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Trump team reportedly had repeated contact with Russian intelligence before election


In wake of Flynn resignation, FBI is now probing whether Trump associates were coordinating with the Russians, who carried out a wave of cyberattacks
After just 27 days in office, the Trump administration which promised change has delivered chaos, with more questions about its connections to Russia.
Intelligence sources tell the New York Times that some Trump campaign officials and other associates had repeated contact with Russian intelligence before the election.
Sources told CBS News the FBI has questioned people close to the president, including General Michael Flynn, who resigned as national security adviser Monday night.
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former campaign adviser Carter Page also reportedly talked to Russian officials last year. Manafort called it absurd, telling the New York Times, “I have never knowingly spoken to Russian intelligence officers.”
The White House says a lack of trust led President Trump to remove his national security adviser, Gen. Michael Flynn. But that happened long afte…
The pressure is growing on former and current Trump campaign and administration officials. The FBI and U. S. intelligence agencies are digging into whether Trump associates were coordinating with the Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, just as the Russians were carrying out a wave of cyberattacks, reports CBS News correspondent Jeff Pegues.
According to U. S. officials, the hacks were intended to meddle in the election. CBS News has learned that intercepted electronic communications between Russian officials and Trump associates are providing new information for investigators. But so far, there is no evidence of coordination.
For several months now, U. S. government officials have been insisting that there was frequent contact between the Russian officials and Trump associates during the campaign. One source with knowledge of the developments said: “I think it’s worse than what we know.”
FBI agents have interviewed the now former national security advisor Michael Flynn in connection with the investigation. He was questioned within the first few days of the Trump administration about whether, as a private citizen, he discussed U. S. sanctions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, just as the Obama White House was levying sanctions.
And if Flynn lied to the FBI, he could face charges under a 218-year-old law that bans private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. But that charge has never been used to prosecute someone.
The White House said a lack of trust led President Trump to remove Flynn. But that happened long after the president found out that Flynn didn’t tell the whole truth about talking with Russian officials before the inauguration. And the president apparently didn’t share that information with his vice president, reports CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan.
Some Republicans are joining Democrats on Capitol Hill in a push to examine former National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn’s conduct. House…
General Keith Kellogg will advise Mr. Trump Wednesday in his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. But the two leading candidates to replace Flynn are retired Admiral Robert Harward — a former deputy Central Command (CENTCOM) commander with close ties to Defense Secretary Mattis — and former CIA Director David Petraeus, who will visit the White House Thursday.

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