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Treffen von Trump mit Xi: Erst einmal kennenlernen


Differenzen in der Handelspolitik und der Umgang mit Nordkorea – die Themen beim ersten Aufeinandertreffen zwischen US-Präsident Trump und seinem chinesischen Amtskollegen sind heikel. Doch bei der Begrüßung des Gastes in Florida zeigte sich Trump betont gelassen.
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Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/trump-china-117.html
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米国、対シリア軍事行動を検討 化学兵器疑惑受け


【4月7日 AFP】 米国防総省は、 シリアで化学兵器が使用されたとみられる攻撃への 対応策として、 米国が取り得る軍事行動の 選択肢を政府に提示している。
【4月7日 AFP】米国防総省は、シリアで化学兵器が使用されたとみられる攻撃への対応策として、米国が取り得る軍事行動の選択肢を政府に提示している。政府関係者が6日、明らかにした。
匿名を条件に取材に応じた関係者によると、選択肢の中にはシリア空軍の飛行能力を奪う攻撃も含まれている。ジェームズ・マティス( James Mattis )国防長官は、ホワイトハウス( White House )からの要請を受けて、これらの選択肢をドナルド・トランプ( Donald Trump )大統領をはじめとする政府関係者らに提示しているところだという。
トランプ大統領は5日、シリアのバッシャール・アサド( Bashar al-Assad )政権が、今回の化学兵器によるものとみられる攻撃で一線を越えたと警告。少なくとも86人が死亡したこの攻撃を「人類に対する侮辱」と非難した上で、米国が単独で対応を取ることも示唆していた。(c)AFP

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3124243
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中国の習主席、米国に到着 トランプ大統領と初会談へ


【4月7日 AFP】 (写真追加)中国の 習近平(Xi Jinping)国家主席は6日、 米フロリダ(Florida)州に到着した。
【4月7日 AFP】(写真追加)中国の習近平( Xi Jinping )国家主席は6日、米フロリダ( Florida )州に到着した。北朝鮮や貿易などの問題で米中間の緊張が高まる中、ドナルド・トランプ( Donald Trump )大統領との初の首脳会談に臨む。
習主席を乗せた航空機は午後1時半(日本時間7日午前2時半)ごろ、パームビーチ国際空港( Palm Beach International Airport )に着陸。空港に降り立った習主席は、儀仗(ぎじょう)兵やレックス・ティラーソン( Rex Tillerson )米国務長官に迎えられた。(c)AFP

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3124239
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【4月7日 AFP】 ロシア捜査当局は6日、 同国第2の 都市サンクトペテルブルク(St. Petersburg)で3日に起きた地下鉄爆破事件に関与したとして、 8人の 身柄を拘束した。
【4月7日 AFP】ロシア捜査当局は6日、同国第2の都市サンクトペテルブルク( St. Petersburg )で3日に起きた地下鉄爆破事件に関与したとして、8人の身柄を拘束した。
ロシア捜査委員会の声明によると、サンクトペテルブルクで6人、首都モスクワ( Moscow )で2人が「テロ行為に関与」したとして拘束された。捜査の過程で、爆破事件の直前に別の駅で発見されたものと同じ爆破装置が見つかったという。容疑者の自宅からはさらに、銃器や弾薬が見つかったとされる。
捜査当局は同日これに先立ち、爆破事件の実行犯とされるアクバルジョン・ジャリロフ( Akbarjon Djalilov )容疑者と接触していた「中央アジア出身の数人」の自宅を家宅捜索したと発表していた。同容疑者は中央アジアのキルギス生まれで、ロシア国籍を取得していたとされる。

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3124240
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トランプ大統領と習国家主席 初の首脳会談始まる


