Home GRASP/China Chinese Dating Apps Enjoy Increased Demand on Lunar New Year

Chinese Dating Apps Enjoy Increased Demand on Lunar New Year


NewsHubAs millions of people head home to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, desperate men looking to hire an instant girlfriend to present to their parents are keeping 24-year-old Luoluo busy on a mobile dating app.
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When visiting home during the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, single people are often faced with tough lectures and questions from their relatives hell-bent on reinforcing the importance of the marriage institution and securing the family blood line.
To appease their inquisitive parents, single men often resort to paying girls to go home with them and act as their partners.
An increase in the use of smartphones has made that process much easier as one can now pay for such a date through several apps.
« Over 1,000 users on our platform have signed up as dates for hire for the New Year break, » said Cao Tiantian, founder of date-for-hire app Hire Me Plz.

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