Home GRASP/Japan Japan cabinet OK's anti-conspiracy bill amid civil rights concerns

Japan cabinet OK's anti-conspiracy bill amid civil rights concerns


Japan’s cabinet on Tuesday approved legislation that would penalise criminal conspiracies, a move critics say threatens civil liberties, but officials say is needed to prevent terrorist targeting events like the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
TOKYO: Japan’s cabinet on Tuesday approved legislation that would penalise criminal conspiracies, a move critics say threatens civil liberties, but officials say is needed to prevent terrorist targeting events like the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Proponents say the steps are vital in a security climate where terrorism risks have grown and in order to ratify a U. N. Treaty aimed at battling international organised crime.
« Considering the current situation regarding terrorism and looking ahead to the Olympics and Paraolympics three years hence, it is necessary to fully prepare to prevent organised crimes including terrorism, » Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference.
Japanese governments have tried to pass similar legislation three times since 2000, when the United Nations adopted a Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, but the bill stands a better chance of success this time.

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