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Announcing. NET Core 2.0


A first-hand look from the. NET engineering teams
C: \samples>dotnet new console -o console-app C: \samples>cd console-app C: \samples\console-app>dotnet run Hello World!
< PropertyGroup >
< TargetFramework >netcoreapp2.0 TargetFramework >
PropertyGroup >
< PropertyGroup >
< TargetFramework >netstandard2.0 TargetFramework >
PropertyGroup >
C: \Users\rich>dotnet new mvc -o mvcapp The template « ASP. NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)  » was created successfully. This template contains technologies from parties other than Microsoft, see https: //aka.ms/template-3pn for details. Processing post-creation actions… Running ‘dotnet restore’ on mvcapp\mvcapp.csproj… Restoring packages for C: \Users\rich\mvcapp\mvcapp.csproj… Restore completed in 32.3 ms for C: \Users\rich\mvcapp\mvcapp.csproj. Generating MSBuild file C: \Users\rich\mvcapp\obj\mvcapp.csproj.nuget.g.props. Generating MSBuild file C: \Users\rich\mvcapp\obj\mvcapp.csproj.nuget.g.targets. Restore completed in 2.26 sec for C: \Users\rich\mvcapp\mvcapp.csproj. Restore succeeded. C: \Users\rich>cd mvcapp C: \Users\rich\mvcapp>dotnet run Hosting environment: Production Content root path: C: \Users\rich\mvcapp Now listening on: http: //localhost: 5000 Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. Application is shutting down…
xml version =  » 1.0  » encoding =  » utf-8 « ?>
< package xmlns = " http: //schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2012/06/nuspec.xsd " >
< metadata >
< id >ClassLibrary1 id >
< version >1.0.0 version >
< authors >ClassLibrary1 authors >
< owners >ClassLibrary1 owners >
< requireLicenseAcceptance >false requireLicenseAcceptance >
< description >Package Description description >
< dependencies >
< group targetFramework = ". NETStandard2.0 " />
dependencies >
metadata >
package >
xml version =  » 1.0  » encoding =  » utf-8  » ?>
< package xmlns = " http: //schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2012/06/nuspec.xsd " >
< metadata >
< id >ClassLibrary1 id >
< version >1.0.0 version >
< authors >ClassLibrary1 authors >
< owners >ClassLibrary1 owners >
< requireLicenseAcceptance >false requireLicenseAcceptance >
< description >Package Description description >
< dependencies >
< group targetFramework = ". NETStandard1.4 " >
< dependency id = " NETStandard. Library " version = " 1.6.1 " exclude = " Build, Analyzers " />
group >
dependencies >
metadata >
package >

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