Home United States USA — Events Friday’s Mini-Report, 5.5.17

Friday’s Mini-Report, 5.5.17


Today’s edition of quick hits.
Today’s edition of quick hits: * Somalia: “A Navy SEAL was killed during a gunfight in Somalia with the terrorist group al-Shabab that also injured two other U. S. service members late Thursday, U. S. defense officials told NBC News.” * Russia scandal: “The Senate Intelligence Committee has asked former Trump adviser Carter Page to provide a list of his contacts with Russian officials and turn over any emails or other communications with Russians, according to a letter Page provided to NBC News.” * On a related note: “Among those who said they had received [requests from the Senate Intelligence Committee] were Roger J. Stone, an informal adviser to President Trump, and Carter Page, a businessman and former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman, and Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser, were also sent letters, said the officials with knowledge of the investigation. Representatives for both men declined to comment.” * Venezuela: “A video from Venezuela that has gone viral shows a David and Goliath-like clash between protesters and the police in the Caracas neighborhood of Altamira.” * Donald Trump was scheduled to return to New York this weekend, but he said he’ ll save the country money by staying in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he owns a private golf club. Asked to explain why this would save Americans money, the White House struggled to think of an explanation. * I wonder what the story behind the story is on this one: “The White House has parted ways with its chief usher, Angella Reid, the White House confirmed Friday. Reid was the first woman and second African American to hold the position, hired under President Barack Obama in October 2011.” * Rand Paul loves conspiracy theories about as much as Trump: “Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says he has asked the intelligence community and White House for any evidence that he was surveilled by former President Barack Obama.” * DC can be a strange place: “Cindy McCain, the wife of Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain, is expected to be offered a prominent role in the Trump administration’s State Department, two individuals familiar with the discussions said Thursday.” * A story worth watching: “U. S. combat troops will not stay on in Iraq after the fight against the Islamic State group is over, Iraq’s Prime Minister said Friday – a statement that followed an Associated Press report on talks between Iraq and the United States on maintaining American forces in the country.” * I’ m always fascinated by the Republicans who argue that public schools shouldn’ t exist: “A legislator in Arizona has said that there should be no compulsory education, and he wants to repeal a state law that mandates that young people attend school.” The legislator, Paul Mosley, added that education shouldn’ t be forced “down everybody’s throats.” Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.

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