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US needs China, shouldn't go it alone on North Korea, former ambassadors say


It’s important that President Donald Trump « restrain himself » and build a relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Bill Richardson said.
It’s important that President Donald Trump « restrain himself » and build a relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping because the U. S. needs China to help deal with North Korea, former United Nations Ambassador Bill Richardson told CNBC on Thursday.
A two-day summit between Trump and Xi was set to begin on Thursday in Florida, with North Korea expected to be a high priority.
While Trump has threatened to use trade to try to force China to exert influence over Pyongyang, he has also said he is willing to go it alone if China doesn’t agree.
However, Richardson pointed out that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is unpredictable, has nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, and doesn’t seem interested in having a dialogue.
« The only way, I believe, right now to get North Korea to the table is with China. They provide North Korea with food, energy assistance, all kinds of economic aid.

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