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НАЗК проводить позапланову перевірку Батьківщини


Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції (НАЗК) проводить позапланову перевірку політичної партії…
Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції (НАЗК) проводить позапланову перевірку політичної партії Батьківщина, повідомила глава НАЗК Наталія Корчак.
“Ви всі знаєте, що зараз проводиться позапланова перевірка партії Батьківщини”, – сказала Корчак на брифінгу, передає Інтерфакс-Україна .
Вона додала, що НАЗК досліджує матеріали і щодо інших партій, які знаходяться на державному фінансуванні.
“Ми вступили в активну фазу нашої роботи, і ця фаза не менш небезпечна, ніж система електронного декларування”, – сказала Корчак.

Similarity rank: 5.3

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/events/napk-provodit-pozaplanovu-perevirku-batkivshchini-897034.html
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South Korea's sunken Sewol ferry reaches port at last


A semi-submersible ship carrying the wreck docked alongside a pier at the southwestern harbour of Mokpo, an AFP photographer on the scene said.
MOKPO, South Korea: The salvaged wreck of South Korea’s Sewol ferry finally reached port Friday (Mar 31), nearly three years after setting out on a doomed voyage that killed more than 300 people.
A semi-submersible ship carrying the wreck docked alongside a pier at the southwestern harbour of Mokpo, an AFP photographer on the scene said.
The vessel was raised from the sea floor in one piece in a complex salvage operation before being transferred to the semi-submersible for the 105-kilometre (66 miles) journey to the port, where investigators will search it.
Almost all of the dead were schoolchildren and nine of the victims have never been found, leaving the possibility that they could still be trapped inside.
The lifting ship was escorted by a smaller boat carrying relatives of the nine missing, as well as five patrol craft.
“This is only the beginning. I always see my daughter in dreams,” said Park Eun-Mi, whose daughter Huh Da-Yun has not been found. “We must find all the nine missing people and return them to the bosom of their families”, she told journalists.
Underwater fences have been installed surrounding the area where the Sewol sank and divers will also search the waters and seabed there.
The salvage came as the third anniversary approached of one of the country’s worst-ever maritime disasters, which dealt a crushing blow to now-ousted president Park Geun-Hye.
Investigations concluded the disaster was the result of factors including an illegal redesign, an overloaded cargo bay and inexperienced crew.

Similarity rank: 5.5

© Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/south-korea-s-sunken-sewol-ferry-reaches-port-at-last/3640536.html
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24 killed in suicide car bombing at Shia mosque


At least 24 people have died and more than 70 others were injured after a suicide car bomb attack near a Shia Muslim place of worship in the north-west Pakistani city of Parachinar.
At least 24 people have died and more than 70 others were injured after a suicide car bomb attack near a Shia Muslim place of worship in the north-west Pakistani city of Parachinar.
The attack took place near Parachinar’s Shia mosque, which is located near the Noor Market.
TV footage showed people transporting the victims in ambulances and private vehicles.
Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a breakaway faction of Pakistani Taliban militants, has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Spokesman Asad Mansoor said the attack was carried out by one of the group’s members, Abul Durda, using a car bomb to target Shias, whom the militants consider to be heretics.
The blast was so powerful it also damaged vehicles and nearby shops, according to government administrator Zahid Hussain.
He said authorities have declared an emergency and rescuers are transporting the wounded to nearby hospitals.
Parachinar is a key city in the Kurram tribal region bordering Afghanistan and has been wracked by sectarian violence in the past.
The region was once a stronghold of Pakistani Taliban and Sunni militant groups. Although the army said it has cleared the Kurram region of militants, violence has continued.
Mansoor and Lashker-e-Jhangvi, another banned Sunni sectarian militant group, have claimed responsibility for previous attacks in the region, where Shia Muslims are in the majority.
Sabir Hussain, a hospital official, said the Pakistan army used helicopters to transport 40 wounded to hospitals in the north-western city of Peshawar.
Angered over the attack, some residents were seen chanting slogans against the government. Security forces subsequently fired shots in the air and dispersed the crowd.
Earlier, the Pakistan army said it had dispatched a helicopter along with a team of doctors to help the victims and evacuate the wounded to hospitals in other cities.
Prime minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the bombing and vowed to eliminate terrorism.
“The network of terrorists has already been broken and it is our national duty to continue this war until the complete annihilation of the scourge of terrorism from our soil,” he said.
The blast came hours after state-run media said Pakistani president Mamnoon Hussain had signed a bill removing the last hurdle for the revival of military courts to try terrorism suspects.
The development came days after Pakistan’s Senate and National Assembly separately passed a constitutional amendment to extend the practice, which has been in place for two years.
A previous 2015 amendment established the military courts for a two-year mandate which expired in January.
The move to send terror suspects to military courts followed the December 2014 Taliban attack on an army-run school in the north-western city of Peshawar which killed 154 people – mostly schoolchildren.
Pakistan has also lifted its moratorium on the death penalty and has executed more than 400 people, but most of those cases were linked to murders unconnected to terrorism.
Meanwhile, Pakistan’s army said it has killed a “high-value” Pakistani Taliban leader, Mehmood-ul-Hassan, along with an associate in a raid in the South Waziristan tribal region.
Troops also seized a cache of weapons from the hideouts of slain militants, who for years operated from the region to orchestrate attacks in the country.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -3.8

