Home United States USA — Music Grapevine: Obama lets slip sex of Beyoncé twins

Grapevine: Obama lets slip sex of Beyoncé twins


Jada Pinkett Smith hurt by Tupac film, Justin Bieber forgets lyrics to his song and more entertainment news
President Obama might benefit from learning what the phrase “loose lips sink ships” means. In a recorded message congratulating his friend Jay Z on his admission into the Songwriter’s Hall of Fame, it appears the 44th president (accidentally?) spilled Jay and Beyoncé ’s baby secret by revealing the sex of their twins, according to TMZ. In the video message, Obama, who has two daughters — Malia, 18, and Sasha, 16 — said he and Jay are both “fools for our daughters, ” and that, “He’s gonna have me beat once those two twins show up.” Stay tuned.
Jada Pinkett Smith ‏ expressed disgust over her portrayal in the new biopic, “All Eyez on Me.” The film is about her close friend, the late rapper Tupac Shakur . “My relationship to Pac is too precious to me for the scenes in ‘All Eyez On Me’ to stand as truth, ” the actress wrote on social media, reports the Hollywood Reporter. In a series of tweets, she slammed the movie and its re-imagining of her relationship with Shakur as “deeply hurtful.” “Pac never said goodbye to me before leaving for LA. He had to leave abruptly and it wasn’ t to pursue his career. I’ ve never been to any of Pac’s shows by his request. We never had an argument backstage.” Pinkett Smith is played by actress Kat Graham in Benny Boom ’s biopic. Shakur would have turned 46 on Friday.
Megastar Justin Bieber, 23, has flatly admitted that he doesn’ t know the lyrics to his own remix of the chart-topping song “Despacito, ” according to a report from the Sydney Morning Herald. “I can’ t do ‘Despacito’ because I don’ t even know it, ” he said while at a concert in Stockholm, Sweden, on Tuesday. “I don’ t know the song. I can’ t do it.” Bieber then had to duck as a disgruntled fan threw a water bottle at him. Perhaps Bieber will consider Spanish lessons.
The late Adam West was honored in L.A. on Thursday night with the iconic symbol he helped popularize on TV screens everywhere: the bat signal. The emblem — a staggering 70 ft. by 20 ft. — was projected onto the side of city hall for several hours, TMZ reports. Fans of “Batman” and admirers of West flooded the area to honor his memory and watch Mayor Eric Garcetti send up the signal. West died June 9 after a battle with leukemia. He was 88.

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