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Swedish bus crash, students killed, injured


Swedish rescue officials say a bus with around 60 with mostly schoolchildren on board has crashed in central Sweden resulting in many injuries.
A bus carrying Swedish students to a ski resort , crashed in central Sweden, causing some fatalities in the accident with others injured. (Nisse Schmidt , TT via AP)
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Stockholm – A bus carrying Swedish high school students to a ski resort crashed
Sunday in central Sweden, killing three people and injuring 20 others –
seven of them seriously, rescue officials said.
The 52 students
were en route to a ski resort with seven adults, including the driver,
when the accident occurred on a main highway south of Sveg, a small town
430 km northwest of the capital, Stockholm.
cause of the accident was not immediately known, but the road
reportedly was icy when the accident occurred about 07:00 (05:00 GMT).
Pictures showed the bus lying on its side in a ditch beside the highway.
Rescue services spokesman Peter Nystedt said some 30 others sustained minor injuries.
The father of Stina Almqvist, one of the students on the bus, said he was awakened by a call from his “panic-stricken” daughter.
“She just screamed and screamed,” Fredrik Almqvist told the Expressen tabloid. “I can still hear her screams. ”
Friends of the students from Angskolan high school in Skene gathered at the school on Sunday.
priest from a nearby church in town in the southwest Sweden, Goran
Landgren, told reporters at the school that the accident had “deeply
upset them all. ”
Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said the accident “leaves me and the whole country in sorrow. ”
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Police detain dozens at Moscow protest


Police have detained 29 opposition protesters in central Moscow a week after hundreds of others were arrested during a rally organised by leading Putin critic Alexei Navalny.
A man walks holding a Russian national flag in front of the Historical Museum near Red Square in Moscow, Russia. (Pavel Golovkin, AP)
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Moscow – Police said they detained 29 opposition protesters in central Moscow on Sunday, a week after hundreds of others were arrested during a rally organised by leading Putin critic Alexei Navalny.
“Twenty-nine people were detained by police for breaches of public order,” the city police’s press service said.
An AFP journalist at the scene said he witnessed around 30 people being detained as they attempted to carry out a peaceful march.
Among them was a 16-year-old boy called Pavel Dyatlov who became a symbol of youth protest in last week’s rally when he was photographed climbing up a lamppost. He was detained in that protest, too.
OVD Info, a website that monitors detentions of activists, wrote that at least 32 people had been detained including at least 4 minors.
Navalny, who is currently serving a 15-day sentence behind bars for disobeying police at last Sunday’s event, has distanced himself from the latest protest.
“He knows absolutely nothing about this,” his spokesperson Kira Yarmysh wrote on Twitter.
Navalny last Sunday organised protests in cities across Russia, most of which were not authorised by municipal officials. The largest in Moscow saw about 500 people detained according to police, while OVD-Info put the total at almost 1 000.
Massive police presence
Posts on Facebook linked the latest protest to a little-known nationalist group.
Opposition supporters had begun to walk peacefully along the city’s main Tverskaya Street from a central metro station at around 10:30 GMT in an event co-ordinated via social media.
Police in helmets and body armour swiftly moved to arrest demonstrators.
The authorities earlier had laid on a massive police presence in anticipation of an unauthorised protest at 09:00 GMT after calls were posted online to rally on Red Square.
Journalists saw only a handful of activists, however, some of whom voiced support for President Vladimir Putin. OVD-Info reported that a total of 11 were detained.
In the large Siberian city of Novosibirsk, several hundred people turned out for an opposition rally that was permitted by the authorities, Interfax news agency reported, saying around 400 people took part.
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Sentiment rank: -1.4

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Positive Proben vertuscht? IOC dementiert ARD-Bericht


