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Cud w Abruzji – po 40 godzinach w zasypanym śniegiem hotelu są żywi ludzie


NewsHubWłoskie media konsekwentnie przygotowywały opinię publiczną, że w zniszczonym przez lawinę hotelu można znaleźć tylko ofiary śmiertelne. Sądzono, że nawet jeśli ktoś przeżył sam impakt potwornej masy śniegu , która spadła po trzęsieniu ziemi, to zmarł w wyniku wychłodzenia. Okazało się jednak, że było to zbyt pesymistyczne założenie. Dzisiaj dokopano się do żywych ludzi. Jeszcze ich nie uwolniono, ale władze podały, że liczba uratowanych wynosi obecnie 8 osób. Początkowo informowano tylko o dwóch uratowanych. Jeden z nich to mężczyzna, który wyszedł tylko na chwilę do samochodu i wtedy doszło do lawiny. Pod śniegiem w zasypanym hotelu została jego żona i dzieci. Człowiek jest w stanie przetrwać bez jedzenia nawet kilka dni, bardziej potrzebuje wody, a tej na szczęście ewentualnym ocalałym nie brakuje, skoro znajdują się pod śniegiem. Podstawowym problemem dla nich jest zatem walka z wychłodzeniem organizmu. Temperatury nocą, w znajdującym się na wysokości 1200 metrów nad poziomem morza hotelu, mogą być bardzo niskie. Na szczęście śnieg pełni też funkcję izolacyjną dlatego pod jego wielometrową warstwą, a z taką sytuacją mamy do czynienia, jest relatywnie cieplej. Problem jednak w tym, że do miejsca tragedii prowadzi tylko jedna droga odśnieżona na szerokość 3 metrów, a to nie umożliwia dwukierunkowego ruchu pojazdów. Przejazd jest za wąski i nie widać szans na jego szybkie poszerzenie zatem nie ma co liczyć na sprowadzenie ciężkiego sprzętu. Ratownicy pracują głównie za pomocą łopat, zatem penetrowanie lawiny jest bardzo mozolne. To wskazuje na tragiczne położenie około 20 potencjalnych ocalałych. Miejscowi od razu spisali poszkodowanych na straty twierdząc, że najszybciej uda się do nich dotrzeć późną wiosną, ale prawda jest taka, że dzisiejsze sukcesy wskazują, że każda kolejna godzina prób dotarcia do tych ludzi może być obecnie kluczowa dla ich przetrwania.
mydlą oczy, – trzęsie i będzie więcej wesołego miasteczka, biedni Włosi – nikt im nie powie, – “spierdalać”. Przyjacielu z pod Neapolu z krainy 3 jezior (małych, między lasami) na dwu dni uciekaj, do nas. Kwas górą Zwróciliście uwagę na te obrazy które widać było na materiale wideo z zasypanego hotelu? Różne artystyczne gołe laski na nich. To raczej chała niż artyzm. nie cud, ale dziwne wydarzenie napewno…i szczęście w nieszczęściu… zastanawiam się czy w zawalonym hotelu, śnieg mógł całkowicie stłumić sygnał gsm? bo raczej ci ocaleni mieli telefony przy sobie…

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://zmianynaziemi.pl/wiadomosc/cud-w-abruzji-po-40-godzinach-w-zasypanym-sniegiem-hotelu-sa-zywi-ludzie
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Microsoft to stop updating the original Windows 10 release after March 26


NewsHubWindows 10 has changed quite a lot since its original release in July 2015. The November Update and Anniversary Update both introduced new features and major changes, making it a much better and more rounded OS.
But the problem with having different versions of what is essentially the same operating system is that supporting multiple branches isn’t feasible.
Microsoft has said previously that it will only update two Current Branch for Business versions of Windows 10 at a time, and come March 26 it will stop updating the original release, known as 1507.
Businesses that haven’t updated will still be able to continue to use Windows 10, they just won’t receive any updates. In order to continue to receive updates, companies will need to move to a newer version. Microsoft naturally recommends 1607, which is the Anniversary Update.
The end of updates doesn’t affect consumers because Windows 10’s mandatory update approach ensures that users are always running the most up to date version of the OS.
You can find out more about the different Windows 10 releases, and check if your devices are up to date with the latest Windows 10 feature upgrades and servicing updates here .
Photo credit: BlueSkyImage / Shutterstock

