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Через негоду в Україні запізнюються потяги


NewsHubПро це повідомляє прес-служба ПАТ “Укрзалізниця”.
Зокрема, за оперативною інформацією, наразі із запізненням менш ніж на 30 хвилин курсують поїзди: №123 Костянтинівка – Київ, №147 Одеса – Київ, №764 Одеса – “Дарниця”, №59 Харків – Одеса та №641 Кишинів – Одеса.
Поїзд №146 Ізмаїл – Київ наразі курсує із запізненням 1 година 39 хвилин.
“Укрзалізниця” просить пасажирів уважно слухати оголошення на вокзалах та станціях і запевняє, що залізничники докладають усіх зусиль, щоб поїзди прибули на кінцеву станцію за графіком.

Similarity rank: 6.3

© Source: http://espreso.tv/news/2017/01/08/cherez_negodu_v_ukrayini_zapiznyuyutsya_potyagy
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В Одесі під час вибуху в приватному будинку загинули дві людини


NewsHubВ Одесі в ніч на неділю, 8 січня, в приватному будинку на вулиці Юхима Геллера стався вибух, загинули дві людини, повідомили в ГУ Національної поліції в Одеській області.
“Після ліквідації пожежі були виявлені два чоловічих тіла – 67-річного власника будинку та квартиранта – учасника АТО, громадянина однієї з сусідніх держав. Також в одну з медичних установ Одеси була доставлена 90-річна господиня будинку з діагнозом – перелом гомілки, забій грудної клітини та отруєння продуктами горіння”, – повідомили в поліції.
За даними поліції, чоловіки загинули в результаті руйнування будівлі внаслідок вибуху. “Особливості вибуху – вид його епіцентру і деякі характеристики вказують на те, що він з великою ймовірністю міг відбутися не внаслідок витоку газу, а від застосування вибухівки”, – заявили в поліції.
За даними джерел Думсько ї, в результаті вибуху загинули господар будинку і квартирант – колишній боєць Правого сектора. Позивний загиблого учасника АТО – Волков, він був сапером в загоні Закарпаття.
Джерела видання в прокуратурі повідомили, що вибух у приватному будинку в Одесі стався з вини квартирантів — колишніх бійців Правого сектора. За словами співрозмовника видання, на місці вибуху знайдено висвердлені корпусу гранат Ф-1 і РГД, з яких намагалися витягти тротил.
Нагадаємо, що в результаті вибуху увечері 3 січня в багатоквартирному будинку в Сумах загинула жінка, дві людини були врятовані з-під завалів

Similarity rank: 7.5

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/events/v-odesi-pid-chas-vibuhu-v-privatnomu-budinku-zaginuli-dvi-ljudini-440645.html
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У Мережі з'явилися фото і відео теракту в Єрусалимі


NewsHubУ Мережі з’явилися фото теракту в Єрусалимі, в результаті якого загинули четверо людей та ще 15 отримали поранення.
Також ізраїльське видання Ynetnews опублікувало відео наїзду вантажівки на пішоходів в Єрусалимі.
На кадрах видно, як вантажівка на великій швидкості в’їжджає у натовп людей і викочується на газон. Після цього машина, кілька разів розвернувшись, повертається на місце інциденту.
Раніше повідомлялося, що за попередньою інформацією, громадян України серед постраждалих в результаті теракту в Єрусалимі немає , проте дані уточнюються.
Нагадаємо, 8 січня в Єрусалимі в районі Армонія ха-Наців стався теракт – вантажівка з’їхала з дороги і врізався в групу ізраїльських військовослужбовців і цивільних осіб

Similarity rank: 9

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/world/countries/u-merezhi-z-javilisja-foto-i-video-teraktu-v-jerusalimi-440744.html
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У Багдаді стався другий за добу теракт на ринку


NewsHubПро це повідомляє Reuters.
В результаті вибуху загинули щонайменше сім осіб, понад 10 людей зазнали поранень.
Раніше поряд з овочевим ринком в Багдаді вибухнув замінований автомобіль , внаслідок чого загинули 13 осіб.
Відповідальність за перший вибух взяло на себе угруповання “Ісламська держава”.

