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Google Hangouts' new features make work meetings slightly less annoying


With Meet and Chat, Hangouts rolls out video conferencing and chat rooms for businesses. Because synergy!
Planning the sales department’s summer luau/layoffs gets even easier with Meet.
The only thing worse than actual meetings is meeting logistics. To help make planning a tad more tolerable, Google is rolling out two new features in its communication and messaging app, Hangouts. (Unfortunately, neither tools help decrease the utterances of such phrases like « How will this scale?  » and « Run it up the flagpole. « )
The first is a video conferencing feature called Hangouts Meet. Meet allows people to hop on meetings via a web link through their laptops or mobile app. This link can be shared in an email or directly through a Google Calendar invite. Colleagues who are traveling without Internet can use a dedicated dial-in phone number.

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