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/24-killed-in-suicide-car-bombing-at-shia-mosque-35582458.html
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Drones could soon be deadly in Connecticut


Lawmakers in the state are mulling over whether to equip drones with deadly weapons that will help police in extreme cases.
Drones can help you up your photography game and sometimes they even deliver goods. Eventually, they could save — or end — lives.
Connecticut officials are considering equipping drones with “deadly” weapons for use by local police, reports the Associated Press .
North Dakota is presently the only state in which police can weaponize drones, but they are restricted to non-fatal equipment like stun guns, according to the AP.
“Obviously this is for very limited circumstances,” said Republican state Sen. John Kissel , co-chairman of the Judiciary Committee that approved the measure and sent it to the House of Representatives.
He said he envisions the weaponized drones being used in cases like a “rogue shooter” tormenting a campus, or in the event of a kidnapping. The drones could also help blow a perpetrator’s tire out (presumably during a car chase), he added.
The US isn’t the only country looking to use drones to uphold civility: Earlier this year Japan began testing drones to assist citizens in the event of a natural disaster.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/drones-could-soon-be-deadly-in-connecticut/
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政府は31日午前、 ギャンブル依存症対策の 関係閣僚会議を首相官邸で開き、 包括的な対策の 概要を決定した。 競馬など公営ギャンブル施設にある現金自動預払機(ATM)の 融資機能廃止や、 依存症患者・ 家族の 申告で馬券などの 購入を制限する仕組みの 構築、 症状に対応する専門的な

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017033100157&g=soc&m=rss
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В ДТП автомобіля з рейсовим автобусом "Мінськ-Буковель" у Львівській області загинули двоє молдован


Ще 12 осіб були госпіталізовані.
Загиблі їхали в автомобілі, який зіткнувся з автобусом. Ще один пасажир легкового автомобіля доставлений в лікарню.
Після зіткнення автобус з’їхав у кювет і перекинувся. В автобусі було 42 пасажира та два водія. У міністерстві закордонних справ Білорусі повідомили про двох загиблих і 12 госпіталізованих внаслідок інциденту.
Раніше повідомлялося, що 2 грудня в Ніжинському районі Чернігівської області автомобіль “ЗАЗ” зіткнувся з мікроавтобусом, який перевозив школярів. Троє неповнолітніх та водій мікроавтобуса отримали тілесні ушкодження різного ступеня тяжкості.

Similarity rank: 5.3

© Source: http://dt.ua/UKRAINE/v-dtp-avtomobilya-z-reysovim-avtobusom-minsk-bukovel-u-lvivskiy-oblasti-zaginuli-dvoye-moldovan-238191_.html
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Intel's Cannon Lake PC chip shipments may slip into next year


