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Lotte schaltet auch 1860 München aus – Schalke souverän


Nach Bremen und Leverkusen stolperte nun auch Zweitligist 1860 München über den Drittligisten Lotte.
Pokalschreck Sportfreunde Lotte hat es als einziger Drittligist ins Viertelfinale des DFB-Pokals geschafft. Der Außenseiter besiegte den Zweitligisten TSV 1860 München 2:0 (1:0).
Keine Überraschung gab es dagegen in Sandhausen. Der FC Schalke 04 setzte sich beim Zweitligisten souverän mit 4:1 (3:0) durch. Am Dienstag hatten bereits der Hamburger SV, Titelverteidiger Bayern München, Borussia Mönchengladbach und Arminia Bielefeld das Weiterkommen geschafft.
Die Sportfreunde Lotte bleiben der Pokalschreck des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs. Nach den Bundesligisten Werder Bremen und Bayer Leverkusen scheiterte nun auch Zweitligist TSV 1860 München am Drittliga-Neuling. Jaroslaw Lindner (26. Minute) und Kevin Freiberger (58.) schossen das 2:0 (1:0) von Lotte heraus und machten ihren kleinen Club um 1,265 Millionen Euro reicher. Rund eine Million Euro hatte schon das Mitwirken im Achtelfinale gebracht. Dabei ist Lotte erst zum dritten Mal überhaupt im DFB-Pokal dabei. Für die Löwen mit ihrem neuen Trainer Vitor Pereira setzte es indes die nächste Enttäuschung, nachdem sie am Wochenende durch ein 1:2 bei Arminia Bielefeld tiefer in den Tabellenkeller gerutscht waren. Zu allem Überfluss sah 1860-Profi Ribamar noch die Rote Karte wegen groben Foulsdpiels (90.+2).
Dank einer hocheffektiven Chancenverwertung ist der FC Schalke 04 erstmals seit sechs Jahren ins Viertelfinale des DFB-Pokals eingezogen. Beim zuvor seit fünf Spielen unbesiegten Fußball-Zweitligisten SV Sandhausen setzte sich der Revierclub am Mittwoch glanzlos und souverän mit 4:1 (3:0) durch. Mit einem Dreierpack innerhalb von acht Minuten sorgten Alessandro Schöpf (38. Minute), Winter-Neuzugang Daniel Caligiuri (43.) und Verteidiger Naldo (45.+1) noch vor der Halbzeit für die Entscheidung. SVS-Angreifer Andrew Wooten (64.) gelang im erstmals mit 14 500 Zuschauern ausverkauften Hardtwaldstadion der zwischenzeitliche Anschlusstreffer. Gegen die ansonsten harmlosen Gastgeber sorgte eingewechselte Jewgen Konopljanka (71.) wenig später für den Endstand. Letztmals hatten die Schalker 2011 die Runde der besten acht Teams erreicht – und waren anschließend Pokalsieger geworden. (dpa)

Similarity rank: 4.7

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/sport/Lotte-schaltet-auch-1860-Muenchen-aus-Schalke-souveraen-id40474706.html
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Wolfsburg im DFB-Pokal der Frauen gegen FC Bayern


Berlin (dpa) – Die Fußball-Frauen des FC Bayern München treffen im Viertelfinale des DFB-Pokals auf Titelverteidiger VfL Wolfsburg. Das erga
Berlin (dpa) – Die Fußball-Frauen des FC Bayern München treffen im Viertelfinale des DFB-Pokals auf Titelverteidiger VfL Wolfsburg. Das ergab die Auslosung der vier Partien in der Runde der besten Acht. Damit kommt es schon im Viertelfinale zum Duell des Deutschen Meisters mit dem Pokalsieger.
In den drei weiteren Begegnungen empfängt Werder Bremen Vorjahresfinalist SC Sand, der SC Freiburg den 1. FFC Frankfurt und BV Cloppenburg bekommt es mit Bayer Leverkusen zu tun. Die Partien finden am 15. März statt, die beiden Halbfinals am 16. April und das Finale am 27. Mai.

