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Michael Flynn Turns On The President: Flynn Reportedly Meets With FBI, Cooperating On Russia Investigation


Michael Flynn has turned on Donald Trump and now is cooperating with the FBI in a case that could take down the president, a new report claims. Trump’s former national security adviser, who was…
Michael Flynn has turned on Donald Trump and now is cooperating with the FBI in a case that could take down the president, a new report claims.
Trump’s former national security adviser, who was fired just 24 days into Trump’s administration, has been at the center of the quickly growing investigation into alleged ties with Russia. Flynn was fired after reports surfaced that he lied about making contact with the Russian ambassador on the day President Barack Obama announced new sanctions against Russia for interfering in the 2016 election, with Flynn reportedly promising that Trump would lessen sanctions.
Now Flynn is reportedly turning on Trump. A report from Louise Mensch claims that Flynn has already met with FBI officials and is cooperating in the Russia investigation.
Mensch has used her Twitter feed as something of a running list of leaks from sources deep within the U. S. intelligence agencies. Though many of Mensch’s claims remain unverified, she has also been the first to report some major developments including the existence of FISA warrants.
“General Flynn has not been offered a deal as of yet, these sources say. They indicate that as of this writing Flynn has not been arrested. He would likely be offered a chance to surrender himself, sources report, when that time comes.”
Mensch also reported that Flynn had already been indicted related to his failure to register under the Foreign Agents’ Registration Act related to his lobbying for Turkey.
“Separate sources with links to the intelligence community confirm our earlier reporting on how Mike Flynn co-ordinated Russia’s propaganda attack on the West on behalf of Trump, giving advice across Europe to far-right parties linked to the Russian state, ” she added.
Mike Flynn Turns on Trump, Talks To FBI https: //t.co/lADhPwKRov pic.twitter.com/wRZxqWYe87
— Patribotics (@patribotics) May 22,2017
The report that Michael Flynn had turned on Donald Trump and was working with the FBI came just hours after Flynn refused to cooperate with a subpoena from the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents related to possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.
“Even though people should not infer guilt, people regularly do, ” O’ Sullivan said.
Source: Michael Flynn won’t provide records to the Senate intel committee and will invoke his Fifth Amendment rights https: //t.co/1lmOj7BjMN pic.twitter.com/gVLfQMwnKD
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) May 22,2017
That was a point raised by Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign when former technology specialists for Hillary Clinton invoked the Fifth Amendment.
“The mob takes the Fifth Amendment, ” Trump said. “If you’ re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
The report claimed that Flynn told investigators in February 2016 that he had no income from foreign companies when in fact he received more than $45,000 from the Russian state-run media company RT to attend an event in Moscow and give a speech.
“Intentionally lying to federal investigators is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Separately, he also faces legal questions over failing to properly register as a foreign agent for lobbying he did last year on behalf of Turkey while advising the Trump campaign, which is also a felony.”
So far, the report that Michael Flynn is working with the FBI against Donald Trump has not been corroborated by outside sources, and the White House has offered no comment on the matter.
[Featured Image by Alex Wong/Getty Images]

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