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HPE acquires Niara for machine-learning network security


HPE makes its third acquisition in 15 days,Security,Software,Cloud and Infrastructure ,Security,Internet of Things,Micro Focus,Prasad Palkar,Keerti Melkote,Sriram Ramachandran,Niara,HPE
HPE has made its third acquisition in 15 days by buying Niara, a self-styled “user and entity behaviour analytics” security software company.
In plain English, the software analyses network activity…

© Source: http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/3003854/hpe-acquired-niara-for-machine-learning-network-security
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Red faces at Gitlab as sysadmin expunges 300GB of data


Oops,Software,Open Source,Cloud and Infrastructure ,Cloud Computing,software,Khosla Ventures,Gitlab,Github,Guy Goma
A systems administrator at open source software company Gitlab, which provides a repository management tool as an alternative to Github, has accidentally deleted about 300GB of live product data.

© Source: http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/3003799/gitlab-sysadmin-accidentally-deletes-300gb-of-data
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Надія Савченко опублікувала список українських полонених


Позафракційний народний депутат України Надія Савченко оприлюднила список українських полонених, яких вона відвідала в тюрмах Донецька. У цьому…
Позафракційний народний депутат України Надія Савченко оприлюднила список українських полонених , яких вона відвідала в тюрмах Донецька. У цьому переліку значаться 34 прізвища.
” Вдалося побачити наших полонених. Хлопці відчувають себе добре. Умови звичайні , тюремні. Ставлення до них , кажуть , нормальне ” , – написала вона.
Нардеп поцікавилась у бійців умовами їх утримання і пообіцяла передати листи родичам. Також вона передала їм посилки від рідних.
Ви зараз переглядаєте новину “Надія Савченко опублікувала список українських полонених”. Інші Новини України дивіться в блоці “Останні новини”
Якщо ви знайшли помилку в тексті, виділіть її мишкою і натисніть Ctrl + Enter
Нардеп запропонувала всім, “хто любить Росію і вважає її своєю землею, поїхати і любити її на території РФ”
Раніше депутат заявила, що в переговорах повинні бути зацікавлені дві сторони

Similarity rank: 16

© Source: http://ukr.segodnya.ua/ukraine/nadezhda-savchenko-opublikovala-spisok-ukrainskih-plennyh-878360.html
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冬季アジア札幌大会は25日、 フィギュアスケート女子で、 ショートプログラム(SP)2位の 本郷理華(邦和スポーツランド)はフリーで4位の 100.39点にとどまり、 合計161.37点で4位に終わり、 同種目で日本勢の 4大会連続制覇はならなかった。 崔多彬(韓国)がSP、 フリーともに1位の 187.54点で金メダルを獲得した。

Similarity rank: 5
Sentiment rank: 3.5
TW posts: 13
TW reposts: 31
TW likes: 28
TW sentiment: 10

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大阪知事、不認可の可能性に言及 森友学園の小学校 :日本経済新聞


大阪府豊中市の 国有地を学校法人「森友学園」 (大阪市淀川区)が小学校建設用地として評価額より大幅に安い価格で取得した問題に絡み、 松井一郎知事は25日、 小学校の 設立が認可されない可能性に言及した。 「財務
大阪府豊中市の国有地を学校法人「森友学園」(大阪市淀川区)が小学校建設用地として評価額より大幅に安い価格で取得した問題に絡み、松井一郎知事は25日、小学校の設立が認可されない可能性に言及した。「財務省が優遇しているなら大問題だし、安定した経営ができないなら認めるわけにいかないというのが(認可を判断する)府教育庁の立場だ」と述べた。 代表を務める日本維新の会が大阪市の党本部で開いた会合で語った。 府私立学校審議会(私学審)は2015年1月、学園側の財務状況などを追加報告させることを条件に「認可適当」と答申。今月の臨時会合では財務状況や教育方針を疑問視する声が委員から相次いだが、梶田叡一会長は「よほどのことがない限り3月下旬には認可証が交付される」との見通しを示している。 用地を巡っては、ごみの撤去工事で土砂の搬出に関わった京都府の処理業者が「掘り出したごみが交じった土砂の半分程度は運び出さず、敷地内に埋めた」と証言していることも判明。民進党の玉木雄一郎氏が24日の衆院予算委員会の質疑で明らかにした。 松井氏は25日夜、大阪府和泉市で記者団に「撤去したと言って(実際には)ごみを埋めていたなら大きな問題だ。行政の不作為ではない」と指摘。用地のごみを再調査するよう豊中市に指示したことを明らかにした。〔共同〕