Similarity rank: 4.7

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/news/sport/fussball-wolfsburg-im-dfb-pokal-der-frauen-gegen-fc-bayern-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-170209-99-212029?source=rss
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Britisches Unterhaus stimmt für das Brexit-Gesetz


London (dpa) – Das Unterhaus in Großbritannien hat dem Brexit-Gesetz der Regierung mit großer Mehrheit zugestimmt. Das Gesetz soll Premiermi
London (dpa) – Das Unterhaus in Großbritannien hat dem Brexit-Gesetz der Regierung mit großer Mehrheit zugestimmt. Das Gesetz soll Premierministerin Theresa May die Vollmacht geben, den EU-Austritt einzuleiten.
494 Abgeordnete stimmten dafür, 122 dagegen.
Die Zustimmung des Oberhauses steht noch aus, gilt aber als sicher. Bis zum 7. März soll das Gesetz von beiden Häusern verabschiedet sein.
Die Opposition hatte versucht, Änderungen an dem knapp gehaltenen Gesetzestext einzubringen, um sich Einfluss auf die Brexit-Verhandlungen mit der EU zu sichern. Auch Abweichler aus der Regierungsfraktion hatten sich den Anträgen angeschlossen. Trotzdem gelang es der Regierung, den knappen Gesetzestext ohne Änderungen durchs Unterhaus zu bringen.
Die Weigerung der Regierung, auch nur einen einzigen Änderungsantrag zu akzeptieren, sorgte bei vielen Oppositionsabgeordneten für Unmut. Der
ehemalige schottische Regierungschef und SNP-Abgeordnete Alex Salmond bezeichnete das Vorgehen als “abscheulich”. Mehrere Parlamentarier stimmten während der finalen Stimmabgabe die Europahymne an.
In dem kurzen Gesetzentwurf heißt es: “Die Premierministerin darf die Absicht des Vereinigten Königreichs zum Austritt aus der EU, gemäß Artikel 50 des Vertrags über die Europäische Union, bekannt geben. ” May reagiert damit auf eine Entscheidung des höchsten britischen Gerichts, wonach das Parlament das letzte Wort über die Austrittserklärung haben muss.
Die Abstimmung offenbarte auch tiefe Risse in der Labour-Fraktion. Parteichef Jeremy Corbyn hatte den Abgeordneten augetragen, für das Gesetz zu stimmen. Sein Schattenminister für Wirtschaft, Clive Lewis, trat kurz vor der Abstimmung von seinem Amt zurück, um gegen das Gesetz stimmen zu können.
Als Zugeständnis sicherte die Regierung zu, das britische Parlament werde über ein Abkommen mit der EU am Ende der zweijährigen Austrittsverhandlungen abstimmen dürfen. Eine Ablehnung werde aber nicht zu Nachverhandlungen führen. Damit würde Großbritannien die EU ohne Regelung der künftigen Handelsbeziehungen verlassen und müsste auf die Regeln der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) zurückgreifen.
Premierministerin May hatte angekündigt, dass sie gleich zu Beginn der Verhandlungen mit der EU versuchen werde, eine
Regelung für die Rechte von EU-Bürgern in Großbritannien und für Briten in der EU zu finden.

