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BET Awards 2017: Bobby Brown Is Still Extra and Twitter Is Here For It


By now, most of us are aware that New Edition’s Bobby Brown is nothing less than extra, and Sunday’s 2017 BET Awards showed us that some things will never change — and we’ re OK with that. The BET Network bestowed the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award to…
By now, most of us are aware that New Edition’s Bobby Brown is nothing less than extra, and Sunday’s 2017 BET Awards showed us that some things will never change — and we’ re OK with that.
The BET Network bestowed the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award to the R&B group New Edition, but not before the group enlisted the cast from the 2017 biopic to perform a tribute which went really well up until Bobby Brown (the real one) decided to Bobby Brown (verb) Bobby Brown (Woody McClain) .
McClain was walking through the audience while performing until he stopped by Bobby Brown to, you know, personally deliver the tribute, but it seemed like Brown was more interested in singing his own tribute as he could be seen forcing the mic away from McClain so that he could get a few notes in.
Twitter, of course, quickly took notice and the rest was history.
“Bobby even gotta outshine faux Bobby, ” said one Twitter user.
Bobby even gotta outshine faux Bobby #BETawards pic.twitter.com/WMq4oVVTEf
— Jasmine (@JasmineLWatkins) June 26,2017
Some people even made up conversations about what Bobby Brown may have said to McClain.
“You come down and give me the mic. Nah I don’ t care what the producers said.. did I let you play Bobby Brown or not?!?” commented another user.
« You come down and give me the mic. Nah I don’t care what the producers said.. did I let you play Bobby Brown or not?!? » #betawards pic.twitter.com/HjHbEGAXUL
— marla. (@theseMYtweetz) June 26,2017
But, that wasn’ t it. Bobby wasn’ t doing being Bobby yet.
The real New Edition was invited onstage to perform a few songs alongside the biopic New Edition cast and while clearly everyone got the memo to wear a white, semi-bedazzled outfit, Bobby decided to add a little je ne sais quoi to his outfit.
He came out with a fur around his shoulders because why not.
Many people admired him for his fashion choices and not wanting to blend in with the crowd (his music group) .
“Bobby got a mink stole on. I love him with every fiber in my being, ” wrote one user.
Bobby got a mink stole on. I love him with every fiber in my being.
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) June 26,2017
Most of us though, just wanted to grow up to be as extra as Bobby.
my goal is to be as extra as bobby ???? #BETAwards
— lyssa (@sadditylyssa) June 26,2017
See some of the best Twitter reactions to Brown’s extra-ed out self below.
Bobby and the mic. He did not want to give that mic back. ???????????????? #BETawards pic.twitter.com/mwVDgW2bBe
— Issa Delta (@crownmepopeyes) June 26,2017
it’s very Bobby Brown of Bobby Brown to go in the crowd and sing to Bobby Brown then let Bobby Brown sing the lyrics. #BetAwards
— Tune$ (@thenewsatchmo) June 26,2017
Bobby Brown gotta steal the show from the person playing Bobby Brown. Classic Bobby
— @DuRagModel (@highclasscoon) June 26,2017
Only Bobby Brown take the mic on his own tribute ????
— ✨alexis (@_livelikelex) June 26,2017
Uncle Bobby gotta always be a bit extra with the mink on the shoulder #betawards #NewEdition pic.twitter.com/1BZhWmHZvw
— Alisa D. (@AlisaD_77) June 26,2017
Bobby Brown vs Anybody on the same stage as him #BETAwards pic.twitter.com/Evycte5aUs
— Bitter Chronicles✨ (@_ReyTee) June 26,2017
Read original story BET Awards 2017: Bobby Brown Is Still Extra and Twitter Is Here For It At TheWrap

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