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Venezuela: Für die Opposition bleibt es ein Staatsstreich


Für die Opposition in Venezuela ist die Verfassungskrise längst nicht überwunden. Dass der Oberste Gerichtshof die Entmachtung des Parlaments zurückgenommen hat, kaschiere nur, was die Regierung Maduro betreibe: einen Staatsstreich.
Für die Opposition in Venezuela ist die Verfassungskrise längst nicht überwunden. Dass der Oberste Gerichtshof die Entmachtung des Parlaments zurückgenommen hat, kaschiere nur, was die Regierung Maduro betreibt: einen Staatsstreich.
Die Opposition in Venezuela sieht in der Rücknahme der Parlaments-Entmachtung nur eine kosmetische Korrektur, um einen “Staatsstreich” auf Raten zu kaschieren. “Es geht nicht um die Rücknahme eines Absatzes. Das Urteil war nur der Höhepunkt eines Staatsstreichs, der seit Monaten und Jahren in Venezuela im Gange ist”, sagte Parlamentspräsident Julio Borges auf einer Demonstration in Caracas.
Dort forderten Tausende Menschen ein Ende der Präsidentschaft des Sozialisten Nicolás Maduro. Soldaten blockierten den Protest mit gepanzerten Fahrzeugen. Einige Demonstranten schlugen gegen die Einsatzwagen oder stiegen auf die Fahrzeuge. Gegen Demonstranten, die Sperrung überwinden wollten, wurde Tränengas eingesetzt.
Nach massiver internationaler Kritik hatte der Oberste Gerichtshof zuvor die umstrittenen Urteile zur Entmachtung des Parlaments und zur Aufhebung der Immunität der Abgeordneten zurückgenommen. Der Nationale Sicherheitsrat unter Vorsitz von Präsident Maduro hatte eine Überprüfung der Urteile gefordert – wenig später lag schon das neue Urteil des Gerichtshofs vor, mit dem das Parlament seine Rechte zurückerhielt. Maduro erklärte daraufhin in einer Fernsehansprache die durch die Urteile ausgelöste Krise für “überwunden”.
Das Land mit den größten Ölreserven der Welt ist unter Maduro in eine dramatische Versorgungskrise gerutscht. Der gefallene Ölpreis zehrt massiv an den Staatseinnahmen. Die Inflation ist die höchste der Welt. Die Verbraucherpreise sind Daten der Zentralbank zufolge im vergangenen Jahr um 800 Prozent gestiegen. Wegen der dramatischen Versorgungskrise gab es in dem südamerikanischen Land bereits mehrfach schwere Unruhen und Plünderungen.
Maduro macht für den Mangel an Lebensmitteln, Brot und Medikamenten einen “Wirtschaftskrieg” des Auslands verantwortlich und bat sogar die Vereinten Nationen um die Lieferung von Medizin.

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/venezuela-291.html
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„Niedziela” na Targach Wydawców Katolickich


W Warszawie rozpoczęły się 23 Targi Wydawców Katolickich Uroczystego otwarcia Targów dokonał na Zamku Królewskim kard Zenon Grocholewski
W Warszawie rozpoczęły się 23. Targi Wydawców Katolickich.
Uroczystego otwarcia Targów dokonał na Zamku Królewskim kard. Zenon Grocholewski.
Prezentacja dorobku wydawniczego ma miejsce u stóp Zamku, w Arkadach Kubickiego. Nie brakuje tam też stoiska Tygodnika Katolickiego „Niedziela”.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 4.6

© Source: http://niedziela.pl/artykul/28011/%E2%80%9ENiedziela%E2%80%9D-na-Targach-Wydawcow
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Ramatlhodi lays into JZ


Axed public service and administration minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi said the manner in which President Jacob Zuma changed his Cabinet was a wake-up call to all South Africans.
Hlengiwe Nhlabathi
Ngoako Ramatlhodi
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Axed public service and administration minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi said the manner in which President Jacob Zuma changed his Cabinet was a wake-up call to all South Africans.
Ramatlhodi was among those who publicly came out to say he had declined a social engagement with the Gupta family shortly after Zuma appointed him to his previous job as mineral resources minister, before being removed and replaced by one of Zuma’s allies, Mosebenzi Zwane.
This week, Ramatlhodi told City Press that he considered his removal with others a blessing in disguise because “at least the public now knows what we are dealing with”.
“I think it’s a moment that had to come at some point. It’s a lesson for this country and also a blessing at the same time, in many ways.
“You saw the spots of the leopard last night,” he said, referring to Thursday night when news broke that Zuma was making changes to the executive.
He leaves with a clear conscience and has appealed to South Africans to rise up and not despair as he will be among those that will stop at nothing to continue flying the flag and do good for the country.
“There is a generation of us who are fearless and care deeply about this country and not about ourselves. We are not self-preserving. We call ourselves guardians. We are guarding the future of our country.”
He was not worried about losing his Cabinet job and perks because he never wanted to serve in that Cabinet in the first place.
“I was fired before I could resign. I would have left anyway. We have to sometimes make hard choices”.
24.com encourages commentary submitted via MyNews24. Contributions of 200 words or more will be considered for publication.

Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/ramatlhodi-lays-into-jz-20170401
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Blast caused by illegal explosives kills at least 9 in China – Xinhua


An explosion in northern China’s Shanxi province on Saturday evening killed at least nine and injured six, state news agency Xinhua reported.
BEIJING: An explosion in northern China’s Shanxi province on Saturday evening killed at least nine and injured six, state news agency Xinhua reported.
The blast occurred in a residential building and was believed to have been caused by illegally stored explosives, Xinhua said. An investigation was underway.
A number of buildings collapsed and search and rescue work continued on Sunday afternoon, said state broadcaster CCTV.
China has a poor record of industrial explosive accidents in residential areas.
In October, 14 people were killed in neighbouring Shaanxi province when a blast caused by illegally stored explosives destroyed a block of prefabricated houses.
A province-wide investigation into explosive production and storage was launched following the incident.
Both Shanxi and Shaanxi have large coal mining industries, where explosives are regularly used.

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/blast-caused-by-illegal-explosives-kills-at-least-9-in-china-x/3645628.html
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Seehofer: Einzug der AfD in Bundestag ist nicht sicher


Wenn sich Union und SPD wieder deutlicher voneinander unterscheiden, bekommt die AfD Probleme und verpasst vielleicht den Einzug in den Bundestag, prophezeit…
Wenn sich Union und SPD wieder deutlicher voneinander unterscheiden, bekommt die AfD Probleme und verpasst vielleicht den Einzug in den Bundestag, prophezeit Horst Seehofer. Das wäre dann auch ein Erfolg von Martin Schulz, meint der CSU-Chef.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.haz.de/Nachrichten/Politik/Deutschland-Welt/Seehofer-Einzug-der-AfD-in-Bundestag-ist-nicht-sicher
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Były doradca Trumpa zataił wynagrodzenie od dwóch firm z Rosji. Sprawę ujawnił Biały Dom


Generał Flynn został w lutym zwolniony przez prezydenta Donalda Trumpa ze stanowiska doradcy ds. bezpieczeństwa narodowego
Porównanie deklaracji majątkowych Michaela Flynna: tej podpisanej 31 marca oraz deklaracji podpisanej 11 lutego wynika, że Flynn usiłował świadomie zataić wynagrodzenia od 2 rosyjskich firm
— pisze agencja Reutera.
Biały Dom ujawnił oba zeznania w sobotę.
W deklaracji z 31 marca wskazano, że Flynn uzyskał wynagrodzenia za swe wystąpienia/przemówienia od kontrolowanej przez Kreml telewizji RT oraz od przedsiębiorstwa zajmującego się transportem powietrznym, powiązanego z grupą firm Wołga-Dniepr, należącą do rosyjskiego biznesmena.
W zeznaniu nie wyjaśniono, w jaki sposób Flynn był opłacany, dochody z tego tytułu zostały wymienione w części „rekompensata poniesionych kosztów przekraczających jednorazowo 5 tys. dolarów”
— pisze Reuters.
Generał Flynn został w lutym zwolniony przez prezydenta Donalda Trumpa ze stanowiska doradcy ds. bezpieczeństwa narodowego, gdy okazało się, że ten zataił przed wiceprezydentem Mike’iem Pence’em szczegóły swoich rozmów z ambasadorem Rosji w Waszyngtonie Siergiejem Kislakiem.
Powiązania Flynna z Rosją były badane przez FBI i są obecnie przedmiotem dochodzenia komisji wywiadu w Senacie i Izbie Reprezentantów. Sprawdzają one doniesienia o ingerowaniu przez Rosję w wybory prezydenckie w USA w 2016 roku oraz kwestię domniemanych powiązań między współpracownikami Trumpa z Kremlem. FBI od lipca ubiegłego roku prowadzi własne dochodzenie w tej sprawie.
Z dotychczasowych ustaleń wynika, że b. doradca prezydenta USA ds. bezpieczeństwa narodowego otrzymał w 2015 roku od powiązanych z Rosją przedsiębiorstw prawie 68 tys. dolarów
— wyliczył dziennik „Washington Post”.
Wcześniej informowano, że Flynn otrzymał od rosyjskiej telewizji RT ponad 33 tys. dolarów za udział w grudniu 2015 roku w obchodach 10-lecia działalności. Według danych, do których dotarł „ WP ”, kwota, jaką zapłaciła mu RT była większa i wyniosła ponad 45 tys. dolarów. O sprawie pisał też dziennik „Wall Street Journal”.

