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Megyn Kelly leaving Fox News, will host 2 shows on NBC


NewsHubNEW YORK — Megyn Kelly, the Fox News star who’s had a contentious relationship with President-elect Donald Trump, said Tuesday that she’s leaving the network for NBC News, where she will host a daytime talk show and a weekend newsmagazine, as well as contribute to breaking news coverage.
NBC News made the announcement Tuesday, ending months of speculation over whether she would re-up with Fox, where she has flourished while suffering bruised feelings in recent months, or start a new chapter in her career. Her contract with Fox expires this summer. Her last show on Fox will be Friday night.
Kelly’s departure deprives Fox News of its second-most-watched host, behind only Bill O’Reilly, and a hole at 9 p.m. in its prime-time lineup.
“While I will greatly miss my colleagues at Fox, I am delighted to be joining the NBC News family and taking on a new challenge,” Kelly said in a message on Twitter on Tuesday.
Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman of Fox, said that “we thank Megyn Kelly for her 12 years of contributions to Fox News. We hope she enjoys tremendous success in her career and wish her and her family all the best. ”
Kelly’s star power grew after she became a flashpoint in the presidential campaign after Trump objected to her questioning in the first Republican presidential debate a year and a half ago. He tweeted angry messages about her and boycotted another Fox debate after the network refused to replace her as one of the debate moderators.
She also became a central figure in the downfall of former Fox News chief Roger Ailes, telling in-house investigators of inappropriate conduct by Ailes that supported women who had made similar accusations.
Details about Kelly’s new jobs at NBC will be revealed in upcoming months, said Andrew Lack, chairman of the NBC Universal News Group.
“Megyn is an exceptional journalist and news anchor, who has had an extraordinary career” Lack said. “She’s demonstrated tremendous skill and poise, and we’re lucky to have her. ”
Kelly wasn’t immediately available for comment about what made her choose to leave Fox. But she said in an interview with The Associated Press in November that the factors she was weighing “mostly involve a 7-, 5- and 3-year-old,” her children. Her Fox show airs live at 9 p.m., giving her no time at home with her children in the evenings.
She stressed that point in closing remarks on her program Tuesday, which she addressed to the audience.
Kelly said she valued the “human connection” the show gave her with viewers, but said she needed more of that connection with her children.
She expressed gratitude to her next employer, NBC, and current one.
“I am deeply thankful to Fox News for the wonderful 12 years I have had here. I’ve grown up here, and been given every chance a young reporter could ever ask for,” Kelly said.
As a star in demand, Kelly was no doubt able to seek a schedule that would give her more time at home in the evening.
A former lawyer who was raised in upstate New York, Kelly turned to television and got a job in Fox’s Washington office. She was noticed by Ailes, and given a daytime show. Her poise and sharpness, and willingness to ask tough questions of all political sides, made her a star and led Ailes to give her a coveted prime-time slot on cable news’ most-watched network.
Her contentious relationship with Trump began when she asked the Republican businessman about statements he had made about women, infuriating him. He tweeted his disdain for her and although they made peace when Kelly interviewed Trump for a prime-time special last May, the relationship never became warm. Trump made Kelly’s prime-time colleague, Sean Hannity, his preferred stopping place for interviews during the campaign and didn’t come on her Fox News Channel show.
“I really had to choose — am I going to be an honest journalist … or am I going to suck up to Trump? ” she told the AP. “I chose the former, and it’s worked out fine for me. ”
It put Kelly in an awkward position with Fox News Channel viewers who favored Trump, however. At one point during a Hannity interview with Trump, a live audience at a Trump rally booed the mention of her name.
Kelly’s immediate silence after Gretchen Carlson’s lawsuit last summer alleging unwanted advances from Ailes, at a time other Fox News personalities were supporting their boss, was telling. She told investigators that Ailes had made sexually suggestive comments to her and tried to kiss her, then made an angry reference to her contract when she rebuffed him. Ailes has denied any untoward advances involving Kelly.
Her move was a big boost for broadcast network news divisions, which had struggled somewhat during the presidential campaign given the non-stop coverage provided by the cable news outlets.
NBC News had recently been experimenting with a new Sunday night newsmagazine, “Dateline NBC: On Assignment,” hosted by Lester Holt in a traditional format with a mix of news and feature stories, a template Kelly is expected to use. Weekday “Dateline” editions focus on criminal justice stories.
The move was a blow to Fox and its parent company, 21st Century Fox, whose leaders James and Lachlan Murdoch had made re-signing Kelly a priority and were believed in the industry to be offering her more money to stay. In her tweet on Tuesday, Kelly said she was deeply grateful to Fox News, its leaders and Fox’s viewers, “who have taught me so much about what really matters. ”
Kelly gave a signal of her future direction with last May’s interview special on the Fox broadcasting network. It wasn’t a critical or commercial success, however.
Fox News does make in-house talent development a priority, however, and recently installed Tucker Carlson as a 7 p.m. host following the abrupt departure of Greta Van Susteren last summer. With Kelly taking a break over the holidays, Fox used Sandra Smith, Shannon Bream, Martha MacCallum and Trish Regan as substitutes.
AP television writers Frazier Moore in New York and Lynn Elber in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: 1.2

