Home United States USA — mix Day Without A Woman Protester: ‘Women Birth Half The Population’

Day Without A Woman Protester: ‘Women Birth Half The Population’


The verified Twitter account for the Women’s March — which took place shortly after President Donald Trump’s inauguration — tweeted on behalf of the Day Without A Woman protest that « Women birth hal
The verified Twitter account for the Women’s March — which took place shortly after President Donald Trump’s inauguration — tweeted on behalf of the Day Without A Woman protest that “Women birth half the population.”
Nelini Stamp, who serves as National Membership Director for Working Families, failed to mention who gives birth to the other half of the population during the “A Day Without A Woman” protest.
Stamp’s organization, Working Families, describes itself as a “growing progressive political organization that fights for an economy that works for all of us, and a democracy in which every voice matters.”
“We believe that our economy is out of whack when wages are stagnant and good jobs are harder and harder to come by, but the very wealthiest just get richer and richer,” reads the group’s website. “The wealthy few are making money by doing harm to working families, whether they’re outsourcing jobs, privatizing schools or poisoning the environment.”
Stamp was also involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement.
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