Home United States USA — China Pamela Anderson pens love letter to ‘sexy’ Assange, asks for audience with...

Pamela Anderson pens love letter to ‘sexy’ Assange, asks for audience with Macron


Actress, philanthropist and activist Pamela Anderson has penned an online love letter to Julian Assange in which she decried his current situation and called on world leaders (and the nation of China) to petition for his immediate release.
“Thinking of Julian makes me wonder, what is the sexiest quality in a man? Surely the sexiest qualities in a man are bravery and courage, ” Anderson wrote in the letter, entitled, ‘Why my heart stands with Julian.’
Throughout the letter she praises the WikiLeaks founder for his efforts at speaking truth to power and exposing the hypocrisy of world leaders, describing his standoff with US authorities as “an unstoppable force, standing up to an immoveable object.”
Anderson also described the US government as the “ultimate bully, a superpower, with 1,200 military bases all around the world.”
The actress-turned-activist also lashed out at UK leader Theresa May, calling her the “worst prime minister in living memory.”
“Theresa May of the Pyrrhic victory. Theresa May, who won’t shake the hand of the victims of the Grenfell fire. Who doesn’t care about poor people. Who doesn’t care about justice or peace. Who doesn’t care about Julian.”
She drew comparisons between Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Assange, saying they “both know how vicious the UK media can be, and how unjust the present government is. »
Anderson then makes a bold gambit, inviting Emmanuel Macron and France’s first lady, Brigitte Trogneux, to a meeting in July to “discuss Julian’s situation.”
Anderson also petitioned Donald Trump, his daughter Ivanka, “the right” and “the anti-Clinton left” to band together and petition for Assange’s release, boldly stating that « WikiLeaks is an attempt to bring the First Amendment to the rest of the world. »
Anderson decried « geopolitical antler-clashing » and “saber-rattling” between world leaders and claimed that “letting Julian go free would change everything.”
She also promised to write a love letter to the nation of China and visit the country if the Chinese government and people supported Assange’s release.
She ended with a poem entitled, “Invictus, ” addressed to Assange, and signed off with the words: “I love you, Pamela.”
Assange replied in his usual, understated fashion on Twitter.

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