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -0.5

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASDG25H5V_V20C17A2CC1000/?dg=1&nf=1
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Japanese translator: Trump 'rarely speaks logically'


A Japanese translator says people in her profession are having difficulty translating President Trump’s often disorganized and colorful language. In an interview with the Japan Times, Chikako Tsuruta, who covers Trump-related news as an interpreter for CNN, ABC and CBS, said Trump’s…
A Japanese translator says people in her profession are having difficulty translating President Trump ‘s often disorganized and colorful language.
In an interview with the Japan Times , Chikako Tsuruta, who covers Trump-related news as an interpreter for CNN, ABC and CBS, said Trump’s language and “‘factually dubious” assertions make translating his words a challenge.
“He rarely speaks logically, and he only emphasizes one side of things as if it were the absolute truth,” said Tsuruta. “There are lots of moments when I suspected his assertions were factually dubious. ”
She said Trump is “so overconfident and yet so logically unconvincing,” that she and her “often joke that if we translated his words as they are, we would end up making ourselves sound stupid. ”
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Tsuruta isn’t the only translator who says covering Trump is a struggle.
French interpreter Bérengère Viennot told the Las Angeles Review of Books that “Trump is not easy to translate. ”
She explained that Trump’s vocabulary “is limited, his syntax is broken; he repeats the same phrases over and over, forcing the translator to follow suit. ”
Viennot added that French is a “very structured and logical language” that “reveals the poor quality of his language and, consequently, of his thought. ”
“@DWStweets should return every last penny she was paid by DNC… “

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/japanese-translator-trump-rarely-speaks-logically/article/2615764?custom_click=rss
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Attentäterin von Kim Jong-nam hielt Gift für Babyöl


Die Frau gibt an, das Gift, an dem der Halbbruder des nordkoreanischen Diktators starb, für Babyöl gehalten zu haben. Sie dachte, sie sei Teil einer Fernsehsendung.
Eine der Verdächtigen im Fall des Mordes am Halbruder des nordkoreanischen Diktators Kim Jong-un glaubte nach eigenen Angaben, sie sei Teil eines Streichs für eine Fernsehsendung. “Sie sagte, sie erhielt 400 Ringgit (85 Euro) für ihre Aktion”, sagte ein Vertreter der indonesischen Botschaft am Samstag nach einem Haftbesuch. “Sie wusste nicht, dass es Gift war. “Die Frau habe demnach gedacht, bei der Flüssigkeit handle es sich um Babyöl, fügte er hinzu.
Kim Jong-nam, älterer Halbbruder von Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong-un, war am 13. Februar auf dem Flughafen in Kuala Lumpur mit einem Nervengift ermordet worden. Die Polizei hat zwei Frauen aus Indonesien und Vietnam sowie ein Nordkoreaner festgenommen.
Auf einem Überwachungsvideo, das am vergangenen Montag von einem japanischen Fernsehsender veröffentlicht worden war, ist zu sehen wie sich zwei Frauen Kim nähern. Eine greift ihn von hinten an und drückt ihm mutmaßlich ein Tuch ins Gesicht. Nach dem Angriff wendet sich das Opfer an das Flughafenpersonal. Laut malaysischer Polizei starb Kim unter Krämpfen noch bevor er das Krankenhaus erreichte.
An Kim Jong-nam wurden der Polizei zufolge Rückstände des hochgiftigen chemischen Kampfstoffs VX gefunden. Schon geringste Mengen des Stoffes können zur Lähmung wichtiger Körperfunktionen und zu einem qualvollen Tod führen.
Knapp zwei Wochen nach dem Anschlag hat die malaysische Polizei am Samstag angekündigt, den Flughafen nach Spuren des hochgefährlichen Nervengases durchsuchen zu wollen. Dies werde ab Sonntag 1.00 Uhr (Ortszeit/18.00 Uhr MEZ Samstag) geschehen. Unter anderem werden Experten für radioaktive Stoffe eingesetzt.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://diepresse.com/home/ausland/aussenpolitik/5175168/Attentaeterin-von-Kim-Jongnam-hielt-Gift-fuer-Babyoel?from=rss
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Н. Савченко обнародовала имена украинских военнопленных, содержащихся в оккупированном Донецке