Das IOC gab an, Fälle mit nur geringfügigen Clenbuterol-Werten in Übereinstimmung mit der WADA eingestellt zu haben.
Frankfurt am Main – Das Internationale Olympische Komitee (IOC) soll laut einem ARD-Bericht Dopingproben mit der verbotenen Substanz Clenbuterol von mutmaßlich jamaikanischen Sprintern verschwiegen und die Fälle nicht weiter verfolgt haben. Die angeblich positiven Nachtests der Olympischen Spiele 2008 in Peking seien trotz der Clenbuterol-Funde als negativ angesehen worden.
Wie die „Sportschau“ am Sonntag (18.00 Uhr) berichten sollte, habe die ARD im Herbst 2016 durch einen Hinweis aus IOC-Kreisen davon erfahren. Das IOC betonte in einer Stellungnahme, diese Fälle mit nur geringfügigen Clenbuterol-Werten in Übereinstimmung mit der Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (WADA) eingestellt zu haben.
„Bei der Analyse der eingelagerten Urin-Proben der Peking-Spiele sind vom Labor eine Anzahl von Fällen von Athleten mehrerer Länder und verschiedener Sportarten mit einem sehr geringen Level von Clenbuterol analysiert worden“, hieß es in der IOC-Erklärung. Um diese unschuldigen Athleten zu schützen, könnten keine weiteren Details über sie genannt werden.
„Das IOC hat sorgfältig darüber nachgedacht, wie man in diesen Fällen vorgehen soll“, hieß es in dem Statement. Deshalb sei die WADA in den Entscheidungsprozess voll eingebunden gewesen. Nachdem die WADA „keine konstanten Muster des Missbrauchs mit Clenbuterol“ entdecken konnte, sei es angemessen gewesen, diese Fälle nicht weiter zu verfolgen. Alle Analysen hätten Werte unter 1 Nanogramm pro Milliliter ergeben, was im Bereich möglicher Fleisch-Kontaminierung mit Clenbuterol liege.
Clenbuterol ist unter anderem in China als Mittel zur Kälbermast weit verbreitet. Eine Urinprobe des deutschen Tischtennis-Profis Dimitrij Ovtcharov hatte 2010 nach dem Verzehr von verseuchtem Fleisch in China Spuren von Clenbuterol enthalten. Der Sportler war damals mit Zustimmung der WADA freigesprochen worden.
Wenn die Clenbuterol-Werte in Proben mit Lebensmittel-Kontamination erklärbar seien, dann könne von der WADA akzeptiert werden, „dass solche Fälle nicht gemeldet werden“, sagte WADA-Generaldirektor Olivier Niggli der ARD, schränkte aber ein: „Natürlich ist das nicht schön. Wenn man dopt, ein Betrüger ist, ist das eine perfekte Ausrede, sofern man erwischt wird. Aber so ist es eben.“
Wie die ARD hingegen berichtet, sei es bei den Spielen 2008 wegen der strengen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und der akribischen Überwachung von Nahrungsmitteln höchst unwahrscheinlich gewesen, dass Athleten in Peking Opfer chinesischer Tiermast-Praktiken geworden sein könnten. Bei den Peking-Spielen gab es einen offiziellen Clenbuterol-Dopingfall: Der polnische Kanute Adam Seroczynski wurde vom IOC für zwei Jahre gesperrt. (APA)

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© Source: http://www.tt.com/sport/12816669-91/positive-proben-vertuscht-ioc-dementiert-ard-bericht.csp
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Убийство адвоката в Ровенской области: в полиции сообщили подробности


Полиция подозревает в убийстве сына мужа Шаблий от первого брака – Новости – полиция – Ровенская область – Убийство
В убийстве адвоката Виты Шаблий в Ровенской области подозревается сын ее мужа, Вячеслава Чайки. Об этом заявил заместитель начальника Главного управления Национальной полиции в Ровенской области Сергей Волков, сообщает местное издание “Рівне вечірнє”.
Как отмечается, сейчас правоохранители разыскивают сына раненого вчера Вячеслава Чайки, который, скорее всего, и стрелял в своего отца и адвоката Шаблий, которая погибла.
Кроме того, в полиции сообщили, что убийца стрелял в Шаблий вблизи, женщина была ранена в шею и грудь, у Чайки боковые ранения грудной клетки и живота, пуля задела диафрагму.
Сообщается, что в доме, где произошло убийство, Чайка когда-то жил со своей первой женой, сейчас там никто не живет, Чайка только наведывался к нему, чтобы поддерживать хозяйство.
Издание сообщает, что подозреваемый 29-летний Игорь Чайка, сын Вячеслава Чайки, является прокурором отдела надзора за соблюдением законов органами, которые ведут борьбу с организованной преступностью, прокуратуры Тернопольской области. Мужчина женат, имеет сына и живет в Тернополе.
Напомним, ранее сообщалось, что в убийстве адвоката в Ровенской области подозревают близкого родственника.
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© Source: https://www.rbc.ua/rus/news/ubiystvo-advokata-rovenskoy-oblasti-politsii-1491139626.html
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Landtagswahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen: FDP schließt Ampelkoalition aus


