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Всі відділення "Сбербанку" розблоковані


З середи всі відділення працюють в штатному режимі.
“В даний час розблоковані всі відділення банку. Два з них – у Києві та Запоріжжі – зараз готуються до відновлення обслуговування клієнтів завтра (в середу) і відкриються в штатному режимі. Відділення банку в Дніпрі вже працює”, – зазначила прес-служба.
Всі інші відділення “Сбербанку” працюють в штатному режимі, в тому числі в Сумах і Вінниці, які розблоковані раніше.
Раніше повідомлялося, що російський “Сбербанк” повідомив про продаж 100% акцій дочірнього українського “Сбербанку” консорціуму за участю латвійського Norvik Banka і неназваної приватної компанії з Білорусі.
16 березня, президент України Петро Порошенко затвердив санкції проти функціонуючих в Україні банків з російським капіталом. Санкції терміном в один рік торкнуться ПАТ “Сбербанк”, ПАТ “ВиЭс Банк”, ПАТ “Акціонерний комерційний промислово-інвестиційний банк” та ПАТ “БМ Банк”.
19 березня заступник голови Нацбанку Катерина Рожкова повідомила, що банки з російським капіталом ведуть переговори про продаж .
Детальніше про санкції проти банків з російським капіталом і їх можливі наслідки для української економіки читайте у матеріалі Юлії Самаевой “Замурували здоровий глузд” в тижневику “Дзеркало тижня. України”.

Similarity rank: 3.1

© Source: http://dt.ua/ECONOMICS/chotiri-z-p-yati-zablokovanih-viddilen-sberbanku-vidnovili-robotu-237853_.html
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В Харькове хирург погорел на крупной взятке


Согласно данным, медик систематически требовал деньги с людей, которые нуждались в медицинской помощи. Правоохранители задержали врача в его рабочем кабинете после получения взятки в 100 тысяч гривен.
КИЕВ, 28 мар — РИА Новости Украина. Служба безопасности Украины задержала харьковского врача, который требовал от пациента сто тысяч гривен за операцию. Врач работает заведующим кафедрой одного из научно-медицинских учреждений Харькова, сообщили в пресс-центре СБ Украины.
СБУ выяснила, что медик систематически требовал деньги с людей, которые нуждались в медицинской помощи. Правоохранители задержали врача в его рабочем кабинете после получения взятки в 100 тысяч гривен.
Открыто уголовное производство, продолжаются следственные действия.
Ранее сообщалось, что прокурор задержан на взятке во Львовской области .

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/incidents/20170328/1022679608.html
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Sign up for 2-for-1 tickets to Disrupt Berlin by April 4


Time to wake up people. Disrupt Berlin is going to be the best, most efficient and deal-friendly startup you will go to this year. But even though you’ve..
Time to wake up people. Disrupt Berlin is going to be the best, most efficient and deal-friendly startup you will go to this year.
But even though you’ve heard the rumblings , you haven’t yet signed up for 2-for-1 tickets to Disrupt Berlin 2017. That’s cool, we get it, you’re busy.
But… you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity. The time to act is now. On April 5, we’ll be releasing a limited number of tickets at a special two-for-one price.
By taking advantage of this opportunity now, you can use this extra ticket to bring a friend, colleague, or whoever else you might want to spend a few days geeking out with at Disrupt.
To sign up, all you need to do is enter your email address here on or before April 4. Seriously, that’s it. On April 5th, you’ll receive an email with a link to purchase these deeply discounted tickets. You’re going to want to act quickly, however, as there are only 50 pairs of tickets available , and tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Disrupt attendees get to take in all the things that make the conference the best startup show in Europe. You’ll get to check out promising early-stage international companies in the Startup Alley, Hardware Alley, and the Startup Battlefield competition. Plus, you’ll hear from industry experts in a series of interviews and fireside chats, folks like BlueYard Capital co-founder Ciarán O’Leary and Earlybird Co-Founder and Partner Dr. Christian Nagel , to name a few.
Plus, you’ll get to keep the action going attending the many after-parties when the show floor closes up for the day.
If you happen to be a part of a startup, numerous members of the media will be in attendance as well, making Disrupt a perfect storm to get your company out in front of the folks that can help take it to the next level.
What are you waiting for? Sign up today.
Disrupt Berlin 2017 takes place December 4-5 at the historical Arena Berlin in the heart of Berlin, Germany. We can’t wait to see you all there!
Our sponsors help make Disrupt happen. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact our sponsorship team at sponsors @techcrunch.com .