Similarity rank: 10.9

© Source: http://espreso.tv/news/2017/01/08/u_bagdadi_stavsya_drugyy_za_dobu_terakt_na_rynku
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Israel's Netanyahu Dismisses New Set of Corruption Charges


NewsHubIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says there is nothing to a second police investigation into corruption charges.
Netanyahu has been questioned twice already about allegations that he improperly accepted lavish gifts from high-profile figures in international business and Hollywood. Local media have reported that the second affair involves Netanyahu being caught on tape negotiating mutual benefits with a high-powered media mogul.
Netanyahu has repeatedly denied wrongdoing, portraying the accusations as a witch hunt against him and his family by a hostile media. Netanyahu told ministers from his Likud Party Sunday that “there will be nothing, because there is nothing. ”
While the probe is still in its infancy, a mounting investigation could imperil Netanyahu’s lengthy rule. Should Israel’s attorney general decide to indict him, Netanyahu could be forced to step down.

Similarity rank: 3.1
Sentiment rank: -1

© Source: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/israel-netanyahu-corruption-charges/2017/01/08/id/767362
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The Golden Globes take place this weekend in Los Angeles


NewsHubThe Golden Globes kick off this year’s awards season this weekend.
Sunday night’s ceremony will honour both film and television makers, with nominations for movies like La Land and Manchester by the Sea and TV series like The Night Manager.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 5

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-38532393
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Four Killed In Jerusalem Truck Attack On Israeli Soldiers


NewsHubAt least four people are dead after a Palestinian rammed a truck into a group of soldiers Sunday in Jerusalem.
The soldiers were getting off a bus at a popular tourist spot in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood when the man rammed into the crowd. The bus driver told Times of Israel that the man in question plowed through the crowd before reversing over them when soldiers opened fire. The attacker was “neutralized” at the scene of the attack.
Three women and one man, all in their twenties, are confirmed dead. At least 15 soldiers were injured, some of them seriously.
Police immediately ruled it a terror attack .
“To our dismay, there is no limit to the cruelty of the terrorists who are willing to use any means possible to murder Jews and to damage the daily life of Israel’s capital,” said Nir Barkat, Jerusalem’s mayor, according to Jerusalem Post . “Those who incite and fan the flames and those who support terror must pay a heavy price. I call on the residents of Jerusalem and the country at large to be alert and, despite this difficult terror attack, to carry on with your daily routines and do not let terror win.”
Islamic State has been calling on its supporters to carry out truck attacks in recent years. (RELATED: Reminder: ISIS Has Been Calling For Truck Attacks For Years)
Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a Tunisian man, killed 86 people July 14 when he drove a truck through a crowd in Nice.
Anis Amri, a Tunisian refugee in Germany, killed 12 when he attacked a Christmas market Dec. 19 in Berlin.
Thirty-five Israelis have been killed in knife, gun and car attacks by Palestinians since October 2015, according to BBC .
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Similarity rank: 9.8
Sentiment rank: -5.3

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/08/four-killed-in-jerusalem-truck-attack-on-israeli-soldiers/
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Suicide bombers kill 18 in Baghdad market attacks


NewsHubIraqi forces have pushed IS out of much of the territory the group once held, but a wave of recent bombings have highlighted the danger the jihadists pose to civilians even as they lose ground.
Sunday’s first attack took place at Jamila, the main wholesale vegetable market in Baghdad’s Sadr City, a vast, mostly Shiite neighbourhood in the northeast of the capital that has been targeted repeatedly.
“A soldier at the gate of Jamila market opened fire on a suicide car bomb after noticing a suspect vehicle but the terrorist blew up his car,” interior ministry spokesman Saad Maan said.
A police colonel and a medical official said at least 12 people were killed and 39 wounded. Maan said the soldier who opened fire on the attacker was among the wounded.
The second attack saw a suicide bomber detonate explosives at a market in the Baladiyat area of east Baghdad, killing at least six people and wounding at least 16, officials said.
IS issued an online statement claiming the Jamila attack, saying it targeted members of Iraq’s Shiite Muslim majority, whom the jihadists consider heretics.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the Baladiyat bombing, but it had the hallmarks of an attack carried out by IS.
Another explosive charge went off when the body of the Jamila bomber was at the morgue, the hospital in Sadr City where his remains were brought said in a statement.
The statement said the explosion occurred when an employee moved the remains while searching for identity papers.
It did not cause any damage or injuries, the statement said, but a photograph of the scene sent by a hospital official indicated that the blast had blown a door off its hinges.
IS claimed an attack on January 2 — also in Sadr City — when a suicide bomber blew up a vehicle packed with explosives among a crowd of day labourers waiting for work, killing 35 people.
The jihadists overran large areas north and west of Baghdad in a swift 2014 offensive that swept through security forces unprepared for the assault.
The number of bombings in the capital declined following the June 2014 offensive, apparently because the jihadists were occupied with holding territory they seized and later defending against government attacks.
Federal forces and units from Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region have since pushed IS back in a series of battles over a period of more than two years.
On October 17, Iraqi forces launched a massive operation to recapture Mosul, the country’s last city in which IS still holds significant ground.
Iraqi forces punched into the city from the east, retook a series of neighbourhoods and are now approaching the Tigris River, which divides the city into its eastern and western sides.
The western side, which is the smaller but more densely populated of the two, remains entirely under IS control.
Iraqi forces have also launched an operation to recapture IS-held towns near the Syrian border that along with Mosul and the northern town of Tal Afar are among the last populated areas under jihadist control.
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in late December that three months were needed to eliminate IS in the country.
But even if the jihadists no longer openly hold territory, they can still strike at Iraqi civilians and security forces with bombings and hit-and-run attacks.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -9.3

© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/world/2017/01/08/Suicide-bombers-kill-18-in-Baghdad-market-attacks
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May vows to seek ambitious EU deal


NewsHub(Kirsty Wigglesworth, AP)
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London – Prime Minister Theresa May said on Sunday she would announce details of Britain’s European Union exit plans in the next few weeks and denied a former diplomat’s claim that the government was “muddled” about Brexit.
In her first interview of 2017, May also said Donald Trump had made “unacceptable” comments about women – but stressed she’s had “good” conversations with the US president-elect about the vital trans-Atlantic relationship.
May has said for months that she will invoke Article 50 of the EU’s key treaty, triggering two years of EU exit talks, by March 31. But she has refused to reveal details of Britain’s goals or negotiating strategy.
May argues that to do so would weaken Britain’s hand, but the lack of detail has fuelled allegations that government plans for Brexit are in disarray.
Free movement
Ivan Rogers, who resigned as Britain’s EU envoy last week, criticised politicians’ “ill-founded arguments and muddled thinking” about the EU exit.
In an interview with Sky News, May insisted the government is “not at all” muddled.
“I will be setting out some more details in the coming weeks,” she said.
She signaled the UK is likely to leave the bloc’s single market in goods and services, saying Britain won’t try to keep “bits of membership” once it leaves.
Many UK businesses – especially in London’s huge financial-services sector – argue that access to the single market is vital. But EU leaders say membership is impossible unless Britain continues to allow the free movement of workers from other EU countries.
May said free movement would end because Britain has voted to take control of its borders. But she also said she did not see immigration and trade as “a binary issue” or “a zero-sum game. ”
She said Britain would seek an “ambitious trade deal… that allows our companies to trade in and operate in the European single market. ”
May, who took office in July, also faces the challenge in 2017 of forging a relationship with a new US president.
Benefit both
The prime minister, a long-time campaigner for women’s equality, was asked about Trump’s vulgar 2005 remark that his celebrity allowed him to grope women and “grab them by the p—-. ”
“I think that’s unacceptable,” she said. “In fact, Donald Trump himself has said that and has apologised for it.
“But the relationship that the UK has with the United States is about something much bigger than just the relationship between the two individuals as president and prime minister,” she added.
May said she has had two “very good, positive” phone calls with Trump since the November 8 US election.
“From the conversations I’ve had, I think we are going to look to build on that relationship, for the benefit of both the US and the UK,” she said.
Trump tweeted on Sunday that “I look very much forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington in the Spring. Britain, a longtime US ally, is very special! ”
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Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 4.6

© Source: http://www.news24.com/World/News/may-vows-to-seek-ambitious-eu-deal-20170108
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Sunday's Best : Running Gear, Wireless Router, RAVPower Filehub, and More