Similarity rank: 1.1

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В окупованому Криму висунули офіційне звинувачення журналісту Радіо Свобода


NewsHubВ окупованому Криму 20 січня журналісту видання Радіо Свобода Миколі Семена вручили обвинувальний висновок у справі про сепаратизм.
Сам журналіст свою провину заперечує, повідомляє Крим. Реалії.
Окупаційна влада півострова звинувачують його у сепаратизмі. Зокрема, мова йде про його статтю Блокада – необхідний перший крок до звільнення Криму.
Ще одним аргументом слідства став електронний лист Семени в редакцію, який він видалив відразу після відправки.
Крім того, свідком обвинувачення виступає кримський журналіст Сергій Мєшковой. Видання зазначає, що за попередніми даними наразі він працює в прес-службі угруповання “ЛНР”.
Нагадаємо, 28 квітня повідомлялося, що в Криму викликають на черговий допит журналіста Миколу Семену , якого окупаційна влада півострова звинувачує у сепаратизмі, повідомив адвокат Еміль Курбединов.
Псевдопрокурор Криму Наталія Поклонська заявила, що на півострові порушено кримінальну справу стосовно журналіста видання Крим. Реалії (регіональний підрозділ української служби Радіо Свобода) за заклики до порушення територіальної цілісності РФ.
19 квітня адвокат Еміль Курбединов повідомив, що силовики провели обшуки в будинках трьох журналістів – Миколи Семени, Леньяры Абибулаевой і Руслани Люмановой. Згідно з даними координатора Кримської правозахисної групи Ольги Скрипник, після обшуків затриманих журналістів відвезли на допит.
Пізніше стало відомо, що журналістові Миколі Семені, підозрюваному в екстремізмі, обрано запобіжний захід у вигляді підписки про невиїзд.
Микола Семена – кримський журналіст, який раніше працював на всеукраїнські видання День і Дзеркало тижня, також є колишнім кореспондентом московського видання Известия. Зараз перебуває на пенсії.

Similarity rank: 6.5

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/events/v-okupovanomu-krimu-visunuli-ofitsijne-zvinuvachennja-zhurnalistu-radio-svoboda-509049.html
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Białystok: otwarto punkt dla kandydatów do WOT


NewsHubNa Podlasiu otwarto dziś specjalny punkt, do którego zgłaszać mogą się chętni do przystąpienia do Wojsk Obrony Terytorialnej. Mieści się on w jednym z budynków Wojewódzkiego Sztabu Wojskowego w Białymstoku. W uroczystości otwarcia wziął udział minister obrony narodowej Antoni Macierewicz.
To historyczny dzień, nie mniej istotny, jak obecność wojsk amerykańskich w naszym kraju – podkreślał minister Antoni Macierewicz. Jak dodał, bezpieczeństwo Polski musi być gwarantowane przede wszystkim przez własne zdolności obronne.
Jako pierwsze, z końcem ubiegłego roku, powstały brygady OT w Białymstoku, Lublinie i Rzeszowie. W tym roku mają powstać w kolejnych województwach.
Docelowo WOT mają składać się z około 35 tysięcy żołnierzy. Utworzą oni 17 brygad, natomiast do 2019 roku liczba żołnierzy polskiej armii ma wynieść ponad 150 tysięcy.
TV Trwam News/RIRM

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 1.3

© Source: http://www.radiomaryja.pl/informacje/bialystok-otwarto-punkt-dla-kandydatow-wot/
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Obama Leaves The Oval Office For The Last Time [VIDEO]


NewsHubPresident Barack Obama placed a letter to Donald Trump inside the top left drawer of the Resolute desk and left the Oval Office for the last time Friday, just a few hours ahead of Trump’s inauguration.
Footage from outside the White House shows Obama alone in the office for the last time, giving a glimpse of the moment he drops the letter and then leaves the office behind. He waves as he makes the walk back from the office.
A few minutes later, Obama and wife Michelle welcomed Trump and his wife Melania to the White House, where the two couples met for coffee as is customary, before driving together to the inauguration ceremony.
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Similarity rank: 21
Sentiment rank: 2.5

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/20/obama-leaves-the-oval-office-for-the-last-time-video/
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Новий віце-президент Майкл Пенс склав присягу


NewsHub“Я буду підтримувати і захищати конституцію проти всіх внутрішніх і зовнішніх ворогів, і буду сумлінно виконувати свої обов’язки віце президента США”, — сказав М. Пенс.
Зазначимо, що Майкл Пенс на Капітолійському пагорбі склав свою присягу, тепер він офіційно є віце-президентом США на наступні 4 роки.

