Home GRASP/China UKIP candidate Paddy Singh suspended over 'racist' tweets

UKIP candidate Paddy Singh suspended over 'racist' tweets


In social media posts, Paddy Singh compared Chinese people to « animals » and said Israelis were « basically Nazis in mentality ».
In the social media posts, Paddy Singh compared Chinese and Pakistani people to « animals » and said Israelis were like « Nazis ».
UKIP is no longer endorsing him but he will still be listed as a party candidate on the ballot paper for North Wiltshire in the General Election on 8 June.
The former cavalry officer had posted a message saying: « It won’t be long before the Chinese start eating human meat. It may be a super power, but they are like animals. »
He described Israelis as « basically Nazis in mentality » and said there was no hope of a Middle East ceasefire « with the Nazi Jews like wild dogs on the rampage ».
Last year, he tweeted a link to an article about the murder of a Pakistani politician with the comment: « Is Pakistan a country inhabited by humans or animals? »
Anti-racism campaigners have highlighted the tweets, which have been called « totally unacceptable » by party leader Paul Nuttall.

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