КИЕВ. 25 февраля. УНН. Народный депутат Надежда Савченко, которая вчера находилась в оккупированном Донецке, обнародовала поименный список и расположение в …
“Удалось увидеть наших пленных. Ребята чувствуют себя хорошо. Условия обычные, тюремные. Отношение к ним, говорят, нормальное. В камере по трое, прогулка час в сутки, телевизор смотреть выводят, каналы преимущественно российские, из украинских ловит 1 + 1 и 5 Канал. Верят, что скоро будут на свободе и надежды не теряют “, – написала нардеп.
Напомним, народный депутат Надежда Савченко подтвердила, что находится в Донецке и сообщила об условиях и состояние украинских военнопленных .
Ранее Н. Савченко в Донецке призвала “нормандскую четверку” ускорить обмен пленными.
Напомним, народный депутат от БПП Татьяна Рычкова обратилась в Генеральную прокуратуру и Службу безопасности Украины о возбуждении уголовного дела в отношении народного депутата Надежды Савченко “за подстрекательство военнослужащих Вооруженных сил Украины к свержению государственного строя” .

Similarity rank: 9

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/ru/news/1647147-n-savchenko-oprilyudnila-imena-ukrayinskikh-viyskovopolonenikh-yakikh-utrimuyut-v-okupovanomu-donetsku
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Kim Jong-nam killing: Suspect 'was paid $90 for baby oil prank'


Indonesian woman Siti Aisyah is interviewed over the death of the North Korean leader’s half-brother.
An Indonesian woman arrested for the murder of the half-brother of North Korea’s leader has said she was given 400 Malaysian ringgits ($90; £72) to carry out a prank.
Indonesian embassy officials met Siti Aisyah, 25, on Saturday in the Malaysian capital.
She said she was given the cash to smear Kim Jong-nam’s face with “baby oil” as part of a reality show joke.
Tests show Mr Kim was killed with the highly toxic nerve agent VX.
It is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.
Who could be behind the attack?
Unravelling the mystery of Kim Jong-nam’s death
Mr Kim died last week after two women accosted him briefly in a check-in hall at Kuala Lumpur international airport.
Malaysian police have said that a sweep of the airport for toxic chemicals by a forensic team, the fire department and the Atomic Energy Licensing Board will take place from 01:00 on Sunday (17:00 GMT Saturday).
There is widespread suspicion that North Korea was behind the attack, which it strongly denies.
A Vietnamese woman and a North Korean man have also been arrested in connection with the killing. At least seven other suspects are wanted by police.
After a 30-minute meeting with Siti Aisyah on Saturday, Indonesian Deputy Ambassador Andreano Erwin said: “She only said in general that somebody asked her to do this activity. She only said in general she met with some people who looked Japanese or Korean.
“According to her, that person gave her 400 ringgits to do this activity… She only said she was given a kind of oil, like baby oil. ”
The officials said they did not see any physical signs that the suspect had been affected by the chemical.
Vietnamese officials also met their arrested national, Doan Thi Huong, 28, but made no comment.
Malaysia’s police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said on Friday that the presence of the nerve agent had been detected in swabs taken from Mr Kim’s eyes and face.
Mr Kim had sought medical help at the airport, saying someone had splashed or sprayed him with liquid. He then had a seizure and died on the way to hospital.
Read more about VX
The well-travelled and multilingual oldest son of late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, he was once considered a potential future leader. He has lived abroad for years and was bypassed in favour of his half-brother, Kim Jong-un.
He had been travelling on a passport under the name Kim Chol. North Korea has yet to confirm that the deceased was actually Kim Jong-nam.
For many years, it was believed Kim Jong-nam was being groomed to succeed his father as the next leader.
But that appears to have come to an end in 2001 when Kim was caught sneaking into Japan on a fake passport.
He later became one of the regime’s most high-profile critics, openly questioning the authoritarian policies and dynastic succession his grandfather Kim Il-sung began crafting in 1948.
Kim Jong-nam, North Korea’s critic in exile