© Source: http://www.bostonherald.com/entertainment/celebrity_news/2017/01/megyn_kelly_leaving_fox_news_will_host_2_shows_on_nbc
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What's up next in the federal trial of Dylann Roof?


NewsHubJurors return to court Wednesday to begin considering whether Dylann Roof will receive the death penalty or life in prison for the 2015 massacre at a historic black church in South Carolina that left nine Bible study participants dead.
Last month, the same jury took less than two hours to find Roof guilty of all 33 federal counts against him, including hate crimes and obstruction of religion. After a three-week break over the holidays, jurors are now tasked with the ultimate fate of the 22-year-old who confessed his role in the shootings to FBI agents hours after his arrest.
Here’s what has happened in his trial and what to expect.

Prosecutors have said they might call as many as three dozen witnesses to make their case for why Roof, 22, should get the death penalty for the June 2015 slaughter at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston.
The defense put up no witnesses during the seven-day trial. The defense team repeatedly tried to work in evidence about Roof’s mental state, but U. S. District Judge Richard Gergel ruled that had nothing to do with Roof’s guilt or innocence.
Roof has been adamant on representing himself during the sentencing phase of trial, with his defense team staying on as legal advisers. The capital defense experts who represented Roof during the guilt phase have said they fear he won’t put up evidence that could potentially spare his life out of fear of embarrassing himself or his family.

Roof’s whole trial was put on hold for several weeks so Judge Gergel could hold a first competency hearing. During that proceeding, which was closed to the public over media objections, Gergel heard two days of testimony, after which he determined Roof was mentally competent to face trial.
After he was found guilty, a day before the scheduled start of the sentencing phase, Gergel held another hearing on Roof’s mental status, saying serious enough issues had been raised in filings made under seal that the judge needed to address them in court.
In deeming him competent both to stand trial for sentencing and to represent himself, Gergel gave Roof an extra day to prepare his case. Jurors now will return to court Wednesday.