Auf einem Parteitag erteilen die Liberalen einem Bündnis mit SPD und Grünen für NRW eine klare Absage. Das Ziel: drittstärkste Fraktion im Landtag
Sechs Wochen vor der Landtagswahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen hat die FDP eine Ampelkoalition mit SPD und Grünen kategorisch ausgeschlossen. Die Delegierten des Landesparteitages nahmen bei wenigen Gegenstimmen am Sonntag in Hamm einen entsprechenden Antrag des Parteivorstandes an. Ziel sei es, eine erneute rot-grüne Landesregierung zu verhindern, sagte der FDP-Vorsitzende Christian Lindner. Rot-Grün hat in Umfragen keine Mehrheit mehr.
“Wir verzichten auf eine Koalitionsaussage und bewahren unsere Eigenständigkeit”, sagte Lindner. “Unser Ziel ist es, drittstärkste Kraft bei den Stimmen in NRW zu werden. ”
Die Parteien bereiten sich auf einen wichtigen Wahlkampf im bevölkerungsreichsten Bundesland vor. Wenige Monate vor der Bundestagswahl erhoffen sich sowohl Union als auch SPD ein Signal für den September. Gestern hatte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel den Wahlkampf für die CDU eröffnet. In einer scharfen Rede rief sie die Basis dazu auf, die rot-grüne Landesregierung abzuwählen. Sie sei verantwortlich für den Mangel an Innerer Sicherheit und die Kinderarmut im Land.
Am Mittag sprach SPD-Parteichef und Kanzlerkandidat Martin Schulz in Essen zu den Sozialdemokraten. “Wenn Hannelore in NRW gewinnt, werde ich Bundeskanzler”, sagte Schulz in seiner Rede. Am 14. Mai wird in NRW ein neuer Landtag gewählt. In einer aktuellen Umfrage von Infratest dimap liegt die SPD mit 37 Prozent vor der CDU, die demnach auf 30 Prozent käme.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2017-04/landtagswahl-nordrhein-westfalen-fdp-landesparteitag-ampelkoalition
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カーリング男子、攻めて好発進 伊に快勝 世界選手権


カーリング男子の 世界選手権は1日にカナダ・ エドモントンで1次リーグが始まり、 日本代表の SC軽井沢クはイタリアを9―5で下して白星発進した。 第9エンドを終えて4点差となり、 第10エンド途中で相手がギブ…


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© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK4232WNK42UTQP00B.html
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Chicago teen arrested in Facebook Live sex assault, others sought


Chicago police have arrested a 14-year-old boy and expect to charge a second youth in connection with the sexual assault of a teenage girl by multiple young men that was seen on Facebook Live (FB. O) in March, officials said on Sunday.
An arrest warrant has been issued for a 15-year-old boy, and several people are expected to face charges in the incident, police told reporters.
“The young men responsible, they should be ashamed of themselves,” Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said. “Now they are going to be held accountable. ”
He said many details could not be disclosed, citing the sensitivity of the case and the fact that some of the offenders are juveniles.
At least one adult was also involved, authorities added at a news conference.
Officials said the girl had been lured to the residence where she was assaulted and not allowed to leave.
The girl’s mother had approached police after an unrelated news conference and shown them images of her daughter being assaulted by five or six young men.
The mother said the girl’s uncle had told her about a video on Facebook Live that showed the assault. The high school freshman had gone to the store and her mother became concerned when she did not return.
The incident was among several in recent months in Chicago in which the social media site played a role in broadcasting apparent crimes.
The shooting death in February on the city’s West Side of a 2-year-old boy was captured on Facebook Live by his aunt, who was also shot. In January, an attack by four people on a 19-year-old man with special needs was partially broadcast on the social media site. The four accused in the attack have pleaded not guilty.
(Reporting by Chris Michaud in New York and Letitia Stein in Tampa, Fla.; Editing by Randy Fabi and Peter Cooney)

