Home United States USA — Political Trump focuses on business, CIA and cabinet nominees

Trump focuses on business, CIA and cabinet nominees


NewsHubPresident Donald Trump has a full agenda planned for his first full week as the Commander in Chief. Mr. Trump will focus much of the week on business and trade deals, his cabinet nominees and national security. On Monday White House press secretary Sean Spicer said that the president will visit the Pentagon to attend a ceremony for his newly confirmed defense secretary, retired Gen. James Mattis. He says that Trump will also hold discussions with Mattis and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to review the fight against the Islamic State group. The U. S. has nearly 5,000 soldiers taking part in the anti-IS coalition in Iraq, as well as special forces in both Iraq and Syria. The Trump administration says it is willing to partner with Moscow to combat the Islamic State group. President Trump will visit the Department of Defense Friday to review the anti-Islamic State policy. On Tuesday, President Donald Trump will be hosting breakfast at the White House with heads of some of the nation’s largest automobile manufacturers. Spicer did not reveal the specific agenda for the meeting. Mr. Spicer says President Donald Trump has left his businesses as promised, but another aide acknowledges there’s no public documentation proving he’s done so. The Trump administration appears to be backing off a campaign promise to immediately end former President Barack Obama’s program to protect young immigrants from deportation. Spicer says that for now the administration will focus on criminal immigrants in the country illegally. In regards to the first Trump Administration press briefing this weekend, Mr. Spicer says the Trump administration’s « intention is never to lie to you. « Spicer faced questions Monday during the press briefing after his angry statement in which he denounced the media’s correct reporting that the crowd at Trump’s inauguration was smaller than at his predecessor’s eight years ago. Spicer said « sometimes we may disagree » about facts and said he wanted to have a « healthy relationship » with the White House press corps. He added that « if we make a mistake, we’ll do our best to correct » it. The press secretary said he was given incorrect information about Washington Metro’s ridership when he addressed the issue Saturday but insisted that, when TV and online viewership are combined, that it was the most-watched inaugural in history.

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