Roof hasn’t ever said definitively why he wants to act as his own lawyer, but he’s left some clues along the way.
As early as last summer, Roof’s legal team filed a notice with the court that they planned to introduce evidence that their client suffers from a mental illness. Many subsequent motions have been filed under seal, purportedly to conceal sensitive information, but it’s likely further details on what lawyers planned to present are contained within.
It’s clear, from his own writings, Roof doesn’t believe in psychology. In a journal read in court during his trial, Roof called the specialty “a Jewish invention” that “does nothing but invent diseases and tell people they have problems when they don’t. ”
As the jury selection process began last year, Roof said he wanted to fire his legal team and represent himself, ultimately keeping his lawyers for the trial phase but ditching them when it came time for sentencing. During discussions in court about Roof’s representation, his lawyers have said they feared their client wouldn’t introduce evidence that could potentially spare his life out of concern it might embarrass himself or his family.
Roof, who asked a judge at a hearing last week if he could file a motion limiting what prosecutors can introduce, also has been adamant a transcript of his competency hearing could not be released to the public.
“I know this is not a legal argument, but the unsealing of the competency hearing defeats the purpose of me representing myself,” Roof said.

Prosecutors say Roof wanted to start a race war. His two-hour confession to the FBI seemed key to jurors’ deliberation. One hour in, they asked to rehear the videotaped confession.
Roof also documented his hate in his journal, found in his car when he was arrested.
Roof believed segregation needed to return to keep white people from falling to the level of blacks. It had other bogus claims that whites were naturally the superior race and that blacks liked slavery.
Testimony in the case opened and closed with two of the massacre’s survivors.
Polly Sheppard said Roof told her he wanted to leave her alive to tell the world why he attacked a historic African-American church.
“I have to. I have to,” Sheppard recalled Roof telling her. “You’re raping our women and taking over the nation. ”
Her 911 call was the final evidence jurors heard.

Some relatives of the nine shooting victims attracted copious amounts of attention for showing Roof mercy during his initial court appearance after his arrest, saying they’d pray for him. In the run-up to the federal death penalty trial, other victims’ family members have said they favored the death penalty for Roof, sentiments echoed by some in media interviews after the guilty verdict.
Others, including shooting survivor Felicia Sanders, have been more coy, saying their preferences would become known during the sentencing proceedings. Many family members are expected to testify and give what are known as victim impact statements to the court, and, if he wants to do so, Roof himself would be asking them questions on cross-examination.

Roof faces a second death-penalty trial early this year in state court, where he’s charged with nine counts of murder. A state judge is ordering 600 prospective jurors to report to the Charleston County Courthouse on Jan. 17 for initial screening. His order says the trial will begin on or after Jan. 30. It’s not clear when the federal case will wrap up. For now, Roof has attorneys representing him in the state case.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -3.1

© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/national/article124438754.html
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Trump questions US intelligence as governing challenges loom


NewsHubNEW YORK (AP) – His inauguration less than three weeks away, President-elect Donald Trump is raising new doubts about the nation’s intelligence community, tweeting fresh criticism at the same people who will help inform his most sensitive decisions once he takes office.
Trump charged Tuesday on Twitter, without evidence, that the timing of an upcoming intelligence briefing on suspected Russian interference in the 2016 election had been delayed. “Perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!” he wrote, using quote marks around the word “intelligence.”
Trump’s tweet, in line with repeated criticism of his nation’s intelligence leaders, caused confusion among intelligence officials, who said there was no delay in the briefing schedule.
The fresh clash came as Trump took further steps to fill his Cabinet and key White House positions, with his attention shifting toward the challenges of governing.
Trump’s plans for repealing President Barack Obama’s signature health care law are expected to be the focus as Vice President-elect Mike Pence and secretary of state choice Rex Tillerson meet with top Republicans on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
Pence issued a direct challenge to Washington Republicans Tuesday: “The president-elect has a very clear message to Capitol Hill. And that is, it’s time to get to work.”
Trump signaled he would not bless all of the GOP’s priorities on Capitol Hill, openly questioning the timing of the House Republican push to gut an independent ethics board just as the new Congress gathered.
“Do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it may be, their number one act and priority”? Trump tweeted. The House GOP later dropped the effort.
The president-elect promised late Tuesday to hold his first formal news conference since his Nov. 8 election victory next week in New York. He has already waited longer than any other president-elect in the modern era to hold his first exchange with journalists. Most have held such events within days of their elections.
It was unclear if the news conference would be the venue for his delayed announcement on how he plans to avoid potential conflicts of interest involving his businesses after taking office. Transition officials said multiple topics could be covered, but would not specifically say whether they included Trump’s businesses. Trump was supposed to detail the arrangements at a mid-December news conference, but postponed the event.
Earlier Tuesday, Trump tapped as U. S. trade representative a former Reagan official who has condemned Republicans’ commitment to free trade. Trump indicated that Robert Lighthizer, who is expected to take a hard line against China, would represent “the United States as we fight for good trade deals that put the American worker first.”
His Cabinet nearly full, Trump also picked a handful of new White House aides.
Omarosa Manigault, a contestant from the first season of “The Apprentice,” is expected to focus on public engagement in the White House.
Trump also hired Rick Dearborn as a deputy chief of staff and Marc Short as White House legislative director. Both previously served in chief of staff positions on Capitol Hill. The new hires were confirmed by two people familiar with the decision, who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the hiring process publicly.
Trump spent time interviewing prospects for the Department of Veterans Affairs as well, including Leo MacKay, a senior executive at a military contractor who previously served in the VA under President George W. Bush.
Associated Press writers Julie Pace, Julie Bykowicz and Deb Riechmann in Washington contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2017 The Washington Times, LLC.
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Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 1.5

© Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/4/trump-questions-us-intelligence-as-governing-chall/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS
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Chrysler focuses on a future generation, with a minivan at CES


NewsHubChrysler ‘s future may have looked dim a few years ago, but its Pacifica minivan came out last year to critical acclaim. That success seems behind its newest concept, the Portal minivan unveiled at CES 2017.
The carmaker introduces the minivan of tomorrow with its Portal concept. The design focuses on millennials by envisioning a self-driving, all-electric future.
The Portal measures much smaller than the current crop of minivans , but it is designed for a new generation, the millennial, that by all accounts prefers an urban lifestyle.
Chrysler’s millennial focus with the Portal meant a design that started on the inside, with the idea of creating a comfortable and open space. As such, the six available seats can be easily reconfigured or removed. Those seats are also made to be much less bulky than traditional car seats.
To top off the open space theme, the Portal’s glass roof, crisscrossed by carbon fiber support bars, lets plenty of light in.
The exterior complements the interior by emphasizing the sideways-opening doors, while a light accent around the door opening can be set to different colors to help identify the Portal in a crowd.
With its electric drivetrain, comprised of an electric motor up front and a 100 kilowatt-hour battery pack under the floor, the Portal gets 250 miles range.
A wide OLED display high in the dashboard shows vehicle-specific information, while a more traditional portrait-format display offers navigation and entertainment. The Portal design includes the idea of self-driving, so the steering yoke can fold itself way into the dashboard.
The Portal’s size and interior make it a good, functional design, although some people may not favor its boxy exterior. And while it may work well in low-speed city driving, the apparently poor aerodynamics of its design would likely take a toll on range.
Of course, as a concept car Chrysler announced no plans to bring the Portal to production, but elements of its design could find their way into future Chrysler models.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/chrysler-focuses-on-a-future-generation-with-a-minivan-at-ces-2017/
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CES 2017: A few tech vendors jump the gun