If you’re expecting to buy laptops with Intel’s next-generation Cannon Lake chips by the end of this year, you may be disappointed.
If you were expecting to buy laptops with Intel’s next-generation Core chips—code-named Cannon Lake—by the end of this year, you may be disappointed.
There’s a chance that shipments of Cannon Lake—Intel’s first on the 10-nanometer production process—may slip into next year.
Intel previously said Cannon Lake would ship by year’s end , but that’s now uncertain.
Whether Cannon Lake shipments will happen before or after Christmas is hard to predict, Venkata Renduchintala, president of Intel’s PC, IoT, and chip design businesses, said earlier this week at an Intel manufacturing event.
“In terms of first shipments, whether it’s before the end of the year, or just after the beginning of [next] year, it’s too close to call,” Renduchintala said.
Intel will still deliver Cannon Lake to PC makers within an appropriate timeframe, and there is no “perturbation in launch trends,” Renduchintala said.
The first Cannon Lake chips will be targeted at low-power laptops and 2-in-1s. PC makers typically need time to test the chips in laptops, so availability of the chips in mainstream PCs may drag into 2018.
Mass production of 10-nm chips will begin in the first half of 2018. Initial production runs of the chips will start in the second half of this year.
So don’t expect Cannon Lake laptops during this year’s holiday season. Instead, users will be able to get PCs with 8th Generation Core processors, which are made on the 14-nm process. PCs now are available with 7th Generation Core processors code-named Kaby Lake.
Those 8th Generation Core laptops may be more attractive to customers. The first 10-nm Cannon Lake chips will be slower than 14-nm 8th Generation Core processors. Intel acknowledged the speeds during the manufacturing event, with a chart showing 10-nm chips catching up with 14-nm chip performance in one to two years.
In theory, the 10-nm chips should be faster than the 14-nm chips. But the first low-power Cannon Lake chips will have fewer transistors, and won’t be comparable to the mature 14-nm chips with more transistors.
But Cannon Lake is expected to beat its low-power Kaby Lake predecessors—which also have fewer transistors—on performance. Cannon Lake could replace low-power Core M/Y Kaby Lake chips, which are targeted at lightweight laptops and 2-in-1s.
By the time Cannon Lake ships, it will be competing with AMD’s Zen-based chip code-named Raven Ridge, and Qualcomm’s ARM-based Snapdragon 835, which will be introduced in low-power Windows 10 laptops and hybrids later this year.
The branding of Cannon Lake chips hasn’t been finalized. But they won’t be part of the 8th Generation chip lineup, and will have a separate branding, Intel has said. That could create confusion among PC buyers.
In the past, Intel has first upgraded PC chips to new architectures. But as the PC market flattens and the server market grows, Intel is switching priorities and giving server chips first dibs on architectural upgrades. Cannon Lake could be the first step in that transition.
Intel executives were telling media and analysts at the event to separate Core chips from the manufacturing process, which remains an important factor in advancing performance in processors.
“I don’t necessarily think our Core generations are going to be synchronized necessarily with process node evolutions that may happen or may not happen,” Renduchintala said.
Intel once took pride in advancing manufacturing alongside chip architectures, but that’s now less of a priority for the company.
The 8th Generation Core processors will be the unprecedented fourth chip architecture on the 14-nm process. Intel has typically advanced chips two times with each manufacturing process, which became known as the “tick-tock strategy,” but making chips smaller has become challenging.
As a result, the company is extending the life of each manufacturing process, with tweaks to cram more transistors and squeeze more performance out of chips. Intel has a goal of delivering a minimum of 15 percent improvement in chip performance on an annual basis.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.pcworld.com/article/3186477/computers/intels-cannonlake-pc-chip-shipments-may-slip-into-next-year.html
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Explosion zerfetzt Mehrfamilienhaus in Dortmund


Eine mächtige Explosion zerstört ein Mehrfamilienhaus in Dortmund. Es gibt mindestens einen Schwerverletzten, Straße und Hof sind mit Trümmern übersät. Die Ursache der Detonation ist zunächst unbekannt.
Dortmund – Eine Explosion hat am Freitagmorgen große Teile eines Mehrfamilienhauses in Dortmund zerstört. Mindestens ein Bewohner wurde schwer verletzt. Einsatzkräfte bargen den Mann aus dem zerstörten Haus und brachten ihn in ein Krankenhaus. Zwei Zeugen stehen nach Angaben der Feuerwehr unter Schock. Einer von ihnen sei durch die Trümmerteile offensichtlich auch leicht verletzt worden.
Ob es weitere Verletzte gibt oder ein Todesopfer zu beklagen ist, konnte die Feuerwehr wenige Stunden nach der Explosion noch nicht ausschließen. Ein Bewohner werde noch vermisst, sagte ein Sprecher der Feuerwehr. Ob er überhaupt zum Unglückszeitpunkt im Haus war, war unklar. Auch der Grund für die Detonation war zuerst noch ungeklärt.
Offensichtlich waren die meisten Bewohner zum Zeitpunkt der Explosion gegen 8.45 Uhr am Morgen nicht mehr im Mehrfamilienhaus. Wegen Einsturzgefahr kam die Feuerwehr bei der Suche nur mühsam voran. Einige verschüttete Räume waren am Vormittag noch nicht durchsucht. 100 Kräfte von Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst gingen in den Einsatz.
Durch die Wucht der Explosion wurden das Dachgeschoss und die beiden oberen Stockwerke zerstört. Zwischen den angrenzenden Wohnhäusern im Vorort Dortmund-Hörde klafft jetzt eine meterhohe Lücke. Lediglich das Erdgeschoss des verwüsteten Hauses scheint noch intakt zu sein. Tonnen von Trümmerteilen flogen auf die Straße und zerstörten geparkte Autos. Auch der Hinterhof wurde mit Trümmern übersät.
Hörde liegt im Dortmunder Süden und ist mit rund 23 000 Einwohnern einer der größten Vororte der Ruhrgebietsmetropole. Hörde war bis zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts von der Stahlindustrie geprägt. ( dpa )

