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"Юта" вышла победителем в матче регулярного чемпионата НБА против "Финикс Санс"


NewsHubКоманды не могли оторваться на значительное расстояние друг от друга практически весь поединок, о чем свидетельствует счет после каждой из трех четвертей – 29:29, 26:22, 21:20. Еще за четыре минуты до конца матча “Финикс” был впереди, но заключительный отрезок проиграл 2: 8.
Примечательно, что при счете 89:86 в пользу хозяев за 10 секунд до конца основного времени встречи защитник “Санс” Девин Букер имел шанс перевести баталию в овертайм, однако его трехочковый не добрался до цели – 91:86.
Самым результативным игроком встречи с 20 очками стал атакующий защитник Девин Букер. У победителей лучшими стали легкий форвард Гордон Хейворд и центровой Руди Гобер, набравшие по 18 очков. При этом Р. Гобер также сделал 13 подборов.
Что касается украинских баскетболистов, то А. Лень начал встречу на скамейке запасных, однако получил 22:40 минуты на паркете – 4 очка (2/5 двухочковые), 4 подбора, 1 блок-шот при 5 фолах.
Зато Х. Боломбой, который проводит лишь дебютный сезон в Ассоциации, игровых минут не получил.
Напомним, что “Юта” находится в зоне плей-офф Западной конференции – 21 победа и 13 поражений. “Санс” замыкают турнирную таблицу Запада – 10 выигрышей и 24 отрицательных результатах.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/ru/news/1632405-yuta-viyshla-peremozhtsem-u-matchi-regulyarnogo-chempionatu-nba-proti-finiks-sans
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Основной голкипер ФК "Ворскла" покинул команду


NewsHubВ свою очередь капитан “полтавчан” Владимир Чеснаков, и Павел Ребенок заявили, что пока покидать “Ворсклу” не собираются.
Заметим, что дальнейшее пребывание в команде арендованных игроков, срок аренды которых истекает, пока не комментируют.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/ru/news/1632418-osnovniy-golkiper-fk-vorskla-zalishiv-komandu
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Hollywood In 2017: So, Should We Be Worried?


NewsHubWe’ve rarely entered a new year with a greater sense of uncertainty about what the days and months ahead will bring.
On the brink of an unexpected and entirely unpredictable presidency, Hollywood is looking over its shoulder and asking: Should we be worried?
Hollywood has been worried about its future for the better part of the past decade, as technology has stolen its thunder and disrupted a once-flush business model.
The layering-on of reality show huckster Donald Trump as our new president — something that was unimaginable a year ago — creates an entirely new level of complication.
Also Read: Donald Trump’s Sour New Year’s Tweet Gets Slaughtered on Social Media
Will Trump be bad for politics but good for stock prices? So far the stock market is decidedly up. But that doesn’t seem to be based on anything concrete. “Stock rises based on feel-good optimism have a history of hitting a factual air pocket, and dropping suddenly and precipitously,” writes Forbes contributor John Tobey.
And what about the news business? The disruption of traditional journalism took a quantum leap forward with a president elect who bypasses normal channels to offer the world his news-bomblettes via Twitter.
Short-term, Trump has been good for CNN, Fox, MSNBC — and CBS, as Les Moonves said earlier in 2016. Viewership and advertising has soared. But Moonves may well live to regret his famous remark: “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS” as the new president abandons tradition, avoids press conferences and continually attacks journalists who criticize him. We’ve also started to watch him play favorites with Joe Scarborough and TMZ. This is not good.
Also Read: 2016 In Review: Everybody Loves Content, China and Other Lessons From the Year in Deals
From a business perspective, the uncertainty is biggest when it comes to foreign affairs. China is the most important new market for Hollywood movies and television shows. It is the main source of new investment capital and the single most important engine of growth in a mature industry.
China is not an easy partner, and it took years for the industry to work to slightly ease the quotas limiting foreign productions from distribution. A multi-billion-dollar production facility and theme park is set to be built in Guangzhou in the next decade, an important outlet for Hollywood talent.
So Trump’s provocation of China throws a wrench into any media company planning for 2017, that is certain.
The high-priced purchases of content companies of late — Yahoo by Verizon, Time Warner by AT&T, Legendary and Dick Clark Productions by Dalian Wanda — suggest that storytelling remains a desirable business.
But the power center has shifted. It seems that distribution companies now hold the key to where content is headed:
Also Read: Hulu Strikes First Theatrical Features Licensing Deal With Disney
This leaves Fox and Disney as the main freestanding major entertainment companies. Outlier Sony is still owned by a Japanese-based computer hardware company (but for how long?), and Viacom and CBS are the ripest question of the day as Sumner Redstone steps down and daughter Shari steps up. Billions of dollars of shareholder value are on the line as crown jewels MTV and Comedy Central teeter in the void of leadership and creativity. Paramount, another jewel in the Viacom crown, magically manages to produces some important movies this season, even as the studio shrinks year by year.
Whew. Well THAT’s over! Yay. It can only get better now.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) January 1, 2017
The tectonic shifts of the past decade driven by technology are now well in place. With the addition of a new president whose core ideology is unclear, whose priorities are still emerging and who has the open contempt of the artistic community, it’s fair to say that 2017 will be a rocky path.
Let’s all buckle up.
Read original story Hollywood In 2017: So, Should We Be Worried? At TheWrap

