovischnye-v-sbu-rezko-otreagirovali-na-dejstviya-savchenko/745470
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Помощь аферистам: соцсети отреагировали на публикацию Савченко списков пленных


NewsHubОб этом в частности написал на своей странице в Facebook популярный блогер Alex N Alex Noyt, указав на то, что обнародованной информацией могут воспользоваться аферисты.
“Теперь любой может найти семью, убитую горем, и вытягивать с них деньги, рассказывая сказки о помощи. Это не один и не два реальных случая. Именно поэтому СБУ просила не публиковать список, чтобы усложнить мошенникам задачу”, – написал он.
Также свое мнение высказал военный эксперт, координатор группы “Информационное сопротивление” Константин Машовец.
Как сообщал “Апостроф”, по словам источника в СБУ, появление в сети списков пленных и пропавших без вести на Донбассе, которые опубликовала Надежда Савченко, может навредить процессу их освобождения .

Similarity rank: 9

© Source: http://apostrophe.ua/news/82984
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Сегодня в зоне АТО погиб один военный, еще двое ранены – штаб АТО


NewsHubСегодня в зоне проведения АТО погиб один украинский военный, еще двое были ранены, сообщает на своей странице в Facebook пресс-центр штаба АТО.
“Среди наших военных двое раненых. Один военный погиб”, – говорится в сообщении.
Всего по состоянию на 18.00 10 января произошло 26 обстрелов, сообщили в штабе.
“На мариупольском направлении из минометов оккупанты вели огонь по Талаковке. Из гранатометов разных калибров – по Марьинке, Водяному, Талаковке и Широкино. Из стрелкового оружия – по Павлополю и Новотроицкому. Также по Новотроицкому огонь вел снайпер. На луганском – по Новозвановке противник вел огонь из минометов и противотанковых ракетных комплексов. На донецком – из минометов различных калибров по Авдеевке, Крутой Балке, Опытному и Зайцево. По Опытному огонь вела и БМП противника”, – говорится в сообщении.
Сегодня спикер Министерства обороны Украины по вопросам АТО Александр Мотузяник сообщил, что пятеро украинских военнослужащих получили ранения в зоне проведения АТО за последние сутки.
Вооруженный конфликт на востоке Украины начался в апреле 2014 года. Боевые действия ведутся между Вооруженными силами Украины и пророссийскими боевиками, которые контролируют часть Донецкой и Луганской областей.
В 00.00 24 декабря 2016 года, по данным Совместного центра по контролю и координации режима прекращения огня, по всей линии соприкосновения был установлен режим тишины. В штабе АТО неоднократно заявляли, что боевики не соблюдают режим прекращения огня на Донбассе.

Similarity rank: 9.9

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/war/segodnya-v-zone-ato-pogib-odin-voennyy-eshche-dvoe-raneny-shtab-ato-168415.html
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Obama chief of staff on president's farewell address


NewsHubPresident Obama will deliver his farewell address tonight in Chicago. The president’s chief of staff, Denis McDonough, told CBS News’ Charlie Rose about the speech.
“He’s still working [on] the speech, but I think what you’ll hear… is a lot of what you’ve heard since he started. It’s partly why he wanted to go back to Chicago to give the speech, because this is a place where working on the South Side of Chicago and the neighborhoods … in the shadows of the abandoned steel mills, as a community organizer with people who had been knocked out of jobs that theretofore had been real paths to the middle class, that he recognized that he had a gift for organizing,” McDonough said. “He had a gift for getting people working together towards the same goal. And I think that’s what you’ll hear a lot about from the president tomorrow, the importance of sticking together, working together, standing up for what you believe in, and then fighting like hell for it.”
McDonough also described what he wants the country to know about President Obama.
Denis McDonough is President Obama’s fifth chief of staff — and reportedly his favorite. In a conversation with Charlie Rose, McDonough describe…
“I am routinely amazed at how hard this guy works, this president works, while making it look effortless,” McDonough told CBS News’ Charlie Rose.
“His grace under pressure or something?” Rose asked.
“I think so, or recognition that there is a right answer out there and he is bound to get it,” McDonough said. “He goes up to the residence every night with a stack of binders and he doesn’t come down until they’re read or he doesn’t go to bed until they’re read, whether that’s till 3:00 in the morning. The point is that this is a really hard job and the problems that land on his desk are really hard problems. And he takes that really, really seriously. And to be witness to that and party to that, is not only extremely interesting intellectually, but I think speaks to his dedication to making sure that he lives up to the expectations that of the American people.”