Similarity rank: 6.5

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/news/politik/eu-britisches-unterhaus-stimmt-fuer-das-brexit-gesetz-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-170207-99-195046?source=rss
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VW-Aufsichtsräte weisen Piëchs Anschuldigungen zurück


Im VW-Abgasskandal hat der frühere Aufsichtsratschef Ferdinand Piëch einem Bericht zufolge mehrere Aufsichtsräte des Autobauers schwer belastet.
Wie die «Bild»-Zeitung unter Berufung auf eine Aussage Piëchs bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Braunschweig berichtete, sollen unter anderen Niedersachsens Ministerpräsident Stephan Weil (SPD) und Betriebsratschef Bernd Osterloh bereits Anfang März 2015 von Hinweisen auf Abgas-Manipulationen in den USA erfahren haben – und damit viel früher als bisher bekannt. Der Skandal war im Herbst 2015 öffentlich bekannt geworden.
Der Aufsichtsrat von Volkswagen wies die von Piëch erhobenen Behauptungen «mit allem Nachdruck» als falsch zurück. «Eine ähnliche Darstellung, die sich neben dem ehemaligen Vorsitzenden des Vorstandes vor allem gegen eine Reihe aktueller wie ehemaliger Mitglieder des Aufsichtsratspräsidiums richtet, hatte Ferdinand Piëch im Frühjahr 2016 schon im Rahmen der internen, unabhängigen Untersuchungen gegeben», hieß es in einer Stellungnahme am Mittwochabend.
Diese Darstellung sei im weiteren Verlauf durch die Kanzlei Jones Day eingehend und detailliert überprüft worden. «Dabei haben sich keine Anhaltspunkte für die Richtigkeit dieser Behauptungen ergeben, sie wurden insgesamt als unglaubwürdig eingestuft.»
Weiter hieß es, der VW-Vorstand werde mögliche Maßnahmen und Ansprüche gegen Piëch «sorgfältig prüfen». (dpa)

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/wirtschaft/VW-Aufsichtsraete-weisen-Pi-chs-Anschuldigungen-zurueck-id40474426.html
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Trump travel ban on Muslim nations loses in federal appeals court


