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More than 40 Democratic lawmakers now skipping Trump's inauguration


NewsHubA growing group of Democratic lawmakers will boycott President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration Friday as a protest of Trump’s worldview and his criticism of civil rights icon John Lewis, congressman of Georgia.
As of this morning, there are now 41 House Democrats — including three Pennsylvania Democrats — who have declared that they will not attend the inauguration on Capitol Hill this week. The number rose sharply after Trump tweeted Saturday that Lewis is “all talk, talk” and should “finally focus on the burning and crime infested inner-cities.”
Lewis, who sees Trump’s Nov. 8 win as illegitimate because of Russia’s alleged interference in the election, is best known for leading civil rights protests in the 1960s, including the 1965 march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala., in which state troopers brutally attacked the crowd. Lewis will not attend the inauguration, he told NBC News in an interview for Sunday’s “Meet the Press.”
Here’s a list of lawmakers who will not attend:
“I #StandWithJohnLewis. I will not be attending the inauguration. Russian hacking must be investigated and I do not support the repeal of ACA”
Mr. Evans represents the Second Congressional District in Pennsylvania, which includes parts of West, North, and Northwest Philadelphia and Montgomery County.
Monday night, Mr. Boyle announced on his Facebook page that he would join the boycott.
« As I wrote last March, I believe Donald Trump is a unique threat to the Constitution and to our country. I have never before used such stark terms to describe an American political leader, Democrat or Republican. I do not use these words lightly. But Trump warrants such dramatic description, » Boyle wrote.
The congressman, who represents parts of Northeast Philadelphia and eastern Montgomery County, said he attended the joint session of Congress earlier this month to certify the results of the Electoral College.
« As vehemently as I disagree with the election results, I fulfilled my constitutional obligation, » he wrote. « Now the question turns to whether to attend the Inaugural celebration. « 
Boyle said he believed the inauguration should be a nonpolitical day, but he struggled with the idea of celebrating what he believed to be a grave mistake. He decided he could not.
Mr. Brady, the chairman of the city Democratic Party, told 6ABC and CBS3 that he also would not attend.
Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., whose spokesman confirmed her decision in an email.
Bass had asked constituents to vote about the inauguration on Twitter:
“I want to hear directly from my constituents! Do you guys think I should attend the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump?”
“I just told hundreds of my constituents that I will not be attending the Inauguration Ceremony this coming Friday.”
“There is unprecedented concern by my constituents about the many threats posed by a Trump administration seeking to implement the President-elect’s policies on health, environment, nuclear weapons, and immigration, to name but a few.
“I will forgo the inauguration, spending the day instead in my district talking with Oregonians to hear their priorities, try to answer their questions, and prepare for the coming assault on the values and programs we hold dear.
“It is hard to think of a better use of my time on January 20th.”
“Skipping Inauguration.@RepJohnLewis a civil rights hero. Enormous responsibility to be POTUS. I respect the office, can’t tolerate disrespect”
“After much thought, I have decided to #StandWithJohnLewis and not attend the inauguration.”
“I will NOT attend the inauguration of @realDonaldTrump. When you insult @repjohnlewis, you insult America.”
“A spokesman told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that Clay will be “back home in St. Louis speaking to school kids.”
“Announced @ Mason Temple, #MLK final speech, that I won’t attend #inauguration out of respect for @repjohnlewis & for unpresidential remarks”
“Agree with VP Biden that it’s time for Trump to grow up. Being POTUS is a serious matter — not child’s play. I stand w/ @repjohnlewis (3/3)”
“DeFazio typically avoids ‘pomp and circumstance events in Washington,‘ he said in a statement to Oregon Public Broadcasting.”
“It is with a heavy heart and deep personal conviction that I have decided not to attend the #TrumpInauguration on January 20, 2017.”
“I will not celebrate a man who preaches a politics of division and hate. I won’t be attending Donald Trump’s inauguration.”
“I will NOT be attending the inauguration for @realDonaldTrump!”
“As I told @JoyAnnReid, I will not be attending #Inauguration. I will be at home in Cleveland. #IStandWithJohnLewis”
“VIDEO: Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva, D-Ariz., discusses why he is not attending President Elect Donald #Trump’s inauguration next week. pic.twitter.com/PXvDVshjpH”
“Appreciate @marinij article on my decision to do service events instead of attend @realDonaldTrump inauguration https://t.co/CA1q8tOzNG”
“I will not be attending Trump’s inauguration. I will be with the people of my district. #OurFirstStand pic.twitter.com/TmCodl5w9t”
“Inauguration should be a celebration. But we have nothing to celebrate on Jan 20. Instead of attending, I will be organizing. pic.twitter.com/P4whhl91ll”
“Mr. Lieu’s statement on why he won’t be attending the Inauguration of @realDonaldTrump READ HERE: https://t.co/tx94zqE4rp”
“I acknowledge the fact that he is the incoming president, but I’m not in the mood to celebrate that fact,” Lofgren told the Los Angeles Times.
“The rhetoric + actions of @realDonaldTrump have been so far beyond the pale, I cannot in good conscience participate in this inauguration.”
“At MLK Day dinner in Portland, I announced that I would not attend Trump’s inauguration. Here’s why: https://t.co/4P35Mi8rf4#mepolitics”
“After reading classified Russian hacking doc & @realDonaldTrump offensive tweets to @repjohnlewis I will not be attending the Inauguration.”
“BREAKING: Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) will not attend inauguration, her office tells me in an statement. @RepRoybalAllard pic.twitter.com/eWdOq9t3UX”
“A real president doesn’t attack the press because they ask tough questions,” Ruiz told the Desert Sun. “A real president doesn’t insult and bully celebrities or everyday Americans because they disagree with him.”
“I’m just not a big Trump fan,” Schrader told Oregon Public Broadcasting. “He hasn’t proved himself to me at all yet, so I respectfully decline to freeze my ass out there in the cold for this particular ceremony.

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