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.tt.com/panorama/unfall/12810164-91/explosion-zerfetzt-mehrfamilienhaus-in-dortmund.csp
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Обстрел консульства Польши в Луцке: Варшава выдвинула ультиматум Киеву


Происшествие прокомментировал министр иностранных дел Польши Витольд Ващиковский
Генеральные консульства Польши в Украине, работу которых приостановили после обстрела в Луцке, начнут функционировать после обеспечения им безопасности со стороны Киева.
Об этом заявил министр иностранных дел Польши Витольд Ващиковский, сообщает Укринформ .
“Консульства откроются тогда, когда мы будем уверены, что им будет гарантирована безопасность”, – сказал он.
Ващиковский добавил, что гарантировать безопасность польским консульским учреждениям должно украинское государство.
По его словам, Польша решительно настроена укрепить охрану дипломатических консульских учреждений в Украине благодаря направлению туда дополнительных сотрудников охраны.
“Только тогда, когда мы будем убеждены, что как мы, так и украинская сторона сделали все возможное, чтобы гарантировать безопасность нашим представительствам, мы восстановим нормальное функционирование этих учреждений”, – отметил глава внешнеполитического ведомства.
Польский министр подчеркнул, что детали произошедшего в Луцке можно будет сказать только после проведения следствия.
“Сегодня мы знаем, каким образом совершено это нападение, знаем, какое это было оружие, знаем с какого расстояния (стреляли. – Ред.), но ожидаем, что следующим ответом на это будет: кто это сделал и почему? “, – подытожил Ващиковский.
Как сообщал “Обозреватель”, ночью 29 марта в Луцке обстреляли Генеральное консульство Польши .
Присоединяйтесь к группам “Обозреватель” на Facebook и VKontakte , следите за обновлениями!

Similarity rank: 8.4

© Source: https://www.obozrevatel.com/abroad/05348-obstrel-konsulstva-polshi-v-lutske-varshava-vyidvinula-ultimatum-kievu.htm
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雪崩事故、大田原高校を家宅捜索 業務上過失致死容疑


登山講習中の 高校生7人と引率教諭1人が死亡した栃木県那須町の 雪崩事故で、 県警は31日、 栃木県大田原市の 県立大田原高校を業務上過失致死容疑で家宅捜索した。 同校は講習会を主催した県高校体育連盟登山専門部…
登山講習中の高校生7人と引率教諭1人が死亡した栃木県那須町の雪崩事故で、県警は31日、栃木県大田原市の県立大田原高校を業務上過失致死容疑で家宅捜索した。同校は講習会を主催した県高校体育連盟登山専門部の責任者と、死亡した引率教諭の勤務先。死亡した高校生7人も通っていた。 午前9時過ぎ、県警の捜査車両7台が校内に入った。県警によると、特別捜査班の捜査員約20人が校内を捜索し、登山講習の関連資料などの証拠品などを押収するという。職員室や山岳部の部室などを調べているとみられる。県警は、ほかの引率教諭らへの聴取も進めており、雪崩の危険性が予測できなかったか、安全管理に問題がなかったかなどを調べる方針だ。 県警は同日、雪崩があった現場付近で30日に実施した現場検証の結果を公表した。雪崩の規模を調べた結果、スキー場の上方にある大きな岩付近を起点とし、長さ160メートル以上の雪崩が確認されたという。 県教育委員会によると、生徒ら…

Similarity rank: 4.3
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TW sentiment: -10

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK302W0FK30UUHB006.html
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