NewsHubThese days, however, a few companies are jumping the gun and offering previews of some of the products they are planning to introduce during CES. For example, Huawei today had an early afternoon press conference at which they introduced their mid-level Honor 6X phone, an update to the Honor 5X that they offered last year. One of the big draws of the 6X, besides its extremely reasonable $250 price, is the fact that it has two rear-facing cameras, a 12-megapixel and a 2-megapixel, one directly under the other.
The advantage to that? A “wide-aperture” mode that allows you to have the subject of your photo in sharp contrast, while the background is softer and less obvious. The phone also offers a 5.5-in. full-HD IPS display, a fingerprint sensor, 3GB of RAM, 32GB of storage (with a microSD slot for additional storage), and, perhaps unfortunately, Huawei’s EMUI overlay on top of Android 6.0 Marshmallow. The phone goes on sale January 4th; we will have a long-term review within the next couple of weeks.
Meanwhile, another company that was vying for attention was LG, which among other new products is introducing a couple of interesting-looking new neckband audio devices. The LG Tone Free offers wireless stereo sound with two small earbuds that nest within the neckband (there is also a separate charger case). The neckband vibrates if you’ve got a call coming, and both the neckband and carrying case have separate batteries to extend the life of the buds. No price was set yet, but the Tone Free is expected to cost about $200.
If you’re not an earbud fan but want some real (and directional) sound for your gaming or music listening, the LG Tone Studio (shown above) seems like it might be an interesting way to go. The wide, silver neckband does include a couple of wired earbuds, but its main attraction is the sound that it delivers from around your neck — giving you a feeling of surround-sound. I tried it out for a few minutes and it did indeed deliver an impressive amount of audio, although the sensation of the neckband vibrating against my collarbone was a bit strange. The Tone Studio is equipped with a microphone for phone calls, a volume control and a mute button (a necessity, since the audio can overpower any other sounds in the room).
The Tone Studio is expected to cost anywhere from $230 to $250; both it and the Tone Free are due to ship in February.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.computerworld.com/article/3154358/personal-technology/ces-2017-a-few-tech-vendors-jump-the-gun.html
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CES 2017: Every CNET social media account you need to follow


NewsHubWe’re living at CES 2017 so you don’t have to. And that means that if you want a firsthand look at everything in and around the conference, you should check out one of the many, many social media platforms we’ll be posting, tweeting and broadcasting on.
First off, you can always like us on Facebook to keep tabs on the latest news and live video from CES. Or, add us on Google+ , follow us on LinkedIn , admire our photography on Instagram , watch our coverage on YouTube and keep tabs on our stories on Snapchat by adding cnetsnaps.
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Similarity rank: 0.1

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Watch your back: One in five IT staff 'secretly email colleagues' bosses to point out their failings'


NewsHubThe technology-related pet peeves of UK office workers have been revealed in a new report, and none of it makes for very edifying reading.
According to Sharp’s “Unlock” report, one in five IT workers…

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/3001123/watch-your-back-one-in-five-it-staff-secretly-email-colleagues-bosses-to-point-out-their-failings
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ZigBee's Dotdot language is the latest bid for IoT harmony


NewsHubAs consumers watch another wave of home IoT devices emerge from CES this week, they’ll still be waiting for one technology that can make all those products work together.
The ZigBee Alliance, a group of more than 400 companies that make things with the ZigBee wireless protocol, made a bid to provide that unifying technology right before the annual consumer electronics gathering kicks off.
On Tuesday, ZigBee announced Dotdot, which it calls a universal language for IoT. Even though ZigBee is best known as an open wireless communications protocol used in many home IoT products, Dotdot is intended for use with any wireless technology. It defines things like how devices tell each other what they are and what they can do, which is important for making different objects around a home do things together.
For example, if you install a new connected light fixture in the living room and want it to turn on whenever the front door is opened, the connected lock or sensor in the door will need to know that such a light is out there and be able to send commands to it.
There are other such languages, called application layers, vying to become the one that’s most commonly used. The application layer is widely expected to be more important than a common networking protocol for unifying IoT because it’s becoming easier to include many different wireless radios in one device.
The ZigBee Alliance says Dotdot is more mature than other application layers because it’s based on ZCL (ZigBee Cluster Library), which current ZigBee products already use. The group has already extended ZCL to work on devices using the Thread wireless network protocol, which uses a radio technology similar to ZigBee’s. Now the Alliance says devices on other types of IP (Internet Protocol) networks could also use ZCL, which is being rebranded as Dotdot.
IP is so universal that Dotdot might eventually handle application-layer tasks like device discovery throughout a home, over networks that could include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ethernet and NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT), a low-power cellular system, said Daniel Moneta, chair of the ZigBee Alliance’s marketing group.
Equipment makers that belong to the group are asking for these new kinds of network support, Alliance President and CEO Tobin Richardson said. The group hopes to start certifying products with Dotdot later this year and says the first official products could ship by the end of the year.
At CES, ZigBee will demonstrate about a dozen Dotdot prototypes from various vendors, including thermostats, lights, window blinds and sensors. But all the prototypes will use Thread, which so far is the only network other than ZigBee that the application layer runs on.
Meanwhile, other specifications designed to unify IoT are on the way. The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) which was formed last year and recently merged with the AllSeen Alliance, claims its backing by giants including Intel, Qualcomm, Microsoft and Samsung will be able to make OCF the common application layer for IoT. OCF also plans to demonstrate interoperable products at CES.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.pcworld.com/article/3154354/internet-of-things/zigbees-dotdot-language-is-the-latest-bid-for-iot-harmony.html
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Two-thirds of London's councils run unsupported server software