Similarity rank: 3.1
Sentiment rank: 1.3

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/wPolitycepl/~3/ojlfqEZcpg4/333974-byly-doradca-trumpa-zatail-wynagrodzenie-od-dwoch-firm-z-rosji-sprawe-ujawnil-bialy-dom
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Bob Dylan odebrał Nagrodę Nobla


Laureat literackiej Nagrody Nobla, poeta i pieśniarz Bob Dylan odebrał w sobotę podczas zamkniętej dla publiczności ceremonii dyplom oraz medal noblowski – poinformowały szwedzkie media, powołując się na członków Akademii, którzy uczestniczyli w uroczystości.
Zgodnie z wcześniejszymi zapowiedziami Bob Dylan, który przebywa w Szwecji w związku z trasą koncertową w tym kraju, otrzymał z rąk Akademii Szwedzkiej dyplom noblowski i medal noblowski. Potwierdził to w wypowiedzi dla stacji telewizyjnej SVT, członek Akademii, Horace Engdahl.
Skromna ceremonia z udziałem 75-letniego laureata, jego współpracowników oraz członków Akademii odbyła się w hotelu położonym w pobliżu centrum kongresowego, gdzie Bob Dylan daje dwa koncerty – powiedział agencji Associated Press Klas Ostergren również członek Akademii.
Poeta był bardzo zadowolony ze spotkania z członkami Akademii – podkreśla AP. Nie wygłosił jednak żadnego wykładu i w związku z tym wciąż jeszcze nie otrzymał nagrody pieniężnej w wysokości 8 mln koron (840 tys. euro).
Danius wyjaśniła, że niekiedy noblowskie odczyty są wcześniej zapisywane i że ostatni taki przypadek miał miejsce w 2013 roku, gdy podobne rozwiązanie wybrała kanadyjska pisarka Alice Munro. 82-letnia wówczas autorka opowiadań nie mogła przylecieć do Szwecji z powodów zdrowotnych.
75-letni Bob Dylan został nagrodzony literackim Noblem w październiku 2016 roku za “tworzenie nowych form poetyckiej ekspresji w ramach wielkiej tradycji amerykańskiej pieśni”. Najpierw przez długi czas unikając kontaktu zwlekał z decyzją o przyjęciu wyróżnienia, potem odmówił przyjazdu 10 grudnia 2016 roku na ceremonię wręczenia Nagrody Nobla do Sztokholmu.
Na bankiecie noblowskim list od Boba Dylana odczytała ambasador USA w Sztokholmie Azita Raji. “Przykro mi, że nie mogę być z wami, ale proszę przyjąć, że jestem tu duchem i to zaszczyt przyjąć tak prestiżową nagrodę” – napisał artysta. “Zostać uhonorowanym Nagrodą Nobla, to jest coś, czego nie mogłem sobie wyobrazić lub oczekiwać” – podkreślił Dylan.

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: 0.7

© Source: http://www.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1032078,bob-dylan-odebral-dyplom-i-medal-z-rak-akademii-ktora-przyznala-mu-nobla.html
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Samsung Galaxy S8 cases