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 0.4

© Source: http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/the-wrap/article/Hollywood-In-2017-So-Should-We-Be-Worried-10829820.php
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China's homegrown populism to test Xi Jinping


NewsHubBritain voted to leave Europe, and the United States voted to elect Donald Trump. Now, could China be facing a populist backlash of its own?
Some China watchers say a growing populist movement will test the nation’s leadership ahead of the 19th Party Congress in late 2017, set to be one of the year’s biggest political events.
The Congress is essentially a three-week long meeting in which the ruling Communist Party selects and announce the country’s next leaders. President Xi Jinping is widely expected to be given a second term. However, his ability to manage rising socio-economic pressures will be a major theme in the lead-up to the Congress, Nicholas Consonery, senior Asia-Pacific director at FTI Consulting, told CNBC last week.
Although the world’s number two economy doesn’t hold free elections, citizens are ensuring their voices are heard in other ways.
Cynicism with Beijing’s economy-first policies has created a new political movement known as the New Left, or neo-Maoism, that supports the egalitarian ideas preached by dictator Mao Zedong.
“The New Left is characterized by an emphasis on the state power to redress the problems of injustice and other negative effects of privatization, marketization and globalization. It argues for more emphasis on economic justice, not just economic growth at any price,” explained Chinese academic Li He in a 2008 paper.
As such, China hasn’t remained totally immune to the pronounced anti-establishment wave, a key political leitmotif of 2016 that’s upended the political consensus across the globe.
“We tend to see China as a country that has benefited enormously from globalization,” Consonery said. Still, “what we see today, in an environment of widening socioeconomic inequality, is a lot of skepticism within China about orientation towards free trade and open markets. ”
Some economists expect China to overtake the U. S. as the world’s largest economy within a matter of years, and its poverty ratio—defined by the World Bank as people living on less than $2 per day—among China’s nearly 1.4 billion population has fallen steeply over the last three decades. Yet according to nonprofit advocacy group The Borgen Project, at least 82 million Chinese still live below the poverty line, while millions more subsist on an annual income of less than $400.
In other countries, a similar tableau of problems have reverberated at the ballot box. In Europe and the U. S., complaints that globalization and open immigration have widened socio-economic inequality and resulted in fewer jobs resulted in a nationalist-tinged backlash that led to the United Kingdom’s historic Brexit vote, and the ascendancy of President-elect Donald Trump .
In South Korea, voters sick of crony capitalism and political scandals are warming up to a politician who likens himself to U. S. independent politician Bernie Sanders.
China’s New Left movement’s origin dates back to the early 2000s, when intellectuals became concerned about economic inequalities resulting from the government’s market-oriented reform. “The New Left was shocked by how polarized society had become, and decided to defend the interests of the poor,” He noted.
The group remains underground but while the size of its supporter base is hard to come by, experts say New Leftism is enormously popular among students, ordinary peasants and workers.
Indeed, more people are questioning the benefits of the government’s pro-growth programs over the past decade, said Consonery. And as backlash spreads, Xi’s administration appears to be listening.
Beijing is trying to be responsive to socioeconomic pressures that have resulted from rapid economic growth, so hence we’re seeing a crackdown on environmental degradation and increased concern about asset bubbles in the aftermath of government stimulus, Consonery noted. “This is a story happening across Asia, but China is a big part of it. “

