“Disenchantment, ” an animated show from the creator of “The Simpsons, ” will debut on Netflix in 2018. It will take place in a crumbling medieval kingdom.
First Springfield, now Dreamland. Matt Groening, the creator of “The Simpsons, ” has signed a 20-episode deal with Netflix for a new animated show, “Disenchantment, ” that takes place in a medieval kingdom.
The series, aimed at an adult audience, will feature voice acting from Abbi Jacobson, Eric Andre and Nat Faxon as various characters in the “crumbling” kingdom of Dreamland. According to a statement from Netflix, there will be “ogres, sprites, harpies, imps, trolls, walruses and lots of human fools.” The voice-over cast also includes “The Simpsons” veterans Maurice LaMarche and Tress MacNeille.
Mr. Groening said in the statement that “ ‘Disenchantment’ will be about life and death, love and sex, and how to keep laughing in a world full of suffering and idiots, despite what the elders and wizards and other jerks tell you.”
The show will land 10 episodes at a time on Netflix starting in 2018. Mr. Groening and Josh Weinstein — who worked on “The Simpsons” for seven seasons in the’ 90s — will executive produce.
Bill Oakley, another longtime “Simpsons” collaborator, also announced on Twitter that he would be working on “Disenchantment.”
The 29th season of the “The Simpsons” is slated to begin in October.