The best cases and covers for the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus
Your shiny, new Samsung Galaxy S8 or S8 Plus deserves a protective case – it’s slightly bigger than all of your past phones and its grippable bezel has been replaced by delicate screen.
The good news for you is that there are already a lot of Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus cases out there – for protection and for style.
Top case brands are already announcing Galaxy S8 cases: Incipio, Otterbox, Speck and a handful of official Samsung cases, covers and wallet folios, too. More are on the way, including a battery case from Mophie.
Here are the best Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus cases we’ve found so far.
This Samsung Galaxy S8 case has a translucent cover envelopes the entire phone and provides a see-through window for the time and date, incoming calls, music controls and lock screen notifications. On top of that, it doubles as a stand so you can easily watch movies in landscape mode.
This is Samsung’s fun Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus case that shines LED lights through the translucent cover. There are 54 special icons and you can have limited control over the phone without having to open up the cover.
This is the most standard case Samsung makes. It has a smooth, rubberized feel on the outside and a microfiber interior to keep your phone scratch-free. It protects your phone and gives you several bright color options.
Samsung’s premium Alcantara case feels like suede with a soft, textured material that extends all the way around the phone. You even get a slight lip around the display in order to avoid scratching the front glass when the phone is face down.
This is the weirdest-looking Samsung Galaxy S8 case you can buy. Its style directly contradicts everything we like about the sleek and symmetrical smartphone with two pads that suction onto the top and bottom. The rest of your phone remains vulnerable. Skip this one.
Let your Samsung Galaxy S8 true color and slim design shine through this clear case. It’s 0.8mm thin, so there’s not much extra bulk to this bumper case. It’s protection without the distraction.
Samsung’s Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus keyboard cover is actually practical with the taller 18.5:9 screen size. It snaps in physical keys and doesn’t cover up as much of the display. BlackBerry converts who want more than the BlackBerry KeyOne may be swayed.
Otterbox makes heavy-duty Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus cases, so you’re getting drop protection from the incredibly rugged Defender and almost as durable Commuter series. Both have a polycarbonate shell and synthetic rubber slipcover.
Not all Otterbox cases have to be bulky. Look at the Symmetry cover for basic drop protection in a slimmer design, or the Strada series for the same in a leather folio look. The latter has a card slot and a screen cover. Both are also easy to install on and off.
Incipio already has 22 Galaxy S8 cases available (and another 22 for the Galaxy S8 Plus), so here are our favorites: The Carnaby has a soft fabric back that reminds of us Incipio’s stylish backpacks; Stowaway gives you a pocket for up to three credit cards; and Haven provides protection from six-foot drops. Not enough? Incipio also sells two different glitter cases.
There are four Caseology Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus cases, and they’re all fairly inexpensive. The Caseology Coastline is the company’s basic clear polycarbonate case for minimalists, the Parallax case provide stylish grooves in addition to protection, the Vault I case is meant to be ‘slim armor’ and the Legion case is all about offering rugged protection without compromise.
Speck is best at offering Samsung cases with slim designs and just enough protection to get you through your first year or two with the phone (until you trade it in). We like the new Presidio case for exactly that reason. It takes on a slim design, yet offers drop and bezel screen protection. The Speck Presidio Grip, meanwhile, it meant for more impact and, with a no-slip back, hopefully fewer drops.
You can find some fun cases among Casemate’s Galaxy S8 collection already. Skip the ‘Naked Tough Clear’ case and go for one of the three ‘Naked Tough Waterfall’ cases. They send glitter cascading through clear cases, just in case a 5.8-inch and 6.2-inch phone didn’t stand out already. Also fun are Casemate’s Karat cases that stick various shiny metal accents (like gold flakes or mother of pearl and silver) inside a case – they just don’t move around.
Lifeproof’s Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus cases bring your Android phone up to army grade standards thanks to the military standard 810G-516.6. It’s ready for rough and tumble action and extends the device’s IP68 waterproof capabilities. The company even claims to give it snowproof and drop proof capabilities to boot.
There are six Samsung Galaxy S8 cases from Tech21, with the cheapest being the Pure Clear case and three Evo cases: Evo Active Edition, Evo Check, and Evo Tactical. Tech21’s two card-carrying cases are more expensive, the Evo Wallet folio case and Evo Go case that has a trap door for your card carrying needs.
These are just the first Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus cases available before the phone’s official release date. There’s definitely more to come.
You’ll notice that there no battery cases being sold just yet. Fear not, there will be a Samsung Galaxy S8 Mophie case, according to the company.
We’ll continue to update this page with more cases as they become available to us.