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 4

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/30/chinas-homegrown-populism-to-test-xi-jinping.html
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‘My relatives suspicion cooking was a rubbish of education’


NewsHubA novel take on a common steamed bun is holding Hong Kong’s culinary stage by storm, and scooping adult awards for a creator.
May Chow is reinventing a bao – customarily filled with beef or fish – and has only been voted Asia’s best womanlike cook by a row of over 300 experts.
Reporting: Helier Cheung. Video journalist: Yashan Zhao

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: -1.6

© Source: http://headlinenewstoday.net/my-parents-thought-cooking-was-a-waste-of-education.html
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Импорт газа в Украину в 2016 сократился на треть


NewsHubКИЕВ, 2 янв – РИА Новости Украина. Украина в 2016 году сократила импорт природного газа на 32,7% (на 5 млрд 375,6 млн куб. м) по сравнению с 2015 годом – до 11 млрд 78,4 млн куб. м, свидетельствуют данные ПАО “Укртрансгаз”.
Читайте также: Землянский о популизме отказа от российского газа
В декабре 2016 импорт составил 1 млрд 659,4 млн куб. м газа, что в 3,7 раза больше, чем в декабре прошлого года (444 млн куб. м). В том числе со стороны Словакии в минувшем месяце было импортировано 1 млрд 302,8 млн куб. м, Венгрии – 227 млн куб. м, Польши – 129,7 млн куб. м.
Украина в январе импортировала 914,8 млн куб. м газа, в феврале – 1 млрд 253,7 млн куб. м, в марте – 478,4 млн куб. м, апреле – 245 млн куб. м, в мае – 96,4 млн куб. м, в июне – 19,7 млн куб. м, в июле – 409,6 млн куб. м, в августе – 1 млрд 414,5 млн куб. м, в сентябре – 1 млрд 495,9 млн куб. м, в октябре – 1 млрд 544,5 млн куб. м, в ноябре – 1 млрд 546,6 млн куб. м.
По данным Госстата, Украина в 2015 году импортировала 16 млрд 478,018 млн куб. м газа, в т. ч. из Европы – 10 млрд 340,364 млн куб. м, из РФ – 6 млрд 137,654 млн куб. м.
Киев прекратил закупку газа у РФ в ноябре 2015 года. При этом Украина продолжает закупать транзитный газ в ЕС. В ноябре 2016 года “Нафтогаз” заявил, что готов возобновить закупки газа из РФ на условиях предыдущих “зимних пакетов”.
Россия, Украина и ЕК 9 декабря провели трехсторонние переговоры, в ходе которых украинская сторона выразила готовность купить у РФ от 1,5 до 4 миллиардов кубов газа этой зимой, а Россия подтвердила готовность обеспечить поставки газа в ЕС и на Украину. Новак по итогам переговоров сообщил, что Россия и Украина не имеют разногласий по цене газа в четвертом квартале, по действующему контракту российский газ дешевле, чем на спотовых рынках.
Однако “Нафтогаз” сообщил, что стороны не договорились о возобновлении поставок газа, Киев настаивает на подписании допсоглашения к контракту с “Газпромом”, которое приостановило бы действие условия “бери или плати”. РФ, Украина и ЕК решили продолжить контакты по газовым вопросам. Глава “Нафтогаза Украины” Андрей Коболев 15 декабря заявил, что компания, скорее всего, до конца зимы не будет покупать газ у “Газпрома”.