Similarity rank: 7.4
Sentiment rank: -1.5

© Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/r2A4TMAO1-g/us-chicago-violence-facebook-idUSKBN17403K
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Nach Vergewaltigungsvideo Verdächtiger festgenommen


Chicago (dpa) – Nach der mutmaßlichen Vergewaltigung eines 15 Jahre alten Mädchens in Chicago live auf Facebook hat die Polizei einen 14-Jährigen festgenommen.
Chicago (dpa) – Nach der mutmaßlichen Vergewaltigung eines 15 Jahre alten Mädchens in Chicago live auf Facebook hat die Polizei einen 14-Jährigen festgenommen. Polizeisprecher Anthony Guglielmi schrieb auf Twitter, damit sei der erste von mehreren jugendlichen Verdächtigen gefasst. Der Junge werde sich wegen dreier Verbrechen verantworten müssen, schrieb die «Chicago Tribune». Rund 40 Menschen hatten der Tat in einem Live-Stream des sozialen Netzwerks zugesehen, ohne dass jemand die Polizei alarmierte. Es soll sich um bis zu sechs Täter handeln. Facebook hatte sich von dem Video distanziert.

Similarity rank: 3.1

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/id_80796264/nach-vergewaltigungsvideo-verdaechtiger-festgenommen.html
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Seehofer kündigt Milliarden für Familien an


Hohe Steuereinnahmen, ein ausgeglichener Haushalt: Für CSU-Chef Seehofer ist die Zeit günstig wie nie für “die größte Steuersenkung aller Zeiten”. Wie schon Kanzlerin Merkel und Finanzminister Schäuble will er die Deutschen jährlich um 15 Milliarden Euro entlasten.
Bayerns Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer hat eine große Steueroffensive angekündigt. In der nächsten Legislaturperiode sollen die Deutschen um 15 Milliarden Euro jährlich entlastet werden, sagte der CSU-Chef in einer Regierungserklärung im Landtag in München. Der richtige Zeitpunkt für eine “Steueroffensive” sei gekommen: In Deutschland gebe es so hohe Steuereinnahmen wie nie zuvor.
Seehofer kündigte an, die CSU werde sich dafür einsetzen, dass insbesondere Familien mehr Förderungen erhielten. Ziel sei ein Zuschuss von bis zu 12.000 Euro pro Kind in Form eines neuen “Baukindergeldes”. Mit diesem Geld solle vor allem Familien ermöglicht werden, Immobilien zu kaufen.
Darüber hinaus will Seehofer den Solidaritätszuschlag bis 2025 abschaffen und durch Korrekturen bei der Einkommensteuer vor allem kleinere und mittlere Einkommen entlasten. “Wenn wir das schaffen, dann ist das die größte Steuersenkung aller Zeiten”, erklärte Seehofer.
Zudem will Seehofer Mütter, deren Kinder vor 1992 zur Welt gekommen sind, in der Rentenversicherung Müttern mit jüngeren Kindern gleichstellen. Finanzielle Benachteiligungen für Rentner lehnte Seehofer ab. “Ich werde meine Hand zur Senkung des Rentenniveaus nicht heben. “
Zuvor hatten bereits Kanzlerin Angela Merkel sowie Finanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble (beide CDU) Steuersenkungen von jährlich 15 Milliarden Euro nach der Bundestagswahl 2017 in Aussicht gestellt. CSU und CDU wollen in den kommenden Monaten gemeinsame Positionen in der Steuerpolitik ausloten. SPD-Chef Sigmar Gabriel hatte diese Ankündigungen als “gigantische Steuersenkungsversprechen” kritisiert.