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Legalise, don't criticise


Some amaMpondo people, famous for growing dagga on hillsides in the Eastern Cape, are as excited as marijuana users can get after the Cape Town High Court’s ruling to legalise the private use of the maligned herb.
Lubabalo Ngcukana
The Cape Town High Court this week authorised the private use of dagga after a long fight by Rastafarians and others in the country, Picture: Tebogo Letsie
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Some amaMpondo people, famous for growing dagga on hillsides in the Eastern Cape, are as excited as marijuana users can get after the Cape Town High Court’s ruling to legalise the private use of the maligned herb.
Known in Pondoland as igolide yamaMpondo, the herb is grown around almost all villages in the area, including Port St Johns, Lusikisiki, Ntabankulu, Libode, Ngqeleni and Mbizana.
In the landmark ruling, the court said that the use of dagga by adults in private homes cannot be banned, and said it was okay to cultivate and keep it at home.
After an application driven by Dagga Party leader Jeremy Acton and Rastafarian Garreth Prince, the court also ruled that government had two years to make changes to sections of the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act, as well as the Medicines and Related Substances Act.
On Friday, villagers in Mbizana were ecstatic after hearing the news.
Alfred Bazi, 48, said: “Dagga is good. It has never killed anyone. I don’t know why they took so long to legalise it. This is a good decision that the court made.
“At least amaMpondo can now grow their dagga in peace without being harassed by the police.”
Bazi, who is from the Mbizana village of Emazweni, used to smoke dagga, but insisted he had quit. He said the herb made one peaceful when high.
“They must legalise it and see how much peace there will be out there. Dagga smokers are very peaceful people. They are not violent.
“They are only preoccupied about the world they are in when they are high – which is really of fantasising about a lot of things, such as wishing you could have a large piece of land where you can just grow dagga,” he said.
“Dagga is good”
Sipho Ndzimande, 34, who is from Nomlacu village, echoed Bazi’s sentiments, adding that dagga was also good for medicinal use.
“We don’t only smoke dagga here in Pondoland – we also use it when we get sick. For instance, when you have chest pain, you boil dagga with water as if you are making tea out of it.
“Then you drink that dagga tea and, in no time, you feel your chest opening up and become alive again,” he said.
Ndzimande said he was happy the court had finally realised that there was nothing wrong with the herb.
“The only thing that should be criminalised is alcohol because that is what is killing the nation.
“Dagga is good – even if you smoke it, you don’t think about going out and hurting someone. All you are concerned with is what you are going to eat because it makes you hungry,” he said.
Ndzimande said he did not grow dagga himself, but bought it whenever he wanted to smoke it. This will soon change.
“I am going to start my small garden soon. I used to grow dagga for private use, but I had to stop because I was scared of the police. Now there is nothing stopping me,” said Ndzimande.
He then asked: “What about selling it? Is that also legal?”
Not so fast, mate.
“We have found our medicine”
Another Mbizana resident, who asked not to be named, said he smoked dagga and that the ruling would stop those who used the herb privately from being attacked by thugs.
“It means we will smoke it at leisure in our homes. We will be growing it ourselves and avoid going to shady places to get dagga, where we end up being robbed.
“This is a welcome development. We have found our medicine. We won’t get sick again,” he said.
He added that the medicinal powers of dagga were underestimated, and said it even helped with toothache.
“If you have an unbearable toothache, you just need to get one pull from the zol and not inhale the smoke. Keep the smoke inside your mouth for a while.
“You don’t have to inhale if you are a non-smoker – you can release the smoke and, as soon as you do, the pain will be gone,” he said.
Ndzimande said he also supported those who followed the Rastafarian religion and said they a right to choose how they practised their faith.
“If Rastas smoke dagga as part of their religion, they should not be stopped because other religions are not prevented from doing whatever it is that they do – including drinking alcohol – as part of their faith,” he said.
Bazi said other drugs caused people to become violent, but dagga was a natural and gentle herb. However, it must be used responsibly.
“When I was growing up, I knew that dagga was for adults and not for young people. That was because adults could handle dagga.
“Today, you see youngsters smoking dagga when they are not supposed to – this is what should be regulated. Otherwise, I support the court’s decision. It is long overdue,” he said.
Are you going to start ploughing your garden to plant dagga like the people in Mbizana? What do you think of the ruling?
SMS us on 35697 using the keyword DAGGA and tell us what you think. Please include your name and province. SMSes cost R1.50
24.com encourages commentary submitted via MyNews24. Contributions of 200 words or more will be considered for publication.