Similarity rank: 11.8
Sentiment rank: -1.4

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-obama-chief-of-staff-denis-mcdonough-exit-interview/
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Jeff Sessions, US attorney general nominee, denies KKK sympathies


NewsHubPresident-elect Donald Trump’s pick to be the new attorney general has denied sympathising with the Ku Klux Klan, in a tough Senate confirmation hearing.
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, 69, also pledged to recuse himself from any investigation into former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
A Democratic senator expressed “deep concern” about the Alabama Republican’s nomination.
But Democrats do not have the power in the chamber to block his confirmation.
The attorney general, America’s top prosecutor, leads the US justice department and acts as the main adviser to the president on legal issues.
Mr Sessions, 69, said during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that allegations he had once supported the KKK were “damnably false”.
“I abhor the Klan and what it represents and its hateful ideology,” he added.
Mr Sessions also acknowledged “the horrendous impact that relentless and systemic discrimination and the denial of voting rights has had on our African-American brothers and sisters”.
His comments came after Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein voiced her concern over “fear in this country, particularly among the African-American community”.
She noted Senator Sessions had voted against an amendment affirming that the US would not bar people entering the US on the basis of their religion.
She also pointed out he had previously opposed efforts to ban waterboarding and expressed scepticism about the need for an anti-hate crime law.
“There’s deep fear about what a Trump administration will bring in many places,” said Ms Feinstein.
But Republican Senator Chuck Grassley described the nominee as a “man of honour and integrity”.
When questioned about his views on gay marriage and abortion rights, Mr Sessions said he would follow the law of the land on both issues.
But he also contended that Roe v Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court ruling that cleared the way for safe legal, abortions, violated the US Constitution.
In 2000 and 2009 Mr Sessions voted against legislation to expand the definition of a hate crime to include offences based on sexual orientation.
Protesters repeatedly disrupted Tuesday’s hearing.
Demonstrators dressed as members of the KKK chanted: “No Trump, No KKK, No Racist USA. ”
“Stop this racist pig from getting into power,” said an African-American demonstrator as she was led out of the hearing by police.
The Alabama politician, with 20 years under his belt in the Senate, is known as one of the most conservative members of the upper chamber.
He was denied a federal judgeship in 1986 after the Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony that he made racist remarks.
Mr Sessions was also accused of calling a black assistant US attorney “boy” and telling him to be careful about how he spoke to “white folks”. But he denied saying it.
He also denied on Tuesday having once called the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) “un-American”.
Republicans who have known him a long time and worked with him deny Mr Sessions is a racist.
Some have pointed out he supported the award of a Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights heroine Rosa Parks.
Mr Sessions opposed bipartisan efforts to give undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship, and wants to limit entry to the US, both legal and illegal.
He was one of the few Republicans to come to Mr Trump’s defence after he proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US.
Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said Mr Sessions had been “more anti-immigration than just about any other single member of Congress”.
They will use the two days of hearings to try to depict Mr Sessions as extreme, getting him to defend past statements and actio
They may also get him to defend some of Mr Trump’s controversial statements.
Democratic Senator Cory Booker has said he will testify against Mr Sessions, in what is thought to be an unprecedented move.
“The immense powers of the attorney general combined with the deeply troubling views of this nominee is a call to conscience,” said the New Jersey senator.
Mr Booker pointed to the Alabama senator’s opposition to immigration reform, his criticism of the Voting Rights Act and his “failure to defend the civil rights of women, minorities, and LGBT Americans”.
Civil rights hero and congressman John Lewis may also testify.
All the president’s Cabinet appointments go to a vote in the Senate, where they can be approved by a simple majority.
Appointments cannot be confirmed until after Mr Trump’s inauguration on 20 January.

Similarity rank: 20
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38564478
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GOP anxiety is mounting over health care repeal initiative