A federal appeals court upheld a temporary restraining order blocking President Trump’s extreme vetting policy Thursday night, delivering another legal setback for the new administration.
A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that President Trump’s extreme vetting executive order is likely illegal, upholding a temporary restraining order that’s halted most of the president’s plan and delivering the first serious legal setback of the new administration.
The 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the administration bungled the writing of the Jan. 27 executive order by making it too broad, and then botched the legal defense in court, failing to back up a number of its claims of expansive presidential powers in the area of national security.
In a unanimous ruling the judges said that courts must serve as a check on the president, even when he claims to be acting under his national security powers, and said the hassle his order would have caused to citizens, immigrants — both legal and illegal — and to their relatives still living overseas was too much to stomach.
SEE ALSO: 77% of refugees allowed into U. S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries
On the other hand, halting the extreme vetting policy while the courts sort everything out further wouldn’t harm the government, the judges said.
“The government has not shown a likelihood of success on the merits of its appeal, nor has it shown that failure to enter a stay would cause irreparable injury, and we therefore deny its emergency motion for a stay,” the judges said in an unsigned opinion.
The Justice Department wouldn’t tip its legal strategy Thursday, and declined to say what Mr. Trump’s tweet meant. A spokeswoman would only say the department “is reviewing the decision and considering its options.”
Thursday’s ruling maintains a temporary restraining order imposed by a lower-court judge last week, meaning Mr. Trump cannot carry out most of his policy.
But it’s not the last word. The judges already set a schedule for a more full hearing of the case in March, and an appeal is also possible.
Immigrant-rights advocates cheered the ruling, saying the court stood up for refugees and immigrants.
“The government’s erratic and chaotic attempts to enforce this unconstitutional ban have taken a tremendous toll on innocent individuals, our country’s values, and our standing in the world,” said Omar Jadwat, director of the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project.
Conservatives, though, said the decision was misguided and potentially dangerous.
“No foreigner has a constitutional right to enter the United States and courts ought not second-guess sensitive national-security decisions of the president,” said Sen. Tom Cotton, Arkansas Republican. “This misguided ruling is from the Ninth Circuit, the most notoriously left-wing court in America and the most reversed court at the Supreme Court. I’m confident the administration’s position will ultimately prevail.”
Mr. Trump’s order halted for 90 days visitors from Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Libya. It also paused the U. S. refugee program for 120 days. Both delays were intended to give the government a chance to improve vetting procedures, officials said.
The seven countries singled out in the policy were not Mr. Trump’s picks. They were based on a 2015 law passed by Congress, and a 2016 determination by the Obama administration that those countries didn’t have enough infrastructure or cooperation with the U. S. for American officials to trust that the people coming from there were who they said they were.
“I’m at a total loss to understand how we can vet people from various countries when in at least four of those countries we don’t even have an embassy,” Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly told Congress earlier this week, defending the executive order.
Some 60,000 visas were canceled and more than 1,000 people were blocked from getting on planes to travel to the U. S. after the order went into effect.
A number of legal challenges were filed, and the Trump administration quickly issued guidance saying that green card holders, signifying legal permanent residency, and Iraqis traveling on visas issued because of their help to the U. S. war effort should be admitted.
Even after those clarifications, the states of Washington and Minnesota filed a lawsuit in Seattle arguing most of the policy was illegal.
Late last Friday, Judge James L. Robart issued a temporary restraining order putting most of the policy on hold.
The Trump administration had argued that the president’s national security decisions, particularly in the area of immigration, shouldn’t be second-guessed by the courts.
But the 9th Circuit panel shot down that claim.
“There is no precedent to support this claimed unreviewability, which runs contrary to the fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy,” the judges wrote.
Trump lawyers also said nobody outside the U. S. has a right to a visa.
But both Judge Robart and the 9th Circuit disagreed. The appeals court said illegal immigrants in the U. S. have some rights, as do relatives living inside the U. S. to facilitate the travel of their families still living outside the country.
The appellate judges said Mr. Trump botched the matter by writing such a broad order in the first place, and said it wasn’t their job to rewrite the order to make it legal.
The judges also rejected Mr. Trump’s attempt to have his lawyers try to clarify his ruling by exempting green card holders. The court said it “seems unlikely” that the White House counsel could legally amend or supersede an executive order signed by the president.
The appellate judges said they would save for later the debate over whether Mr. Trump’s policy amounts to the “Muslim ban” he promised during the campaign — which, if true, would be an unconstitutional infringement on religion, immigrant-rights advocates said.
Thursday’s ruling contrasts with a federal district judge in Boston, who upheld the Trump policy in a ruling last week.
That judge ruled that Congress had clearly given the president the power to exclude aliens, and said foreigners do not have a right to demand a visa.
“Thus, because an alien does not enjoy a property right in a visa, he has no due process right that protects the manner in which a visa is revoked,” Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton wrote in his opinion.
Mr. Trump this week urged other courts to look to that ruling.
He also said he listened to the oral argument at the 9th Circuit and was dismayed, saying the arguments strayed far from his focus on keeping the country safe from the threats he sees.
“I listened to lawyers on both sides last night and they were talking about things that had just nothing to do with it,” he told a law enforcement gathering on Wednesday.
Polling on the extreme vetting policy has been confusing. One poll taken by Morning Consult this week showed a clear majority — 54 percent — in favor of the temporary ban on visitors from the seven suspect countries, while a CBS News poll found a majority — 51 percent — to be opposed. A CNN poll put opposition at 53 percent.
Copyright © 2017 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.
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Similarity rank: 33
Sentiment rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/feb/9/trump-travel-ban-muslim-nations-loses-federal-appe/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS
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The Latest: 1,700 flights canceled at New York area airports ::