Sentiment rank: 0.7

© Source: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/legalise-dont-criticise-20170402-2
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Unity in outrage at Kathrada’s memorial


It was a packed Johannesburg City Hall where a coalition of the outraged gathered to pay their last respects to struggle icon Ahmed Kathrada.
Msindisi Fengu and Zinhle Mapumulo
Axed finance minister Pravin Gordhan seated in between axed tourism minister Derek Hanekom and former first lady Graça Machel at the memorial service of Ahmed Kathrada at the Johannesburg City Hall yesterday. Picture: Tebogo Letsie
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Mourners on the sidelines of the memorial service for Ahmed Kathrada honour the man that he was. WATCH
It was a packed Johannesburg City Hall where a coalition of the outraged gathered yesterday afternoon to pay their last respects to struggle icon Ahmed Kathrada.
As axed finance minister Pravin Gordhan exhorted those present to mobilise against state capture and a raid on the Treasury, Kathrada’s widow Barbara Hogan angrily called on President Jacob Zuma to leave office.
Among those present were sitting Cabinet members Ebrahim Patel (minister of economic development) and Aaron Motsoaledi (minister of health).
And Zuma’s critics kept on coming, from the well-known to the ordinary citizen.
On the sidelines of the memorial service, former social development minister and High Commissioner to London, Zola Skweyiya, said the ANC should have recalled Zuma a long time ago.
“It’s clear that the ANC national executive committee (NEC) is afraid of Zuma. What I don’t understand is what Zuma has on them… How can one man hold a party that is more than 100 years old hostage?” he asked.
“The NEC needs to recall Zuma because if they don’t, he will destroy this country.”
Elizabeth Manaka, 62, from Katlehong said she had never met Kathrada, but when she heard how he had written to Zuma asking him to step down, she was prompted to come and celebrate his life.
“I couldn’t make it to the funeral and I watched it on TV. When I heard speaker after speaker talk about one man who was destroying our movement, I said Kathrada was a brave man for telling him to step down when others say it in the corners,” she said.
“We need more men and women like Kathrada, especially those in top positions in the ANC. Zuma must be recalled.”
“We need to act”
Gordhan, the final speaker, said South Africans should follow Kathrada’s example and act in his memory.
“Kathrada leaves us at a time when the ANC and society find themselves in a mini-crisis. He leaves us when we can’t say we are confused about what the problems are, or who is the problem,” he said.
Gordhan said “it is very clear that we need to act”.
“In this mini-crisis we must ask ourselves, what would Kathy the activist do? The first thing he would say is ask what is really going on. Don’t accept the superficial that is going on or the fake news, even the fake channels, by the way.”
The Guptas, although not mentioned by name, loomed large in Gordhan’s speech.
“Where are all those billion rands going in terms of contracts and tenders? How is it that a structure, Denel, goes to court against Treasury and says: ‘Get out of the way; we still want to continue with this venture with a company called VR Laser’… If you want to understand state capture, that is what it means,” he said.
Gordhan called on citizens – and the ANC – to mobilise.
“Our first challenge is to get this organisation of ours into shape as defined in 1912. Secondly, this movement is the one that governs the country.
“When three senior officials – the deputy president, secretary-general and treasurer-general – all say within 24 hours that we don’t know where these decisions are made, then there’s something to worry about,” he said.
Before Gordhan, SA Communist Party (SACP) second deputy general secretary Solly Mapaila addressed the gathering, saying the ANC had to decide between Zuma and the people of South Africa.
“The ANC has a choice. It’s either the people of the country or the Guptas,” he said, adding that Gordhan and other ministers who stood for good governance had been removed.
“The time has arrived that requires decisive action from all of us.”
Mapaila reiterated the SACP Politburo’s call that Zuma should resign.
“We will not be silenced”
Earlier at the memorial service, Hogan furiously questioned why Zuma did not fire incompetent ministers such as Faith Muthambi – who was moved to public service and administration after Ngoako Ramatlhodi was fired – and Bathabile Dlamini, who as retained at social development.
“If you have eyes to see and ears to hear you would have fired Faith Muthambi and Bathabile Dlamini. If you have eyes to see and ears to hear you would step down.”
Hogan said Zuma’s regime postponed the government-planned national memorial service for Kathrada, scheduled to take place at the University of Johannesburg campus in Soweto today, because he feared he would be criticised.
“We will not be silenced,” Hogan said.
Gordhan also lashed out at the postponement of the official memorial service, saying it was “petty and spiteful”.
However, Zuma’s spokesperson, Bongani Ngqulunga, denied that Zuma had anything to do with the postponement.
In a statement issued late yesterday afternoon, the presidency reiterated that Zuma did not attend Kathrada’s funeral and memorial service at the wishes of the Kathrada family – a claim the Kathrada Foundation has denied.
Professor Njabulo Ndebele, chancellor of the University of Johannesburg, said South Africa had entered a “time of a crisis”.
He praised Kathrada for writing to Zuma calling on him to resign.
He also challenged ANC MPs to do the right thing during two motions of no confidence against Zuma that have been submitted by DA and Economic Freedom Fighters this week.
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