NewsHubWASHINGTON — Republican anxiety is mounting over voting to unravel the health care law without having an alternative in hand, fanned by words of encouragement from Donald Trump to a GOP senator who wants to simultaneously repeal and replace the statute.
GOP leaders have made dismantling President Barack Obama’s treasured health care overhaul their premier 2017 priority. But even as the Republican-run Senate moves toward passing a budget that would make it harder for Democrats to protect Obama’s law later, at least six GOP senators have expressed qualms about repeal without having a substitute — something Republicans have failed for years to produce.
“We should start immediately to repeal, reform and replace Obamacare, and it shouldn’t be finally repealed until we have a replacement ready,” Senate Health Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., whose panel will be at the center of this year’s battle, said in a brief interview.
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who wants repeal and replace together, said the president-elect telephoned him Friday to voice support for that timing. Trump voiced that opinion shortly after his November election, but he called Paul as GOP congressional leaders have moved in a different direction: A quick repeal vote, followed by work on an alternative that could take months or years to craft.
“He’s aware of my arguments for doing replacement at the same time, and he agreed,” Paul said.
Even if Congress passed repeal rapidly, Republicans say they would phase it in, perhaps over two or three years.
Republicans don’t want to abruptly end coverage for 20 million Americans who’ve received coverage under the 2010 law, and don’t want to be vulnerable to Democrats already accusing them of preparing to tear down the statute without knowing how or if they’ll replace it.
“Turn back before it’s too late,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N. Y., said on the Senate floor just short of midnight as Democrats, before leaving for the night, lambasted Republicans with five-and-a-half hours of speeches. “It will damage your party,” Schumer said, “and it will hurt millions of Americans, far more importantly.”
Highlighting GOP indecision, Steve Bannon, who will be White House senior adviser after Trump is sworn in Jan. 20, said, “We’re still thinking that through” when asked by reporters after a meeting in the Capitol if repeal and replace should happen together.
The Affordable Care Act, signed into law in 2010, has required people to obtain coverage. It also created subsidies to help lower-earning people buy policies and expanded Medicaid, but the overhaul has been troubled by rising costs for many consumers and markets that some insurers abandoned.
The burgeoning Republican divisions come as the GOP-led Senate pushed toward a final vote this week on a budget that would prevent Democrats from using a filibuster to block a later repealing Obama’s overhaul. That’s crucial because filibusters take 60 votes to halt in a chamber that Republicans control by only a 52-48 margin.
Others voicing Paul’s sentiment include Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Bob Corker of Tennessee.
The budget gives congressional committees until Jan. 27 to produce legislation annulling much of the health care law, although consequences for missing that deadline are minor.
Even so, Corker, Collins and three other GOP senators introduced a budget amendment delaying that target date until March 3. Corker said that would provide “additional time to get the policy right.”
On CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said replacement legislation would follow repeal “rapidly” but did not define the timetable.
Besides health care, senators are focused this week on confirmation hearings for Trump’s Cabinet picks.
In Tuesday’s initial hearings, committees were examining Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., Trump’s selection for attorney general, and retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, his choice for homeland security secretary. Seven others were set for hearings this week.
Also Tuesday, a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing was set to explore spy agencies’ conclusion that Russia meddled in the U. S. election by hacking and distributing Democratic party emails to help Trump win the White House.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., met in his office Monday with top Trump transition aides to discuss GOP plans to revamp the tax system.
“I need to make sure that we are all on the same page. We have a huge challenge here, it was better tonight,” incoming White House chief of staff Reince Priebus was heard saying after the two-hour meeting.
Democrats’ Senate talk-a-thon condemning the GOP health care push ended just after midnight after roughly two dozen lawmakers spoke to C-SPAN cameras on the nearly vacant Senate floor. Democrats said Republicans want to “make America sick again” and were using a “repeal and run” strategy.

Similarity rank: 7.7
Sentiment rank: -1.9

© Source: http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/gop-anxiety-is-mounting-over-health-care-repeal-initiative/
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Weed Activists Freaking Out Over Sessions Hearing


NewsHubMarijuana activists are anxious over President-elect Donald Trump’s appointment of Alabama GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general, claiming he will orchestrate a federal crackdown on legal weed.
Sessions, who is having his confirmation hearing Tuesday, is a staunch opponent of marijuana reform and some activists worry his appointment may lead to further raids in states where marijuana is legal. Advocates of marijuana legalization at the state and federal level are concerned Trump will take a hands-off approach to the enforcement of current state laws and give Sessions permission to push a pro-marijuana prohibition agenda, reports Forbes.
Sessions is expected to secure the confirmation Tuesday and some activists allege there is already a plan in place to begin rebuking recent state decisions to legalize the substance.
“The rumor I’ve heard is that they will be cracking down with D. C. first,” Adam Eidinger, founder of the D. C. Cannabis Coalition, told Forbes. “That a large number of dispensaries are going to get shut down straight up, shut down by the DEA six months from now. Then all the states that legalized are going to get letters saying ‘No, don’t do it.’”
It remains unclear whether or not Trump will be adversarial against state marijuana laws, but he did promise to respect state law on the issue during the campaign. Sessions said in April lawmakers have failed to spread the message to the public, especially the youth, that “good people don’t smoke marijuana.”
“We need grown-ups in charge in Washington to say marijuana is not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized, it ought not to be minimized, that it’s in fact a very real danger,” Sessions added.
Advocates for marijuana legalization in the District are planning a show of civil disobedience for Trump’s inauguration by protesting federal weed laws. The protesters will gather at Dupont Circle at 8 a.m. Jan. 20 and then march to the Capitol where they plan to give away 4,200 marijuana gifts. Selling weed in the District is illegal, but possession of up to two ounces of marijuana and gifting the substance is not a violation of local law.
The activists, led by Eidinger, also plan to smoke up four minutes and 20 seconds into Trump’s inaugural address, a number associated with weed and the date of the 420 marijuana holiday celebrated by smokers worldwide on April 2o. At this point, the protesters will be in violation of federal and local law and risk arrest from authorities.
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Similarity rank: 12
Sentiment rank: -2.3