Similarity rank: 6.5
Sentiment rank: -93.1

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-39088777
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Syria security buildings attacked by suicide bombers in Homs


Senior security official who heads branch of Syria’s feared Military Intelligence services among dozens killed by suicide bombers
An al Qaeda-linked insurgent coalition known as the Levant Liberation Committee claimed responsibility for the attacks, which also left another high-ranking officer seriously wounded. In a statement on their Telegram channel, the group said five attackers stormed the two different security offices. The group said bombs were also detonated at checkpoints outside the buildings just as rescuers were arriving, leading to more casualties.
The governor of Homs Province, Talal Barzani, told The Associated Press there were three blasts in total, killing more than 32 people. He said the attackers were wearing suicide belts, which they detonated in the security offices. The two agencies are 1.2 miles apart.
As U. S.-backed Iraqi forces push into Mosul, preparations are underway in Syria to liberate ISIS’s self-proclaimed capital of Raqqa. David Martin…
Syrian State News Agency SANA said Maj. Gen Hassan Daeboul, head of the local Military Intelligence branch, was killed by one of the suicide bombers.
According to state TV and state-affiliated al-Ikhbariya TV, Brigadier Ibrahim Darwish, head of the State Security Branch, was also critically wounded in the attacks.
According to Ikhbariya, at least six assailants attacked the two security compounds in Homs’ al-Ghouta and al-Mahata neighborhoods, clashing with security officers before at least two of them detonated explosive vests, killing 32 people. It was not clear if there are any civilians among the casualties.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said at least 42 security officers were killed in the attacks on the offices of the State Security and the Military Intelligence services.
The differing casualty estimates could not be immediately reconciled. Such discrepancies are not uncommon in the immediate aftermath of violence in Syria.
The violence comes as U. S. advisers have turned their attention to strongholds for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, in Syria. Several camps are being run by U. S. special forces to train Syrian fighters , part of a force of about 15,000 being assembled to assault the de-facto ISIS capital of Raqqa.
After 20 days of training, recruits will leave one such base with an AK-47 rifle and a belt of ammunition and head for the front. U. S. Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of U. S. forces in the Middle East, told CBS News national security correspondent David Martin the fighters will need to be supplied with more powerful weapons before they can retake Raqqa, which has been heavily fortified by ISIS.
“We obviously want the people that are fighting here, fighting against ISIS to have the equipment that they need to be successful,” Votel told Martin.
Homs is Syria’s third-largest city and largely in the control of the government.
The attacks are among the most spectacular perpetrated against security agencies in the six-year old conflict – a coordinated operation against two heavily secured government buildings using a combination of armed assault and suicide bombings.
In the early days of the conflict, bombings targeting state security institutions were frequent, usually against military intelligence branches in Damascus and other cities. One of the most dramatic attacks came in July 2012, when insurgents detonated explosives inside a high-level crisis meeting in Damascus, killing four top regime officials, including the brother-in-law of President Bashar Assad and the then-defense minister.
The Syrian security forces run a vast intelligence network that enjoys great powers and operates independently of the military and with little judicial oversight. Rights groups and Syria monitors hold the various branches responsible for some of the more shadowy crimes committed during the conflict, including mass arrests, torture, extrajudicial killings and firing on protesters.
In a February report, the human rights watchdog Amnesty International reported that between 5,000 and 13,000 people were killed in mass hangings in the military’s Saydnaya prison in Damascus between 2011 and 2015. It said the detainees were sent to the prison from around the country by the state’s four main security branches, including the Military Intelligence.

Similarity rank: 11
Sentiment rank: -78.5

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/syria-security-buildings-attacked-suicide-bombers-homs/
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