NewsHubTwo-thirds of London councils are running out-of-date server software, which is no longer supported, leaving the organisations vulnerable to exploits due to a lack of patching.
That is the claim of…

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/3001120/two-thirds-of-londons-councils-run-unsupported-server-software
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Janet Jackson bringt Sohn Eissa zur Welt


NewsHubLos Angeles (dpa) – Pop-Ikone Janet Jackson (50) hat ihr erstes Kind bekommen. “Janet Jackson und ihr Mann Wissam Al Mana sind ganz begeistert, ihren Sohn Eissa Al Mana in der Welt zu begrüßen”, teilte eine Sprecherin der Sängerin am Dienstag der Deutschen Presse-Agentur mit.
Jackson habe eine “stressfreie” und gesunde Geburt gehabt. Weitere Angaben, etwa wo das Kind geboren wurde, machte das Team der Sängerin zunächst nicht.
Nach monatelangen Gerüchten hatte Jackson im Oktober der Zeitschrift “People” ihre fortgeschrittene Schwangerschaft bestätigt. Dabei zeigte sie sich auf einem Foto mit großem Babybauch. Bereits im April hatte die Sängerin einen Teil ihrer Welttournee mit der Begründung “Familienplanung” verschoben. “Ich muss mich ausruhen – Anweisung der Ärzte”, sagte die Musikerin damals in einer per Twitter verbreiteten Videobotschaft. Die Fans konnten sich dazu denken, was Jackson nicht direkt ausgesprochen hatte.
Seit 2012 ist die Schwester des 2009 gestorbenen “King of Pop” Michael Jackson mit dem fast zehn Jahre jüngeren Unternehmer Wissam Al Mana verheiratet. Es ist ihre dritte Ehe. Schon 2009 hatte sie nach der Trennung von Musikproduzent und Rapper Jermaine Dupri von ihrem Wunsch erzählt, Kinder zu haben. “Sicher würde ich adoptieren”, sagte sie in einem Interview. “Und ich glaube, wenn ich wirklich Kinder haben soll, wird es passieren, wenn das Gottes Plan für mich ist. ”
Die mehrfache Grammy-Preisträgerin machte sich vor allem als Pop- Diva der 1980er und 90er Jahre einen Namen. Mit “Unbreakable” brachte sie im Herbst 2015 ihr elftes Studio-Album heraus. Das Comeback-Album schaffte es auf den ersten Platz der US-Charts. Jackson ging in Nordamerika auch auf Tour, verschob aber wegen der Schwangerschaft ihre für 2016 geplanten Konzerte in Europa.

Similarity rank: 2.4

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/news/kultur/musik-janet-jackson-bringt-sohn-eissa-zur-welt-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-170104-99-742834?source=rss
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