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/9Phik0ggMp8/
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Uber restarts self-driving passenger pilots in Arizona and Pittsburgh


Uber has confirmed that all its autonomous test cars are now back on the road in the US, following an accident in Arizona on Friday evening that left one of..
Uber has confirmed that all its autonomous test cars are now back on the road in the US, following an accident in Arizona on Friday evening that left one of its vehicles flipped on its side. The company temporarily suspended its entire test program in the wake of the accident.
A spokeswoman said Uber ended its suspension of the testing program in Tempe and Pittsburg yesterday, following an investigation into the incident which involved one of its Volvo SUV self-driving test vehicles. It had earlier restarted tests in San Francisco , where it is currently running development test operations.
The spokeswoman told us Uber felt confident in returning its remaining autonomous test vehicles to the road, having paused the passenger pilots to get a clearer picture of what happened in Tempe.
The Uber test car had been driving autonomously at the time of the incident but did not have any passengers (except the driver) on board. All Uber’s autonomous test vehicles include a driver sitting in the driver’s seat in a position to take over should it be required.
No one has been reported seriously injured in the incident, and local police reports suggest the crash happened after a human-driven car failed to yield to the Uber, driving into it and flipping it onto its side.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/wZhHorQQ9TE/
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Google’s Amazon Echo competitor and wifi router launching in UK on April 6


Google has announced that its Google Home connected speaker will launch in the UK on April 6, along with the Google Wifi router.
Google has announced that its Google Home connected speaker will launch in the UK on April 6, along with the Google Wifi router.
The Google Home connected speaker, which started shipping in the US back in November , is seeking to compete with the likes of Amazon’s Echo (which launched in the UK last fall ) — offering a physical housing for Google’s voice assistant tech, the eponymous Google Assistant, to position its listening ear perpetually inside your home.
The company mocked up a fake house in London this morning to demo the device to journalists. Which may or may not be a fitting metaphor for the extensively hyped concept of the ‘smart home’.
But for those Brits who dream of sitting on an impossibly white leather couch, next to Google’s always listening microphone primed and ready to tell you what the weather is tomorrow, or add something to your to-do list, or inform you where the nearest petrol station is and how to get there then today is a special day indeed.
Unlike the Amazon Echo, Google Home does not have such a sprawling ecommerce back-end to plug into — and while Google Home offers some limited ecommerce options in the US , it does not appear to be bringing any such services to the UK as yet.
Given its head-start with the tech, the Echo has also amassed considerably more third party app integrations — such as services like JustEat and Uber. So you can already ask Alexa (Amazon’s voice assistant) to order you a taxi or a takeaway. But won’t yet get joy out of Google Assistant on that front, though JustEat is apparently planning to support the device this year.
Google Home is being priced at £130 in the UK — so it’s slightly less expensive than Amazon’s Echo (£150). While the app-controlled Google WiFi router is priced at £130 for one unit (or £230 for two, for those with more internal real estate to blanket with wi-fi).
In terms of localization, the Google Home speaker is able to deliver news briefings from a selection of UK publications including the BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times, The Sun, The Telegraph, Huffington Post, Sky News and Sky Sports.
Otherwise, it’s capable of playing music on command from a small selection of music streaming services, assuming you’re a subscriber — such as Google Play Music, YouTube Music or Spotify Premium (subscriptions for these services are not included in the price of the device).
Owners of a small number of other connected devices such as the (Google-owned) Nest thermostat, Philips Hue lightbulbs or Samsung’s SmartThings hub can also control additional connected devices via Google Home voice commands. Google’s Chromecast can also be controlled via the speaker.
Buyers should be aware that all voice interactions with Google Home will be data-mined by Google to build a clearer picture of your domestic life and preferences for ad targeting purposes. The company says it stores your conversation data in perpetuity — unless you actively opt to delete it (which it says is possible).
Google also appears to retain any conversation data of users who uninstall Google Home and delete their account — you have to actively go into the setting and delete the conversation history prior to deleting your account if you want to remove your conversation data from Google’s servers. And even after a deletion Google says it may also still retain some “service-related information” pertaining to your account.
While the Google Home speaker listens locally for a so-called “hotword” — aka the phrase “Ok, Google” — before it starts streaming your conversations to Google’s cloud for processing and storing, it’s of course trivially easy for this to be triggered accidentally, and whatever you happen to say at such moments will also be recorded in perpetuity on Google’s servers for data-mining and potentially passing to third parties. Welcome to the ‘smart home’.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/VKDRAJnrLCo/
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Truecaller adds payments and Google Duo video calls in move to rival WhatsApp in India