Similarity rank: 8

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1637436-noviy-vitse-prezident-maykl-pens-sklav-prisyagu
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Veterans Team Up With Women’s March To Protest Trump


NewsHubVeterans’ groups are taking part in the Women’s March on Washington the day after GOP President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration to protest his presidency.
Veterans For Peace has decided to take part in the march and the Service Women’s Action Network is also gathering female veterans to join the protest , which covers the whole gamut of complaints stemming from Trump’s perceived campaign rhetoric, namely that he’s insulted and demonized immigrants, racial minorities, Muslims, sexual assault victims, LGBT people and other communities, Stars and Stripes reports.
The march, which begins Jan. 21 at 10 a.m., has 200,000 participants registered. Thousands of others have pledged to engage in similar protests across the country.
Veteran Shelly Goode-Burgoyne, who served two tours in Iraq, is concerned that Trump may roll back hard-earned reforms that have ended gender barriers in the military, such as Secretary of Defense Ash Carter’s decision in late 2015 to open up all combat roles to women without exception.
“For many people, many women and men who have fought for a long time for things like gay rights in the military, women’s rights in the military, reproductive rights and others, they see the incoming administration as a direct threat … turning back those things,” Goode-Burgoyne said . “There is a powerful, visceral fear that they woke up in a country they don’t recognize. I don’t think we thought that about other presidents.”
Former Army Capt. Sue Fulton is also joining the protest. She was one of the first women to graduate from West Point and has been active in pushing progressive reforms in the military, namely the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t tell” in 2011. She’s founded a group of LGBT veterans.
Still, Fulton does not necessarily believe Trump is interested in starting a culture war and rolling back changes instead of taking the fight to America’s real enemies like the Islamic State.
Kate Germano, chief operating officer at the Service Women’s Action Network, wants a huge show of women to signal to the Trump administration that “we won’t roll over.”
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Similarity rank: 22
Sentiment rank: 1.7

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/20/veterans-team-up-with-womens-march-to-protest-trump/
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T2 Trainspotting: Critics praise film sequel


NewsHubT2 Trainspotting has received broadly positive reviews from critics, although many noted it will not have the same impact as the original.
The sequel to 1996’s Trainspotting sees most of the original cast reunited with director Danny Boyle.
Kate Muir of The Times said the film was “like riding a tragi-comic wave”.
“The original actors have matured well, and while the lunatic enthusiasm of their youth has disappeared, they give their nuanced all here,” she added.
Based on the Irvine Welsh novel Porno, T2 Trainspotting is set in the present day with the main characters now in middle age.
Ewan McGregor, Jonny Lee Miller, Robert Carlyle and Ewen Bremner have all reprised their roles for the new film.
Writing in The Guardian , Peter Bradshaw said: “Reuniting the cast of Trainspotting for a new adventure 21 years on could have gone badly.
“But Boyle and his four musketeers give it just the right frantic, jaded energy and manic anxiety. ”
He added that while “T2 isn’t as good as T1”, it “has the same punchy energy, the same defiant pessimism, and there’s nothing around like this”.
Analysis by Neil Smith, BBC entertainment reporter
Boyle’s masterstroke is to tackle the passing of time head-on. Where the characters in the original film were blissfully insouciant about their self-destructive hedonism, they are here all too aware of the cul-de-sacs and dead ends at which they’ve now arrived.
They are, to quote T2’s most striking line, “tourists in their own youth” – a description that applies just as much to the audience member who goes to the film hoping to have the same giddy high they experienced two decades ago.
Overall, is it as good as the original? The answer is no – but it comes pretty darn close.
Read the full review.
However, The Scotsman ‘s Alistair Harkness was less positive about the film, awarding it three stars.
“The best that can be said about the new film is that it hasn’t completely tarnished the original,” he wrote.
“Boyle’s frenetic, collage-like directing style gives the film a trying-too-hard feel and even though some of it does jolt T2 to life, the cast doesn’t always have the emotional range to make it cohere. ”
The Telegraph ‘s Robbie Collin also gave the movie three stars.
“There’s no chance of its successor matching that legacy, but it won’t tarnish it either. Though the film feeds on its forerunner, it’s worthwhile on its own terms,” he said.
The Hollywood Reporter ‘s Neil Young wrote: “T2 never threatens to find its own distinctive voice. ”
He also pointed out the female characters “are very much on the sidelines, even more so than in Trainspotting”.
“Kelly MacDonald pops up for a one-scene, two-minute cameo (which nevertheless somehow nabs her fifth billing),” he said.
But the Scottish Daily Record ‘s Chris Hunneysett was more positive, calling the film “an addictive hit of pure cinema”.
He said that while it “won’t capture the youthful zeitgeist the way Trainspotting did”, Boyle “has created an unapologetically abrasive tale of longevity, loyalty and friendship”.
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Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -1