The Latest on a fast-moving snowstorm sweeping through the Northeast (all times local):
Posted A minute ago
Updated 47 seconds ago
By The Associated Press
The Latest on a fast-moving snowstorm sweeping through the Northeast (all times local):
7:15 a.m.
Authorities say nearly 1,700 flights have been canceled at New York City’s three major airports because of the powerful winter storm hitting the region.
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey says Newark International has the most cancellations with 607 as of 6:30 a.m. Thursday, followed by 572 at LaGuardia and 508 at JFK for a total of 1,687 flights. The agency says that’s roughly 50 percent of the daily flights at the three airports.
Flight cancellations in the New York metro area and other northeastern states began Wednesday as the storm approached the region. The storm is expected to dump more than a foot of snow on some parts of the New York City area by the end of the day.
The majority of flights have also been canceled at Philadelphia International Airport.
6:25 a.m.
Hundreds of schools are closed from the Albany area to the eastern tip of Long Island because of the major Northeast storm that’s expected to dump more than a foot of snow in some areas.
The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning for all of Long Island until 6 p.m. Thursday. Meteorologists say high winds and blowing snow will reduce visibility in Nassau and Suffolk counties.
Snow is slowing the morning commute around New York City and upstate, where highways and secondary roads in the Albany area are covered in snow.
Snowfall forecasts range from a few inches in central New York to a foot or more in the Hudson Valley, New York City and Long Island. Wind gusts in some metro New York areas are expected to be as high as 45 mph.
5 a.m.
The northeastern U. S. is bracing for a fast-moving storm that’s expected to bring more than a foot of snow in some places.
Forecasters say the Thursday snowstorm likely will snarl workday commutes, starting in the early morning and continuing into the evening.
It could become the region’s most powerful storm so far this winter.
The National Weather Service predicts that some parts of New England could get 12 to 18 inches of snow, New York City could see 8 to 12 inches and the Philadelphia area 4 to 8 inches.
The snow is expected to fall at a clip of 2 to 4 inches per hour at times, so near whiteout conditions are possible.
Officials also are warning of high winds, coastal flooding and power outages.

Similarity rank: 6.7
Sentiment rank: -3

© Source: http://www.wral.com/the-latest-snowstorm-forces-school-closures-across-ny/16516225/
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China to take fingerprints of all foreign visitors upon entry ‹ Japan Today


China is to begin taking fingerprints of all foreign visitors as it steps up security on its borders, the Ministry…
China is to begin taking fingerprints of all foreign visitors as it steps up security on its borders, the Ministry of Public Security said on Thursday.
The fingerprinting of foreigners will be introduced at Shenzhen airport in the south from Friday, and it will then be gradually rolled out at other entry points around the country, the ministry said in a statement.
All foreign passport holders aged 14-70 will have to give their fingerprints, it said, without saying if other biometric data would also be collected.
The ministry said the regulation would strengthen immigration controls and increase efficiency.
The United States, Japan, Taiwan and Cambodia, among others, have similar requirements.
While Chinese border posts do not generally have overly onerous entry formalities, most visitors need a visa, though many cities have visa-free deals for visits of a few days as part of efforts to boost tourism.
(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.

Similarity rank: 1.5

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/world/view/china-to-take-fingerprints-of-all-foreign-visitors-upon-entry
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China's response to THAAD does not warrant South Korean action – minister


South Korea’s finance minister said on Thursday China had not taken any retaliatory measures over plans to deploy a U. S. anti-missile system that warranted official action, although South Korea is ready to lodge a formal complaint if needed….
South Korea’s finance minister said on Thursday China had not taken any retaliatory measures over plans to deploy a U. S. anti-missile system that warranted official action, although South Korea is ready to lodge a formal complaint if needed. Finance Minister Yoo Il-ho was answering questions from legislators on whether China was taking action against South Korean companies for the planned deployment later this year of the U. S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system. China worries that the system’s powerful radar can penetrate its territory and it has objected to the deployment. “If China officially takes unfair action against South Korea we would openly move against it, but as long as China says its moves are not related to THAAD and rather, local measures at home, the South Korean government cannot accuse China of retaliating,” said Yoo. South Korea’s Lotte Group said on Wednesday Chinese authorities halted construction at a multi-billion dollar real estate project in the northeastern city of Shenyang after a fire inspection. Yoo said Lotte executives had told the government the Chinese decision to halt the project was not directly related to the deployment of THAAD. South Korea and the United States have said the missile system is only intended to defend against North Korean aggression. Hours before Yoo’s appearance at parliament, the Bank of Korea said the number of Chinese tourists going to South Korea’s tourist island of Jeju, had fallen 6.7 percent over the Lunar New Year holiday from last year. The central bank said in a report the fall in arrivals was partly due to China’s “anti-South Korea measures due to the THAAD deployment decision”. Earlier, South Korean officials said they suspected a Chinese decision in December to deny applications from South Korean airlines to expand charter flights between the countries was “indirect” retaliation for South Korea’s deployment of the missile system. China has not commented on South Korea’s suspicions about retaliation.