Sweden-based startup Truecaller made its name as a nifty mobile app that helps people fielder out unwanted phone calls and messaging, but now it is making a..
Sweden-based startup Truecaller made its name as a nifty mobile app that helps people fielder out unwanted phone calls and messaging, but now it is making a move to become a platform.
At a press event in India, Truecaller’s largest market based on its 150 million users, the company announced a series of partnerships, including a tie-in with Google which will see the U. S. firm’s Duo newly launched video calling feature integrated into the Truecaller app.
The Truecaller app, which is dedicated to battling annoying calls, is about to become much more than that. In addition to the Duo tie-in, Truecaller is boosting the app by integrating Truemessenger , its two-year-old service for making messaging smarter and managing spam.
Now, in India, Truecaller for Android will go from being a dialing app alternative to a service that can handle calls and also manage SMS and make video calls.
But that’s not quite all, Truecaller is also introducing payments, too.
The company has partnered with ICICI Bank to enable peer-to-peer payments between Truecaller users. ICICI Bank is providing the technology behind the service, Truecaller confirmed. Beyond holding the requisite licenses for the service, the bank is using India’s UPI payment system to enable it. Truecaller Pay will open to users of any bank in India, both parties said.
“India has played an important role for the innovation we bring to our users. As our product has matured, so has India as a market which made it more organic than ever to build more meaningful services on top of Truecaller,” Alan Mamedi, Truecaller CEO and co-founder said in a statement in TechCrunch
So, video calls, text messages and payments — that sounds like the basis of a mobile platform in line with services like WeChat in China, Line in Japan and Kakao in Korea.
A Truecaller representative explained to TechCrunch that the company isn’t making its service open to third parties at this point, but it is open to integrating other services where it sees a match. Likewise, the company is initially introducing these features in India but it isn’t discounting the potential to introduce similar offerings in other parts of the world.
“If we are able to find success with these kinda of services [in India], then we could replicate a similar model in other markets,” Kim Fai Kok, director of communications at Truecaller, told TechCrunch. “There are big opportunities in markets like Kenya and Nigeria, [but] we need to focus and make sure we get the first rollout right.”
Truecaller is far from the only company attacking the opportunity around mobile platforms in India, which is a key growth market for tech. The country’s online population is tipped to reach 450 million-465 million people by June 2017, according to a recent report co-authored by the Internet and Mobile Association of India, widening the audience of potential e-commerce customers. China and the U. S. currently dominate in terms of e-commerce spending, but the value of online sales in India is predicted to reach $48 billion by 2020, analyst firm Forrester claimed .
The country’s is WhatsApp’s largest single market worldwide with 200 million active users. That popularity has made it central to the service’s much-anticipated monetization plans, which may be tested in India first. On a recent visit in India, WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton said the Facebook-owned company would look at opportunities around “commercial messaging” and digitals payments when the time comes.
WhatsApp aside, there is also Hike, the home-grown company recently valued at $1 billion after it raised a $175 million funding round led by WeChat maker Tencent. Hike is following WhatsApp with a focus on messaging. While it has been more aggressive expanding into connected services like games, news and stickers, Hike hasn’t revealed its active user base in India. That’s fueled speculation that the numbers aren’t particularly impressive.
That raises an interesting point about Truecaller’s move to become a platform. The company isn’t competing head-on with WhatsApp. That’s an unenviable task in India. Instead, it is offering a different first proposition — filtering pesky spam calls and messages — which could give it a leg up as it aims to find engagement with these new features. Nonetheless, with an abundance of payment options already in the market, it’ll be interesting to see how the new Truecaller service fares against the incumbents.
More wider, an alliance with Truecaller is a tacit admission from Google that it is struggling to find an audience for its latest messaging apps, Duo and Allo. Despite product quality, Google is years late to the messaging and calling app space, which WhatsApp dominates in India and many other emerging markets. Piggybacking with Truecaller is a logical move for both, but again it remains to be seen if the combination can break the network effect that has made WhatsApp, which added voice calls in 2015 and video calls last year , the world’s most successful messaging service with more than one billion active users.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/mGso5PbhrXo/
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What A Westinghouse Bankruptcy Could Mean For U. S. Utilities


