Home United States USA — Cinema Caught on Camera: Police arrest naked man going for a stroll

Caught on Camera: Police arrest naked man going for a stroll


A naked man has been arrested by police in Florida after he was caught urinating on a police officer’s car and punching and kicking another officer’s patrol car.
A naked man has been arrested by police in Florida after he was caught urinating on a police officer’s car and punching and kicking another officer’s patrol car.
Marion County Police arrested Andrew Humphries (18) who stripped off his clothes and went for a walk following a car crash in Florida. Details on the crash and whether Humphries was naked at that point were not released by the authorities.
A witness said Humphries pulled the door handle off the vehicle and urinated on it when he couldn’t get inside, causing around $700 in damage.
In a separate incident, which was caught on camera, another deputy found Humphries walking naked along the South Highway at 8pm.
« Normal people in their normal mind are not going to go and open the front driver door of a police car,  » the deputy said.
« In addition to that, you are absolutely naked, my man, another thing not normal. »
Humphries denied taking any illicit substance, but, seconds later, he began screaming and kicking the patrol car, causing a further $1,000 in damage.
Humphries is charged with one misdemeanor count of criminal mischief and one felony count of criminal mischief.

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