Similarity rank: 4.4

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/economy/20170102/1020183159.html
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В Дании арестовали дочь обвиняемой во вмешательстве в государственную власть подруги президента Южной Кореи


NewsHubВ Дании полиция арестовала дочь подруги президента Южной Кореи Пак Кын Хе Чхве Сун Силь. Об этом сообщает агентство южнокорейский телеканал JTBC.
Отмечается, что Чон Ю Ра, которая в настоящий момент должна была находится в Германии, была задержана в датском городе Ольборг за незаконное пребывание.
В Сеуле сообщили, что намерены добиться выдачи Чон Ю Ра.
Политический кризис в Южной Корее разразился после того, как стало известно, что правоохранительные органы Кореи подозревают подругу президента Цой Сун Силь и двух ее бывших помощников во вмешательстве в государственные дела и давлении на промышленные компании.
Нынешний президент Южной Кореи Пак Кын Хе отстранена от власти в порядке импичмента , однако она имеет иммунитет от уголовного преследования. В прокуратуре не исключают ее причастности к коррупционным схемам.

Similarity rank: 5.3

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/worldnews/v-danii-arestovali-doch-obvinyaemoy-vo-vmeshatelstve-v-gosudarstvennuyu-vlast-podrugi-prezidenta-yuzhnoy-korei-167089.html
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В Конгрессе США пообещали ответить на отмену санкций Трампом


NewsHubЕсли новоизбранный президент США Дональд Трамп решил отменить санкции против России, он встретит решительный ответ со стороны Конгресса. Об этом заявил член палаты представителей от Демократической партии Адам Шифф в интервью ABC.
“Мы думаем, что должно быть сделано больше. Мы не думаем, что, откровенно говоря, предпринятые шаги достаточны для сдерживания. Вы увидите поддержку более жестких санкций со стороны обеих партий в Конгрессе”, – подчеркнул он.
Кроме того, Шифф, который входит в комитет по делам разведки в палате представителей, высказался о том, что Трамп ставит под сомнение отчеты спецслужб о российских кибератаках.
“Если он хочет иметь хоть какой-то авторитет как президент, ему необходимо перестать так говорить. Он должен перестать очернять разведку. Он должен рассчитывать на нее. Ему придется рассчитывать на нее”, – подчеркнул член палаты представителей.
Напомним, 29 декабря США расширили антироссийские санкции , связав их с предполагаемым вмешательством Москвы в американскую избирательную кампанию. В частности, Вашингтон объявил нон-грата 35 российских дипломатов и закрыл две российские дипломатические миссии в штатах Нью-Йорк и Мэриленд.

Similarity rank: 6.4

© Source: https://www.rbc.ua/rus/news/kongresse-ssha-poobeshchali-otvetit-otmenu-1483316321.html
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Украинцы не пострадали во время теракта в Стамбуле


NewsHubПо информации украинского консула в Стамбуле, украинцев среди погибших во время теракта в воскресенье нет.
Как сообщил Департамент консульской службы МИД Украины, идентификация погибших и раненых в Стамбуле завершается. Граждан Украины среди жертв и пострадавших нет.
“Консул Украины поддерживает оперативный контакт с полицией Стамбула”, – говорится на странице ведомства. Читайте также: Стамбульский кошмар: в сети появилось видео нападения на ночной клуб
Напомним, в ночь с 31 декабря на 1 января неизвестный, вооруженный автоматическим оружием мужчина совершил нападение на ночной клуб, где сотни людей праздновали наступление нового года. В результате теракта погибли 39 человек (среди них – 16 иностранцев), 69 человек были госпитализированы. Читайте также: Украинка, ставшая свидетелем теракта в Стамбуле, рассказала, как ей удалось выжить

Similarity rank: 11

© Source: http://vesti-ukr.com/mir/218086-ukraintsy-ne-poctradali-vo-vremja-terakta-v-ctambule-
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How fertiliser helped feed the world


