Home GRASP/China Schumer calls on Trump to be tougher on China

Schumer calls on Trump to be tougher on China


You have it backwards, the top Democrat told Trump via Twitter on Sunday.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wants President Trump to be tougher on China after the latter defended his decision not to call the China a « currency manipulator. »
« You have it backwards,  » the top Democrat told Trump via Twitter on Sunday after the president tweeted that he would not label China a « currency manipulator » when they’re « working with us on the North Korean problem. »
« If you’re tough on China on trade it’d help American workers & they’d be more willing to help with North Korea,  » Schumer continued.
Trump offered the brief explanation days after he told the Wall Street Journal he would not officially label the country as such because it would hurt negotiations between the U.

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