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-38689704
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Port pile-driving project hits foul note with neighbors


NewsHubWorld War II D-Day veteran inspires volunteers for Paint Tacoma Beautiful.
In August of 2006 the Soul Salmon sculpture in Gateway Park disappeared. Earlier this month, it mysteriously returned. The development marks an end to a decade-long whodunit, and a cause to celebrate in Old Town
Puyallup Police Department Community Outreach Officer Jeff Bennett takes The News Tribune columnist Matt Driscoll on a walking tour of his city’s homeless trails.
Jeannie Daniels grew up in Salishan and has raised her kids there. With the major redevelopment finished, she talks about the changes.
Katarina Gruber is honored at a ceremony in Pierce County for becoming Washington state’s 4 millionth registered voter.
Leo Randolph Sr. will be one of three Grand Marshals for the Daffodil Parade this year. Randolph isn’t just a transit operator for Pierce Transit: The Tacoma native is an Olympic boxer, having won the Flyweight Gold medal at the 1976 Summer Olympics.
Felicia Ellerson talks about coping with homelessness as she lives in her RV beside South Tacoma Way.
On the second Sunday of every month the Medex Tacoma Urban Grace Foot Clinic provides Tacoma’s homeless population with basic foot care and health screenings. An average of 15 to 20 people take advantage of the free care every month. The clinic is staffed by graduates of the UWT’s Physician Assistant Program as well as current students. The clinic is “student run and founded,” according to Mike Carter, PA-C BCHS, who has been volunteering his time since the clinic’s creation in 2014.
On the second Sunday of every month the Medics Tacoma Urban Grace Foot Clinic provides Tacoma’s homeless population with basic foot care and health screenings. An average of 15 to 20 people take advantage of the free care every month. The clinic is staffed by graduates of the UWT’s Physician Assistant Program as well as current students. The clinic is “student run and founded,” according to Mike Carter, PA-C BCHS, who has been volunteering his time since the clinic’s creation in 2014.
The Mason Avenue Apartments is an example of a public-private partnership providing low-income housing in Tacoma. In August, residents making 30 or 50 percent of the average median income began moving in. By the end of the month, the development’s 105 units will be full, giving over 300 low-income residents housing they can afford.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: -3.3

© Source: http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/matt-driscoll/article127607874.html
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Metra Fares To Increase In February


NewsHubCHICAGO (CBS) — A Metra fare increase will go into effect at the start of February that will raise the annual cost to ride the train by $141 for those buying a monthly pass.
Metra said the fare increases, which take effect Feb. 1, include:
• a 25-cent increase on one-way tickets;
• a $2.75 increase on 10-ride tickets; and
• an $11.75 increase on monthly tickets.
The revenue brought in by the fare increase will be used to generate $16.1 million to fund the transit agency’s backlog of capital improvement projects, things needed to keep trains and stations in good repair, Metra said.
“We understand raising fares will affect our riders, but this increase will be strictly allocated as an investment in our trains and our system,” Metra Executive Director/CEO Don Orseno said in a statement.
Metra said it has less than $300 million to spend on projects annually over the next four years, which is $900 million less than it needs.
(Source: Sun-Times Media Wire © Chicago Sun-Times 2017. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 3.6

© Source: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/01/20/metra-fares-to-increase-in-february/
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