Fork-join parallelism is a way to organize parallel programs that is especially suited to divide-and-conquer kind of algorithms, such as merge sort. Fork-join parallelism is supported in mainstream compilers such as GCC and LLVM through a set of linguistic extensions, for example those provided by OpenMP (e.g., #pragma omp parallel , #pragma omp parallel for and more) and Cilk Plus ( cilk_spawn and cilk_sync ). The compiler front-end handles those linguistic extensions to “lower” parallel constructs to a more primitive representation, which is then translated into IR. For example, the code snippet below uses Cilk cilk_for extension to make it possible to run each iteration of the loop in parallel:
One of the drawbacks of this approach, though, is that the compiler middle-end does not see anymore a for loop, but only opaque runtime calls that abstract the for body in its own function and pass it into a library function that handles the spawning of the loop iterations and later synchronization.
United States
USA — software MIT Extended LLVM IR to Enable Better Optimization of Parallel Programs