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/seehofer-steuersenkung-101.html
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Grim search after Colombia floods


A grim search for the missing resumes at dawn in southern Colombia after surging rivers sent an avalanche of water, mud and debris through a small city, killing at least 200 people and leaving many more wounded and homeless.
Aerial view of a portion of Mocoa, Colombia after an avalanche of water from an overflowing river swept through the city as people slept. (Cesar Carrion, Colombian Presidential Press Office via AP)
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Mocoa – A grim search for the missing resumed at dawn on Sunday in southern Colombia after surging rivers sent an avalanche of water, mud and debris through a small city, killing at least 200 people and leaving many more wounded and homeless.
People pried through piles of rocks and wooden planks that entombed homes. Streets were covered in thick sand, mud and tree limbs from the rivers and rainforest that surround the city. There was little drinking water and no power, which forced authorities to suspend the search and rescue effort during the night.
The National Disaster Agency said on Sunday that the death toll was at 200, with another 200 wounded, but authorities conceded it could easily go higher because many people were still unaccounted for and dozens were airlifted to hospitals in other cities and were in critical condition. Bodies were being placed in a temporary morgue where three teams of medical examiners were working around the clock to swiftly identify the remains.
Authorities and residents in the city tucked between mountains along Colombia’s southern border spent Saturday tending to victims, trying to find homes on streets reduced to masses of rubble and engaged in a desperate search to locate loved ones who disappeared in the dark of night. Authorities expect the death toll to rise.
Eduardo Vargas, 29, was asleep with his wife and 7-month-old baby when he was awoken by the sound of neighbors banging on his door. He quickly grabbed his family and fled up a small mountain amid the cries of people in panic.
“There was no time for anything,” he said.
Vargas and his family huddled with about two dozen other residents as rocks, trees and wooden planks ripped through their neighbourhood below. They waited there until daylight, when members of the military helped them down.
When he reached the site of his home Saturday, nothing his family left behind remained.
“Thank God we have our lives,” he said.
President Juan Manuel Santos traveled to Mocoa and declared the city a disaster zone on Saturday. The Air Force transported 19 patients to a city farther north and said 20 more would be evacuated soon. Medicine and surgical supplies were being sent to the city as the area’s regional hospital struggled to cope with the magnitude of the crisis.
Fortnight’s rain overnight
Herman Granados, an anaesthesiologist, said he worked throughout the night on victims. He said the hospital didn’t have a blood bank large enough to deal with the number of patients and was quickly running out of its supply.
Some of the hospital workers came to help even though their own relatives remained missing.
“Under the mud,” Granados said, “I am sure there are many more. ”
Santos blamed climate change for triggering the avalanche, saying that the accumulated rainfall in one night was almost half the amount Mocoa normally receives in the entire month of March. With the rainy season in much of Colombia just beginning, he said local and national authorities need to redouble their efforts to prevent a similar tragedy.
Aerial view of a portion of Mocoa ,
Colombia after an avalanche of water from an overflowing river swept through
the city as people slept. (Cesar Carrion, Colombian Presidential Press Office
via AP)
The crisis is likely to be remembered as one of the worst natural disasters in recent Colombian history, though the Andean nation has experienced even more destructive environmental catastrophes. Nearly 25 000 people were killed in 1985 after the Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupted and triggered a deluge of mud and debris that buried the town of Armero.
The tragedy drew international attention, with even Pope Francis mentioning the catastrophe during his Angelus blessing on Sunday on a visit to the northern Italian region of Emilia Romagna, which was struck by a pair of deadly earthquakes five years ago.
As rescuers in Mocoa shifted through debris, many residents were conducting their own searches for lost loved ones.
Streets missing
Oscar Londono tried in vain throughout the night to reach his wife’s parents, whose home is right along one of the flooded rivers. He decided it was too dangerous to try to reach them in the dark. So he called over and over by phone but got no answer.
Once the sun began to rise he started walking toward their house but found all the streets he usually takes missing. As he tried to orient himself he came across the body of a young woman dressed in a mini-skirt and black blouse.
He checked her pulse but could not find one.
“There were bodies all over,” he said.
When he finally reached the neighborhood where his in-laws live he found “just mud and rocks. ” Rescue workers with the military oriented him toward the mountain, where he found his relatives camped with other survivors.
“To know they were alive,” he said, “it was a reunion of tears. ”
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Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -1.4

© Source: http://www.news24.com/Green/News/grim-search-after-colombia-floods-20170402
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