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2069475/chinas-response-thaad-does-not-warrant-south-korean
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Dollar firms up as investors look ahead to U. S.-Japan summit


Nervousness before Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s meeting with U. S. President Donald Trump in Washington on Friday was keeping a lid on the yen’s strength.
The dollar’s rebound in mid-morning trade in Asia is ascribed to dip buying from Japanese corporate players including importers for their commercial trade settlements.
Still, investors are cautious about buying the dollar due to uncertain fiscal policy in the U. S. and signs that wages there aren’t rising as fast as many had expected, said Marito Ueda, director at FX Prime by GMO.
Investors are also shying away from buying the euro given potential political risks related to the French presidential election, he said. “That makes investors inevitable to buy the yen,” said Mr. Ueda.
There is also nervousness before Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s meeting with U. S. President Donald Trump in Washington on Friday. Many are closely watching the U. S.-Japan summit especially after Trump unnerved Tokyo officials by accusing Japan of having unfairly influenced financial markets and the yen to help its exporters beat U. S. companies.
The dollar has been hovering in the ¥111 and ¥112 range recently, but is “unlikely to fall to ¥110 unless [there’s] clear and convincing signs of risk-off incentives,” said Nomura Securities chief FX strategist Yunosuke Ikeda.
Ikeda expects no jawboning–which could fuel a dollar bounce on Monday — and said the dollar will likely be well-supported around the technical chart line of ¥111.39.
Currency watchers are closely monitoring results from a 30-year Japanese government bond auction during Tokyo’s lunch break. The Japanese yen remained highly volatile against its rival currencies Friday last week, coinciding with strong gyrations in the benchmark Japanese government bond yields.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?guid=%7BF94E190C-EE8E-11E6-BEA2-ECB993F6EF5C%7D&siteid=rss&rss=1
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Microsoft announces 'Project Rome' SDK for Android


Microsoft has released the Android version of the ‘Project Rome’ SDK. The platform aims to minimize the “experience gap” for consumers who use the same apps on Android and Windows devices.
With the Windows 10 Anniversary Update , Microsoft rolled out some developer-centric features such as “Project Rome” as well. The platform aimed to increase user engagement by providing experiences that would blur the lines between consumers and their devices, irrespective of the latter’s operating system or form factor.
After shipping Project Rome capabilities for Remote Launch and Remote App Services in the Anniversary Update, Microsoft has now announced the Project Rome SDK for Android.
To illustrate the capabilities of the SDK, Microsoft has detailed a situation in which a developer with an app for both Windows devices and Android, has users log in with the same Microsoft account. By harnessing the capabilities of Project Rome, the developer will be able to integrate a solution in which the Remote Systems API will discover other Windows devices on the same network as well as through the cloud, so that the app is automatically launched on these devices. Microsoft believes that this seamless transition between Windows and Android devices will bridge the “experience gap” between the two platforms.
The company states that it is also working on controlling apps running on Windows via Android devices, and that the feature is “coming soon”.
Microsoft has cautioned that the Android SDK – which you can download from here – works with both Java and Xamarin. It has also detailed the code required to utilize it, among other details, in its blog post here.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/uz5PfNOovII/microsoft-announces-project-rome-sdk-for-android
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