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/10/weed-activists-freaking-out-over-sessions-hearing/
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Захоплення заручників в Алабамі: поліція затримала підозрюваного


NewsHubПоліція затримала підозрюваного у захопленні заручників у банку Alabama Credit Union у місті Таскалуса, штат Алабама. Про це повідомляє Fox News.
В результаті події постраждалих немає.
У поліції зазначили, що це було не пограбування.
#BREAKING :Hostage situation over; suspect has been caught. pic.twitter.com/B8E00ODkG1
— WBRC FOX6 News (@WBRCnews) January 10, 2017
Відзначається, що загарбник був озброєний. На даний момент всі 8 заручників знаходяться в безпеці.
#BREAKING : Armed male suspect taken into custody in hostage situation at Tuscaloosa credit union; 8 hostages are safe pic.twitter.com/QsnC1j8ekp
— WBRC FOX6 News (@WBRCnews) January 10, 2017
Нагадаємо, раніше повідомлялося, що невідомий захопив заручників у банку Alabama Credit Union.
За словами лейтенанта поліції Тіни Річардсон, озброєний чоловік утримує заручників у банку. Ймовірно, нападник діяв поодинці з метою пограбування банку.

Similarity rank: 5.4

© Source: https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/news/zahvat-zalozhnikov-alabame-politsiya-zaderzhala-1484067414.html
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МЗС Канади очолить українка за походженням Фріланд


NewsHubМіністр міжнародної торгівлі Канади Христя Фріланд, яка має українське походження, буде призначена на посаду міністра закордонних справ країни, в результаті рішення прем’єр-міністра Джастіна Трюдо змінити склад свого уряду, повідомляє CBC News.
Фріланд замінить Стефана Діона, який залишає політику, щоб зайняти дипломатичний пост.
Зазначимо, що Христя Фріланд народилася у канадському місті Піс-Рівер у провінції Альберта. Її мати, Галина Хом’як-Фріланд, українка за походженням.
Журналістську кар’єру Фріланд починала в Україні в якості стрингера Financial Times, The Washington Post і The Economist.
Пізніше вона працювала у Financial Times у Лондоні заступником редактора, редактором британських новин, начальником московського бюро, кореспондентом у Східній Європі, редактором вікенд-видання та редактором FT.com.
Згодом оголосила про намір балотуватися на виборах до парламенту Канади від Ліберальної партії.
Вона виграла внутрішньопартійні праймеріз 15 вересня 2013 року і була обрана до парламенту 25 листопада.

Similarity rank: 5.5

© Source: http://day.kyiv.ua/uk/news/100117-mzs-kanady-ocholyt-ukrayinka-za-pohodzhennyam-friland
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Для припинення спекуляцій СБУ розповіла про умови утримання в СІЗО Єфремова


NewsHubУ Службі безпеки України спростували повідомлення про “нелюдські” умови утримання в своєму СІЗО колишнього глави фракції Партії регіонів у Верховній Раді VII скликання Олександра Єфремова.
У прес-службі спецслужби запевняють, що колишній нардеп знаходиться в стандартних умовах: двомісній камері площею 13,5 квадратних метрів, яка обладнана всім необхідним. Вікно з кватиркою вільно відкривається за бажанням затриманого, зазначили в СБУ.
Також правоохоронці оголосили про готовність надати можливість для огляду умов утримання політика в СІЗО Уповноваженій Верховної Ради України з прав людини Валерії Лутковській.
Напередодні Єфремов в інтерв’ю одному з вітчизняних ЗМІ розповів про “нелюдські” умови перебування в ізоляторі тимчасового тримання СБ України.
У спецслужбі офіційно спростували звинувачення Єфремова.
Як повідомлялося, Єфремова затримали 30 липня 2016 року в аеропорту Києва за підозрою в посяганні на територіальну цілісність і недоторканність України.
24 листопада Печерський районний суд Києва задовольнив клопотання Генпрокуратури про продовження запобіжного заходу у вигляді утримання під вартою для Єфремова до 22 січня 2017 року.
4 січня Управління з розслідування вчинених злочинними організаціями злочинів Генеральної прокуратури України направило обвинувальний акт у кримінальному провадженні стосовно Єфремова в суд.

Similarity rank: 7.4

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/events/dlja-pripinennja-spekuljatsij-sbu-rozpovila-pro-umovi-utrimannja-v-sizo-jefremova-452443.html
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