Home GRASP/China STASI: Lucky Bieber gets banned from China for his bad boy antics

STASI: Lucky Bieber gets banned from China for his bad boy antics


What do Justin Bieber and the Dalai Lama have in common?
What do Justin Bieber and the Dalai Lama have in common? Well, besides posing naked, smoking weed at gigs and wearing meat outfits? Oh wait, that’s Lady Gaga, not the Dalai Lama, even though the spiritual leader does nonetheless belong to the same tiny club as they do.
No — not Richard Gere’s fan club. That one has fewer members.
What all three share is the distinction of being banned in China.
Biebs is just the latest banned boy — along with Bon Jovi, Maroon 5, Oasis, as well as female rockers like Bjork, (who wears swan not steak) . These performers were all banned — unlike Biebs — for speaking out against Tibetan independence. Katy Perry, Biebs and Gaga were banned not for speaking out, but for speaking smut.
Debate about the new LPGA dress code should be left to the ladies
Being banned in China is now better than winning an Grammy.
You get tremendous street cred without having to actually go to China, the most annoying country on the planet. It would be more fun to visit North Korea.
My only regret is that I wasn’ t banned in Beijing before I wasted my time traveling there.
The growing list of countries Justin Bieber has offended
LPGA is being slammed for slut shaming because they issued a dress code for “ladies” on the pro tour. Women’s mags and sites immediately erupted in fury that they would dare dictate what female pro golfers can wear.
“Players shall present a neat appearance in both clothing and personal grooming.

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