International news services now report that Japan’s Toshiba Corporation is preparing to make a chapter 11 bankruptcy filing for its Westinghouse Electric subsidiary as soon as today.
Authored by Leonard Hyman & William Tilles via OilPrice.com,
International news services now report that Japan’s Toshiba Corporation (9502. T) is preparing to make a chapter 11 bankruptcy filing for its Westinghouse Electric subsidiary as soon as today. For most of our readers this news evokes little surprise. This is merely another chapter of a slow moving financial and accounting train wreck involving nuclear design and construction firm Westinghouse and its troubled Japanese parent, Toshiba. But like an old, leaky garbage scow there is much to clean up in its wake.
The two U. S. utilities with the most at risk are Southern Company and SCANA Corp. Westinghouse is presently constructing two unit, AP 1000 nuclear power stations for each utility. These projects are over-budget and behind schedule. It appears that Westinghouse offered both utilities a fixed price contract for these new nuclear plants. Our best guess is that this fixed price construction guarantee has doomed Westinghouse and prevented other potentially willing buyers from stepping in. No one it seems is willing to take on this seemingly open-ended nuclear construction liability.
What does this mean for the two domestic utilities embroiled in this international financial quagmire?
First, we expect that they will complete both nuclear construction projects. The bulk of heavy capital expenditures for both utilities seem to be in the 2017-2019 period.
Second, it is in all interest of all potential litigants to see these plants completed. Westinghouse/Toshiba, for one, would at least get to showcase the AP 1000 design and its successor entity could advocate for additional sales of this reactor design. A working design has value. (What happens in the UK is another matter where Toshiba hoped to build several plants). The utilities, which need new power stations, get large, rate based, non-fossil base load power generating resources for the next 40-60 years.
The worst case scenario for utility investors would be if the utilities had to cancel the projects and take big write offs. But we assign a very low probability to this scenario.
Perhaps, more likely, a Westinghouse bankruptcy means abrogation of the fixed price contracts signed with Southern and SCANA. News reports this week indicated that both utilities had hired bankruptcy counsel.
As these plants are brought on line, presumably in the 2020-2021 time frame, the matter will go before the state utility commissions of Georgia and South Carolina. Both commissions approved these nuclear projects. It’s just that the plants will cost more than expected.
Unfortunately for investors, they will have to live with uncertainty until the regulators make their decisions. There are no clear precedents for the decisions, other than that commissions typically allocate or split unexpected financial burdens like these between shareholders and consumers. And that the amounts at risk won’t be modest given the size of the projects.

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/hschFoYases/what-westinghouse-bankruptcy-could-mean-us-utilities
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House Intelligence Committee meetings canceled this week


The House Intelligence Committee won’t be meeting this week.
The House Intelligence Committee won’t be meeting this week.
Rep. Jim Himes , a member of the committee, said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that the panel did not meet as planned on Monday and scrapped meetings that had been penciled in for Tuesday and Thursday.
The meetings were canceled amid an outcry from Democrats over the way that Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has handled the panel’s probe in Russia’s alleged involved in the U. S. election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.
“So not only has this investigation sort of had a shadow cast over it, but the committee has been put into suspended animation,” Mr. Himes , Connecticut Democrat, said.
CNN first reported the meetings were canceled, and that Mr. Nunes plans to hold private briefings on Tuesday with FBI Director James B. Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rodgers.
Mr. Himes said that not a single member of the House Intelligence Committee has seen the documents that Mr. Nunes viewed during a visit to the White House grounds last week that led him to publicly announce that Mr. Trump or his aides might have been incidentally caught up in foreign surveillance by intelligence agencies.
“At this point, there is really one thing that needs to happen to rescue this investigation and that Chairman Nunes needs to recuse himself,” Mr. Himes said. “Unless he recuses himself from this investigation, it is hard to imagine how it can go forward.”
Copyright © 2017 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.
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Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 0.2

© Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/mar/28/house-intelligence-committee-meetings-canceled-wee/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS
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Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017032800796&g=soc&m=rss
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Argentinien zittert um WM 2018: Fifa sperrt Lionel Messi für vier Spiele


Die WM-Qualifikation für Vizeweltmeister Argentinien steht auf der Kippe. Erst Recht, da nun auch noch Superstar Lionel Messi wegen einer Sperre fehlen wird.
Schock für Argentiniens Fußball-Nationalmannschaft: Ohne Lionel Messi muss der Vize-Weltmeister die entscheidende Phase der WM-Qualifikation bestreiten. Der Superstar wurde von der FIFA für vier Spiele gesperrt. Der 29-Jährige vom FC Barcelona habe beim 1:0-Sieg der Albiceleste gegen Chile am vergangenen Donnerstag einen Schiedsrichter-Assistenten beleidigt, teilte der Fußball-Weltverband unmittelbar vor der Auswärtspartie Argentiniens in Bolivien mit.
Die Sperre galt bereits für das Quali-Spiel am Dienstagabend (22.00 Uhr MESZ) in La Paz. Messi fehlt auch gegen Uruguay am 31. August, gegen Venezuela am 5. September und gegen Peru am 5. Oktober. Erst beim Quali-Abschluss in Ecuador darf er wieder spielen.
Die FIFA begründete die drastische Maßnahme mit einem Verstoß gegen Artikel 57 der Disziplinar-Regeln. Zusätzlich muss Messi 10 000 Schweizer Franken zahlen. Überführt wurde Messi wohl durch TV-Bilder. Er soll dem brasilianischen Assistenten kurz vor dem Schlusspfiff obszöne Beleidigungen zugerufen haben.
„Das Fehlen Messis bedeutet ernsthafte Kopfschmerzen für die Nationalmannschaft“, meinte die Zeitung „El Clarin“. Argentinien ist extrem von Messi abhängig: In der WM-Quali hatte er mehrfach gefehlt, und das Nationalteam war zwischenzeitlich in der Tabelle weit abgerutscht. Nur selten überzeugte der zweimalige Weltmeister. So gab es zwei Heimniederlagen gegen Ecuador und Paraguay, zwei Remis gegen Peru und Venezuela sowie eine 0:3-Klatsche beim Erzrivalen Brasilien. Immerhin gelang zuletzt ein 1:0-Sieg gegen Nachbar Chile – dank eines Elfmetertors von Messi.
Im Rennen um die Turnierteilnahme in Russland geht es sehr eng zu. Praktisch durch ist nur Brasilien mit dem immer stärker aufspielenden Neymar (30 Punkte). Vor dem gefürchteten Spiel im 3600 Meter hoch gelegenen La Paz hatte Argentinien hinter Uruguay (23 Punkte) als Dritter 22 Punkte. Dahinter lauern aber Kolumbien (21), Ecuador (20), Chile (20) und Paraguay (18). Die ersten vier Teams qualifizieren sich direkt für die WM-Endrunde 2018 in Russland. Der Fünfte muss in die Playoffs gegen ein Team aus Ozeanien.
Die Sperre ist der jüngste Tiefpunkt in Messis oft unglücklich verlaufener Nationalmannschafts-Karriere. Anders als mit dem FC Barcelona gelang ihm hier bisher kein großer Erfolg wie einst Diego Maradona, der das Team zum WM-Titel 1986 führte.
2014 verlor er mit der Albiceleste das WM-Finale im Maracana in Rio de Janeiro nach Verlängerung mit 0:1 gegen Deutschland. Bei der Copa América unterlag Argentinien im Finale zweimal nacheinander Chile – jeweils im Elfmeterschießen. Nach der Niederlage Ende Juni 2016 und seinem verschossenem Elfmeter hatte Messi entnervt seinen Rücktritt aus dem Nationalteam bekanntgegeben. Sogar Staatspräsident Mauricio Macri forderte den Star anschließend zur Rückkehr auf, bis Messi schließlich einwilligte.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/sport/argentinien-zittert-um-wm-2018-fifa-sperrt-lionel-messi-fuer-vier-spiele/19583398.html
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