アメリカの トランプ大統領と中国の 習近平国家主席の 初めての 首脳会談が、 アメリカ南部フロリダ州の トランプ大統領の 別荘で始まりました。 2日間にわた…
アメリカのトランプ大統領と中国の習近平国家主席の初めての首脳会談が、アメリカ南部フロリダ州のトランプ大統領の別荘で始まりました。2日間にわたる会談では、挑発行為を繰り返す北朝鮮への対応などが焦点となります。 中国の習近平国家主席は6日、フロリダ州の国際空港に到着し、アメリカ側はティラーソン国務長官が出迎えました。 トランプ大統領も大統領専用機エアフォースワンで到着し、両首脳は日本時間の午前6時すぎから、トランプ大統領の別荘で初めての首脳会談を行っています。 会談前、トランプ大統領は機内で記者団に対して、「われわれは長年、中国との間でひどい貿易を続け、不公平な扱いを受けてきた。会談では貿易について話すことになるだろう。もちろん、北朝鮮についても話すことになる」と述べました。 このうち、挑発行為を繰り返す北朝鮮への対応については、アメリカ側は、北朝鮮と強い結びつきを持つ中国に、国連安保理決議に基づく制裁を確実に履行すべきだと主張しているのに対し、中国側は、アメリカと北朝鮮の話し合いが欠かせないとしていて、両首脳が会談の結果、どのような対応を打ち出すことができるのかに関心が集まっています。 また、トランプ大統領が強く求める、米中両国の間の貿易不均衡の是正など、さまざまな課題について、どのような議論が交わされるのかも注目されます。 このあと、双方の夫人を交えた夕食会も開かれ、会談は7日の昼食会まで続く予定です。

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170407/k10010940001000.html
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Trump, China's Xi dine ahead of talks on security, trade


U. S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping sat down together to dine on pan-seared Dover sole and New York strip steak on Thursday, spending some social time before digging into thorny bilateral security and trade issues.
Trump has said he wants to raise concerns about China’s trade practices and urge Xi to do more to rein in North Korea’s nuclear ambitions during his first talks with the Chinese leaders, though no major deals on either issue were expected.
The summit at Trump’s Spanish-style Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, got off to a cordial start. Xi and his wife, Peng Liyuan, joined Trump and his wife, Melania, at a long table in a candle-lit ornate private dining room festooned with red and yellow floral centerpieces.
Trump, a New York real estate magnate before he ran for office, joked before dinner: “We’ve had a long discussion already, and so far I have gotten nothing, absolutely nothing, but we have developed a friendship – I can see that – and I think long term we are going to have a very, very great relationship and I look very much forward to it. ”
The fanfare over the summit on Thursday was overshadowed by another pressing foreign policy issue: the U. S. response to a deadly poison gas attack in Syria. A U. S. official said on Thursday the White House and Pentagon were discussing military options.
Trump and Xi were expected to get into more detailed discussions about trade and foreign policy issues on Friday, concluding their summit with a working lunch.
Trump promised during the 2016 presidential campaign to stop what he called the theft of American jobs by China and rebuild the country’s manufacturing base. Many blue-collar workers helped propel him to his unexpected election victory in November and Trump wants to deliver for them.
“We have been treated unfairly and have made terrible trade deals with China for many, many years. That’s one of the things we are going to be talking about, ” Trump told reporters ahead of the meeting.
Trump is still finding his footing in the White House and has yet to spell out a strategy for what his advisers called a trade relationship based on “the principle of reciprocity. ”
He brought his top economic and national advisers to Florida for the meeting, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
“Even as we share a desire to work together, the United States does recognize the challenges China can present to American interests, ” said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, also in Florida for the meeting.
Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, who both work at the White House, also were among the dinner guests.
Their summit brings together two leaders who could not seem more different: the often stormy Trump, prone to angry tweets, and Xi, outwardly calm, measured and tightly scripted, with no known social media presence.
What worries the protocol-conscious Chinese more than policy clashes is the risk that the unpredictable Trump could publicly embarrass Xi, after several foreign leaders experienced awkward moments with the new U. S. president.
“Ensuring President Xi does not lose face is a top priority for China,” a Chinese official said.
The most urgent problem facing Trump and Xi is how to persuade nuclear-armed North Korea to halt unpredictable behavior like missile test launches that have heightened tensions in South Korea and Japan.
North Korea is working to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting the United States.
Trump has threatened to use trade to try to force China to exert influence over Pyongyang.
“I think China will be stepping up,” Trump told reporters on Thursday. Beijing says its influence is limited and that it is doing all it can.
The White House is reviewing options to pressure Pyongyang economically and militarily, including “secondary sanctions” against Chinese banks and firms that do the most business with Pyongyang.
A long-standing option of pre-emptive strikes remains on the table, but despite the tougher recent U. S. talk, the internal review “de-emphasizes direct military action,” the U. S. official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Analysts believe any military action would likely provoke severe North Korean retaliation and massive casualties in South Korea and Japan and among U. S. troops stationed there.
On trade, U. S. labor leaders say Trump needs to take a direct, unambiguous tone in his talks with Xi.
“President Trump needs to come away from the meeting with concrete deliverables that will restore production and employment here in the U. S. in those sectors that have been ravaged by China’s predatory and protectionist practices, ” said Holly Hart, legislative director for the United Steelworkers union.
A U. S. administration official told Reuters that Washington expects to have to use legal tools to fight for U. S. companies, such as pursuing World Trade Organization lawsuits.
“I don’t expect a grand bargain on trade. I think what you are going to see is that the president makes very clear to Xi and publicly what we expect on trade, ” a U. S. official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Trump has often complained Beijing undervalues its currency to boost trade, but his administration looks unlikely to formally label China as a currency manipulator in the near term – a designation that could come with penalties.
(Additional reporting by David Brunnstrom, Matt Spetalnick, Roberta Rampton, Ayesha Rascoe and Mohammad Zargham in Washington, Gui Qing Koh in New York, Ben Blanchard in Beijing and William Mallard in Tokyo; Editing by Lisa Shumaker and James Dalgleish)