NewsHubIt has been called one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century, and without it almost half the world’s population would not be alive today.
A hundred years ago two German chemists, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, devised a way to transform nitrogen in the air into fertiliser, using what became known as the Haber-Bosch process.
But Haber’s place in history is controversial.
He is also considered the “father of chemical warfare” for his years of work developing and weaponising chlorine and other poisonous gases during World War One.
Plants need nitrogen: it is one of their five basic requirements, along with potassium, phosphorus, water and sunlight.
In a natural state, plants grow, they die, the nitrogen they contain returns to the soil, and new plants use it to grow.
Agriculture disrupts that cycle: we harvest the plants, and eat them.
From the earliest days of agriculture, farmers discovered various ways to prevent crop yields from declining over time: by restoring nitrogen to their fields.
Manure has nitrogen. So does compost.
The roots of legumes host bacteria that replenish nitrogen levels.
That is why it helps to include peas or beans in crop rotation.
But these techniques struggle to fully satisfy a plant’s appetite for nitrogen.
Add more, and the plant grows better.
That is exactly what Fritz Haber worked out how to do, driven in part by the promise of a lucrative contract from the chemical company BASF.
That company’s engineer, Carl Bosch, then managed to replicate Haber’s process on an industrial scale.
Both men later won Nobel Prizes – controversially, in Haber’s case, as many by then considered him a war criminal.
50 Things That Made the Modern Economy highlights the inventions, ideas and innovations which have helped create the economic world we live in.
It is broadcast on the BBC World Service.
You can listen online or subscribe to the programme podcast .
The Haber-Bosch process is perhaps the most significant example of what economists call “technological substitution”, where we seem to have reached some basic physical limit, then find a workaround.
For most of human history, if you wanted more food to support more people, then you needed more land.
But the thing about land, as Mark Twain once joked, is that they are not making it any more.
Haber and Bosch provided a substitute: instead of more land, make nitrogen fertiliser.
It was like alchemy.
“Brot aus Luft”, as Germans put it, or “Bread from air”.
From air and quite a lot of fossil fuels.
First of all, you need natural gas as a source of hydrogen, the element to which nitrogen binds to form ammonia.
Then you need energy to generate extreme heat and pressure.
Haber discovered that was necessary as a catalyst to break the bonds between air’s nitrogen atoms and persuade them to bond with hydrogen instead.
Imagine the heat of a wood-fired pizza oven, with the pressure you would experience 2km under the sea.
To create those conditions on a scale sufficient to produce 160 million tonnes of ammonia a year – the majority of which is used for fertiliser – the Haber-Bosch process today consumes more than 1% of all the world’s energy.
That is a lot of carbon emissions.
And there is another very serious ecological concern.
Only some of the nitrogen in fertiliser makes its way via crops into human stomachs, perhaps as little as 15%.
Most of it ends up in the air or water.
This is a problem for several reasons.
Compounds like nitrous oxide are powerful greenhouse gases.
They pollute drinking water.
They also create acid rain, which makes soils more acidic, disrupting ecosystems, and threatening biodiversity.
When nitrogen compounds run off into rivers, they likewise promote the growth of some organisms more than others.
The results include ocean “dead zones”, where blooms of algae near the surface block out sunlight and kill the fish below.
The Haber-Bosch process is not the only cause of these problems, but it is a major one, and it is not going away.
Demand for fertiliser is projected to double in the coming century.
In truth, scientists still do not fully understand the long-term impact on the environment of converting so much stable, inert nitrogen from the air into various other, highly reactive chemical compounds.
We are in the middle of a global experiment.
One result is already clear: plenty of food for lots more people.
If you look at a graph of global population, you will see it shoot upwards just as Haber-Bosch fertilisers start being widely applied.
Again, Haber-Bosch was not the only reason for the spike in food yields.
New varieties of crops like wheat and rice also played their part.
Still, if we farmed with the best techniques available in Fritz Haber’s time, the earth would support about four billion people.
Our current population is around seven and a half billion, and growing.
Back in 1909, as Haber triumphantly demonstrated his ammonia process, he could hardly have imagined how transformative his work would be.
On one side of the ledger, food to feed billions more human souls; on the other, a sustainability crisis that will need more genius to solve.
For Haber himself, the consequences of his work were not what he expected.
As a young man, he converted from Judaism to Christianity, aching to be accepted as a German patriot.
Beyond his work on weaponising chlorine, the Haber-Bosch process also helped Germany in World War One.
Ammonia can make explosives, as well as fertiliser.
Not just bread from air, but bombs too.
When the Nazis took power in the 1930s, however, none of this outweighed his Jewish roots.
Stripped of his job and kicked out of the country, Haber died, in a Swiss hotel, a broken man.
Tim Harford is the FT’s Undercover Economist. 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy was broadcast on the BBC World Service. You can listen online or subscribe to the programme podcast.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 5

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38305504
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