NewsHubRunning gear for the new year, a TP-Link wireless router , the 5-in-1 RAVPower Filehub , and more lead Sunday’s best deals.
Bookmark Kinja Deals and follow us on Twitter to never miss a deal. Commerce Content is independent of Editorial and Advertising, and if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale. Click here to learn more, and don’t forget to sign up for our email newsletter.
ExceptionalSheets’ bamboo mattress pads do three things to improve your sleeping experience:
Today only, Amazon’s marking every size down by $20-$30. This is a Gold Box deal though, so don’t sleep on it.
Doing the whole “new year, new me” thing? Maybe you should take advantage of Amazon’s one-day deal on running gear. Everything from cold weather clothing to wearables is marked down. But don’t delay, since this is a Gold Box, it’ll run away at the end of the day.
If you’re in the market for a router that’s a million times better than the one the cable company doles out when you sign up for internet, this one may be your answer. The TP-Link AC1200 boasts dual band 1200Mbps WiFi for all your gaming and internetting needs for only $60.
Right now, you can get RAVPower’s Filehub today for its best price ever (at least in black), which is actually two travel-friendly devices in one: A 3,000mAh USB battery pack, and a file streamer that can let you access files on USB flash drives and SD cards wirelessly from your phone or tablet. That’s perfect for, say, watching movies on a plane when your tablet is low on space.
A wall charger with QuickCharge is something you should always have lying around (if your device is compatible). So for $5 with the code ITSVP356, it’s pretty stupid not to buy this Mpow charger.
If you don’t have room for a full at-home gym, this folding treadmill is a great option. With ProShox cushioning to help your knees and iPod connectivity to make you hate running just a little less, it’s a great solution to hitting your resolution target of working out more.
Inflatable hot tubs might look a little bit cheap, but for $300 , I’m willing to forgive it. This model has great reviews, can accommodate 4-6 people (depending on how much you like them, I guess) and normally sells for around $400.
Who doesn’t like saving money with their khakis (I bet Jake from Statefarm does). Dockers giving you an extra 50% off all sale styles with the code EXTRA50. Grab work pants, chinos, and maybe cross off working about what you’ll be wearing for the holidays next month, all in one shot.
A lot of people are reflexively appalled by the idea of a bidet, which makes no sense, because they’re amazing. Today on Amazon, you can score a Luxe Bidet Neo 120 that will work with just about any toilet for just $32. That’s nothing for a product you’ll use just about every day, and it’s particularly good for a model with a self-cleaning and retracting nozzle, let alone one with over 4,000 reviews. This deal could sell out any time though, so purchase or get off the pot.
Back down to its lowest price ever, this handy $20 wall charger from Aukey not only features four USB ports, but has an added USB-C port as well. You’ll be able to charge all your devices at once without fiddling with any special adapters. No one likes to fiddle. Plus, it supports everyone’s favorite Quick Charge capability.
PUMA has made some very strategic moves to stay relevant, but they also have managed to stay pretty true to what they’re known for. So when they launch their Semi-Annual Sale full of staple styles of clothing and sneakers , it’s a win-win. Up to 50% off stuff that isn’t weird and celebrity-backed? Count me in.
The Bonavita BV1800 was your favorite coffee maker , and you can snag one with a stainless steel carafe for $121 today. It occasionally gets a little bit cheaper, but this is the best deal we’ve seen in over a month.
We sell a lot of cold brew coffee makers (the Takeya being the most popular) but the coolgear BRU is something pretty different. With its 21oz double wall tumbler fitted beneath the carafe, you can take your coffee with your immediately after it’s done brewing. And it’s on sale today for only $32.
With this $12 Mpow Streambot Bluetooth receiver, you can turn everything from your dusty old iHome to your legacy home theater system into a Bluetooth speaker. Just plug in the AUX jack, connect up to two devices, and start streaming.
If you missed out on all of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday console discounts this year, it’s not too late to get a great deal on a PS4 Slim. Today on eBay, $249 gets you the Uncharted console bundle , plus free shipping and no tax for most places (sorry California and Georgia).
We see our fair share of water-resistant Bluetooth speaker deals, but the Mpow Buckler has been one of our readers’ favorite models to date , probably thanks to its ingenious suction cup design that you can stick to your shower wall.
It may say 30% off on the Levi’s site, but enter the code SALE40 at checkout, and you’re in for a treat. Levi’s ramped up their sale discount from 30% to 40% off all sale styles. And the great thing about the Levi’s store is that it isn’t just denim.
I finally got my hands on a pair of the infamous Wedgie jean , and I love them (the Joshua Tree wash is on sale for $42 ). My most recent purchase was this really comfy sweater that I have worn at least three times in the past two weeks.
If you didn’t get your denim fill during the Levi’s sale, maybe check out Uniqlo’s crazy-good deal on jeans. All women’s styles are $30 and all men’s are $40 , including selvedge denim and HEATTECH jeans.
Around these parts, it’s starting to get uncomfortably cold. So, if you haven’t stocked up on winter essentials, this one’s for you. Not only is Moosejaw marking down a bunch of The North Face stuff , use the code NACHO10 and get an additional 10% off.
I have painful, yet fond memories of my college’s Athletic Trainer using one of these on my thigh after I suffered a strained quad. They are hell while using it, but heaven afterwards. And for $10 when you use the code Naipo604, this muscle roller can help further your love-hate relationship with working out.
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Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/bENMh7ZKAZ0/sundays-best-deals-running-gear-wireless-router-ravp-1790946936
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