Home United States USA — Political Pelosi: Trump 'very vulnerable personally' over Comey matter

Pelosi: Trump 'very vulnerable personally' over Comey matter


President Donald Trump has made himself
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has made himself « very vulnerable personally » amid investigations of his campaign ties with Russia, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Friday.
She pointed to Trump’s reported request to now-fired FBI Director James Comey to lay off an investigation of Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser.
« I think the Flynn thing is where the president is very vulnerable personally,  » Pelosi told The Associated Press in an interview in her office. « If the president in fact asked Comey to let up on … Flynn — you don’t do that. »
Several House Democrats and liberal groups are pushing for Trump to be impeached, but Pelosi said she was not encouraging — or discouraging — such talk.
« I’m not feeding the flame of any impeachment talk,  » said Pelosi, who’s spent three decades in Congress. « But members are going to do what they’re going to do, and their constituents think that the behavior of the president is appalling. »
The California Democrat questioned Trump’s fitness for office and said if anyone does it, « the person who’s going to impeach Donald Trump is Donald Trump. »
Pelosi also reacted to news being reported by The New York Times that Trump told Russian diplomats in his office a day after firing Comey that the FBI director was « a nut job » and the pressure he faced because of Russia was now « taken off. »
« I think every day the president gives us more reason to believe that he does not respect the office that he holds. This is a ridiculous statement for him to make,  » Pelosi said. « Again it’s elevating the Russians as his confidante at the expense of our justice system in our country. »
Pelosi declined to answer when asked if she believed Trump was of sound mind.
« Oh I hope so, I mean I can’t really go to that place,  » Pelosi said. « There are many people whose judgment I respect who don’t think he is, but I’m not going to make any judgment about that. I haven’t had that much exposure to him quite frankly. »
With Democrats contesting GOP-leaning seats in a couple of upcoming special elections, Pelosi expressed optimism ahead of 2018 midterms that could potentially sweep the Democrats back into control of the House, and make her speaker again. « History is on our side,  » she said.
She declined to predict that outcome but suggested there were areas where she and Trump could work together in what would be a new era of divided government.

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