Similarity rank: 4

© Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-idUSKBN17815O?feedType=RSS&feedName=politicsNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Reuters%2FPoliticsNews+%28Reuters+Politics+News%29
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Українець О. Пєлєшенко став чемпіоном Європи з важкої атлетики


КИЇВ. 7 квітня. УНН. Українські спортсмени продовжили розвивати успіхи на чемпіонаті Європи з важкої атлетики, що відбувається у Спліті (Хорватія), передає …
Чемпіоном Європи у категорії до 85кг став Олександр Пєлєшенко. З сумою 386 кг наш співвітчизник виявився на першій сходинці.
Окрім того, за ривок в 175 кг і поштовх в 211кг український спортсмен отримав відповідно малу “золоту” і малу “срібну” медалі.
Зазначимо, що інша представниця України Ірина Деха (75 кг) здобула малу золоту медаль. І. Десі не було рівних в ривку, де вона справилась зі штангою вагою 120кг і піднялась на найвищу сходинку п’єдесталу.
Нагадаємо, що в попередні змагальні дні нагороди здобували українки Марія Хлян та Вероніка Івасюк.

Similarity rank: 6.5

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1657182-ukrayinets-o-pyelyeshenko-stav-chempionom-yevropi-z-vazhkoyi-atletiki
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Twitter sues US government after order over anti-Trump account


Social Cues: The US government attempted to identify the people behind the anti-Trump Twitter account @ALT_uscis. Twitter is fighting back.
The Trump administration ordered Twitter to reveal the identity behind this anonymous account.
Twitter is suing the US government to prevent the Trump administration from forcing it to reveal who’s running an anti-Trump account.
Social Cues is our look at what people are talking about across Twitter and Facebook.
In a lawsuit filed Thursday, Twitter says an arm of the Department of Homeland Security used a “limited-purpose investigatory tool” in an effort to unmask the identity of the person or people behind @ALT_uscis , an account that criticizes the administration’s management of US Citizenship and Immigration Services .
The account is one of dozens of “alternative” government agency accounts that sprung up after Donald Trump was inaugurated as the country’s 45th president. Other alt-accounts include AltUSNatParkService , which bills itself as “The #Resistance team against #AltFacts #FauxNews #FauxScience ,” and RogueNASA , “The unofficial “Resistance” team of NASA. ”
According to the suit ( PDF ), US Customs and Border Protection , another part of the DHS, issued on March 14 a summons to Twitter demanding the social network release records that would lead to the account’s owners. The company says the order is unlawful and must be dismissed.
“Permitting CBP to pierce the pseudonym of the @ALT_uscis account would have a grave chilling effect on the speech of that account in particular and on the many other ‘alternative agency’ accounts that have been created to voice dissent to government policies,” Twitter wrote in its suit.
The company declined to comment further for this story. The DHS declined to comment. The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
Twitter argued that the people behind the anti-Trump accounts, who claim to be government employees, risk harassment, retaliation and losing their jobs if their real identities are revealed.
In the suit, Twitter claims the summons and the laws behind it do not apply to the social network’s users.
The DHS is using a summons that is issued if Customs Services finds something suspicious with merchandise being imported .
“CBP’s investigation of the @ALT_USCIS account plainly has nothing whatsoever to do with the importation of merchandise in the United States,” Twitter said in its suit.
The social network accused the US government of violating the First Amendment with its demands, in an attempt to silence political speech.
The @ALT_uscis account was created nearly the same day that President Trump issued his immigration ban in January .
On March 14, CBP agent Adam Hoffman sent a fax to Twitter, ordering the website to provide the agency with user names, login information, phone numbers, mailing addresses and IP addresses behind the account. The summons threatened further court action if Twitter didn’t comply.
The agency also set a deadline on March 13, one day before the summons was actually faxed. The agency also asked that Twitter keep the summons under wraps for “an indefinite period of time. ”
You can see the summons here:
Twitter notified the @ALT_uscis account owners on April 4, according to the lawsuit. The account responded with a tweet on Thursday, quoting the First Amendment.
The American Civil Liberties Union plans to join Twitter in the fight for the privacy of @ALT_uscis, and announced it will be filing documents in court on the account’s behalf.
“To unmask an anonymous speaker online, the government must have a strong justification,” ACLU attorney Nathan Freed Wessler said in a statement. “But in this case, the government has given no reason at all, leading to concerns that it is simply trying to stifle dissent. ”
Twitter has unmasked accounts in the past, like when it helped the FBI catch the Twitter user who sent an seizure-inducing GIF as part of a hate crime.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/twitter-sues-us-government-after-complaint-over-anti-trump-account/
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WD My Passport SSD attaches fast storage to USB 3.1


When you think “Western Digital,” you probably think about hard drives. It’s well past time for that idea to change, though…
When you think “Western Digital,” you probably think about hard drives. It’s well past time for that idea to change, though. Not only does WD sell a range of high-performance and budget-priced internal SSDs, it’s now offering external solid-state storage, too. The My Passport SSD is the company’s first external SSD, and it comes in 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB capacities.
The My Passport SSD certainly looks flashy. Its impressive qualities aren’t just skin deep, though. The drive uses a USB 3.1 Type-C connection to make sure its performance won’t be bottlenecked by its interface. That said, the SSD inside caps out at a transfer speed of 515MB/s—the only performance figure WD offers—so you should be able to use it on a USB 3.0 port without sacrificing speed. WD includes a USB Type-C cable as well as a Type-A adapter, so the drive should be good to go with most current devices.
The drive supports 256-bit hardware encryption and has password protection functionality, although WD doesn’t elaborate on how those features are managed. WD says the 256GB drive should sell for $100, the 512GB drive for $200, and the 1TB drive for $400. The company offers three-year warranty coverage on the My Passport SSDs and expects them to be available later this quarter.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://techreport.com/news/31709/wd-my-passport-ssd-attaches-fast-storage-to-usb-3-1
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В Украине приостановили работу центры по выдаче загранпаспортов


Приостановка объясняется техническими причинами
В четверг, 6 апреля, по всей Украине временно приостановили работу центры по выдаче загранпаспортов.
Об этом сообщается на сайте Государственного предприятия Документ.
“По техническим причинам все центры Паспортный сервис временно не работают. О возобновлении работы будет сообщено на сайте”, – говорится в сообщении.
Как сообщал “Обозреватель”, в четверг, 6 апреля, Европейский парламент проголосовал за введение безвизового режима для граждан Украины в странах Евросоюза.
Присоединяйтесь к группам “Обозреватель” на Facebook и VKontakte , следите за обновлениями!

Similarity rank: 6.4

© Source: https://www.obozrevatel.com/politics/06537-v-ukraine-priostanovili-rabotu-tsentryi-po-vyidache-zagranpasportov.htm
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